Manafort guilty.

One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.
... and still no Russian connection

And there never will be one to Trump, but it likely won't matter. There was never any connection to Bill and White Water, but if you dig long enough you find some dirt on everyone.

Using Ken Starr as the measuring stick, Mueller has at least 4 more years and 50 million more dollars.
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.
...and still no Russian connection

Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in. one should be able to scam their tax returns.
Well from what I have seen, so far he has gotten off light. I think this is because it was not tried in Tax Court where the Professionals who have worked this type of case knows the ropes. If the DOJ was not headhunting it would have been much different with a higher conviction rate. I will bet the Trolls will try to do the connect Trump with the Hooker blackmail. The problem is that is old news and was handled prior to any arrest. The Progressives have got to be really sad about the out come.

Facing up to 80 years in prison is 'getting off light'?
some people have a unique ability to ONLY see one side doing something wrong.

Another irony filled post by the berg!
dude - show me examples of where i want special treatment for 1 side. go ahead.

if trump did something wrong, fry his ass. i've said so since day 1. but i fail to see the connection between almost 2 years of investigations and manafort having been found guilty of tax issues.

if you can connect those 2 dots for me, i'd appreciate it.

Dude, show me where I said there was a connection.

This is the joy of a special prosecutor, they do not need connections. Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill for financial fraud dealing with White Water...what did a blow job have to do with that?

This is the bed the Repubs made many years ago, now they get to sleep in it and I am laughing my ass off at all those cheering for Starr all those years
No one is more corrupt than career politicians.... The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet
some people have a unique ability to ONLY see one side doing something wrong.

Another irony filled post by the berg!
dude - show me examples of where i want special treatment for 1 side. go ahead.

if trump did something wrong, fry his ass. i've said so since day 1. but i fail to see the connection between almost 2 years of investigations and manafort having been found guilty of tax issues.

if you can connect those 2 dots for me, i'd appreciate it.

Dude, show me where I said there was a connection.

This is the joy of a special prosecutor, they do not need connections. Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill for financial fraud dealing with White Water...what did a blow job have to do with that?

This is the bed the Repubs made many years ago, now they get to sleep in it and I am laughing my ass off at all those cheering for Starr all those years
No one is more corrupt than career politicians.... The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet

Trump is every bit as corrupt as any career politician.
We now live in an Obama banana republic....drain the damn swamp!!!!
some people have a unique ability to ONLY see one side doing something wrong.

Another irony filled post by the berg!
dude - show me examples of where i want special treatment for 1 side. go ahead.

if trump did something wrong, fry his ass. i've said so since day 1. but i fail to see the connection between almost 2 years of investigations and manafort having been found guilty of tax issues.

if you can connect those 2 dots for me, i'd appreciate it.

Dude, show me where I said there was a connection.

This is the joy of a special prosecutor, they do not need connections. Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill for financial fraud dealing with White Water...what did a blow job have to do with that?

This is the bed the Repubs made many years ago, now they get to sleep in it and I am laughing my ass off at all those cheering for Starr all those years
No one is more corrupt than career politicians.... The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet

Trump is every bit as corrupt as any career politician.

Back up your statement or you are full of shit.
Another irony filled post by the berg!
dude - show me examples of where i want special treatment for 1 side. go ahead.

if trump did something wrong, fry his ass. i've said so since day 1. but i fail to see the connection between almost 2 years of investigations and manafort having been found guilty of tax issues.

if you can connect those 2 dots for me, i'd appreciate it.

Dude, show me where I said there was a connection.

This is the joy of a special prosecutor, they do not need connections. Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill for financial fraud dealing with White Water...what did a blow job have to do with that?

This is the bed the Repubs made many years ago, now they get to sleep in it and I am laughing my ass off at all those cheering for Starr all those years
No one is more corrupt than career politicians.... The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet

Trump is every bit as corrupt as any career politician.

Back up your statement or you are full of shit.

Two words...Trump University.

Now stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for your next talking points email.
You fools will never beat Trump, go ahead heave yourselves against the rocks its funny :auiqs.jpg:

Me personally? Probably not.

His personal attorney who just threw him under the bus, implicating Trump in up to 8 federal felonies as he plead guilty today?

More likely.
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.
... and still no Russian connection

And there never will be one to Trump, but it likely won't matter. There was never any connection to Bill and White Water, but if you dig long enough you find some dirt on everyone.

Using Ken Starr as the measuring stick, Mueller has at least 4 more years and 50 million more dollars.
...and still no Russian connection
Do you enjoy kissing the Clintons asses?
dude - show me examples of where i want special treatment for 1 side. go ahead.

if trump did something wrong, fry his ass. i've said so since day 1. but i fail to see the connection between almost 2 years of investigations and manafort having been found guilty of tax issues.

if you can connect those 2 dots for me, i'd appreciate it.

Dude, show me where I said there was a connection.

This is the joy of a special prosecutor, they do not need connections. Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill for financial fraud dealing with White Water...what did a blow job have to do with that?

This is the bed the Repubs made many years ago, now they get to sleep in it and I am laughing my ass off at all those cheering for Starr all those years
No one is more corrupt than career politicians.... The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet

Trump is every bit as corrupt as any career politician.

Back up your statement or you are full of shit.

Two words...Trump University.

Now stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for your next talking points email.

Meh, we control the White House so suck it.
You forgot to mention not guilty on other counts.
Are you fucking serious? Do you have any understanding of how the legal system works. A deadlock is not "not guilty" Even if they do not retry him on those counts, he can go away for 80 years. Ya thing that there might be an incentive to spill the beans on T-Rump


No, it isn't. Its a mistrial on the other 10 counts. A mistrial means that as few as one juror refused to convict. And the charges can be refiled and tried in court again.

Plus, Manafort already has a trial next month on Conspiracy Against the United States.

This isn't going anywhere.
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.
...and still no Russian connection

Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection
We now live in an Obama banana republic....drain the damn swamp!!!!

Trump brought the swamp. And surrounded himself with liars, frauds, tax cheats, grifters, and embezzlers.

Or as Trump calls them, the 'best people'.
some people have a unique ability to ONLY see one side doing something wrong.

Another irony filled post by the berg!
dude - show me examples of where i want special treatment for 1 side. go ahead.

if trump did something wrong, fry his ass. i've said so since day 1. but i fail to see the connection between almost 2 years of investigations and manafort having been found guilty of tax issues.

if you can connect those 2 dots for me, i'd appreciate it.

Dude, show me where I said there was a connection.

This is the joy of a special prosecutor, they do not need connections. Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill for financial fraud dealing with White Water...what did a blow job have to do with that?

This is the bed the Repubs made many years ago, now they get to sleep in it and I am laughing my ass off at all those cheering for Starr all those years
No one is more corrupt than career politicians.... The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet

Trump is every bit as corrupt as any career politician.
There is no comparison, especially when it comes to the Clintons who not only deal in arms and uranium they are sex traffickers

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