Manafort guilty.

Cohen's not from DC. He's from New York. And he's been Trump's personal attorney for over a decade. And just implicated Trump in up to 8 federal felonies
I said DC is corrupt I know where Cohen comes from and he is the outsider that is being punished because of his position with Trump...

Or.....he's actually guilty of multiple crimes. And its those crimes that have lead to his indictment and guilty plea.

See how that works. For every wildly complex conspiracy theory you offer, there's a far more plausible, far more reasonable, far simpler real world explanation that is actually backed by evidence.
Mueller's a veteran investigator who is respected on both sides of the aisle. And he's got numerous convictions, dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas as pat of his investigation.

And you have no idea what other evidence he has. Making your insistence that he has 'nothing' blithering nonsense

Learn something and read this....

The real Robert Mueller --
dude - show me examples of where i want special treatment for 1 side. go ahead.

if trump did something wrong, fry his ass. i've said so since day 1. but i fail to see the connection between almost 2 years of investigations and manafort having been found guilty of tax issues.

if you can connect those 2 dots for me, i'd appreciate it.

Dude, show me where I said there was a connection.

This is the joy of a special prosecutor, they do not need connections. Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill for financial fraud dealing with White Water...what did a blow job have to do with that?

This is the bed the Repubs made many years ago, now they get to sleep in it and I am laughing my ass off at all those cheering for Starr all those years
No one is more corrupt than career politicians.... The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet

Trump is every bit as corrupt as any career politician.
There is no comparison, especially when it comes to the Clintons who not only deal in arms and uranium they are sex traffickers

Not that sex trafficking hit again??! Arms and the uranium thing too. Christ you people are desperate and pathetic in your attempts to make it about Clinton

Never trust a Clinton
Or.....he's actually guilty of multiple crimes. And its those crimes that have lead to his indictment and guilty plea.

See how that works. For every wildly complex conspiracy theory you offer, there's a far more plausible, far more reasonable, far simpler real world explanation that is actually backed by evidence.
I guarantee you without knowing who your senator and congressman are they are dirtier than Cohen and Manaforte combined....
You Trumpian Zombie Bots keep blathering about Russia, you are ignoring that fact that the events of today show that Russia is not his only problem. And, the Russia probe is far from over

Nonsense the only thing today proves is that Trump didn't have the FBI in his pocket like Hillary did.

Actually, no. You're offering us your imagination and a conspiracy theory. The IG, under Trump, found that there was no evidence that political bias affected administrative decisions in the hillary investigation.

So you're ignoring the evidence and just making up whatever you'd like.

Good luck with that too.
...and still no Russian connection
8 our of 18 is a failing grade and indicative of nothing that Mueller was charged with discovering
Tangential issues involving other people is a key cog of the witch hunt wheel
Or.....he's actually guilty of multiple crimes. And its those crimes that have lead to his indictment and guilty plea.

See how that works. For every wildly complex conspiracy theory you offer, there's a far more plausible, far more reasonable, far simpler real world explanation that is actually backed by evidence.
I guarantee you without knowing who your senator and congressman are they are dirtier than Cohen and Manaforte combined....
Yep, Career politicians are the lowest of life forms
Mueller's a veteran investigator who is respected on both sides of the aisle. And he's got numerous convictions, dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas as pat of his investigation.

And you have no idea what other evidence he has. Making your insistence that he has 'nothing' blithering nonsense

Learn something and read this....

The real Robert Mueller --

Laughing.....someone's blog? If you have actual evidence to support your claims, show us. Not a link to a page you've never read.

As for your claims to regarding what the Mueller investigation has you can prove it. For example, Comey made a statement to Mueller's investigators.

Show it to us. If you can't, then you have no idea what's in it. And thus your claim that Mueller's investigation has 'nothing' is just you making claims up. If you can, I'd love to read it.

Show us now.
Unless the Russians are filing tax returns I’m not sure this means much. And what is five guilty verdicts on filing your taxes wrong? Can anyone do their taxes and not run afoul of that? Mewler basically threw 18 turds at a wall and got five to stick you could convict absolutely any citizen of and a couple other questionable ones.Did we really spend this much money and time on a crew of democrat lawyers to find out a deduction wasn’t listed right in a tax form nobody could fill out legally?

Any of you cheering this could be charged and convicted next week of the same thing. We have sunk from Russia to incomplete or inaccurate fields filled out on a tax form. Holy shit.
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.
...and still no Russian connection

Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.
8 our of 18 is a failing grade and indicative of nothing that Mueller was charged with discovering
Tangential issues involving other people is a key cog of the witch hunt wheel
8 out of 18 is a seriously failing grade.... F----

Mueller should be proud of his massive failure... I hope the judge sets this aside due to the political bull shit after the Jury is excused...
There is no such thing as an honest career politician, any civilian federal employee for that matter...
Laughing.....someone's blog? If you have actual evidence to support your claims, show us. Not a link to a page you've never read.
This is why you are so easily lied will not educate yourself...
8 our of 18 is a failing grade and indicative of nothing that Mueller was charged with discovering
Tangential issues involving other people is a key cog of the witch hunt wheel
8 out of 18 is a seriously failing grade.... F----

Mueller should be proud of his massive failure... I hope the judge sets this aside due to the political bull shit after the Jury is excused...
The reason 18 counts were in the indictment was to ensure Manafort was convicted of at least some of them.

This is a huge success for Mueller. It's enough to send Manafort to prison for the rest of his life.

Al Capone was convicted on only one count of tax evasion.

So you go ahead and try to wash those ashes out of your mouth with some more bullshit, kid. :lol:
Manafort has another trial next month on far more serious charges. This was just a warm-up. Mueller is clearing his throat.
Manafort is facing up to 80 years. He's an old man. Even if the sentences are served concurrently, he's going to die in prison.

Like Capone.

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