Manafort guilty.

Congrats to Mueller for getting his 'Scooter Libby' conviction, the conviction of a crime committed before Obama became President and that had nothing to do with what Mueller was appointed to investigate.

Despite the fact that this case should have been handed over to the DOJ to prosecute so he could continue to do what taxpayets have been paying him to do - Investigate Russian Interference in the 2016 election, Mueller and snowflakes can now claim they have their '1st conviction'.

:p lol

When the police execute a search warrant to search the home of a drug dealer and find a dead body, the drug dealer can still be charged and tired for murder.

Here's one quote from a lawyer. "can an officer seize evidence or make an arrest based on something they found while executing an unrelated warrant?" then the answer is "Damn skippy!"

The drug dealer doesn't get a pass on committing murder just because the legally executed warrant was issued based on searching for drugs. It doesn't matter that Mueller's central focus is investigating the Russian interference in the election. If the FBI seized evidence of tax fraud on his computer, then he gets charged and convicted of that crime.

Law enforcement doesn't, and shouldn't, ignore a crime that they have found just because they were specifically looking at one in particular. That's just plain stupid.
Who is the drug dealer or was this some straw man crap?

Why did Mueller, in investigating Russian Interference effecting the 2016 election, go back more than a decade to investigate a potential crime that has nothing to do with what he was appointed Special Counsel to investigate yet he refused / refuses to go back 4 years to investigate when the Russian Interference began and the President who learned about it, did nothing about it, and even let it continue for 2 years, right up to the 2016 election?!
All of the hoopla today is orchestrated by Mueller..

Now why would Mueller do this?

Mueller has been exposed in the FISA Dossier scandal and could face criminal charges for knowingly using falsified information to further his investigation. Bruce Orr, John Breenen, James Comey and now Mueller have ALL been connected to the anti-Trump scam and attempted Coup..

This is all a distraction from the information getting out about this criminal coup attempt.. Information has been uncovered which links a great number of people together in this coup attempt..
...and still no Russian connection

Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....
Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

How about some links Sherlock?
8 our of 18 is a failing grade and indicative of nothing that Mueller was charged with discovering
Tangential issues involving other people is a key cog of the witch hunt wheel
8 out of 18 is a seriously failing grade.... F----

Mueller should be proud of his massive failure... I hope the judge sets this aside due to the political bull shit after the Jury is excused...

It's a 400 batting average.

The remaining ten were mistrials and can be brought to trial again.

Really, you believe that the judge is going to "set it aside"?
8 our of 18 is a failing grade and indicative of nothing that Mueller was charged with discovering
Tangential issues involving other people is a key cog of the witch hunt wheel
8 out of 18 is a seriously failing grade.... F----

Mueller should be proud of his massive failure... I hope the judge sets this aside due to the political bull shit after the Jury is excused...

It's a 400 batting average.

The remaining ten were mistrials and can be brought to trial again.

Really, you believe that the judge is going to "set it aside"?

And who gives a fuck if Manafort is convicted?
All of the hoopla today is orchestrated by Mueller..

Now why would Mueller do this?

Mueller has been exposed in the FISA Dossier scandal and could face criminal charges for knowingly using falsified information to further his investigation. Bruce Orr, John Breenen, James Comey and now Mueller have ALL been connected to the anti-Trump scam and attempted Coup..

This is all a distraction from the information getting out about this criminal coup attempt.. Information has been uncovered which links a great number of people together in this coup attempt..

"Now why would Mueller do this?"

Because he's really f'in good at what he does.
Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

That's a convenient fantasy. But that's not what happened.

Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails...and the Clinton Crime Family Syndicate had him executed. That's why the DNC NEVER allowed the FBI to examine the supposed hacked server.

And the Donald Jr. meeting ended up being a discussion of the Magnitsky Act and Russian Orphans.
All of the hoopla today is orchestrated by Mueller..

Now why would Mueller do this?

Mueller has been exposed in the FISA Dossier scandal and could face criminal charges for knowingly using falsified information to further his investigation. Bruce Orr, John Breenen, James Comey and now Mueller have ALL been connected to the anti-Trump scam and attempted Coup..

This is all a distraction from the information getting out about this criminal coup attempt.. Information has been uncovered which links a great number of people together in this coup attempt..

"Now why would Mueller do this?"

Because he's really f'in good at what he does.

Like with the anthrax case?
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

How about some links Sherlock?

Don't hold your breath for anything credible.

Just sayin'.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

How about some links Sherlock?

Well, you can look up.

"Watergate convictions".

Watergate Casualties and Convictions

Here is an article on computer hacking.


Or do you need links to prove that stealing isn't "borrowing"?

Or that bank robbery isn't "taking out a loan"?
If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

How about some links Sherlock?

Well, you can look up.

"Watergate convictions".

Watergate Casualties and Convictions

Here is an article on computer hacking.


Or do you need links to prove that stealing isn't "borrowing"?

Or that bank robbery isn't "taking out a loan"?

Uh. Nixon died years ago and this ain't Watergate. Unless you are referring to how Obabble spied on the Trump Campaign.
If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

How about some links Sherlock?

Well, you can look up.

"Watergate convictions".

Watergate Casualties and Convictions

Here is an article on computer hacking.


Or do you need links to prove that stealing isn't "borrowing"?

Or that bank robbery isn't "taking out a loan"?

Thats weak.
Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

How about some links Sherlock?

Well, you can look up.

"Watergate convictions".

Watergate Casualties and Convictions

Here is an article on computer hacking.


Or do you need links to prove that stealing isn't "borrowing"?

Or that bank robbery isn't "taking out a loan"?

Thats weak.

But he does get 10 Points for Consistency!
All of the hoopla today is orchestrated by Mueller..

Now why would Mueller do this?

Mueller has been exposed in the FISA Dossier scandal and could face criminal charges for knowingly using falsified information to further his investigation. Bruce Orr, John Breenen, James Comey and now Mueller have ALL been connected to the anti-Trump scam and attempted Coup..

This is all a distraction from the information getting out about this criminal coup attempt.. Information has been uncovered which links a great number of people together in this coup attempt..

"Now why would Mueller do this?"

Because he's really f'in good at what he does.
... and still no Russian connection

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