Manafort guilty.

All of the hoopla today is orchestrated by Mueller..

Now why would Mueller do this?

Mueller has been exposed in the FISA Dossier scandal and could face criminal charges for knowingly using falsified information to further his investigation. Bruce Orr, John Breenen, James Comey and now Mueller have ALL been connected to the anti-Trump scam and attempted Coup..

This is all a distraction from the information getting out about this criminal coup attempt.. Information has been uncovered which links a great number of people together in this coup attempt..

"Now why would Mueller do this?"

Because he's really f'in good at what he does.
... and still no Russian connection


But here's the thing: all of this "news" really serves Wall Street. Look at all the volatiles over this bogus manufactured nonsense.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

How about some links Sherlock?

Or do you mean the emails to and from Trump Jr. about the Russia government having "opposition research" for the Trump campain?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

To Donald JR - "Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday."

To Don Jr "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - "

To Don Jr. "Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info"

Don, "Rob could we speak now?"

To Don: "What number he could call?"

Don Jr. "My cell [REDACTED] thanks"

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Connect the dots - Wikipedia

Connect the dots (also known as dot to dot or join the dots) is a form of puzzle containing a sequence of numbered dots. When a line is drawn connecting the dots the outline of an object is revealed. ... The use of numbers can be replaced with letters or other symbols.

Is it really that hard for you to look up this stuff?
If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

How about some links Sherlock?

Or do you mean the emails to and from Trump Jr. about the Russia government having "opposition research" for the Trump campain?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

To Donald JR - "Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday."

To Don Jr "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - "

To Don Jr. "Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info"

Don, "Rob could we speak now?"

To Don: "What number he could call?"

Don Jr. "My cell [REDACTED] thanks"

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Connect the dots - Wikipedia

Connect the dots (also known as dot to dot or join the dots) is a form of puzzle containing a sequence of numbered dots. When a line is drawn connecting the dots the outline of an object is revealed. ... The use of numbers can be replaced with letters or other symbols.

Is it really that hard for you to look up this stuff?

In realityland, the meeting ended up being about the Magnitsky Act and Russian Orphans, so a big nothingburger.

And it was a set up by the Clinton Crime Family Syndicate in the first place.
All of the hoopla today is orchestrated by Mueller..

Now why would Mueller do this?

Mueller has been exposed in the FISA Dossier scandal and could face criminal charges for knowingly using falsified information to further his investigation. Bruce Orr, John Breenen, James Comey and now Mueller have ALL been connected to the anti-Trump scam and attempted Coup..

This is all a distraction from the information getting out about this criminal coup attempt.. Information has been uncovered which links a great number of people together in this coup attempt..

"Now why would Mueller do this?"

Because he's really f'in good at what he does.
... and still no Russian connection

What, you think Mueller is going publish an editorial in Breitbart spelling out the investigation progress?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

To Donald JR - "Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday."

To Don Jr "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - "

To Don Jr. "Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info"

Don, "Rob could we speak now?"

To Don: "What number he could call?"

Don Jr. "My cell [REDACTED] thanks"

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

They sure talked about Russia a lot for not having any "Russian connections".
Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz.

It's called opposition research and it is quite common in DC.

Now, taking opposition research and feeding it to the FBI so that the Obama admin could use it as a pre-text to spy on Trump's political campaign...that's an entirely different kettle-o-fish...and it stinks to high heaven.

Breaking into the campaign headquarters of the opposing party and hacking the computers of the opposing party isn't "opposition research". They are called "breaking and entering" and "computer hacking". Both of those are crimes.

Or do you call taking things from the store without paying for it "borrowing"?

Oh, and holding up a bank is called "taking out a loan".....

How about some links Sherlock?

Or do you mean the emails to and from Trump Jr. about the Russia government having "opposition research" for the Trump campain?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

To Donald JR - "Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday."

To Don Jr "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - "

To Don Jr. "Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info"

Don, "Rob could we speak now?"

To Don: "What number he could call?"

Don Jr. "My cell [REDACTED] thanks"

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Connect the dots - Wikipedia

Connect the dots (also known as dot to dot or join the dots) is a form of puzzle containing a sequence of numbered dots. When a line is drawn connecting the dots the outline of an object is revealed. ... The use of numbers can be replaced with letters or other symbols.

Is it really that hard for you to look up this stuff?

In realityland, the meeting ended up being about the Magnitsky Act and Russian Orphans, so a big nothingburger.

And it was a set up by the Clinton Crime Family Syndicate in the first place.

Yeah, and I bet you believe that the Clinton's have had political opponents killed too.
All of the hoopla today is orchestrated by Mueller..

Now why would Mueller do this?

Mueller has been exposed in the FISA Dossier scandal and could face criminal charges for knowingly using falsified information to further his investigation. Bruce Orr, John Breenen, James Comey and now Mueller have ALL been connected to the anti-Trump scam and attempted Coup..

This is all a distraction from the information getting out about this criminal coup attempt.. Information has been uncovered which links a great number of people together in this coup attempt..

"Now why would Mueller do this?"

Because he's really f'in good at what he does.
... and still no Russian connection

What, you think Mueller is going publish an editorial in Breitbart spelling out the investigation progress?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

To Donald JR - "Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday."

To Don Jr "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - "

To Don Jr. "Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info"

Don, "Rob could we speak now?"

To Don: "What number he could call?"

Don Jr. "My cell [REDACTED] thanks"

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

They sure talked about Russia a lot for not having any "Russian connections".
Nothing about Russia in today’s rulings... I guess it was a nothing burger much of it has to do with Rump?
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.


Hillary compromised National security, used a PRIVATE server for Confidential National issues, had the drives destroyed and smashed to pieces, lied about it, had the FBI cover it up .......

And not even a smidgen of charges.........

If you don't see this as a major problem with the Justice system, you're ALL fools.
Republicans run everything. Bring up charges., about that. The problem is that they've already done the investigations. The IG found no evidence that political bias played a role in any investigative decision. And the FBI found no evidence of crimes by Hillary.

But they ignore the IG report and the FBI findings. ANd instead cling to their batshit 'deep state' conspiracy theory. And then wonder why actual criminal proceedings aren't occurring based on their imagination.

Its a source of profound confusion for conspiracy theorists everywhere. The Truthers and Birthers think the same thing.

You are indeed stupid and not really telling the truth. But go on.
But..but...The Truth is not the Truth, right?

All of the hoopla today is orchestrated by Mueller..

Now why would Mueller do this?

Mueller has been exposed in the FISA Dossier scandal and could face criminal charges for knowingly using falsified information to further his investigation. Bruce Orr, John Breenen, James Comey and now Mueller have ALL been connected to the anti-Trump scam and attempted Coup..

This is all a distraction from the information getting out about this criminal coup attempt.. Information has been uncovered which links a great number of people together in this coup attempt..

"Now why would Mueller do this?"

Because he's really f'in good at what he does.
... and still no Russian connection

What, you think Mueller is going publish an editorial in Breitbart spelling out the investigation progress?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

To Donald JR - "Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday."

To Don Jr "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - "

To Don Jr. "Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info"

Don, "Rob could we speak now?"

To Don: "What number he could call?"

Don Jr. "My cell [REDACTED] thanks"

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

They sure talked about Russia a lot for not having any "Russian connections".
Nothing about Russia in today’s rulings... I guess it was a nothing burger

Today's trial and conviction was about bank fraud and tax evasion.

So what's your point?.
All of the hoopla today is orchestrated by Mueller..

Now why would Mueller do this?

Mueller has been exposed in the FISA Dossier scandal and could face criminal charges for knowingly using falsified information to further his investigation. Bruce Orr, John Breenen, James Comey and now Mueller have ALL been connected to the anti-Trump scam and attempted Coup..

This is all a distraction from the information getting out about this criminal coup attempt.. Information has been uncovered which links a great number of people together in this coup attempt..

"Now why would Mueller do this?"

Because he's really f'in good at what he does.
... and still no Russian connection

What, you think Mueller is going publish an editorial in Breitbart spelling out the investigation progress?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

To Donald JR - "Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday."

To Don Jr "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - "

To Don Jr. "Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info"

Don, "Rob could we speak now?"

To Don: "What number he could call?"

Don Jr. "My cell [REDACTED] thanks"

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

They sure talked about Russia a lot for not having any "Russian connections".
Nothing about Russia in today’s rulings... I guess it was a nothing burger

Today's trial and conviction was about bank fraud and tax evasion.

So what's your point?.
Yep, Nothing to do with Trump
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.


Hillary compromised National security, used a PRIVATE server for Confidential National issues, had the drives destroyed and smashed to pieces, lied about it, had the FBI cover it up .......

And not even a smidgen of charges.........

If you don't see this as a major problem with the Justice system, you're ALL fools.
Republicans run everything. Bring up charges., about that. The problem is that they've already done the investigations. The IG found no evidence that political bias played a role in any investigative decision. And the FBI found no evidence of crimes by Hillary.

But they ignore the IG report and the FBI findings. ANd instead cling to their batshit 'deep state' conspiracy theory. And then wonder why actual criminal proceedings aren't occurring based on their imagination.

Its a source of profound confusion for conspiracy theorists everywhere. The Truthers and Birthers think the same thing.

You are indeed stupid and not really telling the truth. But go on.
But..but...The Truth is not the Truth, right?

Depends on what the definition of is... is - In all 57 states and under sniper fire
"Now why would Mueller do this?"

Because he's really f'in good at what he does.
... and still no Russian connection

What, you think Mueller is going publish an editorial in Breitbart spelling out the investigation progress?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

To Donald JR - "Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday."

To Don Jr "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - "

To Don Jr. "Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info"

Don, "Rob could we speak now?"

To Don: "What number he could call?"

Don Jr. "My cell [REDACTED] thanks"

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

They sure talked about Russia a lot for not having any "Russian connections".
Nothing about Russia in today’s rulings... I guess it was a nothing burger

Today's trial and conviction was about bank fraud and tax evasion.

So what's your point?.
Yep, Nothing to do with Trump

Of course not.

""“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”"
Agreed with no Russian collusion. But I'm sure you will agree that it's a good day when an uber wealthy snowball who is afraid to step up and pay his taxes is found guilty. That's a step in making america great again.

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