Manafort's Home Raided by The FBI

Interesting. Manafort's lawyer is a law partner with Mueller.What a tangled web this is.
Mueller's team is leaking. Just read that at the Hill. But OH MY there won't be any leaks from the Special Counsel.


Would you like to reference that in The Hill article or just rely on your fellow braindead companions to take it as fact?

Good morning! Here you go Sparky! Shows Mueller's team is loaded with left wing partisan pigs.

"The agents had a search warrant to seize materials from Manafort's residence in Alexandria, Va., the Post reports, citing people familiar with the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling."

FBI agents raided Manafort's home in July
people familiar with the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation

That includes the people next door going "WTF cops!" and the entire planet

It especially includes Manaforte's legal counsel and and reporters keeping eyes on the principals involved. During Watergate, reporters had watchers at everybody's residence.

A friend of mine living in the same building as Anthony Weiner and Huma the first time Weiner got caught sending dick pics. She said it was a regular 3 ring circus getting into the building. Then came the Hillary's email investigation and there were always people watching the building.
You don't understand what you're talking about.
Raids are a way to find evidence to determine if any charges of a crime should be made. Not the reverse.
See United States v. Jared Fogle, for example.

Wow, what a compelling counter-point. I'm literally stunned by your towering knowledge of basic federal law.
well no, there is no crime, there will be no crime, and injecting the government without one is a crime. If I'm manafort, I take mueller to fking court and see what happens.

If Manafort could have, he would have, but he can't.
Law enforcement has a right to investigate in order to determine if a crime has been committed.
Otherwise you live in a banana republic where a despot can make that determination without due process.
You want to privatize law enforcement? That's what you're implying.
no they don't. see that's where you stoops on the left don't understand. there is no crime, therefore it is a violation of his rights. and a suit will be coming. hehe I can't wait.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any dumber on here.
In the absence of ANY evidence of wrongdoing, Leftists must "enjoy" little bits of non-news like this.

They grabbed some DOCUMENTS!!!!! O. My. Fucking. GODDDDDDDD!
From Reuters:
FBI raided home of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort in July to seize documents: report""""
That's all that's there for now.
Stay tuned to for updates.
Love this "fake" news!

That happened last month. How could it be "breaking" news?
Yep........grabbed the same documents that he had already voluntarily provided to the Congressional investigations. There is no witch hunt going on here folks. Move along. nothing to see.

Oh, sorry you didn't get the FBI's newsletter on the investigation with daily updates and material findings.
From Reuters:
FBI raided home of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort in July to seize documents: report""""
That's all that's there for now.
Stay tuned to for updates.
Love this "fake" news!

That happened last month. How could it be "breaking" news?

Because it wasn't made public until this morning. I just post the facts, I don't make shit up.
Mueller's team is leaking. Just read that at the Hill. But OH MY there won't be any leaks from the Special Counsel.


How do you know it wasn't someone on Manaforte's team who leaked it, trying to discredit Mueller's office?

Trump has been known to retweet fake articles praising him from fake pro-Trump sites. Twitter is now looking to shut down the bot accounts.

This after the fake Seth Rich story The White House planted on FOX News.

Trump has mastered Russian propaganda techniques, 101. Spread "fake news" via multiple bot accounts until it starts trending.

Again, Trump accusing others of what he is doing. Lying Ted, Criminal Hillary, accusing the widely respected Clinton Foundation with it's 4 star ratings, audited financial statements and billions in donations, to the Trump Family Foundation which has been shut down for fundraising without a license, fined by the IRS for making illegal political campaign contributions, and for using donated funds for office decor and settling business debts.

Because the WP sourced it as sources close to Mueller.

"The agents had a search warrant to seize materials from Manafort's residence in Alexandria, Va., according to The Washington Post, citing people familiar with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election."

FBI agents raided Manafort's home in July

You're really stretching it. Familiar does not mean close. I am familiar with the stupidity of people on this board such as yourself, but I would not say I'm close. Get it yet? Parse yourself into oblivion. Your cred is gone.
heres one ...

Manafort reeks of money laundering ... is he a weak link in the Trump Cartel capable of rolling over and incriminating Trump, or will a grand jury appearance scare the shit out of one of his associates (partners in crime), and they spill their guts to stay out of prison, and throw Don Cheeto under the bus ?

This is getting very, very interesting........

Seeing threads about the same topic is getting very, very, very boring

Well then you should have logged off a few years ago when there were infinitum threads about tiny nothings from Obama's W.H.

Wasn't my job at the time.
heres one ...

Manafort reeks of money laundering ... is he a weak link in the Trump Cartel capable of rolling over and incriminating Trump, or will a grand jury appearance scare the shit out of one of his associates (partners in crime), and they spill their guts to stay out of prison, and throw Don Cheeto under the bus ?


Trump reeks of money-laundering, too. And Mueller knows it.
Banks stopped loaning to him after all of his disastrous investments in the 90s.
What's a Cheeto supposed to do for cash after that?
Trump’s Russian Laundromat
Yep........grabbed the same documents that he had already voluntarily provided to the Congressional investigations. There is no witch hunt going on here folks. Move along. nothing to see.

Oh, sorry you didn't get the FBI's newsletter on the investigation with daily updates and material findings.
nope, it appears only you!
heres one ...

Manafort reeks of money laundering ... is he a weak link in the Trump Cartel capable of rolling over and incriminating Trump, or will a grand jury appearance scare the shit out of one of his associates (partners in crime), and they spill their guts to stay out of prison, and throw Don Cheeto under the bus ?


Trump reeks of money-laundering, too. And Mueller knows it.
Banks stopped loaning to him after all of his disastrous investments in the 90s.
What's a Cheeto supposed to do for cash after that?
Trump’s Russian Laundromat
now trump's been working for putin since the 90s? dude, you should lay off the mountain dew.
Yep........grabbed the same documents that he had already voluntarily provided to the Congressional investigations. There is no witch hunt going on here folks. Move along. nothing to see.

Oh, sorry you didn't get the FBI's newsletter on the investigation with daily updates and material findings.
Did you?
sure he did, it only goes to the libs, it's called talking points from the DNC.
heres one ...

Manafort reeks of money laundering ... is he a weak link in the Trump Cartel capable of rolling over and incriminating Trump, or will a grand jury appearance scare the shit out of one of his associates (partners in crime), and they spill their guts to stay out of prison, and throw Don Cheeto under the bus ?


Trump reeks of money-laundering, too. And Mueller knows it.
Banks stopped loaning to him after all of his disastrous investments in the 90s.
What's a Cheeto supposed to do for cash after that?
Trump’s Russian Laundromat

Trump Tower rents to Russian Mob .. Trumps casino right down the street ... why investigate that?
....and found nothing of substance or it would have been leaked by now.

theys be skeert of Cheetoboi callin' it fake imformation n' all like at yac.
well we know there is no crime. there is no possible crime. and until you can find some violation of some law, you will have the same thing tomorrow and beyond that you have today. a nothing burger. jeopardy music
" we all know there's no crime."
Ha ha ha
So you've seen Trump's tax returns and financial portfolio..?
Bob Mueller will.
so again, what's the crime? i know it's difficult for you idiots on the left to understand, but his taxes are his personal business, he didn't work for the government. so can't be any crime. I keep telling you that. you just be one of them there ignorant folk who want to see what trump made. cause you be jealous of the man. hater.

and without a crime, mueller will not see his taxes.

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