Manchin Offers A Way Better Future Than Biden's or Trump's!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Yesterday, Senator Joe Manchin announced he wouldn't be running for re-election. He intends to travel the nation to see if he can traverse the large divide between the Republican and Democrat parties, in ordinary language he is going to see if there is support for a Presidential candidate like him that tries to work across the political aisle and if there is he will run. If the major presidential party candidates for 2024 are Joe Biden for the Democrats and Donald Trump for the Republicans which it appears almost a certainty than Joe Manchin would be doing an outstanding service to the American people and it is very much possible he could win the office but it would have to be through the path where no candidates wins enough votes in the electoral college and so the decision is thrown to the House and because Manchin is a true financial conservative and Trump isn't Trump is a populist he would throw fiscal restraint in the trash can if there is something that the major of American would support even if it isn't in the long-term interest of the nation, the 2017 tax cuts are a good example just a fair financial analysis indicated it would blow a one and a half trillion hole in the national debt a fiscal conservative would have done deficit neutral tax cuts. Trump's lack of conservative values plus his overall untrustworthiness and unreliability more likely than not will cause the Republican majority House to vote for Manchin as President.

What valuable agenda that Manchin brings to the Presidency for America is twofold. He understands that Democrats largely unrestrained rate at transitioning America away from fossil fuels is going to cause extreme pain on ordinary Americans. America needs legislation mandating the Federal government slow down in its transition, the legislation should stop the Federal government from using the CAFE standards (fuel economy standards) and the Environmental Protection Agency law from blocking the U.S. auto industry from producing combustion engine cars anytime in the foreseeable future. Government policy should put the American consumer in the driver seat. EV cars are significantly more expensive that combustion engine cars, they use rare earth metals whose price and availability is unstable and ev cars are not convenient there is a charging problem. Fossil fuels will be needed across the economy for the foreseeable future; America and the world needs to transition away from such but it needs to be done slowly so a lot of consumers and workers don't get really hurt.

The other thing that Manchin brings to the table is he is aware of the danger of the national debt. America's debt problem can no longer be fixed but it can be managed and Manchin will do so in a manner that protects the American people's long-term interest. Biden no way just look at the three trillion dollar build back better bill he was ready to sign into law. People have been saying since Manchin's announcement he shouldn't run because he will hurt the Democrat candidate he will hand the election to Trump. This analysis is wrong he hurts Trump worse than Biden. Biden unwavering base are Americans that work whose income doesn't provide a good standard of living, or people that can't work or don't work and all need stuff from the government and know a Progressive Democrat President like Biden will deliver and of course Unions, Trumps unwavering base are those American's I describe as people that see Trump as a super charismatic cult leader; and the bottom line is this unwavering base of Biden's is significantly large than Trump's which means Biden is poised to win a lot of states because Manchin's voter support won't exceed this Biden base. So Joe Manchin has a big decision to make does he want to run and risk delivering the election to Biden. In any event, it will be really bad for America if Biden or Trump wins in 2024 they both offer a lot of poison for America, whereas Manchin offers "Shining Hope"!
If Man-Chin runs, which Party will it hurt more?

I think dimocraps. People ae sick to death of dimocrap scum right now. Except for the usual suspects, the rabid suffragettes longing to kill more babies, Public Sector Unions, I just don't see them being loyal to Sponge Brains Shits Pants.

But they will NOT vote for Trump. No way OMB gets more than a few dim votes.

I think Man-Chin takes 10% of the dim vote and 5% of the Republican vote. Leading to an all-out, full-blown disaster for scum of the Earth DNC types.

Run, Forrest, RUN!!! er, er, er, I mean Man-Chin

Munchkin is obviously cooking up something with the career one-termer douchebag failure Mittens Romney.

"No Labels" is nothing more than a collection of principle-less, rudderless, wind sock career statist sellout chumps, who made the rise of populism possible.....A perfect landing spot for those two mealy-mouthed milquetoast grifters.
He would do well in the general election but moderates aren't the ones who decide a party's nominees these days.
tl;dr Munchkin is obviously cooking up something with the career one-term douchebag failure Mittens Romney.

"No Labels" is nothing more than a collection of principle-less, rudderless, wind sock career statist sellout chumps, who made the rise of populism possible.....A perfect landing spot for those two mealy-mouthed milquetoast grifters.
Joe is a wealthy man. maybe he's decided enough of DC is enough?
Another long time hammer-headed clown. He voted for most all of $33T debt with nary a peep. Now he will go play with his tens of millions + his massive pension, what did he ever do that was helpful to American Citizens?

Trump pushed thru tax reform-simplification with good STD deduction & SALT cap to get coastal elite paying their own property tax finally! Manchin had decades to get something done. But silence.
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