Manufactured Racism by Blacks

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assume all you want
I have proven my have not proved your point--which I guess is whites are more violent
I'm waiting
You have not answered my question as to whether whites are more violent.

See when I talk it's easy to understand

I'm saying white Euros have been the most violent and murderous race ever to walk this earth

That's how I talk. Very clear. Very to the point. You should take notes

But then when you guys admit that the black community is more violent and dangerous than our white communities are then you blame it on white people for cutting your people off from economic opportunity. I don't disagree with that but you first have to decide, are your communities more dangerous than ours? I talk to blacks who moved out of Detroit and they will admit that the neighborhood they moved away from is far more dangerous than where they live now. My one buddy has a sweet classic car. Keeps it in his driveway out here but in Detroit he had to keep it in storage because it would have gotten stolen.

And insurance companies charge Detroiters a lot more for car insurance than they do us because the likelihood of your car getting stolen in Detroit are much greater than here in the burbs. This isn't made up stories. These are facts. Can you explain why you guys sometimes argue that you are not more violent/criminal but then other times when you admit you are you say it's because of white oppression. I'll accept the second excuse but not the flat out denial that your communities are more dangerous. That's just ridiculous. You're taking 1 million whites and comparing them to 100,000 blacks and saying because we have more crime we are more dangerous? Do you completely ignore per capita?

I live near a city called Novi, MI. It's a suburb of Detroit. Metro Detroit. No comparison that Novi is a much safer place to be than Detroit, Saginaw or Flint. In fact you can't tell me a white city in Michigan that even comes close to being as dangerous as Detroit, Saginaw and Flint.

No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.

#2. Here in Metro Detroit we do not have a crime problem. We do not get together and say we need to deal with the crime here because it's getting bad. But they are/do say that in Detroit. So I don't know what world you live in but I hear good people in Detroit all the time say it's crazy there and something has to be done. You're lying to yourself bro.
If table 55 of the UCR is correct white criminals in metro areas are committing most of the crime. Detroit is a metro area.

Some people do believe that our 3 main news channels in Detroit always report the shootings in Detroit but not the ones in Westland, Taylor and all the other poor white neighborhoods that surround Detroit. My cousin said he knows of shootings that happen in his neighborhood (Garden City) but they aren't reported on the news the next morning but every morning the news does report who got shot in Detroit proper.
assume all you want
I have proven my have not proved your point--which I guess is whites are more violent
I'm waiting
You have not answered my question as to whether whites are more violent.

See when I talk it's easy to understand

I'm saying white Euros have been the most violent and murderous race ever to walk this earth

That's how I talk. Very clear. Very to the point. You should take notes

But then when you guys admit that the black community is more violent and dangerous than our white communities are then you blame it on white people for cutting your people off from economic opportunity. I don't disagree with that but you first have to decide, are your communities more dangerous than ours? I talk to blacks who moved out of Detroit and they will admit that the neighborhood they moved away from is far more dangerous than where they live now. My one buddy has a sweet classic car. Keeps it in his driveway out here but in Detroit he had to keep it in storage because it would have gotten stolen.

And insurance companies charge Detroiters a lot more for car insurance than they do us because the likelihood of your car getting stolen in Detroit are much greater than here in the burbs. This isn't made up stories. These are facts. Can you explain why you guys sometimes argue that you are not more violent/criminal but then other times when you admit you are you say it's because of white oppression. I'll accept the second excuse but not the flat out denial that your communities are more dangerous. That's just ridiculous. You're taking 1 million whites and comparing them to 100,000 blacks and saying because we have more crime we are more dangerous? Do you completely ignore per capita?

I live near a city called Novi, MI. It's a suburb of Detroit. Metro Detroit. No comparison that Novi is a much safer place to be than Detroit, Saginaw or Flint. In fact you can't tell me a white city in Michigan that even comes close to being as dangerous as Detroit, Saginaw and Flint.

No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.

Before I keep reading let me address your first comment. I asked my buddy why his criminal friends don't come out and steal here. He said they are afraid of DWB. That unfortunately is why cops pull over black people for DWB. It's too bad for you good ones but that unfortunately is why they racially profile. And it's why we worry too many blacks are moving out here. Soon their criminals in the city won't be afraid to come out here once they don't stick out like a sore thumb and next thing will suddenly start to go missing.

There is lots of stuff to steal out here but blacks are too afraid they'll get caught out here. That's why they don't come here. This is coming straight from the black horses mouth. My buddy has to go pick them up to bring them out here. They are too afraid to drive. Plus they probably don't have registration and insurance and outstanding warrants. LOL.

“Too bad for you good ones...”.

How fucking shamelessly Archie Bunker racist can you fucking get? It’s like some anachronistic racist cartoon.

Are you really surprised when I post something shamelessly Archie Bunker?

Funny that as much as you think I'm a racist the blacks here all think you are. Maybe it's because you lack the communication skills.
You have not answered my question as to whether whites are more violent.

See when I talk it's easy to understand

I'm saying white Euros have been the most violent and murderous race ever to walk this earth

That's how I talk. Very clear. Very to the point. You should take notes

But then when you guys admit that the black community is more violent and dangerous than our white communities are then you blame it on white people for cutting your people off from economic opportunity. I don't disagree with that but you first have to decide, are your communities more dangerous than ours? I talk to blacks who moved out of Detroit and they will admit that the neighborhood they moved away from is far more dangerous than where they live now. My one buddy has a sweet classic car. Keeps it in his driveway out here but in Detroit he had to keep it in storage because it would have gotten stolen.

And insurance companies charge Detroiters a lot more for car insurance than they do us because the likelihood of your car getting stolen in Detroit are much greater than here in the burbs. This isn't made up stories. These are facts. Can you explain why you guys sometimes argue that you are not more violent/criminal but then other times when you admit you are you say it's because of white oppression. I'll accept the second excuse but not the flat out denial that your communities are more dangerous. That's just ridiculous. You're taking 1 million whites and comparing them to 100,000 blacks and saying because we have more crime we are more dangerous? Do you completely ignore per capita?

I live near a city called Novi, MI. It's a suburb of Detroit. Metro Detroit. No comparison that Novi is a much safer place to be than Detroit, Saginaw or Flint. In fact you can't tell me a white city in Michigan that even comes close to being as dangerous as Detroit, Saginaw and Flint.

No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.
Blacks arrested 25% of the time and they are only 12% of the population. Nuff said.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.
Recalculate your stats correctly. Black males are about 6.6% of the population and white males are about 31% of the population. Criminal elements in those two groups commit most of the crime. Table 55a UCR puts the burden of criminality on Whites in metropolitan counties.
You have not answered my question as to whether whites are more violent.

See when I talk it's easy to understand

I'm saying white Euros have been the most violent and murderous race ever to walk this earth

That's how I talk. Very clear. Very to the point. You should take notes

But then when you guys admit that the black community is more violent and dangerous than our white communities are then you blame it on white people for cutting your people off from economic opportunity. I don't disagree with that but you first have to decide, are your communities more dangerous than ours? I talk to blacks who moved out of Detroit and they will admit that the neighborhood they moved away from is far more dangerous than where they live now. My one buddy has a sweet classic car. Keeps it in his driveway out here but in Detroit he had to keep it in storage because it would have gotten stolen.

And insurance companies charge Detroiters a lot more for car insurance than they do us because the likelihood of your car getting stolen in Detroit are much greater than here in the burbs. This isn't made up stories. These are facts. Can you explain why you guys sometimes argue that you are not more violent/criminal but then other times when you admit you are you say it's because of white oppression. I'll accept the second excuse but not the flat out denial that your communities are more dangerous. That's just ridiculous. You're taking 1 million whites and comparing them to 100,000 blacks and saying because we have more crime we are more dangerous? Do you completely ignore per capita?

I live near a city called Novi, MI. It's a suburb of Detroit. Metro Detroit. No comparison that Novi is a much safer place to be than Detroit, Saginaw or Flint. In fact you can't tell me a white city in Michigan that even comes close to being as dangerous as Detroit, Saginaw and Flint.

No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.

#2. Here in Metro Detroit we do not have a crime problem. We do not get together and say we need to deal with the crime here because it's getting bad. But they are/do say that in Detroit. So I don't know what world you live in but I hear good people in Detroit all the time say it's crazy there and something has to be done. You're lying to yourself bro.
If table 55 of the UCR is correct white criminals in metro areas are committing most of the crime. Detroit is a metro area.

Some people do believe that our 3 main news channels in Detroit always report the shootings in Detroit but not the ones in Westland, Taylor and all the other poor white neighborhoods that surround Detroit. My cousin said he knows of shootings that happen in his neighborhood (Garden City) but they aren't reported on the news the next morning but every morning the news does report who got shot in Detroit proper.
Do you have stats breaking down Detroit crime and homicide rates by race.
You have not answered my question as to whether whites are more violent.

See when I talk it's easy to understand

I'm saying white Euros have been the most violent and murderous race ever to walk this earth

That's how I talk. Very clear. Very to the point. You should take notes

But then when you guys admit that the black community is more violent and dangerous than our white communities are then you blame it on white people for cutting your people off from economic opportunity. I don't disagree with that but you first have to decide, are your communities more dangerous than ours? I talk to blacks who moved out of Detroit and they will admit that the neighborhood they moved away from is far more dangerous than where they live now. My one buddy has a sweet classic car. Keeps it in his driveway out here but in Detroit he had to keep it in storage because it would have gotten stolen.

And insurance companies charge Detroiters a lot more for car insurance than they do us because the likelihood of your car getting stolen in Detroit are much greater than here in the burbs. This isn't made up stories. These are facts. Can you explain why you guys sometimes argue that you are not more violent/criminal but then other times when you admit you are you say it's because of white oppression. I'll accept the second excuse but not the flat out denial that your communities are more dangerous. That's just ridiculous. You're taking 1 million whites and comparing them to 100,000 blacks and saying because we have more crime we are more dangerous? Do you completely ignore per capita?

I live near a city called Novi, MI. It's a suburb of Detroit. Metro Detroit. No comparison that Novi is a much safer place to be than Detroit, Saginaw or Flint. In fact you can't tell me a white city in Michigan that even comes close to being as dangerous as Detroit, Saginaw and Flint.

No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.
Blacks arrested 25% of the time and they are only 12% of the population. Nuff said.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.

Don’t say “us” as if you were speaking for white Americans. You aren’t.
I have to laugh at this. It's so stupid. This one black person does this and now racism by whites is made up.
It's not just one black guy. This is very common among blacks. White people are not racist and would never commit such crimes, so blacks do it and try to pin it on white people.

I'm black and I know it's not very common. You are a racist. And you are white but you are telling me that whites aren't racist. Funny how that happens.
You claim that it's not very common only because you are trying to cover up the racism blacks have for white people.

White people don't go around spraypainting "DIE CRACKERS" on buildings to try and make blacks look more racist because we don't need to. whites own the media so they have far more sophisticated means of disparaging blacks than painting on walls.
White people don't disparage blacks. White people have fathers who teach them that things like that are wrong.

Black people have fathers who teach them how to disappear.
But then when you guys admit that the black community is more violent and dangerous than our white communities are then you blame it on white people for cutting your people off from economic opportunity. I don't disagree with that but you first have to decide, are your communities more dangerous than ours? I talk to blacks who moved out of Detroit and they will admit that the neighborhood they moved away from is far more dangerous than where they live now. My one buddy has a sweet classic car. Keeps it in his driveway out here but in Detroit he had to keep it in storage because it would have gotten stolen.

And insurance companies charge Detroiters a lot more for car insurance than they do us because the likelihood of your car getting stolen in Detroit are much greater than here in the burbs. This isn't made up stories. These are facts. Can you explain why you guys sometimes argue that you are not more violent/criminal but then other times when you admit you are you say it's because of white oppression. I'll accept the second excuse but not the flat out denial that your communities are more dangerous. That's just ridiculous. You're taking 1 million whites and comparing them to 100,000 blacks and saying because we have more crime we are more dangerous? Do you completely ignore per capita?

I live near a city called Novi, MI. It's a suburb of Detroit. Metro Detroit. No comparison that Novi is a much safer place to be than Detroit, Saginaw or Flint. In fact you can't tell me a white city in Michigan that even comes close to being as dangerous as Detroit, Saginaw and Flint.

No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.
Blacks arrested 25% of the time and they are only 12% of the population. Nuff said.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.
Recalculate your stats correctly. Black males are about 6.6% of the population and white males are about 31% of the population. Criminal elements in those two groups commit most of the crime. Table 55a UCR puts the burden of criminality on Whites in metropolitan counties.

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black and yes black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Blacks were disproportionately likely to commit homicide and to be the victims. In 2008 the offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites and the victimization rate was six times higher.

93 per cent of black victims were killed by blacks and 84 per cent of white victims were killed by whites.

In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites.

What about violent crime more generally? FBI arrest rates are one way into this. Over the last three years of data 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. Clearly, these figures are problematic. We’re talking about arrests not convictions, and high black arrest rates could be taken as evidence that the police are racist. But academics have noted that the proportion of black suspects arrested by the police tends to match closely the proportion of offenders identified as black by victims in the National Crime Victimization Survey. This doesn’t support the idea that the police are unfairly discriminating against the black population when they make arrests.

The verdict

There is evidence in the official police-recorded figures that black Americans are more likely to commit certain types of crime than people of other races. While it would be naïve to suggest that there is no racism in the US criminal justice system, victim reports don’t support the idea that this is because of mass discrimination.

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
But then when you guys admit that the black community is more violent and dangerous than our white communities are then you blame it on white people for cutting your people off from economic opportunity. I don't disagree with that but you first have to decide, are your communities more dangerous than ours? I talk to blacks who moved out of Detroit and they will admit that the neighborhood they moved away from is far more dangerous than where they live now. My one buddy has a sweet classic car. Keeps it in his driveway out here but in Detroit he had to keep it in storage because it would have gotten stolen.

And insurance companies charge Detroiters a lot more for car insurance than they do us because the likelihood of your car getting stolen in Detroit are much greater than here in the burbs. This isn't made up stories. These are facts. Can you explain why you guys sometimes argue that you are not more violent/criminal but then other times when you admit you are you say it's because of white oppression. I'll accept the second excuse but not the flat out denial that your communities are more dangerous. That's just ridiculous. You're taking 1 million whites and comparing them to 100,000 blacks and saying because we have more crime we are more dangerous? Do you completely ignore per capita?

I live near a city called Novi, MI. It's a suburb of Detroit. Metro Detroit. No comparison that Novi is a much safer place to be than Detroit, Saginaw or Flint. In fact you can't tell me a white city in Michigan that even comes close to being as dangerous as Detroit, Saginaw and Flint.

No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.
Blacks arrested 25% of the time and they are only 12% of the population. Nuff said.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.

Don’t say “us” as if you were speaking for white Americans. You aren’t.

You aren't white. Or is that an ancient chinese secret?

And again, you've contributed nothing to this thread.
I have to laugh at this. It's so stupid. This one black person does this and now racism by whites is made up.
It's not just one black guy. This is very common among blacks. White people are not racist and would never commit such crimes, so blacks do it and try to pin it on white people.

I'm black and I know it's not very common. You are a racist. And you are white but you are telling me that whites aren't racist. Funny how that happens.
You claim that it's not very common only because you are trying to cover up the racism blacks have for white people.

White people don't go around spraypainting "DIE CRACKERS" on buildings to try and make blacks look more racist because we don't need to. whites own the media so they have far more sophisticated means of disparaging blacks than painting on walls.
White people don't disparage blacks. White people have fathers who teach them that things like that are wrong.

Black people have fathers who teach them how to disappear.
Obviously white fathers aren't good teachers. Just look at all the lying, murder, opioid addiction and racism that permeates your community.
No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.
Blacks arrested 25% of the time and they are only 12% of the population. Nuff said.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.

Don’t say “us” as if you were speaking for white Americans. You aren’t.

You aren't white. .....


Pretty sure I am.
It's not just one black guy. This is very common among blacks. White people are not racist and would never commit such crimes, so blacks do it and try to pin it on white people.

I'm black and I know it's not very common. You are a racist. And you are white but you are telling me that whites aren't racist. Funny how that happens.
You claim that it's not very common only because you are trying to cover up the racism blacks have for white people.

White people don't go around spraypainting "DIE CRACKERS" on buildings to try and make blacks look more racist because we don't need to. whites own the media so they have far more sophisticated means of disparaging blacks than painting on walls.
White people don't disparage blacks. White people have fathers who teach them that things like that are wrong.

Black people have fathers who teach them how to disappear.
Obviously white fathers aren't good teachers. Just look at all the lying, murder, opioid addiction and racism that permeates your community.
But, my father did teach me about those things. That's why we drive around the black parts of my community. We want no part of that shit.
It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black and yes black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Blacks were disproportionately likely to commit homicide and to be the victims. In 2008 the offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites and the victimization rate was six times higher.

Males commit most murder and crime in this country. Lets take females out of the equation. White males make up 31% (100.781 million) of the general population and Black males make up 6.6% ( 25.1 million )of the general population..what we need to know is what percentage of those groups are actually committing crimes.

What about violent crime more generally? FBI arrest rates are one way into this. Over the last three years of data 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. Clearly, these figures are problematic. We’re talking about arrests not convictions, and high black arrest rates could be taken as evidence that the police are racist. But academics have noted that the proportion of black suspects arrested by the police tends to match closely the proportion of offenders identified as black by victims in the National Crime Victimization Survey. This doesn’t support the idea that the police are unfairly discriminating against the black population when they make arrests.

There is evidence in the official police-recorded figures that black Americans are more likely to commit certain types of crime than people of other races. While it would be naïve to suggest that there is no racism in the US criminal justice system, victim reports don’t support the idea that this is because of mass discrimination.

Murder victims aren't likely to be surveyed...just sayin'... but here is a different perspective on general crime stats:

Since there were roughly 31 million African Americans, age 12 and over — and thus eligible for consideration in crime data — in 2008 (this is noted in the same DOJ tables Williams and I are both referencing here), at most, this would mean that for every 1000 blacks in the population there were 30 criminal offenders, and thus, at most, 3 percent of blacks committed a violent crime in 2008 (meaning, importantly, that at least 97 percent did not). And since there were approximately 205 million whites, 12 and over, in the population that year, this would mean that for every 1000 whites in the population there were 12 criminal offenders, and thus, at most, about 1.2 percent of whites committed a violent crime in 2008.*

"Of course, in truth, and for both groups, the numbers are quite a bit smaller than this. After all, the 30 offenders per 1000 persons (the 3 percent rate of offending for blacks) are not 30 different people. In other words, to say that 3 percent of blacks commit a violent crime each year would assume that each offender committed only one crime, such that the number of offenses equalled the number of offenders, but that isn’t the case. There are, as we all know, many offenders who commit multiple offenses each year. As such, the number of offenders would be quite a bit smaller than the number of offenses. As Todd Clear notes in his contribution to a Vera Institute conference on incarceration, criminologists have estimated that 70 percent of criminal offenses are committed by just 7 percent of the total offenders, meaning that there is a small hardcore group of seriously predatory criminals out there doing most of the crime. This would mean that 93 percent of all offenders commit just 30 percent of the crimes. So this would mean that of the 950,000 violent crimes committed by blacks in 2008, 70 percent of them (or 665,000) would have been committed by just 7 percent of all black offenders, while 285,000, roughly, would have been committed by the other 93 percent of offenders. If we assume that the 93 percent who weren’t the major repeat offenders only committed one crime each (likely a conservative estimate, but one which errs on the side of the right-wing argument by maximizing the potential numbers of black offenders), this would mean that, at most, the 285,000 offenses actually equate to 93 percent of the offenders. If 285,000 represents 93 percent of all black offenders, then the remaining 7 percent of offenders above that number would come to only an additional 20,000 or so offenders — major hardcore criminals who commit about 665,000 crimes each year. This would mean that at most there might be a little more than 300,000 individual black violent offenders each year. As a percentage of the 12 and over black population in 2008, this would represent only about 1 percent of all blacks who will commit a violent crime in a given year, versus 99 percent who will not. Even if we just restricted the analysis to black males — and even if all these crimes were committed by males, which they were not — it would mean that no more than 2 percent of black males would commit a violent crime in a given year. This alone is an important point to keep in mind, as it suggests that having a generalized fear of black folks, or black men, is the height of statistical irrationality."
I'm black and I know it's not very common. You are a racist. And you are white but you are telling me that whites aren't racist. Funny how that happens.
You claim that it's not very common only because you are trying to cover up the racism blacks have for white people.

White people don't go around spraypainting "DIE CRACKERS" on buildings to try and make blacks look more racist because we don't need to. whites own the media so they have far more sophisticated means of disparaging blacks than painting on walls.
White people don't disparage blacks. White people have fathers who teach them that things like that are wrong.

Black people have fathers who teach them how to disappear.
Obviously white fathers aren't good teachers. Just look at all the lying, murder, opioid addiction and racism that permeates your community.
But, my father did teach me about those things. That's why we drive around the black parts of my community. We want no part of that shit.
And while you are driving around Black communities some white thug is breaking into your neighbors or your house.
Blacks arrested 25% of the time and they are only 12% of the population. Nuff said.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.

Don’t say “us” as if you were speaking for white Americans. You aren’t.

You aren't white. .....


Pretty sure I am.
Why don't you write us an Analect about how white you are. LOL
No we don't admit that our communities are more violent and dangerous than white ones. What we do unlike you whites is admit that there is violence. Detroit is not the only city in America sealybobo and when we talk about overall crime, we are tlaking about America. I lived in Kansas City and saw whites in cars with county tags from rich white suburbs bringing in drugs to the black community that got sold there. I have never heard such double talk from blacks ever and I am a 56 year old black man. I have head whites say what you do all the time. So understand this, if someone wants to steal your buddie sweet classic car, they will steal it by leaving Detroit and going to the burbs to take it because you guys live in the lie that you have no crime in your communities so you do not pride the security needed. Your neighborhoods are easy pickings for inner city criminals. I say this because this is what I have been told.

In fact one of my best friends was dating a white mother of 2 who lived in Johnson County KS, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America and he saw that there were WHITE kids there getting in son much trouble with the law that he stared a high school rugby team. So let 's not come here with your double talk. I have been all over this nation either working on issues or attending seminars and conventions pertaining to things black people deal with. Not once do they say their neighborhoods are less safe than white ones. Stop telling that lie. What we do say is we must reduce the crime that happens and the crime that does happen is often because these communities do not get the funding needed when they ask for the resources needed to stop or redice the crime.

Yes I ignore per capita. Because 100,000 backs or 1 million whites are all not responsible for all the crime. You can only assess the crime by the types of crimes and those who actually commit the crime and not whole populations of people. If you have 10,000 burglaries and whites commit 8,000 of them you cannot put all 8,000 on the entire white populations. What you can do is say that there were 10,000 burglaries and 8.000 were committed by whites so whites committed the most burglaries. And that's what's being said here. that per capita bullshit is racist garbage. No different from drapetomania and every other dumb as white attempt to say they are better. Whites commit more crimes. Or more accurately stated, there are more whites committing crimes.

So how safe are you really in he suburbs? If your house is broken in which results in property being stolen does that make you safer than a community that has less break ins but shootings instead? How about the reality that you might have more drunk and impaired drivers using vehicles in the suburbs who can hit a child or run you over or cause an accident instead of a shooting. Does that make your neighborhood safer? How about if you have more domestic and violence against family in the suburbs instead of shootings. Does that make your community more safe? So is our neighborhood actually safer when you can get assaulted at the suburban mall? What whites like you have done is frame the argument in terms of one crime. Therefore the entire argument by whites here is based a false premise and has no merit.

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent. Here is where the white argument of racial proportion dies on its face. Yes, the reason why more whites are arrested in non-metropolitan areas is that they are a majority of the population. Yet the number of arrests in these areas far out pace the overall white population. If we are to go with the racist assumption then the higher the number of whites, then the crime rate should reduce itself. But it doesn’t. It goes up.
Blacks arrested 25% of the time and they are only 12% of the population. Nuff said.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.

Don’t say “us” as if you were speaking for white Americans. You aren’t.

You aren't white. Or is that an ancient chinese secret?

And again, you've contributed nothing to this thread.
Millions of "nordic" stock Americans would not classify a Jew like YOU as white, regardless of your self styled identity as being White. They hate you almost as much as they hate Blacks.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.

Don’t say “us” as if you were speaking for white Americans. You aren’t.

You aren't white. .....


Pretty sure I am.
Why don't you write us an Analect about how white you are. LOL
Im sure you know all too well that skin color , head shape and nostril shape doesn't guarantee whiteness. The Ashkenazi Jews are still not fully recognized as being "White" in America...and there is a sizable element of detractors focused on that aspect of the Jewish experience.
You claim that it's not very common only because you are trying to cover up the racism blacks have for white people.

White people don't go around spraypainting "DIE CRACKERS" on buildings to try and make blacks look more racist because we don't need to. whites own the media so they have far more sophisticated means of disparaging blacks than painting on walls.
White people don't disparage blacks. White people have fathers who teach them that things like that are wrong.

Black people have fathers who teach them how to disappear.
Obviously white fathers aren't good teachers. Just look at all the lying, murder, opioid addiction and racism that permeates your community.
But, my father did teach me about those things. That's why we drive around the black parts of my community. We want no part of that shit.
And while you are driving around Black communities some white thug is breaking into your neighbors or your house.
All of the white thugs are on college campuses creating vandalism in the name of anti-free speech.
Blacks arrested 25% of the time and they are only 12% of the population. Nuff said.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.

Don’t say “us” as if you were speaking for white Americans. You aren’t.

You aren't white. Or is that an ancient chinese secret?

And again, you've contributed nothing to this thread.
Millions of "nordic" stock Americans would not classify a Jew like YOU as white, regardless of your self styled identity as being White. They hate you almost as much as they hate Blacks.

I'm Greek not Jewish. And I agree the KKK would not welcome me to their parties.
What you get from that stat and what numerous studies have shown are at odds. You seem to think blacks are arrested more because they commit more crime...studies show that whites are committing more crime but get away with it more often or they get slapped on the wrist.

That's just an excuse. In fact I saw a report yesterday that debunked the claim that blacks are only getting arrested and put in jail more because they're being targetted.

You guys are not being intellectually honest now. Not with us or yourselves.

I agree blacks are sentenced more harshly so that might account for something but the truth is that 12% of our population (blacks) are committing more than their fair share of crime.

Don’t say “us” as if you were speaking for white Americans. You aren’t.

You aren't white. .....


Pretty sure I am.
Why don't you write us an Analect about how white you are. LOL

What on earth are you talking about? whites own the media so they have far more sophisticated means of disparaging blacks than painting on walls.
White people don't disparage blacks. White people have fathers who teach them that things like that are wrong.

Black people have fathers who teach them how to disappear.
Obviously white fathers aren't good teachers. Just look at all the lying, murder, opioid addiction and racism that permeates your community.
But, my father did teach me about those things. That's why we drive around the black parts of my community. We want no part of that shit.
And while you are driving around Black communities some white thug is breaking into your neighbors or your house.
All of the white thugs are on college campuses creating vandalism in the name of anti-free speech. need to revisit table 55a of the FBI UCR. The White violent crime presence is real and those numbers pull the covers off of it.
Stop dodging!
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