Many hunters use AR15s...

If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

This is what I mean by people who neither know about guns or hunting.

In my state, all non-invasive hunting rifles are limited to 5 rounds while in the field. The AR15 is nothing but a rifle chambered in a varmint caliber round.

Please feel free to continue displaying your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.
Well here is the deal professor. The AR 15s used in mass killings of young students weren't chambered for hunting varmints. They were chambered to kill humans with the maximum amount of damage. So you can KMA!

Actually no.
One of the reasons the military liked the 5.56 is that it wounded people rather than killing them out right.
This meant the enemy had to help the wounded taking more soldiers off the battlefield.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos

Yes, and many people used cocaine for tooth aches when it was legal to do that.
It's not illegal to hunt with an AR.

I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.
It doesn't matter what you think. Thank God for that as well since you dont seem all that good at it.
Three armed men vs one...I wouldn't want anything but an AR15. Wouldn't you?

And before you say "that's unlikely"'s significantly more likely than the mass shooting you would use to justify banning it.

I live in Tucson, which is where the "home invasion" took place. It was a drug deal gone bad. If you are doing drug deals, then, I think that you can say that you need an AR-15 to ward off a home invasion. If you are not dealing drugs, I would say that the odds of you having a home invasion by three people are less than your odds of being hit by lightning, twice. you have a link to that I've only seen the video...never read the story.

2 killed in shooting were committing home invasion, Tucson police say
Thanks, but are you sure that's the same one? It says midnight, but the video looks like it is daytime.

No, I am not sure. Nevertheless, I have never feared a home invasion by three gangsters, myself, and after 73 years, it hasn't happened to me. Then again, I am not a gangster. I sincerely doubt if 3 thugs are going to break into your home to kill you. But, even if they do, safety experts all agree that the defensive weapon of choice is a shotgun, which will not penetrate the wall and kill your loved ones.

You dont have a clue.

I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.

And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660
Stating a fact to you liars that an AR-15 is not used by the military is not whining. IT's calling you out on yet another of your moment by moment lies. Along with the fact that most any article from the rolling stone is questionable at best, and then the pesky little fact that if those rifles are illegal, how can I if I wanted to, go right this minute and buy one legally? lol, liar.

That's OK Mikey. I know you don't believe anything unless you see it on fox.
US appeals court upholds Maryland assault weapons ban

View attachment 179665

The ruling didn't outlaw the AR15. It just said it wasn't constitutionally protected. Any more questions? You know I'll do anything I can to help you understand.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

Yes Mikey. We all know you can cut and paste. You do it all the time.
Cut from my computer where it rests after I wrote it. Fuck you lying troll bastard.

Calm down buddy. You're gonna have an aneurysm. Take to purple dildos and get some rest.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos

Yes, and many people used cocaine for tooth aches when it was legal to do that.
It's not illegal to hunt with an AR.

I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.
It doesn't matter what you think. Thank God for that as well since you dont seem all that good at it.

And thank you for sharing.
The AR 15 was not designed to be a hunting rifle. It was designed to fire a projectile that tumbles. That tumbling effect turns flesh into hamburger and destroys organs. Now do you understand what this old Army guy is trying to tell ya?
That is bullshit. You are poorly informed. It was designed to engage the enemy at 100 to 500 yards and to be more likely to only, rather than kill.

Either way, all firearms are designed to kill. ALL of them.

You are dodging reality. Most firearms don't kill as many people in as short a time as the AR 15 is capable of. More people would have had a chance to escape if a less effective killing machine was used.

The only reason for the high kill rates in schools is the victims cant fire back which gives the shooter all the time in the world to put multiple rounds into them.
You'd more than likely survive a single shot from an AR as long as it didnt hit something vital.
The AR 15 was not designed to be a hunting rifle. It was designed to fire a projectile that tumbles. That tumbling effect turns flesh into hamburger and destroys organs. Now do you understand what this old Army guy is trying to tell ya?
That is bullshit. You are poorly informed. It was designed to engage the enemy at 100 to 500 yards and to be more likely to only, rather than kill.

Either way, all firearms are designed to kill. ALL of them.

You are dodging reality. Most firearms don't kill as many people in as short a time as the AR 15 is capable of. More people would have had a chance to escape if a less effective killing machine was used.

The only reason for the high kill rates in schools is the victims cant fire back which gives the shooter all the time in the world to put multiple rounds into them.
You'd more than likely survive a single shot from an AR as long as it didnt hit something vital.
The last one was helped along by Sheriff Deputies sitting on their asses outside.
Why do you believe the second amendment wouldn't cover an AR-15?

Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

That doesn't matter. The principal is still the same. If a person has served in the military they have not only a better knowledge of how that weapon works, but they also have a far better understanding of the damage it can do, and can respect it.
It doesn’t take that type of training to understand and use firearms of any sort. Simple hunting classes for juveniles would do the same. Millions upon millions of people have had the classes and they work just fine.
I was in the National Guard for eight years, I did my basic training at Fort Jackson South Carolina. I already knew what was being taught when it came to firearm marksmanship

No it isn't the same. People don't respect what a gun can do, especially a weapon like the AR-15, until they've seen it in action.

Dont be a retard.
Of course we know what guns can do.
Most of us hunt and we pay close attention to the damage caused by various rounds and calibers so we can be assured it's suitable for what we hunt.
I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.

And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.
I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.

And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.
Stick your usual lies that way you don't sound so ignorant.
Yes. That was a federal appeals court.
First off, the least reliable tribunal on earth is a U.S. Federal Appeals Court. Those courts are stuffed with partisan, political hacks. Just look at the egregious rulings on the Preliminary Injunction on Trump's travel ban. Even if you hate the travel ban, that injunction was baseless and violated procedural rules to a degree that no serious legal scholar could support that injunction on its merits. To further the point, the Supreme Court has had to re-affirm Heller twice now, because lower courts were either deliberately ignoring or willfully misinterpreting the holding.

In this Maryland case, the decent questioned what constitutional inquiry the majority had conducted in reaching this decision, which was NONE. They acted just like the Court in the prelim injunction above. The holding had no basis or inquiry. It was simply outcome-based and politically motivated. Hell, the majority didn't even interpret Heller correctly. Nothing in the Heller decision could lead a reasonable jurist to conclude that a weapon used by at least 8 million civilians is not in common use. It was such a tortured interpretation that it seemed like the 4th Cir. was deliberately wrong in an effort to force the Supremes to get specific about the "unusual weapons" mentioned in Heller. I don't know.

Either way, the 2nd Amendment is a limitation on the Federal Government, not on States. We have been arguing that shit until we have become blue in the face, but you NEVER hear or understand that argument. This all supports our position that firearm laws should be left to the states, not the federal government, as the 2nd Amendment specifically prohibits.
I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.

And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

If it ever came to the point of a shooting war it will be over the Constitution.
I'll let you figure out who's side the Military would be on.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes.
Over for whom?

You have no clue about military strategy and logistics, do you? You just repeat that presumption without actually looking at what military strategists have said about armed conflict with the U.S. civilian population.

All the military equipment in the world will not replace boots on the ground and boots on the ground is the ONLY way to end the conflict.

If Texas citizens were unified in rebellion against the U.S., not one shot would be fired. Why? Texas has 10x the number of armed citizens as the ENTIRE U.S. Military. That's assuming the entire military sides with the U.S.

But, even if the U.S. did attempt to put down a rebellion, the insurgency would be impossible to put down. It would go on for decades. All the while, the rest of the world is making moves to oust the U.S.'s global power structure.

There has never been such a rebellion because government has generally behaved itself within the scope of what the public will tolerate. Ultimate rebellion is always the final catalyst.
I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.

And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....
I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.
One shot is all you need to bring down a deer. A five round mag would suffice for any hunting needs and a bolt action rifle would also be preferred. But we know what you RW gun nuts really want. You want parity with the military in the event your illusion of a tyrannical government becomes reality or in the event there is an invasion of armed hostiles across the borders. Fear of Blacks, Hispanics , Muslims and Asians have driven you into the arms of Putin and the NRA.

Hey there, can you tell us which military uses this hereand what they had in mind for it? And so you know, most states require that the magazine be fixed, as in NOT removable, 5 rounds max capacity and even the ammo has to be of an expanding soft or hollow point designs. That’s for game animals. Non game animals , like hogs you can typically use a flame thrower if you like.

The weapon of choice for the lone mass murderer is the AR 15 style weapon.
That is all that concerns me at this point and I want something done to keep this weapon out of civilian hands. We never know when one of you gun nuts will snap.
People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school
Thanks for agreeing with me. Weapons capable of mass destruction should be banned. for civilian use because we can never tell when one of you gun nuts will go bonkers and start shooting indiscriminately into crowds. And yes. any weapon can be used to kill people but the power of the AR15 sets it apart from a hand gun or a shotgun.
The AR 15 was not designed to be a hunting rifle. It was designed to fire a projectile that tumbles. That tumbling effect turns flesh into hamburger and destroys organs. Now do you understand what this old Army guy is trying to tell ya?
That is bullshit. You are poorly informed. It was designed to engage the enemy at 100 to 500 yards and to be more likely to only, rather than kill.

Either way, all firearms are designed to kill. ALL of them.

You are dodging reality. Most firearms don't kill as many people in as short a time as the AR 15 is capable of. More people would have had a chance to escape if a less effective killing machine was used.
Na, Before going to use whatever means are necessary. Firearms have no control over people. Dumbass
Precisely, dumbass...that's why some firearms shouldn't be legal for public use.
If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.
One shot is all you need to bring down a deer. A five round mag would suffice for any hunting needs and a bolt action rifle would also be preferred. But we know what you RW gun nuts really want. You want parity with the military in the event your illusion of a tyrannical government becomes reality or in the event there is an invasion of armed hostiles across the borders. Fear of Blacks, Hispanics , Muslims and Asians have driven you into the arms of Putin and the NRA.

Hey there, can you tell us which military uses this hereand what they had in mind for it? And so you know, most states require that the magazine be fixed, as in NOT removable, 5 rounds max capacity and even the ammo has to be of an expanding soft or hollow point designs. That’s for game animals. Non game animals , like hogs you can typically use a flame thrower if you like.

The weapon of choice for the lone mass murderer is the AR 15 style weapon.
That is all that concerns me at this point and I want something done to keep this weapon out of civilian hands. We never know when one of you gun nuts will snap.
People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school
Thanks for agreeing with me. Weapons capable of mass destruction should be banned. for civilian use because we can never tell when one of you gun nuts will go bonkers and start shooting indiscriminately into crowds. And yes. any weapon can be used to kill people but the power of the AR15 sets it apart from a hand gun or a shotgun.
The AR 15 was not designed to be a hunting rifle. It was designed to fire a projectile that tumbles. That tumbling effect turns flesh into hamburger and destroys organs. Now do you understand what this old Army guy is trying to tell ya?
That is bullshit. You are poorly informed. It was designed to engage the enemy at 100 to 500 yards and to be more likely to only, rather than kill.

Either way, all firearms are designed to kill. ALL of them.

You are dodging reality. Most firearms don't kill as many people in as short a time as the AR 15 is capable of. More people would have had a chance to escape if a less effective killing machine was used.
Na, Before going to use whatever means are necessary. Firearms have no control over people. Dumbass
Precisely, dumbass...that's why some firearms shouldn't be legal for public use.

Yes.....the Germans thought so....then they marched 12 million unarmed Europeans into gas chambers. The Russian's thought so.....and they murdere 25 million unarmed Russians.....the Chinese thought so, and still do, and then they murdered 70 million unarmed people....the Mexicans think so, so the Mexican police and military, working for the drug cartels use their government guns to murder 30 thousand people a year...right across our border.....

Yes...some weapons shouldn't be legal for law abiding citizens...since it is so much harder to fill those mass graves when they can fight back...

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