Many hunters use AR15s...

No because they are both items. The first Amendment allows for free speech, however there are some types of speech not included. It's not just about yelling fire in a crowded theater. You also can't threaten people like the President. So the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, but it doesn't cover all types of arms, and as I said earlier in the thread, that was even backed by Justice Scalia who was one of the greatest proponents of fire arm ownership to ever serve on the Supreme Court.
Why do you believe the second amendment wouldn't cover an AR-15?

Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660
The Supreme Court would never go for that pansy ass bullshit

I don't think they will hear the case either.
I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.
One shot is all you need to bring down a deer. A five round mag would suffice for any hunting needs and a bolt action rifle would also be preferred. But we know what you RW gun nuts really want. You want parity with the military in the event your illusion of a tyrannical government becomes reality or in the event there is an invasion of armed hostiles across the borders. Fear of Blacks, Hispanics , Muslims and Asians have driven you into the arms of Putin and the NRA.
You know nothing of firearms... now run along

Evidently, you don't know enough about firearms to prove your point. "Because I say so", or "because the NRA and other gun nuts say so" isn't really proof.
Pot Kettle
Only the paranoid jump to the conclusion that registration leads to confiscation. Paranoia is a recognized symptom of mental disease so maybe YOU shouldn`t be allowed to play with guns.
Anyone’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business none of my fucking business and certainly none of the fucking federal governments business

Great. Now, all you have to do is convince the courts.
The courts have determined firearm ownership is none of the fucking federal governments business. That is why there is no firearm registration....

Can you EVER tell the truth? After the assault weapons ban was put into place there were SEVERAL attempts to lift it by saying it was unConstitutional, and they ALL failed.
An ar15 is not a so called “assault weapon” its just a sporting rifle

You convinced me. Now you need to convince the courts.
Why do you believe the second amendment wouldn't cover an AR-15?

Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660
The Supreme Court would never go for that pansy ass bullshit

I don't think they will hear the case either.
The banning of so-called AR 15 assault rifle’s will never fly nationally... I know
And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.
One shot is all you need to bring down a deer. A five round mag would suffice for any hunting needs and a bolt action rifle would also be preferred. But we know what you RW gun nuts really want. You want parity with the military in the event your illusion of a tyrannical government becomes reality or in the event there is an invasion of armed hostiles across the borders. Fear of Blacks, Hispanics , Muslims and Asians have driven you into the arms of Putin and the NRA.

Hey there, can you tell us which military uses this hereand what they had in mind for it? And so you know, most states require that the magazine be fixed, as in NOT removable, 5 rounds max capacity and even the ammo has to be of an expanding soft or hollow point designs. That’s for game animals. Non game animals , like hogs you can typically use a flame thrower if you like.

The weapon of choice for the lone mass murderer is the AR 15 style weapon.
That is all that concerns me at this point and I want something done to keep this weapon out of civilian hands. We never know when one of you gun nuts will snap.
People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school

People use firearms to kill people dumb ass.
SOME people use firearms to kill people

MOST people never use firearms to kill people

SOME people use baseball bats to kill people

MOST people do not use baseball bats to kill people

SOME people use their bare hands to kill people

MOST people do not use their bare hands to kill people

Shall I go on or do you get the drift?
Anyone’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business none of my fucking business and certainly none of the fucking federal governments business

Great. Now, all you have to do is convince the courts.
The courts have determined firearm ownership is none of the fucking federal governments business. That is why there is no firearm registration....

Can you EVER tell the truth? After the assault weapons ban was put into place there were SEVERAL attempts to lift it by saying it was unConstitutional, and they ALL failed.
An ar15 is not a so called “assault weapon” its just a sporting rifle

You convinced me. Now you need to convince the courts.
I sell firearms they are no different than any other semi auto… LOL
Wouldn't it be more apt to say "but it doesn't cover aberrant usage of arms...shooting in town (pick your irresponsible usage)". It's a verb / action .... yelling fire... shooting inside building... etc. not a 'passive' thing such as ownership / possession (loose interpretation of "bearing arms".... IMHO

No because they are both items. The first Amendment allows for free speech, however there are some types of speech not included. It's not just about yelling fire in a crowded theater. You also can't threaten people like the President. So the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, but it doesn't cover all types of arms, and as I said earlier in the thread, that was even backed by Justice Scalia who was one of the greatest proponents of fire arm ownership to ever serve on the Supreme Court.
Why do you believe the second amendment wouldn't cover an AR-15?

Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660

No but a million other .223 rifles that fire the exact same round at the exact same rate and with the exact same accuracy are
No because they are both items. The first Amendment allows for free speech, however there are some types of speech not included. It's not just about yelling fire in a crowded theater. You also can't threaten people like the President. So the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, but it doesn't cover all types of arms, and as I said earlier in the thread, that was even backed by Justice Scalia who was one of the greatest proponents of fire arm ownership to ever serve on the Supreme Court.
Why do you believe the second amendment wouldn't cover an AR-15?

Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660

No but a million other .223 rifles that fire the exact same round at the exact same rate and with the exact same accuracy are
Progressive watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types, to understand the facts about firearms
Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660
Stating a fact to you liars that an AR-15 is not used by the military is not whining. IT's calling you out on yet another of your moment by moment lies. Along with the fact that most any article from the rolling stone is questionable at best, and then the pesky little fact that if those rifles are illegal, how can I if I wanted to, go right this minute and buy one legally? lol, liar.

That's OK Mikey. I know you don't believe anything unless you see it on fox.
US appeals court upholds Maryland assault weapons ban

View attachment 179665

The ruling didn't outlaw the AR15. It just said it wasn't constitutionally protected. Any more questions? You know I'll do anything I can to help you understand.
First, do you know the difference between federal law and state law?

Yes. That was a federal appeals court.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Anyone who really knows gun knows that wood stocks are SHIT compared to composite stocks.
They don't warp or crack like wood stocks. They are weather impervious. They are lighter by far.
Hunters don't fire off hundreds of rounds using an AR 15. They generally site in the scope once or twice a year and MAYBE fire off a dozen rounds per year.
Travel throughout the north and you'll see every hunter using the AR 15. Those who aren't are trying to trade off their old wood stock guns so they can buy an AR 15.
All the 'pussy-boy LIB bullshit 'fear' of guns is to be expected.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660
Stating a fact to you liars that an AR-15 is not used by the military is not whining. IT's calling you out on yet another of your moment by moment lies. Along with the fact that most any article from the rolling stone is questionable at best, and then the pesky little fact that if those rifles are illegal, how can I if I wanted to, go right this minute and buy one legally? lol, liar.

That's OK Mikey. I know you don't believe anything unless you see it on fox.
US appeals court upholds Maryland assault weapons ban

View attachment 179665

The ruling didn't outlaw the AR15. It just said it wasn't constitutionally protected. Any more questions? You know I'll do anything I can to help you understand.
First, do you know the difference between federal law and state law?

Yes. That was a federal appeals court.
...and still any law abiding citizen walk in a store and legally buy an ar15 sporting rifle just like any other firearm. Lol
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Anyone who really knows gun knows that wood stocks are SHIT compared to composite stocks.
They don't warp or crack like wood stocks. They are weather impervious. They are lighter by far.
Hunters don't fire off hundreds of rounds using an AR 15. They generally site in the scope once or twice a year and MAYBE fire off a dozen rounds per year.
Travel throughout the north and you'll see every hunter using the AR 15. Those who aren't are trying to trade off their old wood stock guns so they can buy an AR 15.
All the 'pussy-boy LIB bullshit 'fear' of guns is to be expected.

I still have a couple rifles with wood stocks
And I have "All weather" versions of the Ruger Mini 14 and Mini 30

But I'm in no hurry to get rid of my wood stocks
You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660
Stating a fact to you liars that an AR-15 is not used by the military is not whining. IT's calling you out on yet another of your moment by moment lies. Along with the fact that most any article from the rolling stone is questionable at best, and then the pesky little fact that if those rifles are illegal, how can I if I wanted to, go right this minute and buy one legally? lol, liar.

That's OK Mikey. I know you don't believe anything unless you see it on fox.
US appeals court upholds Maryland assault weapons ban

View attachment 179665

The ruling didn't outlaw the AR15. It just said it wasn't constitutionally protected. Any more questions? You know I'll do anything I can to help you understand.
First, do you know the difference between federal law and state law?

Yes. That was a federal appeals court.
...and still any law abiding citizen walk in a store and legally buy an ar15 sporting rifle just like any other firearm. Lol

Never said they couldn't.
Stating a fact to you liars that an AR-15 is not used by the military is not whining. IT's calling you out on yet another of your moment by moment lies. Along with the fact that most any article from the rolling stone is questionable at best, and then the pesky little fact that if those rifles are illegal, how can I if I wanted to, go right this minute and buy one legally? lol, liar.

That's OK Mikey. I know you don't believe anything unless you see it on fox.
US appeals court upholds Maryland assault weapons ban

View attachment 179665

The ruling didn't outlaw the AR15. It just said it wasn't constitutionally protected. Any more questions? You know I'll do anything I can to help you understand.
First, do you know the difference between federal law and state law?

Yes. That was a federal appeals court.
...and still any law abiding citizen walk in a store and legally buy an ar15 sporting rifle just like any other firearm. Lol

Never said they couldn't.
Just remember Firearm ownership is your friend
First, do you know the difference between federal law and state law?

Yes. That was a federal appeals court.
...and still any law abiding citizen walk in a store and legally buy an ar15 sporting rifle just like any other firearm. Lol

Never said they couldn't.
Just remember Firearm ownership is your friend

OK. You just remember to take your meds. You get a little nuts sometimes, you know.
Here’s some therapy for you it might help with your insanity...
Why do you believe the second amendment wouldn't cover an AR-15?

Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660
Stating a fact to you liars that an AR-15 is not used by the military is not whining. IT's calling you out on yet another of your moment by moment lies. Along with the fact that most any article from the rolling stone is questionable at best, and then the pesky little fact that if those rifles are illegal, how can I if I wanted to, go right this minute and buy one legally? lol, liar.

That's OK Mikey. I know you don't believe anything unless you see it on fox.
US appeals court upholds Maryland assault weapons ban

View attachment 179665

The ruling didn't outlaw the AR15. It just said it wasn't constitutionally protected. Any more questions? You know I'll do anything I can to help you understand.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.
Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660
Stating a fact to you liars that an AR-15 is not used by the military is not whining. IT's calling you out on yet another of your moment by moment lies. Along with the fact that most any article from the rolling stone is questionable at best, and then the pesky little fact that if those rifles are illegal, how can I if I wanted to, go right this minute and buy one legally? lol, liar.

That's OK Mikey. I know you don't believe anything unless you see it on fox.
US appeals court upholds Maryland assault weapons ban

View attachment 179665

The ruling didn't outlaw the AR15. It just said it wasn't constitutionally protected. Any more questions? You know I'll do anything I can to help you understand.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

Yes Mikey. We all know you can cut and paste. You do it all the time.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660
Stating a fact to you liars that an AR-15 is not used by the military is not whining. IT's calling you out on yet another of your moment by moment lies. Along with the fact that most any article from the rolling stone is questionable at best, and then the pesky little fact that if those rifles are illegal, how can I if I wanted to, go right this minute and buy one legally? lol, liar.

That's OK Mikey. I know you don't believe anything unless you see it on fox.
US appeals court upholds Maryland assault weapons ban

View attachment 179665

The ruling didn't outlaw the AR15. It just said it wasn't constitutionally protected. Any more questions? You know I'll do anything I can to help you understand.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

Yes Mikey. We all know you can cut and paste. You do it all the time.
Cut from my computer where it rests after I wrote it. Fuck you lying troll bastard.
If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

This is what I mean by people who neither know about guns or hunting.

In my state, all non-invasive hunting rifles are limited to 5 rounds while in the field. The AR15 is nothing but a rifle chambered in a varmint caliber round.

Please feel free to continue displaying your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.
Well here is the deal professor. The AR 15s used in mass killings of young students weren't chambered for hunting varmints. They were chambered to kill humans with the maximum amount of damage. So you can KMA!

If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

This is what I mean by people who neither know about guns or hunting.

In my state, all non-invasive hunting rifles are limited to 5 rounds while in the field. The AR15 is nothing but a rifle chambered in a varmint caliber round.

Please feel free to continue displaying your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.
Well here is the deal professor. The AR 15s used in mass killings of young students weren't chambered for hunting varmints. They were chambered to kill humans with the maximum amount of damage. So you can KMA!

That post you replied to should be more than enough to show anyone watching what utter lying useless pos these scumbags are here and everywhere else.

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