Many hunters use AR15s...

You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.

I don’t think there will have to be/ I don’t believe the military would move on civilians. Not even for Drumphf.

Only an idiot would think that is a real possibility. I do see the possibility that a few idiots might pull more shit like at that bird sanctuary a few months back, and force having to be used to pacify them, but an all out civil war, like those crazy gun nuts keep talking about is just insane.

The problem is, you have numerous examples of people who caused much harm and refused to be defeated. It happened in Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan to name a few. And those people had far fewer firearms and far fewer resources.

I find it amusing that when the subject of a civil war comes up, someone always posts pics of fighter jets and tanks. No, a group armed with ARs will not take out fighter aircraft and tanks. But will you bomb urban areas because SOME of the people there are insurgents? Will you bomb churches, YMCAs and community parks? That will go over really well. And the insurgents will have the ability to publicize the armed forces killing innocents. And a few more will be anti-gov't. They will show videos of people being tortured. And a few more will be anti-gov't.

Whether the rebels can defeat the US military is not the question. Whether the US military can put down a civil war without creating more enemies is the question.

Do you really believe a civil war is a real possibility? I'm not talking about Darrel, and his other brother Darrel, and a few other hillbillies from down in the hollar. I'm talking about enough people who think armed conflict is the only possibility. Sorry, I just can't fit that into what I know of reality.

I don't think it is likely. But I can see situations where the gov't can massively fuckup and start one. The handling of the stuff at Ruby Ridge and with the Branch Davidians show the possibilities.

Yep. That turned out pretty bad, I'm still not convinced the fire wasn't started inside the building. Even that wouldn't have brought more that a few hundred that were willing to go to war. I suspect most of the prancing from the militias was just prancing.I won't tell you not to worry about a civil war. If you are inclined to think that is a real danger, nothing I say will convince you differently.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Maybe for the morons that can't shoot straight.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Maybe for the morons that can't shoot straight.

An AR can be a very accurate hunting rifle. The caliber limits it somewhat. But if you are hunting smaller animals, like I was when I used one to hunt coyote, it is an excellent choice.

But, in another thread, there is cheering about a Canadian outdoor company, MEC, that stopped carrying products from Vista Outdoors because Vista also owns Savage Arms. And Savage Arms makes 4 models of semi-auto rifle that fit the "evil assault rifle" category. 4 models out of 98, or 2%.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
AR's are not designed for hunting. They are anti personnel.

The cartridge is designed for varminting but with a scoped bolt action rifle.

I hope youre not hunting with your AR Missourian .
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Maybe for the morons that can't shoot straight.

An AR can be a very accurate hunting rifle. The caliber limits it somewhat. But if you are hunting smaller animals, like I was when I used one to hunt coyote, it is an excellent choice.

But, in another thread, there is cheering about a Canadian outdoor company, MEC, that stopped carrying products from Vista Outdoors because Vista also owns Savage Arms. And Savage Arms makes 4 models of semi-auto rifle that fit the "evil assault rifle" category. 4 models out of 98, or 2%.
The parallax from the high front sight will keep AR's from ever being worth hunting with. You could miss the whole squirrel if you cant the stock wrong.
And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.
One shot is all you need to bring down a deer. A five round mag would suffice for any hunting needs and a bolt action rifle would also be preferred. But we know what you RW gun nuts really want. You want parity with the military in the event your illusion of a tyrannical government becomes reality or in the event there is an invasion of armed hostiles across the borders. Fear of Blacks, Hispanics , Muslims and Asians have driven you into the arms of Putin and the NRA.

Hey there, can you tell us which military uses this hereand what they had in mind for it? And so you know, most states require that the magazine be fixed, as in NOT removable, 5 rounds max capacity and even the ammo has to be of an expanding soft or hollow point designs. That’s for game animals. Non game animals , like hogs you can typically use a flame thrower if you like.

The weapon of choice for the lone mass murderer is the AR 15 style weapon.
That is all that concerns me at this point and I want something done to keep this weapon out of civilian hands. We never know when one of you gun nuts will snap.
People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school
Thanks for agreeing with me. Weapons capable of mass destruction should be banned. for civilian use because we can never tell when one of you gun nuts will go bonkers and start shooting indiscriminately into crowds. And yes. any weapon can be used to kill people but the power of the AR15 sets it apart from a hand gun or a shotgun.
The AR 15 was not designed to be a hunting rifle. It was designed to fire a projectile that tumbles. That tumbling effect turns flesh into hamburger and destroys organs. Now do you understand what this old Army guy is trying to tell ya?
That is bullshit. You are poorly informed. It was designed to engage the enemy at 100 to 500 yards and to be more likely to only, rather than kill.

Either way, all firearms are designed to kill. ALL of them.

You are dodging reality. Most firearms don't kill as many people in as short a time as the AR 15 is capable of. More people would have had a chance to escape if a less effective killing machine was used.
Na, Before going to use whatever means are necessary. Firearms have no control over people. Dumbass
Precisely, dumbass...that's why some firearms shouldn't be legal for public use.
Buy more guns and ammo...
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....
Oh well. I guess we civilians had better stock up on tanks, grenade launchers and mortars. too. And if we can find a way to get suitcade nukes we should do that too...right????

Yes...History is hard....I get it.....history for left wingers like you starts the moment you wake up in the morning, just like it did for Drew Barrymore in that movie 50 First Dates...

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.......

And yes...governments murdered more people than all of our criminals have......and yet you still want only the government to have guns.....ask the Mexican people, right across the border how that is working out for them...
And you are going to hold off the the US government who has advanced weaponry with ar's and other assorted weapons? quite loonish

View attachment 179712
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, They would never go against their own citizens in trying to dissarm law abiding citizens.
What an AR-15 Can Do to the Human Body
What can a shotgun do to the human body? They sell those in semi-auto, by the way.

Your ignorance is painful to watch.
How many rounds do those semi auto shotguns hold, dummy? Ands why haven't the majority of mass killers used shotguns if they are just as deadly as the AR 15, arsehole?
It’s obvious you know nothing of firearms. Lol
I wasn't giving a lesson on firearms...i was noting the preference mass shooters have for
the AR type rifles.. And i did spend more than 20 years in the Army, with about 8 years in a combat unit. The knowledge of experts who wrote the Field Manuals was imparted religiously to me. That. M16 a2 FM was the bible .
Now there was nothing in those hallowed pages that showed loading and priming cartridges. The book simply showed how to breakdown and maintain the weapon.also included were the specifications such as rate of fire on full auto and effective range.
That was all i needed to know.
Well, you should know then an ar15 is just a pretender... you know a m16/m-4 wanna be...
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Maybe for the morons that can't shoot straight.

An AR can be a very accurate hunting rifle. The caliber limits it somewhat. But if you are hunting smaller animals, like I was when I used one to hunt coyote, it is an excellent choice.

But, in another thread, there is cheering about a Canadian outdoor company, MEC, that stopped carrying products from Vista Outdoors because Vista also owns Savage Arms. And Savage Arms makes 4 models of semi-auto rifle that fit the "evil assault rifle" category. 4 models out of 98, or 2%.
The parallax from the high front sight will keep AR's from ever being worth hunting with. You could miss the whole squirrel if you cant the stock wrong.
Most ARs don’t have carry handles dumbass... lol
Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....

You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.

I don’t think there will have to be/ I don’t believe the military would move on civilians. Not even for Drumphf.

Only an idiot would think that is a real possibility. I do see the possibility that a few idiots might pull more shit like at that bird sanctuary a few months back, and force having to be used to pacify them, but an all out civil war, like those crazy gun nuts keep talking about is just insane.

The problem is, you have numerous examples of people who caused much harm and refused to be defeated. It happened in Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan to name a few. And those people had far fewer firearms and far fewer resources.

I find it amusing that when the subject of a civil war comes up, someone always posts pics of fighter jets and tanks. No, a group armed with ARs will not take out fighter aircraft and tanks. But will you bomb urban areas because SOME of the people there are insurgents? Will you bomb churches, YMCAs and community parks? That will go over really well. And the insurgents will have the ability to publicize the armed forces killing innocents. And a few more will be anti-gov't. They will show videos of people being tortured. And a few more will be anti-gov't.

Whether the rebels can defeat the US military is not the question. Whether the US military can put down a civil war without creating more enemies is the question.

Do you really believe a civil war is a real possibility? I'm not talking about Darrel, and his other brother Darrel, and a few other hillbillies from down in the hollar. I'm talking about enough people who think armed conflict is the only possibility. Sorry, I just can't fit that into what I know of reality.
If the federal government through executive action tries to get rid of the Second Amendment millions on both sides will die… Fact
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Maybe for the morons that can't shoot straight.
True, many can’t
Most over the counter ARs will shoot around 1 MOA, Wheather the operator can that’s a whole different story. Lol
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
AR's are not designed for hunting. They are anti personnel.

The cartridge is designed for varminting but with a scoped bolt action rifle.

I hope youre not hunting with your AR Missourian .
You’re stupid, You’re making shit up. LOL
You watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Maybe for the morons that can't shoot straight.

An AR can be a very accurate hunting rifle. The caliber limits it somewhat. But if you are hunting smaller animals, like I was when I used one to hunt coyote, it is an excellent choice.

But, in another thread, there is cheering about a Canadian outdoor company, MEC, that stopped carrying products from Vista Outdoors because Vista also owns Savage Arms. And Savage Arms makes 4 models of semi-auto rifle that fit the "evil assault rifle" category. 4 models out of 98, or 2%.
The parallax from the high front sight will keep AR's from ever being worth hunting with. You could miss the whole squirrel if you cant the stock wrong.

If you keep the high front sight and the handle on the receiver, you might be right. I used a flat-top AR for a number of years. I killed 16 coyote in that time. Including two evenings I got a pair in one calling (separate events).
You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.

I don’t think there will have to be/ I don’t believe the military would move on civilians. Not even for Drumphf.

Only an idiot would think that is a real possibility. I do see the possibility that a few idiots might pull more shit like at that bird sanctuary a few months back, and force having to be used to pacify them, but an all out civil war, like those crazy gun nuts keep talking about is just insane.

The problem is, you have numerous examples of people who caused much harm and refused to be defeated. It happened in Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan to name a few. And those people had far fewer firearms and far fewer resources.

I find it amusing that when the subject of a civil war comes up, someone always posts pics of fighter jets and tanks. No, a group armed with ARs will not take out fighter aircraft and tanks. But will you bomb urban areas because SOME of the people there are insurgents? Will you bomb churches, YMCAs and community parks? That will go over really well. And the insurgents will have the ability to publicize the armed forces killing innocents. And a few more will be anti-gov't. They will show videos of people being tortured. And a few more will be anti-gov't.

Whether the rebels can defeat the US military is not the question. Whether the US military can put down a civil war without creating more enemies is the question.

Do you really believe a civil war is a real possibility? I'm not talking about Darrel, and his other brother Darrel, and a few other hillbillies from down in the hollar. I'm talking about enough people who think armed conflict is the only possibility. Sorry, I just can't fit that into what I know of reality.
If the federal government through executive action tries to get rid of the Second Amendment millions on both sides will die… Fact

And it will be the end of the world as we know it. That’s what Trump brought. It will be Donald J Trump Mr. pro 2nd (not) who will give the order if anyone does. I’ll pray extra to the God of Cholesterol to send the reaper by 2019.
One shot is all you need to bring down a deer. A five round mag would suffice for any hunting needs and a bolt action rifle would also be preferred. But we know what you RW gun nuts really want. You want parity with the military in the event your illusion of a tyrannical government becomes reality or in the event there is an invasion of armed hostiles across the borders. Fear of Blacks, Hispanics , Muslims and Asians have driven you into the arms of Putin and the NRA.

Hey there, can you tell us which military uses this hereand what they had in mind for it? And so you know, most states require that the magazine be fixed, as in NOT removable, 5 rounds max capacity and even the ammo has to be of an expanding soft or hollow point designs. That’s for game animals. Non game animals , like hogs you can typically use a flame thrower if you like.

The weapon of choice for the lone mass murderer is the AR 15 style weapon.
That is all that concerns me at this point and I want something done to keep this weapon out of civilian hands. We never know when one of you gun nuts will snap.
People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school
Thanks for agreeing with me. Weapons capable of mass destruction should be banned. for civilian use because we can never tell when one of you gun nuts will go bonkers and start shooting indiscriminately into crowds. And yes. any weapon can be used to kill people but the power of the AR15 sets it apart from a hand gun or a shotgun.
The AR 15 was not designed to be a hunting rifle. It was designed to fire a projectile that tumbles. That tumbling effect turns flesh into hamburger and destroys organs. Now do you understand what this old Army guy is trying to tell ya?
That is bullshit. You are poorly informed. It was designed to engage the enemy at 100 to 500 yards and to be more likely to only, rather than kill.

Either way, all firearms are designed to kill. ALL of them.

You are dodging reality. Most firearms don't kill as many people in as short a time as the AR 15 is capable of. More people would have had a chance to escape if a less effective killing machine was used.
Na, Before going to use whatever means are necessary. Firearms have no control over people. Dumbass
Precisely, dumbass...that's why some firearms shouldn't be legal for public use.
Buy more guns and ammo...

Na. Matter of fact, I have sold a few, may sell one or two more. I want a nice fly rod and archery tackle.
You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.

I don’t think there will have to be/ I don’t believe the military would move on civilians. Not even for Drumphf.

Only an idiot would think that is a real possibility. I do see the possibility that a few idiots might pull more shit like at that bird sanctuary a few months back, and force having to be used to pacify them, but an all out civil war, like those crazy gun nuts keep talking about is just insane.

The problem is, you have numerous examples of people who caused much harm and refused to be defeated. It happened in Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan to name a few. And those people had far fewer firearms and far fewer resources.

I find it amusing that when the subject of a civil war comes up, someone always posts pics of fighter jets and tanks. No, a group armed with ARs will not take out fighter aircraft and tanks. But will you bomb urban areas because SOME of the people there are insurgents? Will you bomb churches, YMCAs and community parks? That will go over really well. And the insurgents will have the ability to publicize the armed forces killing innocents. And a few more will be anti-gov't. They will show videos of people being tortured. And a few more will be anti-gov't.

Whether the rebels can defeat the US military is not the question. Whether the US military can put down a civil war without creating more enemies is the question.

Do you really believe a civil war is a real possibility? I'm not talking about Darrel, and his other brother Darrel, and a few other hillbillies from down in the hollar. I'm talking about enough people who think armed conflict is the only possibility. Sorry, I just can't fit that into what I know of reality.

I don't think it is likely. But I can see situations where the gov't can massively fuckup and start one. The handling of the stuff at Ruby Ridge and with the Branch Davidians show the possibilities.

Yeah. Or one tense moment and a wrong move and it’s on. Shit like that feeds on its self until it’s out of control .
You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.

I don’t think there will have to be/ I don’t believe the military would move on civilians. Not even for Drumphf.

Only an idiot would think that is a real possibility. I do see the possibility that a few idiots might pull more shit like at that bird sanctuary a few months back, and force having to be used to pacify them, but an all out civil war, like those crazy gun nuts keep talking about is just insane.

The problem is, you have numerous examples of people who caused much harm and refused to be defeated. It happened in Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan to name a few. And those people had far fewer firearms and far fewer resources.

I find it amusing that when the subject of a civil war comes up, someone always posts pics of fighter jets and tanks. No, a group armed with ARs will not take out fighter aircraft and tanks. But will you bomb urban areas because SOME of the people there are insurgents? Will you bomb churches, YMCAs and community parks? That will go over really well. And the insurgents will have the ability to publicize the armed forces killing innocents. And a few more will be anti-gov't. They will show videos of people being tortured. And a few more will be anti-gov't.

Whether the rebels can defeat the US military is not the question. Whether the US military can put down a civil war without creating more enemies is the question.

Do you really believe a civil war is a real possibility? I'm not talking about Darrel, and his other brother Darrel, and a few other hillbillies from down in the hollar. I'm talking about enough people who think armed conflict is the only possibility. Sorry, I just can't fit that into what I know of reality.
If the federal government through executive action tries to get rid of the Second Amendment millions on both sides will die… Fact

Again, you're spouting crazy crap. Nobody wants to get rid of the 2nd. I don't care what the NRA told you.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos

Yes, and many people used cocaine for tooth aches when it was legal to do that.
It's not illegal to hunt with an AR.

I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.
If they need that, they have no business hunting.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Maybe for the morons that can't shoot straight.

An AR can be a very accurate hunting rifle. The caliber limits it somewhat. But if you are hunting smaller animals, like I was when I used one to hunt coyote, it is an excellent choice.

But, in another thread, there is cheering about a Canadian outdoor company, MEC, that stopped carrying products from Vista Outdoors because Vista also owns Savage Arms. And Savage Arms makes 4 models of semi-auto rifle that fit the "evil assault rifle" category. 4 models out of 98, or 2%.
The parallax from the high front sight will keep AR's from ever being worth hunting with. You could miss the whole squirrel if you cant the stock wrong.
So I guess they ain't worth hitting a towel head at 250 meters huh?
If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

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