Many hunters use AR15s...

I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....
Oh well. I guess we civilians had better stock up on tanks, grenade launchers and mortars. too. And if we can find a way to get suitcade nukes we should do that too...right????

Yes...History is hard....I get it.....history for left wingers like you starts the moment you wake up in the morning, just like it did for Drew Barrymore in that movie 50 First Dates...

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.......

And yes...governments murdered more people than all of our criminals have......and yet you still want only the government to have guns.....ask the Mexican people, right across the border how that is working out for them...
And you are going to hold off the the US government who has advanced weaponry with ar's and other assorted weapons? quite loonish

View attachment 179712

Don't give them any ideas, next thing you know they will be trying to add tanks, fighter planes, drones, and aircraft carriers to the Second Amendment.
If they need that, they have no business hunting.
Yet another reply from a poster with no understanding of guns, or hunting.

I'll try this one more time.

If you own this .223 for self defense...

AR15 group.png

You're not going to buy another .223 for hunting...

Mini 14.png

Especially as they are both the same action in a different wrapper, and the first is more accurate than the second.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....
Oh well. I guess we civilians had better stock up on tanks, grenade launchers and mortars. too. And if we can find a way to get suitcade nukes we should do that too...right????

Yes...History is hard....I get it.....history for left wingers like you starts the moment you wake up in the morning, just like it did for Drew Barrymore in that movie 50 First Dates...

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.......

And yes...governments murdered more people than all of our criminals have......and yet you still want only the government to have guns.....ask the Mexican people, right across the border how that is working out for them...
And you are going to hold off the the US government who has advanced weaponry with ar's and other assorted weapons? quite loonish

View attachment 179712

Don't give them any ideas, next thing you know they will be trying to add tanks, fighter planes, drones, and aircraft carriers to the Second Amendment.
Retard, those are all crewed weapons and I'd like to see your stupid ass try to fly a modern military jet.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
Maybe for the morons that can't shoot straight.

An AR can be a very accurate hunting rifle. The caliber limits it somewhat. But if you are hunting smaller animals, like I was when I used one to hunt coyote, it is an excellent choice.

But, in another thread, there is cheering about a Canadian outdoor company, MEC, that stopped carrying products from Vista Outdoors because Vista also owns Savage Arms. And Savage Arms makes 4 models of semi-auto rifle that fit the "evil assault rifle" category. 4 models out of 98, or 2%.

I have used them on hogs up to and beyond 200 pounds. 223 is commonly used to hunt caribou up north. To hunt bigger stuff, bigger longer heavier bullets are needed. I like any of the solid copper bullets out there. I have yet to recover one from a hog or deer and they always go right through.
What an AR-15 Can Do to the Human Body
What can a shotgun do to the human body? They sell those in semi-auto, by the way.

Your ignorance is painful to watch.
How many rounds do those semi auto shotguns hold, dummy? Ands why haven't the majority of mass killers used shotguns if they are just as deadly as the AR 15, arsehole?
It’s obvious you know nothing of firearms. Lol
I wasn't giving a lesson on firearms...i was noting the preference mass shooters have for
the AR type rifles.. And i did spend more than 20 years in the Army, with about 8 years in a combat unit. The knowledge of experts who wrote the Field Manuals was imparted religiously to me. That. M16 a2 FM was the bible .
Now there was nothing in those hallowed pages that showed loading and priming cartridges. The book simply showed how to breakdown and maintain the weapon.also included were the specifications such as rate of fire on full auto and effective range.
That was all i needed to know.

You can’t give a lesson on Fire arms. All your stuff is wrong.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos

No they don't.

That is a lie.

No legitimate skilled hunter uses an AR-15. It would be seen as lame and a waste of ammo. 1 shot, 1 kill. You can't hit a moving target? FO.

And killing wild pigs and jackrabbits in mass is NOT HUNTING.

Real hunting is mostly dead, as "hunters" today use all types of technology and chemicals to track and fool the animal. It used to require skill and cunning, but today's hunters are frustrated impotent men. Few can even skin or care to eat what they kill. They'd rather pay someone to do the unpleasant part.

And don't get me started with the rich dentists and Don jr. types who pay big bucks to pretend they are Hemingway for a weekend. How pathetic is that?

I used an AR to hunt coyote a number of years ago. If you think taking coyote in the southeast is not hunting, you are clueless. They have a sense of smell that rivals a whitetail deer. They see as well as a wild turkey. And they are smarter than most game animals.

Kill both every year with a bow.
Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....
Oh well. I guess we civilians had better stock up on tanks, grenade launchers and mortars. too. And if we can find a way to get suitcade nukes we should do that too...right????

Yes...History is hard....I get it.....history for left wingers like you starts the moment you wake up in the morning, just like it did for Drew Barrymore in that movie 50 First Dates...

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.......

And yes...governments murdered more people than all of our criminals have......and yet you still want only the government to have guns.....ask the Mexican people, right across the border how that is working out for them...
And you are going to hold off the the US government who has advanced weaponry with ar's and other assorted weapons? quite loonish

View attachment 179712

Don't give them any ideas, next thing you know they will be trying to add tanks, fighter planes, drones, and aircraft carriers to the Second Amendment.
Retard, those are all crewed weapons and I'd like to see your stupid ass try to fly a modern military jet.

It doesn't take a crew to man a tank! Haven't you seen the movie with James Garner???

Jesus dude, turn on your logic meter. :terror:
Oh well. I guess we civilians had better stock up on tanks, grenade launchers and mortars. too. And if we can find a way to get suitcade nukes we should do that too...right????

Yes...History is hard....I get it.....history for left wingers like you starts the moment you wake up in the morning, just like it did for Drew Barrymore in that movie 50 First Dates...

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.......

And yes...governments murdered more people than all of our criminals have......and yet you still want only the government to have guns.....ask the Mexican people, right across the border how that is working out for them...
And you are going to hold off the the US government who has advanced weaponry with ar's and other assorted weapons? quite loonish

View attachment 179712

Don't give them any ideas, next thing you know they will be trying to add tanks, fighter planes, drones, and aircraft carriers to the Second Amendment.
Retard, those are all crewed weapons and I'd like to see your stupid ass try to fly a modern military jet.

It doesn't take a crew to man a tank! Haven't you seen the movie with James Garner???

Jesus dude, turn on your logic meter. :terror:

Hah! Ignorant liberal, he diddnt operate the tank alone. He had C. Thomas Howell and a hooker to help out. Pshaw, I swear
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos

Yes, and many people used cocaine for tooth aches when it was legal to do that.
It's not illegal to hunt with an AR.

I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.
Do you NEED a fast gasoline car? Maybe they should pass a law saying you can only use a small electric car capped at 65 mph. You up for that?

This is about guns, not cars.

Oh, so you only care about protecting people's lives when it comes to guns. When it comes to cars, you don't give a shit, eh? Just so long as you get to keep your car, right?

Wouldn't it be more apt to say "but it doesn't cover aberrant usage of arms...shooting in town (pick your irresponsible usage)". It's a verb / action .... yelling fire... shooting inside building... etc. not a 'passive' thing such as ownership / possession (loose interpretation of "bearing arms".... IMHO

No because they are both items. The first Amendment allows for free speech, however there are some types of speech not included. It's not just about yelling fire in a crowded theater. You also can't threaten people like the President. So the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, but it doesn't cover all types of arms, and as I said earlier in the thread, that was even backed by Justice Scalia who was one of the greatest proponents of fire arm ownership to ever serve on the Supreme Court.
Why do you believe the second amendment wouldn't cover an AR-15?

Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
No American military uses the AR-15. Stop lying. Why would they when they have all manner of other select fire weapons? Why do you post simple minded lies like this?

You need to address your whining to the court instead of here. They said the AR15 is not constitutionally protected.
Appeals Court Says AR-15s Are Not Constitutionally Protected
View attachment 179660

A court that has jurisdiction over a few states? So what? If that court says 2+2 is 5 you'll believe them? Do you not have a grasp of the English language? Can you not read the amendment and make your own decision?

And the 2nd doesn't specifically mention ANY guns by type or name so stfu

Your analogy is totally off.

A better analogy would be that the first Amendment protects free speech, EXCEPT certain types like yelling fire in a crowded theater. So the second Amendment covers the right to bear arms... but it doesn't cover ALL firearms.
Wouldn't it be more apt to say "but it doesn't cover aberrant usage of arms...shooting in town (pick your irresponsible usage)". It's a verb / action .... yelling fire... shooting inside building... etc. not a 'passive' thing such as ownership / possession (loose interpretation of "bearing arms".... IMHO

No because they are both items. The first Amendment allows for free speech, however there are some types of speech not included. It's not just about yelling fire in a crowded theater. You also can't threaten people like the President. So the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, but it doesn't cover all types of arms, and as I said earlier in the thread, that was even backed by Justice Scalia who was one of the greatest proponents of fire arm ownership to ever serve on the Supreme Court.
Why do you believe the second amendment wouldn't cover an AR-15?

Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment isn't limitless, and as of recently the AR-15 has been ruled a weapon of war not covered under the right to bear arms.
What is this ruling you are referring to that bans the AR-15?
Stating a fact to you liars that an AR-15 is not used by the military is not whining. IT's calling you out on yet another of your moment by moment lies. Along with the fact that most any article from the rolling stone is questionable at best, and then the pesky little fact that if those rifles are illegal, how can I if I wanted to, go right this minute and buy one legally? lol, liar.

That's OK Mikey. I know you don't believe anything unless you see it on fox.
US appeals court upholds Maryland assault weapons ban

View attachment 179665

The ruling didn't outlaw the AR15. It just said it wasn't constitutionally protected. Any more questions? You know I'll do anything I can to help you understand.
First, do you know the difference between federal law and state law?

Yes. That was a federal appeals court.
...and still any law abiding citizen walk in a store and legally buy an ar15 sporting rifle just like any other firearm. Lol

Never said they couldn't.
So if one jurisdiction decides to ban unpopular speech and the court of appeals handling that area happens to not rule against it, you'll support banning unpopular speech?
Yes...History is hard....I get it.....history for left wingers like you starts the moment you wake up in the morning, just like it did for Drew Barrymore in that movie 50 First Dates...

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.......

And yes...governments murdered more people than all of our criminals have......and yet you still want only the government to have guns.....ask the Mexican people, right across the border how that is working out for them...
And you are going to hold off the the US government who has advanced weaponry with ar's and other assorted weapons? quite loonish

View attachment 179712

Don't give them any ideas, next thing you know they will be trying to add tanks, fighter planes, drones, and aircraft carriers to the Second Amendment.
Retard, those are all crewed weapons and I'd like to see your stupid ass try to fly a modern military jet.

It doesn't take a crew to man a tank! Haven't you seen the movie with James Garner???

Jesus dude, turn on your logic meter. :terror:

Hah! Ignorant liberal, he diddnt operate the tank alone. He had C. Thomas Howell and a hooker to help out. Pshaw, I swear

Before you call someone a Liberal and ignorant, you should probably make sure you are absolutely correct... and you aren't. He manned the tank on his own for a good part of the movie.

And you are going to hold off the the US government who has advanced weaponry with ar's and other assorted weapons? quite loonish

View attachment 179712

Don't give them any ideas, next thing you know they will be trying to add tanks, fighter planes, drones, and aircraft carriers to the Second Amendment.
Retard, those are all crewed weapons and I'd like to see your stupid ass try to fly a modern military jet.

It doesn't take a crew to man a tank! Haven't you seen the movie with James Garner???

Jesus dude, turn on your logic meter. :terror:

Hah! Ignorant liberal, he diddnt operate the tank alone. He had C. Thomas Howell and a hooker to help out. Pshaw, I swear

Before you call someone a Liberal and ignorant, you should probably make sure you are absolutely correct... and you aren't. He manned the tank on his own for a good part of the movie.

Only driving to the jail. Lighten up Francis. Nothing wrong with being a liberal at all.
And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.

And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....

You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.
You don't have to outright "defeat our military," silly. That's not how local insurgencies work. They don't march in linear warfare anymore, you know?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....
Oh well. I guess we civilians had better stock up on tanks, grenade launchers and mortars. too. And if we can find a way to get suitcade nukes we should do that too...right????

Yes...History is hard....I get it.....history for left wingers like you starts the moment you wake up in the morning, just like it did for Drew Barrymore in that movie 50 First Dates...

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.......

And yes...governments murdered more people than all of our criminals have......and yet you still want only the government to have guns.....ask the Mexican people, right across the border how that is working out for them...
And you are going to hold off the the US government who has advanced weaponry with ar's and other assorted weapons? quite loonish

View attachment 179712
Another dumbass who doesn't get how local insurgencies work...
And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....

You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.
You don't have to outright "defeat our military," silly. That's not how local insurgencies work. They don't march in linear warfare anymore, you know?

Would they have to? They would only need to surround your block, kill the power water and Gas and starve you out. After about an hour without WiFi your neighborhood would eject you.
Don't give them any ideas, next thing you know they will be trying to add tanks, fighter planes, drones, and aircraft carriers to the Second Amendment.
Retard, those are all crewed weapons and I'd like to see your stupid ass try to fly a modern military jet.

It doesn't take a crew to man a tank! Haven't you seen the movie with James Garner???

Jesus dude, turn on your logic meter. :terror:

Hah! Ignorant liberal, he diddnt operate the tank alone. He had C. Thomas Howell and a hooker to help out. Pshaw, I swear

Before you call someone a Liberal and ignorant, you should probably make sure you are absolutely correct... and you aren't. He manned the tank on his own for a good part of the movie.

Only driving to the jail. Lighten up Francis. Nothing wrong with being a liberal at all.

Driving to the jail, blowing up a cop car, driving through buildings... then after he had his son and the girl get out of the tank towards the end of the movie.

Lighten up Francis was from Stripes... you are getting all your movies fuckered up.
I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.

And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.
it never dawns on you that the military is made up of US citizens? Most of which would leave before they shoot their fellow american for a leftist tyrant? That means it is even. I do find your wish for dead soldiers to make you less scared of a plastic black stock and grip disturbing.
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....

You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.
You don't have to outright "defeat our military," silly. That's not how local insurgencies work. They don't march in linear warfare anymore, you know?

Would they have to? They would only need to surround your block, kill the power water and Gas and starve you out. After about an hour without WiFi your neighborhood would eject you.

All the insurgents would live in a single block? No. They would be scattered through the entire population.
I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.

And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.

And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.
it never dawns on you that the military is made up of US citizens? Most of which would leave before they shoot their fellow american for a leftist tyrant? That means it is even. I do find your wish for dead soldiers to make you less scared of a plastic black stock and grip disturbing.

If they won't walk out now while serving for a man that used every excuse he could to stay out of the military during Viet Nam, but is trying to provoke war with North Korea... they never will.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....
Oh well. I guess we civilians had better stock up on tanks, grenade launchers and mortars. too. And if we can find a way to get suitcade nukes we should do that too...right????

Yes...History is hard....I get it.....history for left wingers like you starts the moment you wake up in the morning, just like it did for Drew Barrymore in that movie 50 First Dates...

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.......

And yes...governments murdered more people than all of our criminals have......and yet you still want only the government to have guns.....ask the Mexican people, right across the border how that is working out for them...
And you are going to hold off the the US government who has advanced weaponry with ar's and other assorted weapons? quite loonish

View attachment 179712
Another dumbass who doesn't get how local insurgencies work...
more old geezer fantasies?

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