Many hunters use AR15s...

If they won't walk out now while serving for a man that used every excuse he could to stay out of the military during Viet Nam, but is trying to provoke war with North Korea... they never will.
Bill Clinton did not order them to take everyone's guns and God Given right so thats why they served under him still.

Wrong...try the turd and chief.
If you meant someone else why did you describe Bill Clinton?

Bill Clinton is trying to start a war with North Korea?
You think Trump is? LMAO God you fools will believe anything wont you? Muslim Terrorists are far more dangerous then a fat Korean with a God complex.

Yeah... all those Muslim terrorist with million man armies, subs, tanks, rockets, and nuclear warheads. Yep I'm worried about those guys too!
Bill Clinton did not order them to take everyone's guns and God Given right so thats why they served under him still.

Wrong...try the turd and chief.
If you meant someone else why did you describe Bill Clinton?

Bill Clinton is trying to start a war with North Korea?
You think Trump is? LMAO God you fools will believe anything wont you? Muslim Terrorists are far more dangerous then a fat Korean with a God complex.

Yeah... all those Muslim terrorist with million man armies, subs, tanks, rockets, and nuclear warheads. Yep I'm worried about those guys too!
Hey dummy it took a few guy with box cutters to kill over 3000 people in a gun free zone.
Wrong...try the turd and chief.
If you meant someone else why did you describe Bill Clinton?

Bill Clinton is trying to start a war with North Korea?
You think Trump is? LMAO God you fools will believe anything wont you? Muslim Terrorists are far more dangerous then a fat Korean with a God complex.

Yeah... all those Muslim terrorist with million man armies, subs, tanks, rockets, and nuclear warheads. Yep I'm worried about those guys too!
Hey dummy it took a few guy with box cutters to kill over 3000 people in a gun free zone.

Hey dummy, 3,000 people will be a drop in the bucket if we were to go to war with North Korea. Do you have any idea how many innocent people are within mortar fire of North Korea? MILLIONS. Donald Trump doesn't care about that from the safety of his bunker in Washington D.C.
If you meant someone else why did you describe Bill Clinton?

Bill Clinton is trying to start a war with North Korea?
You think Trump is? LMAO God you fools will believe anything wont you? Muslim Terrorists are far more dangerous then a fat Korean with a God complex.

Yeah... all those Muslim terrorist with million man armies, subs, tanks, rockets, and nuclear warheads. Yep I'm worried about those guys too!
Hey dummy it took a few guy with box cutters to kill over 3000 people in a gun free zone.

Hey dummy, 3,000 people will be a drop in the bucket if we were to go to war with North Korea. Do you have any idea how many innocent people are within mortar fire of North Korea? MILLIONS. Donald Trump doesn't care about that from the safety of his bunker in Washington D.C.
There you go again with lies and myths.... Tell me how is North Korea going to commit the giant killing of Americans?
Bill Clinton is trying to start a war with North Korea?
You think Trump is? LMAO God you fools will believe anything wont you? Muslim Terrorists are far more dangerous then a fat Korean with a God complex.

Yeah... all those Muslim terrorist with million man armies, subs, tanks, rockets, and nuclear warheads. Yep I'm worried about those guys too!
Hey dummy it took a few guy with box cutters to kill over 3000 people in a gun free zone.

Hey dummy, 3,000 people will be a drop in the bucket if we were to go to war with North Korea. Do you have any idea how many innocent people are within mortar fire of North Korea? MILLIONS. Donald Trump doesn't care about that from the safety of his bunker in Washington D.C.
There you go again with lies and myths.... Tell me how is North Korea going to commit the giant killing of Americans?

Oh, so innocent people dying because of Trump's actions only matter if they are Americans? How nice of you.
You think Trump is? LMAO God you fools will believe anything wont you? Muslim Terrorists are far more dangerous then a fat Korean with a God complex.

Yeah... all those Muslim terrorist with million man armies, subs, tanks, rockets, and nuclear warheads. Yep I'm worried about those guys too!
Hey dummy it took a few guy with box cutters to kill over 3000 people in a gun free zone.

Hey dummy, 3,000 people will be a drop in the bucket if we were to go to war with North Korea. Do you have any idea how many innocent people are within mortar fire of North Korea? MILLIONS. Donald Trump doesn't care about that from the safety of his bunker in Washington D.C.
There you go again with lies and myths.... Tell me how is North Korea going to commit the giant killing of Americans?

Oh, so innocent people dying because of Trump's actions only matter if they are Americans? How nice of you.
See your stupidity is boundless. The fat Korean will do nothing because he can do nothing.. Unlike like the masses of Muslim killers the fat Korean has a nation and power that can easily be taken. You see all the puffing up the fat bastard does will amount to nothing. Still you leftist morons worry about him wile giving the Muslim terrorists a tossed salad. It amazes me that so many dont see how truly special needs you guys are.
Yeah... all those Muslim terrorist with million man armies, subs, tanks, rockets, and nuclear warheads. Yep I'm worried about those guys too!
Hey dummy it took a few guy with box cutters to kill over 3000 people in a gun free zone.

Hey dummy, 3,000 people will be a drop in the bucket if we were to go to war with North Korea. Do you have any idea how many innocent people are within mortar fire of North Korea? MILLIONS. Donald Trump doesn't care about that from the safety of his bunker in Washington D.C.
There you go again with lies and myths.... Tell me how is North Korea going to commit the giant killing of Americans?

Oh, so innocent people dying because of Trump's actions only matter if they are Americans? How nice of you.
See your stupidity is boundless. The fat Korean will do nothing because he can do nothing.. Unlike like the masses of Muslim killers the fat Korean has a nation and power that can easily be taken. You see all the puffing up the fat bastard does will amount to nothing. Still you leftist morons worry about him wile giving the Muslim terrorists a tossed salad. It amazes me that so many dont see how truly special needs you guys are.

Do you think using an insult every 3 words makes you right? EVERY military mind the U.S. has, has stated a war with North Korea would be bloody like no other recent war.

So as smart as you think you are, cut that in half, then cut it in half again, and then cut that in thirds... and you're still dumber than that.
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.

Like it was in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.....and those were backward countries.........

You guys don't understand history, the mass murder and genocide...we have people still alive today who were in the socialist death camps in Europe........all because they believed people like you, that they didn't need guns, that registering guns was only for their own protection.....and then when the socialist goons showed up, took their guns, then came back and marched them to the gas would think morons like you would have learned that lesson....

You really think there will be an armed rebellion, and a bunch of hillbilly gun nuts will defeat our military. That's just pathetic.
You don't have to outright "defeat our military," silly. That's not how local insurgencies work. They don't march in linear warfare anymore, you know?

Would they have to? They would only need to surround your block, kill the power water and Gas and starve you out. After about an hour without WiFi your neighborhood would eject you.
If they have to siege every neighborhood that has a suspected rebel, then obviously the gun idea worked.
And here is another one.

My deer rifle will accept a 30 round magazine, and it is bolt action. Mossberg MVP 308.

My bolt action shotgun takes a detachable magazine as well, up to 10 rounds of 12 gauge. Marlin Model 55.

Look them up

So please, feel free to continue to display your ignorance, but read the rest of the thread while you're here.

And? Most laws are looking to limit clip size as well, as they should. Do you need a 30 round clip to hunt deer? Do you plan on being attacked by 30 deer while sitting in your tree stand?
I need more then 30 rounds... I need as many as it takes to protect me and my family from threats both foreign and domestic which includes a oppressive government if that comes about.
The Walmart militia vs. the US govt.? It`ll be over in 10 minutes and it`s unfortunate that I can`t place a bet on the winner. It won`t be Biff and Bubba with their assault weapons.
it never dawns on you that the military is made up of US citizens? Most of which would leave before they shoot their fellow american for a leftist tyrant? That means it is even. I do find your wish for dead soldiers to make you less scared of a plastic black stock and grip disturbing.
too much red dawn watching
Too many dumb liberal anti-gun clowns who don't understand how insurgencies work.
If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...
If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos
OK, if you have a class 3 license, I am fine with you hunting with such a gun. Provided that it is limited to five round magazines.
If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events.
You should get over it. Mass shootings at events are quite rare. Do you have a phobia of lightning strikes, too? Do you walk around with a lightning rod? Make sure you carry two so you can keep one grounded at all times.
The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.
That's very nice wishful thinking.

True. Since the 2nd Amendment is not in any way predicated on a firearms ability to take game, it really doesn't matter. Simply calling out another gun-grabber falsehood.
Asshole, the Supreme Court has already ruled that the 2nd Amendment is not an unlimited right to own any type of weapon that you choose to. The large magazine semi-auto is the same as a machine gun, and should require the same license as a fully auto .45 Thompson.
If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events.
You should get over it. Mass shootings at events are quite rare. Do you have a phobia of lightning strikes, too? Do you walk around with a lightning rod? Make sure you carry two so you can keep one grounded at all times.
The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.
That's very nice wishful thinking.

Mass shootings can have actions done to avoid them, and comparing them to an act of God is plain stupid.

True. Since the 2nd Amendment is not in any way predicated on a firearms ability to take game, it really doesn't matter. Simply calling out another gun-grabber falsehood.
Asshole, the Supreme Court has already ruled that the 2nd Amendment is not an unlimited right to own any type of weapon that you choose to. The large magazine semi-auto is the same as a machine gun, and should require the same license as a fully auto .45 Thompson.
No, it's not the same thing, but it's good that you're posting this here to cement the fact that you're an irredeemable moron.
Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events.
You should get over it. Mass shootings at events are quite rare. Do you have a phobia of lightning strikes, too? Do you walk around with a lightning rod? Make sure you carry two so you can keep one grounded at all times.
The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.
That's very nice wishful thinking.

Mass shootings can have actions done to avoid them, and comparing them to an act of God is plain stupid.
And being struck by lightning can't be avoided? How fucking retarded are you? WTF do you think lightning rods do?
Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events.
You should get over it. Mass shootings at events are quite rare. Do you have a phobia of lightning strikes, too? Do you walk around with a lightning rod? Make sure you carry two so you can keep one grounded at all times.
The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.
That's very nice wishful thinking.

Mass shootings can have actions done to avoid them, and comparing them to an act of God is plain stupid.
And being struck by lightning can't be avoided? How fucking retarded are you? WTF do you think lightning rods do?

Oh when you are out at a ball game and a storm suddenly rolls in, you carry around a lightening rod to stick out in the field?

Good grief... :abgg2q.jpg:

Maybe we should get rid of our entire military and just hope lightening kills any and all people who try to invade the U.S.?
Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events.
You should get over it. Mass shootings at events are quite rare. Do you have a phobia of lightning strikes, too? Do you walk around with a lightning rod? Make sure you carry two so you can keep one grounded at all times.
The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.
That's very nice wishful thinking.

Mass shootings can have actions done to avoid them, and comparing them to an act of God is plain stupid.
And being struck by lightning can't be avoided? How fucking retarded are you? WTF do you think lightning rods do?

Oh when you are out at a ball game and a storm suddenly rolls in, you carry around a lightening rod to stick out in the field?

Good grief... :abgg2q.jpg:

Maybe we should get rid of our entire military and just hope lightening kills any and all people who try to invade the U.S.?
Do I carry a lightning rod in the field? No. I'm asking why you don't since you seem to have phobias of highly unlikely events. You're saying you're not willing to protect yourself from one unlikely event by doing something yourself, but you are willing to protect yourself from another unlikely event to the point of restricting everyone?
If you are a "hunter" and you have to use an AR-15, you suck at hunting and need to stick to hunting in the butcher's market.

Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

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