Many Will Agree,Regardless Of What Trump Said,Hillary Is Still So Much Worse.

I wonder how many times an hr Hillary says the F word when she's in a bad mood, and how she describes anyone she hates.

Old saying: " Two wrongs don't make a right "

Hillary Clinton has said stupid shit all her life and so has Bill Clinton and yes so has Donald Trump, but attempting to excuse one behavior because someone else does it, well read the saying again...

Personally what Trump has said in the past is nothing new and who really gives a flying fuck!?!

I am not voting for him or Bill Clinton ( because Bill is not running for President ) and I am not voting for the Bitch Hound ( Hillary ) either because Hillary and Donald are the two worst possible candidates since Bush and Kerry!

I agree with one poster and if you claim to be Fiscal and Social Conservative you would not be voting for Donald Trump seeing he is neither!

One last thing and I still stand with my opinion that Donald John Trump is a shill for Hillary Clinton so that they can make sure she wins this November!
Claiming there's no difference between Trump's agenda and Hillary's is the proof that you're an imbecile.
Well Mud, the problem for the other candidates of the GOP is not that it is criminal, but that it is so offensive to 52% of the voters in this nation that it may cost the GOP not only the Senate, but many positions in the House, also.
Yeah, sure, that's what douche bags like you are praying for.
:blahblah: :cow: :eusa_wall: Any of us conservatives saying/feeling the same way? Who hasn't said, "Well What About The Chit Hillary Has Said"? Didn't Hillary call her security "F*&^%$n' Dogs"? And what about Bill? God only knows what he says/thinks every time he runs into a hot white woman. And Joe Biden? Haven't we all seen the pics of Joe attempting to grope a little girl, place his hand on some guys knee, once said This is a big F#@!(*&n' Deal on live TV?
Donald Trump said something that most men have said/thought about pretty much all of their lives, big deal!
Never the less, Hillary is such a much more evil person and we all know it!
You are the deplorable hillary was referring to.

No hillary and I are not worse than you and trump
You sure as hell are.
I wonder how many times an hr Hillary says the F word when she's in a bad mood, and how she describes anyone she hates.
Bragging about assaulting women is a completely different thing from swearing.

Trump only talked about it. Clinton actually did it. What Trump talked about doing would be considered a misdemeanor. Someone might go to jail for a day for something like that. What Cllnton did would get you sent to prison for a long time.

Once again we have liberlogic on display:

1 is a number
2 is a number
1 = 2
Considering everything Hillary has said and done, Trump is easily a much better choice. He hasn't said or done anything near as bad as Hillary.

Hillary is a disgusting and despicable individual who shouldn't be making decisions for anyone.
I think there are two issues here. One of them is it is illegal to record private conversations without a person's knowledge. The other is the fact that it seems nothing is beneath Hillary. Anyone can have a conversation with someone privately and not want it to get out. That's why it's private. Imagine the shit we would find out if everything Hillary, Bill, and Barack has said in private was made public. They would be arrested. Tell me what Trump said that is criminal.

We all know that Hillary is not perfect. But she is just so much better than Trump. Anybody but Trump would have killed Clinton in November. Now the best they can hope for is Donald pissing off and letting Pence take over.
I wonder how many times an hr Hillary says the F word when she's in a bad mood, and how she describes anyone she hates.
Bragging about assaulting women is a completely different thing from swearing.

Trump only talked about it. Clinton actually did it. What Trump talked about doing would be considered a misdemeanor. Someone might go to jail for a day for something like that. What Cllnton did would get you sent to prison for a long time.

Once again we have liberlogic on display:

1 is a number
2 is a number
1 = 2

Indeed, the corruption reigns supreme with her.

FBI agents are ready to revolt over the cozy Clinton probe | New York Post
I have had it with the double standards, all of Bill and Hillary's scandals, sexual abuse, things they said 10-20 years ago is labeled irrelevant while a few seconds of something Trump merely said 12-20 years ago is grounds for him to drop out???
That's not how The PEOPLE feel, but it seems we agree with the media because they run with something like this 24/7 when a republican is involved but when a bemocrat is involved they're put on ignore.
The kind of talk that Trump has repeatedly engaged in toward women is not merely immature and lewd, it is immature even for an adolescent. Do we want someone with that kind of mindset as President? Can we afford someone of that mindset as President?
Hahaha this from a guy calling himself "old rocks"
There is no question Trump is an asshole, but that has never disqualified one for POTUS. We have had a long string of assholes in the WH.

The worst among us become politicians.
I guess replacing an asshole who hates America with an asshole that loves America isn't so bad.
But why is it ok with Democrats for Biden to have these "Unpure Thoughts" whenever in the presence of a hot white 35f mom and her daughter?
Because we are supposed to be better then them.

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"We?" Are you claiming to be a Republican? Being "better" than them is kind of pointless if you never win. They play to win, and it's time our side did the same. We need to start kicking them in the balls.
I would NEVER Idolize democrats like you . Sorry slaver you nor your Idol Trump impress me.
The kind of talk that Trump has repeatedly engaged in toward women is not merely immature and lewd, it is immature even for an adolescent. Do we want someone with that kind of mindset as President? Can we afford someone of that mindset as President?
You think we can afford a corrupt lying douche bag like Clinton?
So Trump isn't a corrupt lying douche bag???? What color is the sky in your fantasy world? You and idiots like you chose a man JUST AS BAD as Hillary Clinton.
Hillary has more baggage than a fully loaded 747.

She is a skank who bad mouthed those who were raped by her husband. Trump makes a general remark and the left goes ape shit. Hillary is very specific on whom she is talking about when she says bimbos and the left applauds.
Hillary has more baggage than a fully loaded 747.

She is a skank who bad mouthed those who were raped by her husband. Trump makes a general remark and the left goes ape shit. Hillary is very specific on whom she is talking about when she says bimbos and the left applauds.

Oh trump was very specific about the chick he was trying to bang.
Hillary has more baggage than a fully loaded 747.

She is a skank who bad mouthed those who were raped by her husband. Trump makes a general remark and the left goes ape shit. Hillary is very specific on whom she is talking about when she says bimbos and the left applauds.
Did you just come to America this year? Because anyone with a brain already knows the game is skewed towards the democrat with the media.
Hillary has more baggage than a fully loaded 747.

She is a skank who bad mouthed those who were raped by her husband. Trump makes a general remark and the left goes ape shit. Hillary is very specific on whom she is talking about when she says bimbos and the left applauds.

Oh trump was very specific about the chick he was trying to bang.
Hillary was very specific about the Clinton accusers she was trying to intimidate and destroy.
Hillary has more baggage than a fully loaded 747.

She is a skank who bad mouthed those who were raped by her husband. Trump makes a general remark and the left goes ape shit. Hillary is very specific on whom she is talking about when she says bimbos and the left applauds.
Did you just come to America this year? Because anyone with a brain already knows the game is skewed towards the democrat with the media.

That's why Trump won the nomination. And after this bit of dirty pool by Hillary I am finally determined to work and vote for Trump and feel actually good about it. The skank must not win.
Hillary has more baggage than a fully loaded 747.

She is a skank who bad mouthed those who were raped by her husband. Trump makes a general remark and the left goes ape shit. Hillary is very specific on whom she is talking about when she says bimbos and the left applauds.

Oh trump was very specific about the chick he was trying to bang.
Hillary was very specific about the Clinton accusers she was trying to intimidate and destroy.
Now go and explain what you just did to Donald Trump so he doesn't look like a pussy again.
:blahblah: :cow: :eusa_wall: Any of us conservatives saying/feeling the same way? Who hasn't said, "Well What About The Chit Hillary Has Said"? Didn't Hillary call her security "F*&^%$n' Dogs"? And what about Bill? God only knows what he says/thinks every time he runs into a hot white woman. And Joe Biden? Haven't we all seen the pics of Joe attempting to grope a little girl, place his hand on some guys knee, once said This is a big F#@!(*&n' Deal on live TV?
Donald Trump said something that most men have said/thought about pretty much all of their lives, big deal!
Never the less, Hillary is such a much more evil person and we all know it!

Give up. You and the whole lot are just fucking lost.
Here, read this and then GFY:
Republican Family Values? What a Joke!

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