Map Shows Which States Americans Are Moving To And Leaving Read more: http://www.bus

He is destroying things even more. You don't cut education...try cutting other I said you can keep this idiot I am moving soon and thank goodness! Been here 1 year and have hated every second of it. Oh and the state LOVES to allow adults who are poor go blind figure they will get sued when an adult who can't afford glasses hits someone and kills them. Just another thing the state has done away with is medicare/caid paying for glasses and eye exams for they still do them not for adults though..this state is SHIT and corrupt as hell to boot. Giving the fucking utility companies a tax break even after they raised our fucking rates...what a crock.

The cuts from medicid came from Purdue

Purdue | medicaidlaw-nc

Reading this exchange, I could not help but notice yet another glaring example of liberal hypocrisy. Even when faced with repeated information that the previous governor's policies are responsible for the ills cited by NS, he/she persists laying the blame on the current governor. I am willing to bet that all bad policies promulgated at the national level by the current regime are vehemently blamed on the previous administration by the same liberal hack (NS) who would reverse that process at the NC state level.
You need a freakin' score card to keep up with these people, don't you?
With a title like n Socialist?
It's very easy to see why this is. States with the most economic freedom are the ones that have been gaining for quite some time. The states with less personal and economic freedom are the ones that have been losing for a while. The patterns in this map parallel the distribution of Congressional reapportionment.
Well you can keep him. I am moving to Tn in July.

McCrory's education budget is deceptive | North Carolina | Indy Week

I don't know WHY the fuel cost is so high I just know it is and its not getting any better. Especially when I can go into Ga and get it for 10 cents less.
He gave tax breaks to the utility companies so they have less taxes to pay AFTER they have raised our utility rates! WHAT THE FUCK!? Oh and he expects them to pass the tax cuts to them on to us...RIGHT!
I don't pay much attention to the gun laws here...I don't own any right now and I am moving in several months...can't wait. Oh have you gotten any seatbelt tickets yet? LOL...been fighting my current one since June...I find it amusing and it pisses the courts off.
Your link is from the biggest liberal run area in North Carolina, I would take what they said with a grain of salt.
the gas tax is from past democrat controlled legislation.
He's doing a good job considering that he has to rebuild from the damage the democrats have done.

Actually you're both full of shit. North Carolina has always had higher fuel costs than all the states around it -- because it has higher state taxes. Has nothing to do with the present governor or the previous one. Trust me, I've been motoring through this state since the 1950s. Nothing has changed.

Depending on which way I'm coming from I always gas up in Tennessee, Virginia or South Carolina just before crossing the line. Everybody who does a lot of driving knows that.

Other than a few republican governors North Carolina has been run by democrats. so whose full of shit? 140 years worth of democratic control.
Something like 80,000 boomers are hitting 65 every month. Could be some of the movement.

You are correct cost of living in tax infested liberal states are hard on those who live on a fixed income, like people of retirement age.

and States like my State aint doing a dam thing to address that.....its like thanks for working here and paying taxes....sorry you gotta move....

Sorry. You can keep the liberals if you want, we'll take your conservative's and tee party people, and yes you can keep that republicans like McCain and Romney, McConnell bohner, did I miss anyone?
The winners: Oregon and the Carolinas.

The losers: New Jersey, Illinois, and New York


Read more: 2013 Moving Map - Business Insider
Liberals stay the fuck out of my state.

My girlfriend and I will most likely leave Ohio when we retire, but it will have nothing to do with taxes, or cost of living. She just hates winter and wants to retire somewhere warm. With baby boomers retiring at an ever increasing rate, this is not at all a surprise. It also doesn't prove much of anything other than old people prefer warmer weather.
The winners: Oregon and the Carolinas.

The losers: New Jersey, Illinois, and New York


Read more: 2013 Moving Map - Business Insider
Liberals stay the fuck out of my state.

My girlfriend and I will most likely leave Ohio when we retire, but it will have nothing to do with taxes, or cost of living. She just hates winter and wants to retire somewhere warm. With baby boomers retiring at an ever increasing rate, this is not at all a surprise. It also doesn't prove much of anything other than old people prefer warmer weather.
Sure yep right.
The winners: Oregon and the Carolinas.

The losers: New Jersey, Illinois, and New York


Read more: 2013 Moving Map - Business Insider
Liberals stay the fuck out of my state.

My girlfriend and I will most likely leave Ohio when we retire, but it will have nothing to do with taxes, or cost of living. She just hates winter and wants to retire somewhere warm. With baby boomers retiring at an ever increasing rate, this is not at all a surprise. It also doesn't prove much of anything other than old people prefer warmer weather.

Oregon or NC are warm weather? :rolleyes:
The winners: Oregon and the Carolinas.

The losers: New Jersey, Illinois, and New York


Read more: 2013 Moving Map - Business Insider
Liberals stay the fuck out of my state.

My girlfriend and I will most likely leave Ohio when we retire, but it will have nothing to do with taxes, or cost of living. She just hates winter and wants to retire somewhere warm. With baby boomers retiring at an ever increasing rate, this is not at all a surprise. It also doesn't prove much of anything other than old people prefer warmer weather.

Oregon or NC are warm weather? :rolleyes:

Humid hot in the summer and nut freezing in the winter.
Your link is from the biggest liberal run area in North Carolina, I would take what they said with a grain of salt.
the gas tax is from past democrat controlled legislation.
He's doing a good job considering that he has to rebuild from the damage the democrats have done.

Actually you're both full of shit. North Carolina has always had higher fuel costs than all the states around it -- because it has higher state taxes. Has nothing to do with the present governor or the previous one. Trust me, I've been motoring through this state since the 1950s. Nothing has changed.

Depending on which way I'm coming from I always gas up in Tennessee, Virginia or South Carolina just before crossing the line. Everybody who does a lot of driving knows that.

Other than a few republican governors North Carolina has been run by democrats. so whose full of shit? 140 years worth of democratic control.

You could say the same of Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee, ALL of which are cheaper fuel states, so there goes that theory. SC is usually the cheapest gas in the nation. Tennessee and Virginia close to it. Georgia used to be dirt cheap; of course that was before Republicans started getting elected.

So much for pulling posts out of your ass.
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You are correct cost of living in tax infested liberal states are hard on those who live on a fixed income, like people of retirement age.

and States like my State aint doing a dam thing to address that.....its like thanks for working here and paying taxes....sorry you gotta move....

Sorry. You can keep the liberals if you want, we'll take your conservative's and tee party people, and yes you can keep that republicans like McCain and Romney, McConnell bohner, did I miss anyone?

Everyone. Not one of those names is in Harry's state. Not one.
Actually you're both full of shit. North Carolina has always had higher fuel costs than all the states around it -- because it has higher state taxes. Has nothing to do with the present governor or the previous one. Trust me, I've been motoring through this state since the 1950s. Nothing has changed.

Depending on which way I'm coming from I always gas up in Tennessee, Virginia or South Carolina just before crossing the line. Everybody who does a lot of driving knows that.

Other than a few republican governors North Carolina has been run by democrats. so whose full of shit? 140 years worth of democratic control.

You could say the same of Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee, ALL of which are cheaper fuel states, so there goes that theory. SC is usually the cheapest gas in the nation. Tennessee and Virginia close to it. Georgia used to be dirt cheap; of course that was before Republicans started getting elected.

So much for pulling posts out of your ass.
REGARDLESS those taxes are due to democratic control of the state which was what I first said.
So try not to dig any deeper in your asshole for a counter point.
and States like my State aint doing a dam thing to address that.....its like thanks for working here and paying taxes....sorry you gotta move....

Sorry. You can keep the liberals if you want, we'll take your conservative's and tee party people, and yes you can keep that republicans like McCain and Romney, McConnell bohner, did I miss anyone?

Everyone. Not one of those names is in Harry's state. Not one.

Wrong once again
Groups | Tea Party PatriotsTea Party Patriots
Other than a few republican governors North Carolina has been run by democrats. so whose full of shit? 140 years worth of democratic control.

You could say the same of Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee, ALL of which are cheaper fuel states, so there goes that theory. SC is usually the cheapest gas in the nation. Tennessee and Virginia close to it. Georgia used to be dirt cheap; of course that was before Republicans started getting elected.

So much for pulling posts out of your ass.
REGARDLESS those taxes are due to democratic control of the state which was what I first said.
So try not to dig any deeper in your asshole for a counter point.

And once again for the dull-witted: your theory DOES NOT WORK looking at Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia or South Carolina ---- or for that matter Mississippi or Louisiana either, ALL of which had the same legacy of one-party rule when that one party was the DP. That's why it's bullshit.

That's not the only reason it's bullshit; it's just the one that should most readily be followed by one of your, um, deep intellect.
Sorry. You can keep the liberals if you want, we'll take your conservative's and tee party people, and yes you can keep that republicans like McCain and Romney, McConnell bohner, did I miss anyone?

Everyone. Not one of those names is in Harry's state. Not one.

Wrong once again
Groups | Tea Party PatriotsTea Party Patriots

McCain: AridZona.
Romney: Massachusetts (and born in Michigan)
McConnell: Kentucky.
Boehner: Ohio

NONE from California.

Dumb shit.
The great thing about North Carolina is when, as is my wont, I hit the wrong key as in BC or ND my comments on climate still work.
Keep your nasty liberal asses out of TEXAS please

:eusa_hand:Conservative's up here in liberal land don't want them either! :lol: I say we trade them with Mexico for nice conservative Mexican workers who don't mine earning a living the old fashioned way.
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McCain: AridZona.
Romney: Massachusetts (and born in Michigan)
McConnell: Kentucky.
Boehner: Ohio

NONE from California.

Dumb shit.
It was the type of republicans I was talking about dumb cock sucker.
Arnold is a type of McCain Republican stupid bitch.

You didn't even mention Arnold -- cretin. :eusa_hand:
In other words RINOS you fucking moron. Republicans like McCain doesn't have to be the exact person someone like them you stupid fucking idiot.

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