Mar-a-Lago special master orders Trump team to back up any claims of FBI ‘planting’ evidence

What a crock. Biden cancelled the keystone XL pipeline because it only benefits the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands. Cults of all kinds promote crackpot conspiracy theories and paranoia.
He sold China our reserves and without proper process congressional vote no less.
The timing of the sale during a time of saber rattling was not his brightest move either. The whole idea is to have reserves for a time of war, so he gives his possible attacker a strategic advantage, BRILLIANT! THE "BIG GUY" SOLD OUT AMERICA.
Then why are they claiming that they have evidence that the FBI planted documents? Because that is what they did.

To my knowledge no one made a definitive statement, it was speculation based on previous FBI misconduct.

The guy is an idiot. But then he was a FISA court judge used to rubber-stamping whatever the feds put in front of him.

Why did he even bother to bring up extemporaneous remarks made by Trump in the immediate aftermath of the raid? Seriously, the guy is a deep state hack trying everything he can to help the DoJ.
You know Trump picked him?

I think this Judge is being actually smart... He is saying to anyone who wants to try this in the court of public opinion, he is calling them out...

Rudy was going on Fox say Election was a fraud and going into court saying the exact opposite...
No respected, skilled lawyer will work for Trump. He doesn't listen because he knows more about the law and he doesn't pay his bills.
Ahh you might if you had no morals, coming to end of your career and get $3m up front...
I don't think he will go out o a limb for him..
He sold China our reserves and without proper process congressional vote no less.
The timing of the sale during a time of saber rattling was not his brightest move either. The whole idea is to have reserves for a time of war, so he gives his possible attacker a strategic advantage, BRILLIANT! THE "BIG GUY" SOLD OUT AMERICA.
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The US doesn't own tarsands in Canada. Sinopec has a subsidiary in Houston that is legally registered to bid on SPR. It's sold to the highest bidder.
The US doesn't own tarsands in Canada. Sinopec has a subsidiary in Houston that is legally registered to bid on SPR. It's sold to the highest bidder.
It's obvious that you are not getting the full news by the way you replied with your left field response that has nothing to do with my comment. Also obvious by your source censoring problematic acts like Biden selling off some of our reserves, which was already low when he flooded the market with our reserves, just so the price optics would improve.
It got so low that the administration told oil co's not to sell their oil and refined products outside the U.S.
U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm urged domestic oil refiners recently to not further increase exports of fuels like gasoline and diesel, adding that the Biden administration may need to consider taking action if the plants do not build inventories.
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It's obvious that you are not getting the full news by the way you replied with your left field response that has nothing to do with my comment & by your source censoring problematic acts like Biden selling off some of our reserves, which was already low when he flooded the market with our reserves, just so the price optics would improve.
It got so low that the administration told oil co's not to sell outside the U.S.

I call B.S. and we weren't at brink of war, remember everything you expected to happen through Trump was the opposite, we were at peace with impossible peace deals popping up left and right and now Biden is the one causing wars and threats of wars, including nukes.
I warned you, that you were getting everything the propagandists told you to hate, that is the definition of deflection and stupidity to vote for the type of person you claimed you hated.
You need proof. The FBI goes after criminals. Speculation is insufficient.

And sometimes the FBI creates criminals.
And sometimes they are the criminals.
And that's not speculation.


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