Marco Rubio: Cops are racist

Few cops are racist, sometimes they have a right to be. No different than Bundy's buddy who started to run. He was looking for a lawsuit. If the cop is racist, answer yes or no, let them haul you in and don't put up a fight.
Its more than a few. I know several cops and even they will tell you its more than a few. It doesnt matter if you answer yes or no. Sometimes they dont haul you in. They take you somewhere down by the tracks and kick your ass or stick a gun in your mouth. Why should I put up with being constantly harassed because a lot of cops are racist? Does that make sense to you?

If that has happened to you, I'd get a lawyer, and actually carry a recorder on you and if and when you get pulled over , hit record. That should not be happening. I have a tiny recorder and they are cheap.
Wouldnt it be easier to get rid of all the racist cops rather than my taxes go to pay their wages and have to buy a recorder?

No, because you never will. If I were on a hi way at night, away from towns, alone, and if my car broke down, I'd go and hide in the woods till morning. If a cop stopped I would not say a word or show myself.
Cops can be rapists, serial killers, or racist, and I'm white. Some cops can act like they are God almighty, but I do believe the majority are good.
Craig Peyer. He even pulled me over months before he killed Cara the same spot on I 15....fortunately, I was not alone, tho he didn't know that when he pulled me over because my passenger had her seat back leaned back for a nap.

So since 1 monster got into the assume all who wear it are the same? I can find a lot of stories of people wearing a US Navy uniform doing bad shit. Does that mean you probably have too?
Marco Rubio Says Cops Racist Against Blacks & He, Too Has Felt 'Sting of Racism' - Breitbart

This is how Breitbart is covering the issue:

In a CNN townhall, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
may have raised eyebrows by siding with the common progressive claim that systemic racism in America’s police departments is victimizing black Americans.

Notice they didnt even say it happens, they think by saying its only a "progressive claim" then that means its a lie. Then they move on to demonizing Rubio with Guilt by association tactics

Rubio’s latest statements come in addition to previous comments he made last year in which he seemed to lend his personal support to the rhetoric of the anti-cop Black Lives Matter movement, suggesting that the issue the controversial protesters are fighting is “legitimate” and that the growing “resentment” of law enforcement was understandable. Rubio’s comments prompted Black Lives Matter’s DeRay McKesson to reach out via twitter to Sen. Rubio and request a meeting.

You see? Because asking cops not to put a bullet in people is offensive and ANTI cop. And what better way to disagree than to associate Rubio with BLM who obviously hates (you'll hear that alot) police. They just refrain from saying HOW or WHY.

It goes on and on like that. Take Offense, dont mention why or how it offends then say Rubio supports BLM because everyone knows that BLM is baaaaaad.

1- It isn't happening. Blacks and hispanics commit by far the most violent crime. Thus....cops are sent to those areas more often. That's not racism. That's policing.

2- Are you asking cops to stop shooting in self defense or unjustly? Because unjustified police shootings are overwhelmingly rare. Extremely rare.
"While Rubio made a brief token acknowledgement that the “overwhelming majority” of law enforcement are “incredible,” he immediately began to emphasize systemic racism: “But I also know–but I also know–there are communities in this country where minority communities and the police department have a terrible relationship,” Rubio said."

Wow. What an indictment. lol
It is happening. When will you learn that your assertions doesnt affect reality?

As you say.....prove it. Just because you say it is doesn't mean it is.

We KNOW blacks and hispanics commit violent crime at a vastly higher rate than anyone else. So that alone means they'll encounter cops far more often. Cops go where violent crime happens. That isn't racism.

By the way....South Carolina is insane today with the primary tomorrow. And word everywhere is Rubio just sank his hopes here with this bullshit comment. Trump or Cruz will dominate tomorrow.
"While Rubio made a brief token acknowledgement that the “overwhelming majority” of law enforcement are “incredible,” he immediately began to emphasize systemic racism: “But I also know–but I also know–there are communities in this country where minority communities and the police department have a terrible relationship,” Rubio said."

Wow. What an indictment. lol

When that minority community is responsible for the vast majority of violent crime....I'd bet they do have a bad relationship with police.

Fuck Rubio. This just sank any hope he had.
"While Rubio made a brief token acknowledgement that the “overwhelming majority” of law enforcement are “incredible,” he immediately began to emphasize systemic racism: “But I also know–but I also know–there are communities in this country where minority communities and the police department have a terrible relationship,” Rubio said."

Wow. What an indictment. lol

When that minority community is responsible for the vast majority of violent crime....I'd bet they do have a bad relationship with police.

Fuck Rubio. This just sank any hope he had.
Why? He isn't saying anything controversial. The editorializing paints it that way.
The BLM movement encourages violence on cops and is disproven with statistics that show over overwhelmingly unlikely it is a black person will be harmed by a cop.

But....the agitation experts are pushing this nonsense. And some politicians feel they must play along and sell out our cops to pander for votes.

It's disgusting. And it's expected from liberals. But not conservatives. Fuck Marco Rubio. He pandered and gave the obligatory "cops are bad" sound bite.

I expect liberals like bulldyke bodecea to now support Rubio.

And you morphed what he actually said into "cops are racist" in order to pollute political discourse with bullshit, which is why you didn't dare link it that quote.

That's what "disgusting" means.
"While Rubio made a brief token acknowledgement that the “overwhelming majority” of law enforcement are “incredible,” he immediately began to emphasize systemic racism: “But I also know–but I also know–there are communities in this country where minority communities and the police department have a terrible relationship,” Rubio said."

Wow. What an indictment. lol

When that minority community is responsible for the vast majority of violent crime....I'd bet they do have a bad relationship with police.

Fuck Rubio. This just sank any hope he had.
Why? He isn't saying anything controversial. The editorializing paints it that way.

Because being angry is his only response when he doesnt have anything else. Its classic deflection
"While Rubio made a brief token acknowledgement that the “overwhelming majority” of law enforcement are “incredible,” he immediately began to emphasize systemic racism: “But I also know–but I also know–there are communities in this country where minority communities and the police department have a terrible relationship,” Rubio said."

Wow. What an indictment. lol

When that minority community is responsible for the vast majority of violent crime....I'd bet they do have a bad relationship with police.

Fuck Rubio. This just sank any hope he had.
Why? He isn't saying anything controversial. The editorializing paints it that way.

The fact that he even entertained and halfway validated the BLM nonsense is enough. We're done with that statistically innacurate bullshit.

Word here in SC is Rubio may lose 5-6% of his votes tomorrow now over that little race pandering comment.

Fuck him. It's a total lie and any politician that panders to it can fuck off as well.

We've looked at the stats. Blacks and hispanics aren't being hunted down by cops. There's no plot to oppress them. They commit the most crime and thus interact with cops the most. It's just crime and stats.
The BLM movement encourages violence on cops and is disproven with statistics that show over overwhelmingly unlikely it is a black person will be harmed by a cop.

But....the agitation experts are pushing this nonsense. And some politicians feel they must play along and sell out our cops to pander for votes.

It's disgusting. And it's expected from liberals. But not conservatives. Fuck Marco Rubio. He pandered and gave the obligatory "cops are bad" sound bite.

I expect liberals like bulldyke bodecea to now support Rubio.

And you morphed what he actually said into "cops are racist" in order to pollute political discourse with bullshit, which is why you didn't dare link it that quote.

That's what "disgusting" means.

Taken as a whole....that's how his comments come across. The fact he even validated the BLM bullshit with a response is bad enough.
"While Rubio made a brief token acknowledgement that the “overwhelming majority” of law enforcement are “incredible,” he immediately began to emphasize systemic racism: “But I also know–but I also know–there are communities in this country where minority communities and the police department have a terrible relationship,” Rubio said."

Wow. What an indictment. lol

When that minority community is responsible for the vast majority of violent crime....I'd bet they do have a bad relationship with police.

Fuck Rubio. This just sank any hope he had.
Why? He isn't saying anything controversial. The editorializing paints it that way.

The fact that he even entertained and halfway validated the BLM nonsense is enough. We're done with that statistically innacurate bullshit.

Word here in SC is Rubio may lose 5-6% of his votes tomorrow now over that little race pandering comment.

Fuck him. It's a total lie and any politician that panders to it can fuck off as well.

We've looked at the stats. Blacks and hispanics aren't being hunted down by cops. There's no plot to oppress them. They commit the most crime and thus interact with cops the most. It's just crime and stats.

When will Bux learn that the problem isnt interacting with them its being targeted by them based on nothing other than skin color?
It is happening. When will you learn that your assertions doesnt affect reality?
No...It isn't. can keep spewing the lib talking points.

You mean the Repub talking points :badgrin:

Not for long. Rubio is gonna end up like Bloomberg running as an independent one day. He pandered to BLM and that's gonna cost him big time in tomorrow's voting.

Trump and Cruz combined will take 65% of tomorrow's votes...maybe much more.
"While Rubio made a brief token acknowledgement that the “overwhelming majority” of law enforcement are “incredible,” he immediately began to emphasize systemic racism: “But I also know–but I also know–there are communities in this country where minority communities and the police department have a terrible relationship,” Rubio said."

Wow. What an indictment. lol

When that minority community is responsible for the vast majority of violent crime....I'd bet they do have a bad relationship with police.

Fuck Rubio. This just sank any hope he had.
Why? He isn't saying anything controversial. The editorializing paints it that way.

The fact that he even entertained and halfway validated the BLM nonsense is enough. We're done with that statistically innacurate bullshit.

Word here in SC is Rubio may lose 5-6% of his votes tomorrow now over that little race pandering comment.

Fuck him. It's a total lie and any politician that panders to it can fuck off as well.

We've looked at the stats. Blacks and hispanics aren't being hunted down by cops. There's no plot to oppress them. They commit the most crime and thus interact with cops the most. It's just crime and stats.

When will Bux learn that the problem isnt interacting with them its being targeted by them based on nothing other than skin color?

Yeah....except that's just not happening.
Just a mass hallucination spanning decades I guess.

We are living in 2016 not 1960. You wanna talk about modern times fine. But I didn't own slaves. I didn't have a whites only restaurant in town. I live in 2016. And in ain't happening.

I know that sucks for you because yall really want to keep that victimhood card.
The BLM movement encourages violence on cops and is disproven with statistics that show over overwhelmingly unlikely it is a black person will be harmed by a cop.

But....the agitation experts are pushing this nonsense. And some politicians feel they must play along and sell out our cops to pander for votes.

It's disgusting. And it's expected from liberals. But not conservatives. Fuck Marco Rubio. He pandered and gave the obligatory "cops are bad" sound bite.

I expect liberals like bulldyke bodecea to now support Rubio.
I can tell you that statistics mean dick when you see the cops in action daily. Thats assuming the stats are legit. Everyone knows stats are only as credible as the people collecting the data.
The BLM movement encourages violence on cops and is disproven with statistics that show over overwhelmingly unlikely it is a black person will be harmed by a cop.

But....the agitation experts are pushing this nonsense. And some politicians feel they must play along and sell out our cops to pander for votes.

It's disgusting. And it's expected from liberals. But not conservatives. Fuck Marco Rubio. He pandered and gave the obligatory "cops are bad" sound bite.

I expect liberals like bulldyke bodecea to now support Rubio.
I can tell you that statistics mean dick when you see the cops in action daily. Thats assuming the stats are legit. Everyone knows stats are only as credible as the people collecting the data.

If you encounter cops daily maybe it's because you and your peers are criminal fucking thugs. Start behaving and stop hanging with thugs....and you won't see cops.

Is he looking for you:
Heavily armed Louisiana police captain taunts local gangsters in video

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