Marco Rubio: Cops are racist

Few cops are racist, sometimes they have a right to be. No different than Bundy's buddy who started to run. He was looking for a lawsuit. If the cop is racist, answer yes or no, let them haul you in and don't put up a fight.
Its more than a few. I know several cops and even they will tell you its more than a few. It doesnt matter if you answer yes or no. Sometimes they dont haul you in. They take you somewhere down by the tracks and kick your ass or stick a gun in your mouth. Why should I put up with being constantly harassed because a lot of cops are racist? Does that make sense to you?

If that has happened to you, I'd get a lawyer, and actually carry a recorder on you and if and when you get pulled over , hit record. That should not be happening. I have a tiny recorder and they are cheap.
Wouldnt it be easier to get rid of all the racist cops rather than my taxes go to pay their wages and have to buy a recorder?

No, because you never will. If I were on a hi way at night, away from towns, alone, and if my car broke down, I'd go and hide in the woods till morning. If a cop stopped I would not say a word or show myself.
Cops can be rapists, serial killers, or racist, and I'm white. Some cops can act like they are God almighty, but I do believe the majority are good.

I'm white too------there are bears in the wooded areas near my home----I like cops
A LOT BETTER---------I have never heard of a racist bear. -------"hide in the woods"----------bugs too. EVEN BATS!!!!!!

I would not go that deep into the woods for a bear, and I am use to the woods. Not that I'd like it, but I'd be prepared. I would not just sit in a broken down auto on the side of the road, waiting for who knows who to drive up. Luckily my husband is able to be with me now, and we do not do many night trips anymore. I also would have my wasp spray with me. I don't trust anyone.
most of us in the US do not do "BROWN"-------old-goat-----are you a FISH 'n Chips
Can you say that again in coherent english?

did you have trouble interpreting PARADISE LOST by John Milton when you were
in high school? ------I will help you with standard lingo of the BRITISH EMPIRE-----
It has its roots in GREEK ETHOS. The greeks referred to any people that did
not use GREEK as "mother-tongue" as BARBARIANS. (aka 'living tools) The
British refer to any people-------not Episcopalian and not hungry for fried fish and
potatoes as "BROWN"
What's with all the dashes? That is not an appropriate use of dashes.

stream of consciousness--------I am on a messageboard-----I am not writing
a law book
Fun fact: did you know that the purpose of grammar is to enable written communication between people? Also, it takes longer to type "-------" than to type "," or "."

carryover yahoo chat posting style or is a wack job
Its more than a few. I know several cops and even they will tell you its more than a few. It doesnt matter if you answer yes or no. Sometimes they dont haul you in. They take you somewhere down by the tracks and kick your ass or stick a gun in your mouth. Why should I put up with being constantly harassed because a lot of cops are racist? Does that make sense to you?

If that has happened to you, I'd get a lawyer, and actually carry a recorder on you and if and when you get pulled over , hit record. That should not be happening. I have a tiny recorder and they are cheap.
Wouldnt it be easier to get rid of all the racist cops rather than my taxes go to pay their wages and have to buy a recorder?

No, because you never will. If I were on a hi way at night, away from towns, alone, and if my car broke down, I'd go and hide in the woods till morning. If a cop stopped I would not say a word or show myself.
Cops can be rapists, serial killers, or racist, and I'm white. Some cops can act like they are God almighty, but I do believe the majority are good.

I'm white too------there are bears in the wooded areas near my home----I like cops
A LOT BETTER---------I have never heard of a racist bear. -------"hide in the woods"----------bugs too. EVEN BATS!!!!!!

I would not go that deep into the woods for a bear, and I am use to the woods. Not that I'd like it, but I'd be prepared. I would not just sit in a broken down auto on the side of the road, waiting for who knows who to drive up. Luckily my husband is able to be with me now, and we do not do many night trips anymore. I also would have my wasp spray with me. I don't trust anyone.

bears can and do walk. ------at least they do in the woods UP HERE-----they end up on roads and even in back yards. I tend to trust cops
Most cops do their job to keep communities from blowing apart. This shouldn't be about cops vrs blacks but figuring out a way to decrease crime + improve these communities.
Its not just Blacks. Rubio isnt Black.

That is true..It is likely he did feel racism as a younger man. I just hope we as a nation can come to some kind of sensible agreement.

Did anyone else notice the difference between Matthews two posts. One pretends its about cops vs blacks then the other says "yeah, well racism does exist" when the topic changed to Hispanics
he can't help himself :p
Yeah, that's why I said for decades. Must be a coincidence or something

Hmmm. I said....the 60s are over. I know your party only has old ass rich white candidates. But we are in 2016.

If you're black and encounter cops frequently ....there's a reason. You or your peers are criminals.
The BLM movement encourages violence on cops and is disproven with statistics that show over overwhelmingly unlikely it is a black person will be harmed by a cop.

But....the agitation experts are pushing this nonsense. And some politicians feel they must play along and sell out our cops to pander for votes.

It's disgusting. And it's expected from liberals. But not conservatives. Fuck Marco Rubio. He pandered and gave the obligatory "cops are bad" sound bite.

I expect liberals like bulldyke bodecea to now support Rubio.
I can tell you that statistics mean dick when you see the cops in action daily. Thats assuming the stats are legit. Everyone knows stats are only as credible as the people collecting the data.

If you encounter cops daily maybe it's because you and your peers are criminal fucking thugs. Start behaving and stop hanging with thugs....and you won't see cops.

Is he looking for you:
Heavily armed Louisiana police captain taunts local gangsters in video
Nope. We were in jr high school and high school attending classes. The cops were just a bunch of racist corn fed cave monkeys on a mission.
Yeah, that's why I said for decades. Must be a coincidence or something

Hmmm. I said....the 60s are over. I know your party only has old ass rich white candidates. But we are in 2016.

If you're black and encounter cops frequently ....there's a reason. You or your peers are criminals.

You keep saying that and I agree, it's 2016. That's why I said for decades because of the time difference between 1960 and 2016. Did that clear it up for you?
Yeah, that's why I said for decades. Must be a coincidence or something

Hmmm. I said....the 60s are over. I know your party only has old ass rich white candidates. But we are in 2016.

If you're black and encounter cops frequently ....there's a reason. You or your peers are criminals.

You keep saying that and I agree, it's 2016. That's why I said for decades because of the time difference between 1960 and 2016. Did that clear it up for you?

It was clear before. It used to happen. Half a century ago. It doesn't anymore. The isolated incidents are extremely rare and every group of 1,000,000 humans will have those isolated individuals. Case closed.

But see....THAT'S why you lefties have chosen this issue. It's eternal victimhood. No matter how clean and professional policing is (light years better than 50 years ago)'s still 1 million humans. And there's always gonna be "that one" here and there that you all can use as an example to claim eternal victimhood.

All your other victimhood excuses have dried up. This is the lefts final hope. Because of 1,000,000'll always find a couple you can base an entire life's worth of gripes about.
The BLM movement encourages violence on cops and is disproven with statistics that show over overwhelmingly unlikely it is a black person will be harmed by a cop.

But....the agitation experts are pushing this nonsense. And some politicians feel they must play along and sell out our cops to pander for votes.

It's disgusting. And it's expected from liberals. But not conservatives. Fuck Marco Rubio. He pandered and gave the obligatory "cops are bad" sound bite.

I expect liberals like bulldyke bodecea to now support Rubio.

And you morphed what he actually said into "cops are racist" in order to pollute political discourse with bullshit, which is why you didn't dare link it that quote.

That's what "disgusting" means.

Taken as a whole....that's how his comments come across. The fact he even validated the BLM bullshit with a response is bad enough.

Doesn't matter ---- misrepresenting what somebody didn't say makes you a liar.
^^^ If cops were really racist, only white people would be allowed to put on the uniform.

God bless you always!!!

What made you think your opinion was correct just because you repeated it? You do realize that all cops dont get to decide who is hired right?
I already knew that.

God bless you always!!!

So why did you state "If cops were really racist, only white people would be allowed to put on the uniform." ?
^^^ I was just using white people as an example. If the cops really were racist, they would all be of just one nationality.

God bless you and them always!!!

^^^ I was just using white people as an example. If the cops really were racist, they would all be of just one nationality.

God bless you and them always!!!

Why do you say that? White supremacists are all racists and they arent all one nationality. What does the country you are from have to do with being a racist or not?

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