Marco Rubio said something important today!!!

Back to their same old crap. spread dirt and smears about the other party.

look what they have running a bunch of old worn out fogies who hasn't had a new idea in over 30 years.

I'd hate to be a tool/sheep for a party. how degrading
I am sure he did, I am just sure!

So, I checked the news, for instance, CNN:View attachment 46976

Oops! Nothing about Rubio on the front-page, but a big pic of "The Donald".

Hmmmm... so I used the search mode for "Rubio". No articles on him today.

Ok, so then I checked out FOX:

View attachment 46977

Oh, wait, Rubio's not on that front-page, either. And no pic of "The Donald", either.... hmmmm, interesting.

Long story, abbreviated version: I looked in a lot of places and you cannot find Marco Rubio on the front page of any major news outlet at all:

View attachment 46978

View attachment 46979

View attachment 46980

View attachment 46981

View attachment 46982

View attachment 46983

View attachment 46984

View attachment 46985

View attachment 46986

View attachment 46987

Lots of front-page stuff on Trump, an occasional reference to Bush, Walker or Paul.

But nothing over Rubio.

It's as if the guy doesn't exist.

This is what happens when an attention-whore like Donald Trump sucks all of the oxygen out of the room.

I just thought that today's little experiment would be maybe somewhat enlightening...
I didn't see anything on PIAPS....she was tiring to give away 350 billion in benefits for morons.

Typical conservative response, because conservatives don't believe in going to college.....their motto...."college is for dummies"....bwahahaha.
If you can't figure out a way to go to college on your own're a libtard.

I hope they exclude conservatives....but they'll probably be the first in line to take advantage of conservatives here, who like you, don't contribute to the Forum but love to post their crap here anyway.....and then claim they don't like free stuff......bwahahaha!
Are you claiming someone should pay to listen to morons such as yourself? Not me.

I pay to listen to morons like you because I like this place and I can debunk your nonsense. You, on the other hand, like free stuff........bwahahaha!
I am sure he did, I am just sure!

So, I checked the news, for instance, CNN:View attachment 46976

Oops! Nothing about Rubio on the front-page, but a big pic of "The Donald".

Hmmmm... so I used the search mode for "Rubio". No articles on him today.

Ok, so then I checked out FOX:

View attachment 46977

Oh, wait, Rubio's not on that front-page, either. And no pic of "The Donald", either.... hmmmm, interesting.

Long story, abbreviated version: I looked in a lot of places and you cannot find Marco Rubio on the front page of any major news outlet at all:

View attachment 46978

View attachment 46979

View attachment 46980

View attachment 46981

View attachment 46982

View attachment 46983

View attachment 46984

View attachment 46985

View attachment 46986

View attachment 46987

Lots of front-page stuff on Trump, an occasional reference to Bush, Walker or Paul.

But nothing over Rubio.

It's as if the guy doesn't exist.

This is what happens when an attention-whore like Donald Trump sucks all of the oxygen out of the room.

I just thought that today's little experiment would be maybe somewhat enlightening...

Our media giants fawned over Obama too

Mean while in Syria...........Christians are taken hostage, raped, murdered and beheaded..........

Recent raid..............takes more in the Genocide against Christians and those not of the ISIS faith.

Dozens of Assyrian Christians Kidnapped or Detained By ISIS Gleanings

Dozens of Syrian Christian families have been abducted by fighters from ISIS,according to a new report from Reuters.

About 230 people, “some of who were taken from a church,” were kidnapped or detained by ISIS when the terrorist group captured the Syrian town of Qaryatain on Friday. Prior to the start of the civil war, about 18,000 people lived in Qaryatain, about 2,000 of them Syriac Catholics and Orthodox Christians, reports The Telegraph.

Following the fighting between ISIS and the Syrian army, at least 1,400 families fled the town to safer areas or took shelter in the government-controlled city of Homs, reports the Assyrian Monitor for Human Rights.

In May, two priests who ran monasteries in the area, went missing from the town.

Earlier this year, ISIS launched surprise attacks on 35 villages in northeast Syria and took more than 200 Christians captive. Some captives were released in March. ISIS reportedly demanded a $23 million ransom for the release of 240 Christians,according to World Watch Monitor (WWM).

Northern Iraq..............Christians.........
Oh........sorry yeah that's right...........we are looking for Rubio ............who I think is a good candidate...........

I couldn't post the other pictures of the current Genocide there............terms of service............

Most of this isn't in the news either...............News groups don't need to show the carnage in the Middle East who dare to be the world ignores the Genocide of our time.
I didn't see anything on PIAPS....she was tiring to give away 350 billion in benefits for morons.

Typical conservative response, because conservatives don't believe in going to college.....their motto...."college is for dummies"....bwahahaha.
If you can't figure out a way to go to college on your own're a libtard.

I hope they exclude conservatives....but they'll probably be the first in line to take advantage of conservatives here, who like you, don't contribute to the Forum but love to post their crap here anyway.....and then claim they don't like free stuff......bwahahaha!
Are you claiming someone should pay to listen to morons such as yourself? Not me.

I pay to listen to morons like you because I like this place and I can debunk your nonsense. You, on the other hand, like free stuff........bwahahaha!
That'll be the day. GFY.
Rubio? I thought he isn't participating anymore. No one will notice if he disappears just like half of all GOP candidates. Though democrats are not any better. Hillary and Sanders are the only candidates worth mentioning.
real shame there isn't a 'YAWN' button to give this the real attention it deserves,,,

Current events?

Fit better in the Rubber Room, or the Flame Zone

Ahhh, so, you missed the point, Kemosabe...

Well, unless the point was you started a lame thread,,,,

Nope, that seems to be the only point in the thread

The point was to inform and educate some through humor.

I see it went right over your head, Kemosabe.
real shame there isn't a 'YAWN' button to give this the real attention it deserves,,,

Current events?

Fit better in the Rubber Room, or the Flame Zone

Ahhh, so, you missed the point, Kemosabe...

Well, unless the point was you started a lame thread,,,,

Nope, that seems to be the only point in the thread

The point was to inform and educate some through humor.

I see it went right over your head, Kemosabe.
real shame there isn't a 'YAWN' button to give this the real attention it deserves,,,

Current events?

Fit better in the Rubber Room, or the Flame Zone

Ahhh, so, you missed the point, Kemosabe...

Well, unless the point was you started a lame thread,,,,

Nope, that seems to be the only point in the thread

The point was to inform and educate some through humor.

I see it went right over your head, Kemosabe.

and the point it was blatantly lame seems to have gone over yours.

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