Maricopa County Board Refuses to Discuss Election Concerns, Calls for Audit to End

You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
No, we understand that the only way Biden was elected was through cheating and we also understand you have no clue about much of anything....
We also understand that you have no proof of any election fraud.
You keep telling yourself that....
There’s plenty of proof, that you chose to ignore it doesn’t mean it’s not there....
Nope. Not buying that bullshit.
Reality doesn't care whether you buy it or not.
You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
No, we understand that the only way Biden was elected was through cheating and we also understand you have no clue about much of anything....
We also understand that you have no proof of any election fraud.
You keep telling yourself that....
There’s plenty of proof, that you chose to ignore it doesn’t mean it’s not there....
Nope. Not buying that bullshit.
Reality doesn't care whether you buy it or not.
My reality trumps yours. Nyaa nyaa nyaa.
There is no 'we' here, tard. Most people think you're full of shit. The issue is, your tribe knows it. The Qult45 don't have the stones to correct their behavior. Qult45 just wants to continue the troll, and the majority wants to punch them in the junk repeatedly for it.
So when you’re referring to “most people” meaning the sheep like yourself...

My Tribe? Your juvenile Tumbleweed and it’s obvious you’re just another keyboard commando...

Who are you going to punch?! That blow up clown your Mommy gave you for your last birthday....
Here's the deal........

Tyranny is a cancer.

You leave it untreated for too becomes terminal and you cannot stop it. With every passing day it becomes harder to stop.

This is the story of American patriots response to an obvious takeover of their nation
Criminals trying to overturn a free and fair election, upheld by the courts, the DoJ, and even their own election officials - and planning to disenfranchise millions of voters - are "patriots".

Only to Republicans trying to overthrow democracy.

Are they truly Republican or RINO’s pretending to be Republican?

Trump has unleashed the mental patients to run the funny farm and sane Republicans have no clue how to get these crazies back into their love me jackets and silence them for once...

As for the election being stolen, well no court has ever agreed with these crazies and no court ever will...

Now let the lies from Trump camp flow even more about how they were never allowed to find the fraud they truly believe is real!!!
Rambunctious said:
If its a fake audit then you have nothing to worry about...right?
Actually, the relentless denial of the will of the People as confirmed by the certification of the election results by all the respective states and the U.S. Congress is something all patriotic Americans should worry about.

Trashing democracy serves the agenda of totalitarian regimes such as Xi's and Putin's.

The Crazy Times Carnival Cyber Ninja farce in Maricopa County has no validity, will cost Arizona taxpayers millions because of State Senate Republicans' incompetence, and is making the state "a laughing stock" according to the Republican Board of Supervisors that has called for the end of the squalid caper.
bigrebnc1775 said:
I wonder what happened to the antirights fascist argument that Republicans cheat and lie? Why aren't you calling for an audit?
Your vague raving aside, Republicans are perfectly capable of telling the truth. If you doubt that, here are some documented examples:

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]

“There’s no question the president formed the mob, the president incited the mob,
the president addressed the mob. He lit the flame.”

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.)

[Liz Cheney blames Trump for riots: 'He lit the flame']
The costly farce in Arizona has been denounced as an embarrassment by Republican officials in Maricopa County.

They are telling the truth as well.
beagle9 said:
You are confused.
The ideological fanaticism and cultish worship of the Cry Baby Loser and his Big Lie compels those still obsessing over their insipid object of veneration to lash out at reality-oriented folks such as the Republicans on the Maricopa Board of Supervisors.

It's a sad spectacle, indeed.
Republicans in Maricopa county are sick and tired of looking like fools chasing the election fraud lie.

I'm wondering if taxpayers are sick and tired of paying for this shit.
When are you liberoidals going to quit pretending that you give one single flying fuck about how much anything that someone else is paying for costs?
bigrebnc1775 said:
I wonder what happened to the antirights fascist argument that Republicans cheat and lie? Why aren't you calling for an audit?
Your vague raving aside, Republicans are perfectly capable of telling the truth. If you doubt that, here are some documented examples:

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]

“There’s no question the president formed the mob, the president incited the mob,
the president addressed the mob. He lit the flame.”

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.)

[Liz Cheney blames Trump for riots: 'He lit the flame']
The costly farce in Arizona has been denounced as an embarrassment by Republican officials in Maricopa County.

They are telling the truth as well.
Republicans in Maricopa county are sick and tired of looking like fools chasing the election fraud lie.

I'm wondering if taxpayers are sick and tired of paying for this shit.
When are you liberoidals going to quit pretending that you give one single flying fuck about how much anything that someone else is paying for costs?
They're fine with sending our tax money to Iran, Hamas or "gender studies" in Pakistan, but let's not get to the bottom of a marxist contractor who won't give up passwords and has proprietary software that generates "1 + 1 = Whatever.The.Fuck.You.Want.It.To.Be"

You filthy fucking animals overshot the runway on this one (as usual), and there's going to be some kind of hellfire raining down on your diseased asses.

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]​

“There’s no question the president formed the mob, the president incited the mob,
the president addressed the mob. He lit the flame.”
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.)

[Liz Cheney blames Trump for riots: 'He lit the flame']​

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy

[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]​

“There’s no question the president formed the mob, the president incited the mob,
the president addressed the mob. He lit the flame.”
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.)

[Liz Cheney blames Trump for riots: 'He lit the flame']​
GFY, thread hijacking, sock puppet CCP bot.
Rambunctious said:
If its a fake audit then you have nothing to worry about...right?
Actually, the relentless denial of the will of the People as confirmed by the certification of the election results by all the respective states and the U.S. Congress is something all patriotic Americans should worry about.

The Crazy Times Carnival Cyber Ninja farce in Maricopa County has no validity, will cost Arizona taxpayers millions because of State Senate Republicans' incompetence, and is making the state "a laughing stock" according to the Republican Board of Supervisors that has called for the end of the squalid caper.
Trashing democracy serves the agenda of totalitarian regimes such as Xi's and Putin's.

It's you liberoidal fuckchops who can't shove your heads up the asses of Putin and Xi quickly and deeply enough.
You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
No, we understand that the only way Biden was elected was through cheating and we also understand you have no clue about much of anything....
We also understand that you have no proof of any election fraud.
You keep telling yourself that....
There’s plenty of proof, that you chose to ignore it doesn’t mean it’s not there....
Nope. Not buying that bullshit.
Reality doesn't care whether you buy it or not.
My reality trumps yours. Nyaa nyaa nyaa.
That just shows you have no understanding of what the word means.
You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
No, we understand that the only way Biden was elected was through cheating and we also understand you have no clue about much of anything....
We also understand that you have no proof of any election fraud.
You keep telling yourself that....
There’s plenty of proof, that you chose to ignore it doesn’t mean it’s not there....
Nope. Not buying that bullshit.
Reality doesn't care whether you buy it or not.
My reality trumps yours. Nyaa nyaa nyaa.
That just shows you have no understanding of what the word means.
Sure, bud.
They've been caught red-handed.....
They are tired of dealing with crazy people
Four years of Russian Collusion and the Mueller Investigation.....and yet you condone this after only a few weeks of investigation?
I said from Day One the Russian Collusion Delusion was bullshit, and you've already been laughed out of 70 courtrooms nationwide, so spare me your moral equivalency, Randall McMurphy.
Get with the program. Trump was cheated out of his presidency and everybody below the pay grade of chimps know it now.
There was no widespread fraud and anyone with a functioning brain knows it.
There was widespread fraud and anyone with a functioning brain knows it.
Great, show the proof..... oh, wait.... there is none.


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