Maricopa County Board Refuses to Discuss Election Concerns, Calls for Audit to End

They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

Okay, so in the future...I figure all I have to do when I'm caught committing a crime is call the cop a lunatic and refuse to respond to his commands or totally ignore any summons by the court. Think that will work?

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced on Monday that it would not attend a meeting requested by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to answer questions raised to date by an audit of the 2020 presidential election.​
In fact, the board took it a step further and called for the audit to end. Chairman Jack Sellers declared he would not be answering any more questions regarding November’s election, which the board helped oversee.​
If the board wanted to take the election integrity concerns that many voters have to the next level, there would be no better way to do it.​
Sellers launched into invectives right from the outset of Monday’s meeting.​
“We are here under some bizarre circumstances to discuss responding to an unfortunate letter from the president of the Arizona state Senate,” he said."​
Fuck your 'audit'. When it eventually flames out. I wanna see you whine and cry some more.
It is going to audits very soon. You keep lying and hoping they don't get caught. Although they have already admitted their guilt by their actions alone.
This nonsense is done. It'll get shut down and I'll laugh in your stupid faces.
You sound worried.
You most of America....that they cheated.
You just want it all to go away so you don't have to worry about looking like an asshole for supporting this criminality.
Yeah, about as worried as you finding Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, proof 9/11 was an inside job, the moon landings were fake and PizzaGate was real.
You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
No, we understand that the only way Biden was elected was through cheating and we also understand you have no clue about much of anything....
We also understand that you have no proof of any election fraud.
You keep telling yourself that....
There’s plenty of proof, that you chose to ignore it doesn’t mean it’s not there....
We don't have to tell ourselves that. You guys are telling us that with your inability to prove widespread fraud.
They've been caught red-handed.....
They are tired of dealing with crazy people
Four years of Russian Collusion and the Mueller Investigation.....and yet you condone this after only a few weeks of investigation?
I said from Day One the Russian Collusion Delusion was bullshit, and you've already been laughed out of 70 courtrooms nationwide, so spare me your moral equivalency, Randall McMurphy.
Get with the program. Trump was cheated out of his presidency and everybody below the pay grade of chimps know it now.
There was no widespread fraud and anyone with a functioning brain knows it.
There was widespread fraud and anyone with a functioning brain knows it.
Great, show the proof..... oh, wait.... there is none.

O.p piece of shit you are.
^^^ means you have no proof ... which means there was no widespread fraud ... which means you don't have a functioning brain.

Thanks for clearing that inconsequential matter up.
Only guilty people act like the dems are acting....
You mean folks like the Republican-dominated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors?

What a clown show! Not only is this fake "audit" exclusively for fanatical Trump bum kissers, the gross incompetence by the state senate's Trumpies costs normal taxpayers big time!

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs told Maricopa County officials... that her office may not allow the county to reuse hundreds of vote-counting machines that the county gave the state Senate for its "general election audit." ...
The county broke the chain of custody, or the procedures for properly securing and tracking the machines, when it was required to give the machines to the state Senate under subpoenas... if the county tries to use the machines again, even if it performs a full analysis in an attempt to determine whether the machines were still safe to use, her office would "consider decertification proceedings." ...
Replacing the machines would cost the county millions.
County officials turned over the voting machines, as well as nearly 2.1 million ballots and voter information from the Nov. 3 election after a judge ruled the state Senate's subpoenas for the items were valid. The state Senate then provided the items to private contractors, headed by... Cyber Ninjas.
Hobbs said her office consulted with election technology and security experts, including at the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, who agreed that once chain of custody is broken, the machines shouldn't be used again.
"After a loss of physical custody and control, no comprehensive methods exist to fully rehabilitate the compromised equipment or provide adequate assurance that they remain safe to use," she said in the letter...
The private contractors hired by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann had unfettered and unmonitored access to the machines. It's unprecedented for private companies and individuals, other than the machine manufacturers, to have access to government-used voting machines...
[N]o election officials, nor observers from her office, were allowed to remain with the equipment for the duration of the contractors' work, and no livestream showed the review.
If its a fake audit then you have nothing to worry about...right?...we made severe changes to election rules in many states due to covid... the dems want to make some of those changes permanent via HR1...we as a nation of free people have a right to make certain that those changes do not favor one side over the other...for you to be freaking out over an audit in one county of one state makes your side look guilty as hell.....

"This Woman" died while breaking federal law. NO fucking mercy, she was engaging a Violent act of Insurgency against the United States. Fuck Her. She got what she deserved.
They've been caught red-handed.....
They are tired of dealing with crazy people
Four years of Russian Collusion and the Mueller Investigation.....and yet you condone this after only a few weeks of investigation?
I said from Day One the Russian Collusion Delusion was bullshit, and you've already been laughed out of 70 courtrooms nationwide, so spare me your moral equivalency, Randall McMurphy.
Get with the program. Trump was cheated out of his presidency and everybody below the pay grade of chimps know it now.
There was no widespread fraud and anyone with a functioning brain knows it.
There was widespread fraud and anyone with a functioning brain knows it.
Great, show the proof..... oh, wait.... there is none.

O.p piece of shit you are.
^^^ means you have no proof ... which means there was no widespread fraud ... which means you don't have a functioning brain.

Thanks for clearing that inconsequential matter up.
Lie , lie, lie , and deny .... and don't forget to try and blocked every bit of transparency . That's what you election thieves do.
Keep it up , looks as good as handcuffs .
bravoactual said:
"This Woman" died while breaking federal law. NO fucking mercy, she was engaging a Violent act of Insurgency against the United States. Fuck Her. She got what she deserved.
The police, charged with protecting democracy were outnumbered and unprepared for the attack by the Trump goons.

It is unfortunate that any extremist was killed, but the police showed great restraint as the ugly mob ws savaging them.

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bravoactual said:
"This Woman" died while breaking federal law. NO fucking mercy, she was engaging a Violent act of Insurgency against the United States. Fuck Her. She got what she deserved.
The police, charged with protecting democracy were outnumbered and unprepared for the attack by the Trump goons.

It is unfortunate that any extremist was killed, but the police showed great restraint as the ugly mob ws savaging them.

Unprepared? They turned down help. Stop fucking lying, shill.
Have they decided to murder the Senate leader? I put nothing past the people who do not the fraud exposed.
False flag operation by a knuckle dragging maga fukkup.
Have they decided to murder the Senate leader? I put nothing past the people who do not the fraud exposed.
False flag operation by a knuckle dragging maga fukkup.
Prove it.

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy

[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]​

“There’s no question the president formed the mob, the president incited the mob,
the president addressed the mob. He lit the flame.”
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.)

[Liz Cheney blames Trump for riots: 'He lit the flame']​
Well, they’re radical Hitler Deep State Swamp Commies ‘n stuff...
Lastamender said:
Unprepared? They turned down help. Stop fucking lying, shill.
It is proper that whatever lapses occurred before or during the assault by Trump goons, those that placed the lives of the police in unnecessary jeopardy prominently included, be a focus in an independent Congressional inquiry.

Arizona’s Crazy Time Carnival Cyber-Ninja fiasco is a costly embarrassment to Republicans, the Republican-dominated Maricopa Board of Supervisors stridently denouncing the farce.


False claims, intra-party feuds, and the need to potentially replace millions of dollars in equipment because of the SNAFU are among the consequences of the evidence-free fantasy that the Cry Baby Loser had won in an imaginary

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There been multiple, legitimate, impartial audits and the election results certified, but the Trump bum kissers insisted on having a token, parody run by Doug Logan, a notorious conspiracy crackpot with no experience in election audit whatever. Of course, the caper is bankrolled by Trump bum kissers, and details of the privately-conducted “audit” kept secret from the public.

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs said the county may be forced to replace its voting machines due to the chain-of-custody requirement being flouted,whether out of ignorance or malice. As a consequence of her stating that reality, she received death threats that necessitated the Governor ordering protection for her.

Cry Baby Loser’s Big Lie and his crapping on the American democratic process, besides inciting his goons to violently attack our Congress, serves the agenda of more than just a pathetic, morally-impotent narcissist far too insecure to honestly acknowledge defeat who can contrive no credible pretext to dispute the free and fair election via proper legal channels. No suspects, no explanations of how the greatest "hoax" in U.S. history was masterminded, coordinated, and executed? No Who? How? Why? What? When? Where?

Savaged the pride Americans had taken in peaceful transfers of power since 1796, the Cry Baby Loser’s undermining and demeaning democratic self-governance is a service to totalitarian regimes everywhere.

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Have they decided to murder the Senate leader? I put nothing past the people who do not the fraud exposed.
Wonder to what extent the FBI or Homeland security will try their level best to get to the bottom of the attack ? We shall see or will we ?
Have they decided to murder the Senate leader? I put nothing past the people who do not the fraud exposed.
False flag operation by a knuckle dragging maga fukkup.
Prove it.
Just like the Big Lie, I don’t need proof for it to be true.
Republicans in Maricopa county are sick and tired of looking like fools chasing the election fraud lie.

I'm wondering if taxpayers are sick and tired of paying for this shit.
When are you liberoidals going to quit pretending that you give one single flying fuck about how much anything that someone else is paying for costs?
Probably when you conservatards finally admit you dont care either.
I like the allegation that thousands of Trump votes were force fed to chickens and then the chickens were all burned alive to cover it up..sure beats the 'we are looking for traces of bamboo because we know thousands of Biden votes were shipped in from some Asian country'. (chuckle)
bravoactual said:
"This Woman" died while breaking federal law. NO fucking mercy, she was engaging a Violent act of Insurgency against the United States. Fuck Her. She got what she deserved.
The police, charged with protecting democracy were outnumbered and unprepared for the attack by the Trump goons.

It is unfortunate that any extremist was killed, but the police showed great restraint as the ugly mob ws savaging them.

Unprepared? They turned down help. Stop fucking lying, shill.
Your tribe supports terrorism. After that, no one really gives a fuck how you choose to 'Orangesplain' it. All your content is silliness and fantasy to normal people, magafag.

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