Marijuana legalization?

I don't need to junior, because unlike you I know what I'm talking about. This ain't my first rodeo on this topic.

Why are you getting personal? Its a discussion board, and unlike you, (I'm assuming your a closed minded liberal democrat) I look out for what is good for ALL of America. (Regardless whether more not it is a drug, we will have to agree to dis-agree on that, my BIG PICTURE point remains) You make good points, ill give you that, but I can not sit here and sys hat I agree with ALL of them. I believe that I make good points as well. I do know what I am talking about, and to say that your opinion I better than mine is very closed minded and ignorant; besides, I am going off of multiple facts and information and you are going off of a simple debate whether or not marijuana is ma "drug" or not, don't nit pick t my post and pick what you want to disagree or agree with, take ALL or what I said and THEN make an argument. It is uneducated people like you that make me furious when it comes to elections. Uneducated voters are going to be the worst thing for future elections, just like it has been and will always be. That is why there needs to be some sort of way to pick out and discard the uneducated voter by giving a quiz on SIMPLE politics before idiots walk into the polling station. Baffles me that some people voted for Obama just because he was black and didn't know what he stood for or believed, and called him "the black guy" when asked who they are voting for, inane. I know fully well what I am talking about. Educate yourself.

You think that's personal? You and your ass-umptions can go fuck yourselves. NOW it's personal.

You don't know the first thing about my politics, my education, who I vote for or whatever point I haven't made. So take your assumptions, sprinkel liberally with the ignorance you pulled out of Harry Anslinger's 1937 racist mindless "gateway drug" bullshit, roll it up in a nice paper, set it on fire, inhale deeply and cram it up your ass.

I don't know about your education. But its very, very obvious that you are closed minded, and getting more and more obvious that you are just another pot head who doesn't want anything to interfere with their precious plant being legal. Obviously you have not studied psychology or sociology, because if you did you would know all about human nature and people's natural and instinctual curiosity. I'll let you attempt to read in Breen the lines on that one, lets see if you can.
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Why are you getting personal? Its a discussion board, and unlike you, (I'm assuming your a closed minded liberal democrat) I look out for what is good for ALL of America. (Regardless whether more not it is a drug, we will have to agree to dis-agree on that, my BIG PICTURE point remains) You make good points, ill give you that, but I can not sit here and sys hat I agree with ALL of them. I believe that I make good points as well. I do know what I am talking about, and to say that your opinion I better than mine is very closed minded and ignorant; besides, I am going off of multiple facts and information and you are going off of a simple debate whether or not marijuana is ma "drug" or not, don't nit pick t my post and pick what you want to disagree or agree with, take ALL or what I said and THEN make an argument. It is uneducated people like you that make me furious when it comes to elections. Uneducated voters are going to be the worst thing for future elections, just like it has been and will always be. That is why there needs to be some sort of way to pick out and discard the uneducated voter by giving a quiz on SIMPLE politics before idiots walk into the polling station. Baffles me that some people voted for Obama just because he was black and didn't know what he stood for or believed, and called him "the black guy" when asked who they are voting for, inane. I know fully well what I am talking about. Educate yourself.

You think that's personal? You and your ass-umptions can go fuck yourselves. NOW it's personal.

You don't know the first thing about my politics, my education, who I vote for or whatever point I haven't made. So take your assumptions, sprinkel liberally with the ignorance you pulled out of Harry Anslinger's 1937 racist mindless "gateway drug" bullshit, roll it up in a nice paper, set it on fire, inhale deeply and cram it up your ass.

I don't know about your education. But its very, very obvious that you are closed minded, and getting more and more obvious that you are just another pot head who doesn't want anything to interfere with their precious plant being legal. Obviously you have not studied psychology or sociology, because if you did you would know all about human nature and people's natural and instinctual curiosity. I'll let you attempt to read in Breen the lines on that one, lets see if you can.

I don't read Breen. I'll do English, French German or Portuguese. Breen is right out.
You too, look up the definition of a drug. I'm sure you'll be dissatisfied with what you find as it proves your argument to be incorrect.

I don't need to junior, because unlike you I know what I'm talking about. This ain't my first rodeo on this topic.

Why are you getting personal? Its a discussion board, and unlike you, (I'm assuming your a closed minded liberal democrat) I look out for what is good for ALL of America. (Regardless whether more not it is a drug, we will have to agree to dis-agree on that, my BIG PICTURE point remains) You make good points, ill give you that, but I can not sit here and sys hat I agree with ALL of them. I believe that I make good points as well. I do know what I am talking about, and to say that your opinion I better than mine is very closed minded and ignorant; besides, I am going off of multiple facts and information and you are going off of a simple debate whether or not marijuana is ma "drug" or not, don't nit pick t my post and pick what you want to disagree or agree with, take ALL or what I said and THEN make an argument. It is uneducated people like you that make me furious when it comes to elections. Uneducated voters are going to be the worst thing for future elections, just like it has been and will always be. That is why there needs to be some sort of way to pick out and discard the uneducated voter by giving a quiz on SIMPLE politics before idiots walk into the polling station. Baffles me that some people voted for Obama just because he was black and didn't know what he stood for or believed, and called him "the black guy" when asked who they are voting for, inane. I know fully well what I am talking about. Educate yourself.

"Close minded liberal" is a contradiction in terms. The definition of liberal is "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas," which is the opposite of 'close minded.' An uneducated person would, of course, not know the meaning of liberal, which seems to be the case with you.

If you believe we end up with the officials we end up with because voters are uneducated, then you must believe G.W.Bush was elected because the voters were uneducated.

And do you understand the aphorism about people who live in glass houses while at the same time calling others uneducated and idiots?
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For those of you concerned about what message legalizing pot sends to the children, approximately 10% of school-age children in the US have been prescribed Ritalin for ADHD. What kind of message does that send the kids about drugs?

What about smoking and drinking, sleeping pills, tranquilizers and Viagara. You have an entire drug industry which advertises on TV every single day. You think the idea that there are drugs for every occasion has never crossed the minds of children viewing these ads?

Pot is a very beneficial drug for treatment of insomnia, pain, cataracts, and loss of appetite in cancer patients. Not to mention the potential for tax revenues.

Just get the sale of pot out of the hands of criminals would be a boon.
For those of you concerned about what message legalizing pot sends to the children, approximately 10% of school-age children in the US have been prescribed Ritalin for ADHD. What kind of message does that send the kids about drugs?

That you should follow you doctor's advice ?
I don't need to junior, because unlike you I know what I'm talking about. This ain't my first rodeo on this topic.

Why are you getting personal? Its a discussion board, and unlike you, (I'm assuming your a closed minded liberal democrat) I look out for what is good for ALL of America. (Regardless whether more not it is a drug, we will have to agree to dis-agree on that, my BIG PICTURE point remains) You make good points, ill give you that, but I can not sit here and sys hat I agree with ALL of them. I believe that I make good points as well. I do know what I am talking about, and to say that your opinion I better than mine is very closed minded and ignorant; besides, I am going off of multiple facts and information and you are going off of a simple debate whether or not marijuana is ma "drug" or not, don't nit pick t my post and pick what you want to disagree or agree with, take ALL or what I said and THEN make an argument. It is uneducated people like you that make me furious when it comes to elections. Uneducated voters are going to be the worst thing for future elections, just like it has been and will always be. That is why there needs to be some sort of way to pick out and discard the uneducated voter by giving a quiz on SIMPLE politics before idiots walk into the polling station. Baffles me that some people voted for Obama just because he was black and didn't know what he stood for or believed, and called him "the black guy" when asked who they are voting for, inane. I know fully well what I am talking about. Educate yourself.

"Close minded liberal" is a contradiction in terms. The definition of liberal is "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas," which is the opposite of 'close minded.' An uneducated person would, of course, not know the meaning of liberal, which seems to be the case with you.

If you believe we end up with the officials we end up with because voters are uneducated, then you must believe G.W.Bush was elected because the voters were uneducated.

And do you understand the aphorism about people who live in glass houses while at the same time calling others uneducated and idiots?

It's not THE definition of liberal, it's ONE definition of liberal.

However the poster you quoted may have been painting with a broad brush, making uninformed assumptions, or simply wrong, you are just being silly to ignore the commonly used political definition of liberal. Clearly there can be and are close-minded liberals, just as there are close-minded conservative and libertarians and any other political ideology.

I can't tell if you did it intentionally and I missed the sarcasm or not. :redface:
The definition of liberal is "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas,"


What a load of horseshit.


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..not to mention it IS a gateway drug.

If such a thing as a "gateway" drug existed?

It would be CHOCOLATE or possibly coffee for most Americans.

However there is no such animal as a gateway drug, Lad.

The concept is preposterous.
Just legalize all drugs.
Vermont Governor Spends Entire State of the State Address on 'Full-Blown Heroin Crisis' | Truth Revolt

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin (D) spent his entire State of the State address talking about the state’s growing heroin problem. “You will hear from me on many of these topics next week when I present my budget. Today I will focus exclusively on another matter of great concern to our state’s future,” Shumlin said. “The crisis I am talking about is the rising tide of drug addiction and drug-related crime spreading across Vermont.”

Specifically, Shumlin said:

In every corner of our state, heroin and opiate drug addiction threatens us. It threatens the safety that has always blessed our state. It is a crisis bubbling just beneath the surface that may be invisible to many, but is already highly visible to law enforcement, medical personnel, social service and addiction treatment providers, and too many Vermont families. It requires all of us to take action before the quality of life that we cherish so much is compromised.

Student home from university ?cut off his own penis and stabbed his mother while high on mephedrone? - News - Student - The Independent
A 19-year-old student has cut off his own penis and stabbed his mother while high on the party drug mephedrone, it was claimed yesterday.

Emergency services rushed to a house in Haywards Heath, West Sussex and apparently found the man hanging from a bedroom window with blood pouring from wounds to his groin.

No one has a right to tell you what to put in your body and what drugs you take doesn't hurt anyone else.
I don't need to junior, because unlike you I know what I'm talking about. This ain't my first rodeo on this topic.

Why are you getting personal? Its a discussion board, and unlike you, (I'm assuming your a closed minded liberal democrat) I look out for what is good for ALL of America. (Regardless whether more not it is a drug, we will have to agree to dis-agree on that, my BIG PICTURE point remains) You make good points, ill give you that, but I can not sit here and sys hat I agree with ALL of them. I believe that I make good points as well. I do know what I am talking about, and to say that your opinion I better than mine is very closed minded and ignorant; besides, I am going off of multiple facts and information and you are going off of a simple debate whether or not marijuana is ma "drug" or not, don't nit pick t my post and pick what you want to disagree or agree with, take ALL or what I said and THEN make an argument. It is uneducated people like you that make me furious when it comes to elections. Uneducated voters are going to be the worst thing for future elections, just like it has been and will always be. That is why there needs to be some sort of way to pick out and discard the uneducated voter by giving a quiz on SIMPLE politics before idiots walk into the polling station. Baffles me that some people voted for Obama just because he was black and didn't know what he stood for or believed, and called him "the black guy" when asked who they are voting for, inane. I know fully well what I am talking about. Educate yourself.

"Close minded liberal" is a contradiction in terms. The definition of liberal is "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas," which is the opposite of 'close minded.' An uneducated person would, of course, not know the meaning of liberal, which seems to be the case with you.

If you believe we end up with the officials we end up with because voters are uneducated, then you must believe G.W.Bush was elected because the voters were uneducated.

And do you understand the aphorism about people who live in glass houses while at the same time calling others uneducated and idiots?

Oh wow, you know how to nit pick pretty well. Your right, I misused 'liberal,' preoccupation will do that to you. I was watching CNN and a liberal representative was talking and I got confused. Enough with the personal attacks. Anyways, I do not believe that our officials get elected because of uneducated voters, I did not mean that at all and maybe it was on me for not caring enough to clarify. What I mean is that uneducated voters are awful. That's all, it was a point made from the heat of the moment. All of that aside, this is about marijuana, that's all. My apologies if I offended anyone, obviously if people are on here, then you are educated, dumb point on my part.
..not to mention it IS a gateway drug.

If such a thing as a "gateway" drug existed?

It would be CHOCOLATE or possibly coffee for most Americans.

However there is no such animal as a gateway drug, Lad.

The concept is preposterous.

Good point, that most people have made on this post and it made me reconsider. Maybe it is not a 'gateway' drug so to speak, but more of a drug that increases the chances of doing other drugs. All that I am saying is that it is human nature to become curious about other things, that is how we became what we are today. I would say that would be a fair statement, maybe not marijuana in itself, but the sole fact that people are getting high, then people (maybe not all) will get curious about other highs of other drugs. Do you agree? Listen, I'm trying to see your point, try to see mine.
The definition of liberal is "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas,"


What a load of horseshit.

A load of horseshit is what your post is. That cartoon has nothing to do with Liberalism. It's opposed to Liberalism. Mostly it's leftism.

I suppose you too don't know the difference...
For those of you concerned about what message legalizing pot sends to the children, approximately 10% of school-age children in the US have been prescribed Ritalin for ADHD. What kind of message does that send the kids about drugs?

What about smoking and drinking, sleeping pills, tranquilizers and Viagara. You have an entire drug industry which advertises on TV every single day. You think the idea that there are drugs for every occasion has never crossed the minds of children viewing these ads?

Pot is a very beneficial drug for treatment of insomnia, pain, cataracts, and loss of appetite in cancer patients. Not to mention the potential for tax revenues.

Just get the sale of pot out of the hands of criminals would be a boon.

I see what you mean, very true. However, those drugs are prescribed by your doctor (I know your going to say that so will medical marijuana, which I am all for just NOT recreational use) and kept under watch. The main point I'm trying to make here is that our whole lives, for most, have been told that marijuana is a drug and a bad one and to never do it; yet here we got the generation that enforced that upon us making recreational marijuana legal in Colorado, which is very contradicting and if I were a child I would think 'wow, its now legal, let me try it.' ** they try it ** and then they think to themselves, 'well, this is not as bad as they said, so I wonder what else my parents lied about, what about acid! I'll try heroin too!' So that is all I am saying, I'm trying to be more open minded about peoples points, as I can be very bad at that, so all I ask is you try to see my point as well.
The definition of liberal is "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas,"


What a load of horseshit.

A load of horseshit is what your post is. That cartoon has nothing to do with Liberalism. It's opposed to Liberalism. Mostly it's leftism.

I suppose you too don't know the difference...

Yeah, esmeralda is right, that is what liberal means lol. I was watching CNN and they were speaking to a liberal and the word got stuck in my head and for some reason I typed it, kind of like a Freudian slip, only I typed it haha

However, my bad for getting personal, I am trying to see your views and everyone else, do you at least understand mine? I think that my view on all of this is pretty rational. I understand where your coming from as well though.

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