Marijuana Ruling Could Signal End of Prohibition on Pot

Many edibles look exactly like legal candy


They likely taste the same, too. That's what makes it so insidious. At least with alcohol the taste will deter the unsuspecting. Anyone poisons me with pot may suffer death as retribution.

You should probably be locked up for being a mental case.

Actually, you just need to calm down a little...smoke a bowl or something!

And you're ignorant. I refuse to be held hostage by ignorance. Enlighten yourself, get some smarts about pot. Pay attention and learn.
Many edibles look exactly like legal candy


They likely taste the same, too. That's what makes it so insidious. At least with alcohol the taste will deter the unsuspecting. Anyone poisons me with pot may suffer death as retribution.

You should probably be locked up for being a mental case.

Actually, you just need to calm down a little...smoke a bowl or something!

I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.
The problem is that they won't think they're poisoning anyone. Their ignorance will make them think they're doing them a favor. They will inevitably come across someone who has adverse effects from pot and they will have to pay for their ignorance.
Many edibles look exactly like legal candy


They likely taste the same, too. That's what makes it so insidious. At least with alcohol the taste will deter the unsuspecting. Anyone poisons me with pot may suffer death as retribution.

You should probably be locked up for being a mental case.

Actually, you just need to calm down a little...smoke a bowl or something!

I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.
The problem is that they won't think they're poisoning anyone. Their ignorance will make them think they're doing them a favor. They will inevitably come across someone who has adverse effects from pot and they will have to pay for their ignorance.

Yep there are stupid people out there.
Back in the ought-70's we could get big fat oz bags for $15.

Bring back the 70's! :afro:
The weed was very low quality though.
I beg to differ. Mexican, Colombian, and Jamaican were each distinct varieties with consistent potency and quality.

I did once buy a bad batch of white cross. Re-sold it to someone who re-sold it. He got into some big trouble. I felt bad about that.
Well Yeah. Just think of all the regulations, fines and taxes they are missing out on.


It's legal to light up in Colorado and Washington, and soon smoking pot could be legalized across the country following a decision Thursday by the federal government.

After Washington state and Colorado passed laws in November 2012 legalizing the consumption and sale of marijuana for adults over 18, lawmakers in both states waited to see whether the federal government would continue to prosecute pot crimes under federal statutes in their states.

Both Colorado and Washington have been working to set up regulatory systems in order to license and tax marijuana growers and retail sellers, but have been wary of whether federal prosecutors would come after them for doing so. They are the first states to legalize pot, and therefore to go through the process of trying to set up a regulatory system.

Consumption and sale of marijuana is still illegal in all other states, though some cities and towns have passed local laws decriminalizing it or making it a low priority for law enforcement officers. There are also movements in many states to legalize pot, including legalization bills introduced in Maine and Rhode Island, discussion of possible bills in states including Massachusetts and Vermont, and talk of ballot initiatives in California and Oregon.

But on Thursday, the Department of Justice announced that it would not prosecute marijuana crimes that were legal under state law, a move that could signal the end of the country's longtime prohibition on pot is nearing. "It certainly appears to be potentially the beginning of the end," said Paul Armantano, deputy director of the pot lobby group NORML.

Marijuana Ruling Could Signal End of Prohibition on Pot

I don't know about Colorado but a person has to be 21 years or older to buy and consume marijuana legally in Washington state without a prescription.

A person as young as 16 can get a prescription for medical marijuana without their parents signing permission. People under 16 have to have their parents sign for the medical marijuana prescription.

Those without a prescription are allowed up to 1 oz of dry marijuana. Those who have a prescription can have up to 21 oz of dried marijuana. They can grow up to 15 plants too.

Medical marijuana helped extend my dad's life when he was diagnosed with liver cancer. It's also helping to save my life from breast cancer now.

I support legalization of marijuana for all adults in America. I also support adults being able to grow it legally if they want.

No it didn't and no it doesn't . It merely makes the pain more bearable. Marijuana does NOT cure cancer.

I didn't say marijuana cures cancer. I said it HELPED extend my dad's life. He was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer in 1999. The doctor told us to get his affairs in order, that he would be dead in 6 months at the most. He actually believed my dad would be dead in 3 months.

My dad lived 2 more years after that diagnosis. He died about 5 weeks after 9-11 in 2001. One of the reasons is medical marijuana. It helped keep food in him so he had a better chance to say healthy instead of waste away to skin and bones. It helped him to sleep at night which is extremely important to be able to fight the cancer.

I have been fighting breast cancer since 2011. I have that prescription for medical marijuana. It has helped me fight the disease and stay as healthy as possible. Without it, I would be skin and bones unable for my body to fight that cancer from returning and killing me. Without it, I would be throwing up all day long and nothing would stay in my stomach. I can tell you, it's horrible to be sick and throw up all the time. It's embarrassing to throw up in public. Especially at work. It's horrible to have to smoke marijuana just to keep food in me and be able to get through the day. I try to smoke it as little as possible but my doctor lectures me that I need to smoke more of it because I've got many more years ahead of me with this medication and I have to have meat on my bones to be able to get through this alive.

The medical marijuana isn't a cure all for anything. It's just one tool that's used in the fight to say alive.

I hope that you will never know what it's like to go through this. I don't want anyone to have to endure the hell of cancer.

I'm glad you don't know these things. If you did it means you have been through this and I don't wish this on my worst enemy.

Do you have children? If you do then you know the fear of dying and leaving them before they're grown and don't need you anymore. That's what I'm doing. If it weren't for my husband and my daughter, I wouldn't be taking this drug and I would be dead now. I've done everything I need to do in this life except finish raising my daughter. When she's in her 20s and doesn't need me anymore, I'll stop taking this drug and let the cancer kill me.

Why do you have to twist my words in to something they aren't?
Well Yeah. Just think of all the regulations, fines and taxes they are missing out on.


It's legal to light up in Colorado and Washington, and soon smoking pot could be legalized across the country following a decision Thursday by the federal government.

After Washington state and Colorado passed laws in November 2012 legalizing the consumption and sale of marijuana for adults over 18, lawmakers in both states waited to see whether the federal government would continue to prosecute pot crimes under federal statutes in their states.

Both Colorado and Washington have been working to set up regulatory systems in order to license and tax marijuana growers and retail sellers, but have been wary of whether federal prosecutors would come after them for doing so. They are the first states to legalize pot, and therefore to go through the process of trying to set up a regulatory system.

Consumption and sale of marijuana is still illegal in all other states, though some cities and towns have passed local laws decriminalizing it or making it a low priority for law enforcement officers. There are also movements in many states to legalize pot, including legalization bills introduced in Maine and Rhode Island, discussion of possible bills in states including Massachusetts and Vermont, and talk of ballot initiatives in California and Oregon.

But on Thursday, the Department of Justice announced that it would not prosecute marijuana crimes that were legal under state law, a move that could signal the end of the country's longtime prohibition on pot is nearing. "It certainly appears to be potentially the beginning of the end," said Paul Armantano, deputy director of the pot lobby group NORML.

Marijuana Ruling Could Signal End of Prohibition on Pot

Let me just state for the record that this ardent Constitutional Conservative is completely in favor of legalizing a stupid plant that grows naturally, all by itself in nature. Stop trying to regulate nature you fucking morons. A victimless crime is no crime at all.
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I'm sorry. Are USMB nutters united against marihuana use?

I don't know, are you?

What was Pol Pot's position on smoking dope? I mean, since the democratic party of today is a clone of the Khmer Rouge.

I'm rarely surprised by the shit some of you whack jobs say....but claiming they you would beat or kill someone for smoking a joint is pretty fucking crazy.

I'm rarely surprised when you ignorantly and dishonestly slander and libel those your party tells you to hate.

Demagoguery is the ONLY thing you of the Khmer Rouge have to offer.
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.

Here's a direct comparison,anyone remember candy cigarettes?
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.

If you put THC into a cockroach, it would entice children too. Hiding behind our children when legislating a natural plant is thinking with our hearts, not our brains.
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.

Here's a direct comparison,anyone remember candy cigarettes?

"Direct Comparison?"

Did your candy cigarettes contain nicotine?
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.

If you put THC into a cockroach, it would entice children too. Hiding behind our children when legislating a natural plant is thinking with our hearts, not our brains. would placing THC in a cockroach entice children to eat it as much as placing it in a chocolate bar?
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.

If you put THC into a cockroach, it would entice children too. Hiding behind our children when legislating a natural plant is thinking with our hearts, not our brains. would placing THC in a cockroach entice children to eat it as much as placing it in a chocolate bar?

It was a figure of speech that apparently got taken literally.

Anyway, on a personal anecdote, I have children (2 and 3 years old), and they've taste-tested everything in the house that they could get their hands on, bugs included.

So, like I said, we should take care not to be a bunch of gutless cowards hiding behind our children with respect to what natural plants should and shouldn't be outlawed. If you're a parent, be a responsible one (in general "you", not directed at YOU).
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.

If you put THC into a cockroach, it would entice children too. Hiding behind our children when legislating a natural plant is thinking with our hearts, not our brains. would placing THC in a cockroach entice children to eat it as much as placing it in a chocolate bar?

there are a lot of things children shouldn't touch. they shouldn't touch pretty little daiquiris or strawberry margaritas either. that's where parents come in. yes?
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.

Agreed. While I like the THC candy, I'm concerned about kids getting into it, or kids giving it to other kids, etc.

Unlike EtOH, where you can immediately feel the effect (and, if relevant, the taste), THC takes longer to have an effect. Weather you're an adult or kid, you really don't feel the effect of edible THC while you are ingesting it. Once you DO FEEL it, its really too late to stop.

My experience was with a 75 mg chocolate bar, "Rocky Mountain High." Ate the whole thing waiting for a red-light to change. 4 hours later, holy shit! Paranoia, hallucinations, weird, unpleasant stuff. On the other hand, I've also drunk too much tequila with different, but unpleasant results. The main difference was the hangover: TCH = NONE; EtOH sick the WHOLE WEEKEND.

I've discovered that 30 mg gets me to my "happy place." Each candy contains 10 mg THC. Usually there are 10 candy's per container, and the containers are sold within a child-resistant container.
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.

If you put THC into a cockroach, it would entice children too. Hiding behind our children when legislating a natural plant is thinking with our hearts, not our brains. would placing THC in a cockroach entice children to eat it as much as placing it in a chocolate bar?

there are a lot of things children shouldn't touch. they shouldn't touch pretty little daiquiris or strawberry margaritas either. that's where parents come in. yes?

Exactly. What about prescription drugs? Do kids get into parents pretty little pills, Valium or Vicatin or Viagra? Sure they can.
I'm pretty sure that if anyone wants to poison anyone else, the last thing they'd choose is THC.

Rat poison is much cheaper.

I have no idea what a large dose of THC would do to a child, but having it in candy form does seem pretty stupid. Granted, the only way a child could die from this is if he was so stoned he wandered into a busy street or something, still putting drugs in a form that entices children is stupid and wrong.

If you put THC into a cockroach, it would entice children too. Hiding behind our children when legislating a natural plant is thinking with our hearts, not our brains. would placing THC in a cockroach entice children to eat it as much as placing it in a chocolate bar?

there are a lot of things children shouldn't touch. they shouldn't touch pretty little daiquiris or strawberry margaritas either. that's where parents come in. yes?

Exactly. What about prescription drugs? Do kids get into parents pretty little pills, Valium or Vicatin or Viagra? Sure they can.

Happens all the time too.
Agreed. While I like the THC candy, I'm concerned about kids getting into it, or kids giving it to other kids, etc.

Unlike EtOH, where you can immediately feel the effect (and, if relevant, the taste), THC takes longer to have an effect. Weather you're an adult or kid, you really don't feel the effect of edible THC while you are ingesting it. Once you DO FEEL it, its really too late to stop.

My experience was with a 75 mg chocolate bar, "Rocky Mountain High." Ate the whole thing waiting for a red-light to change. 4 hours later, holy shit! Paranoia, hallucinations, weird, unpleasant stuff. On the other hand, I've also drunk too much tequila with different, but unpleasant results. The main difference was the hangover: TCH = NONE; EtOH sick the WHOLE WEEKEND.

I've discovered that 30 mg gets me to my "happy place." Each candy contains 10 mg THC. Usually there are 10 candy's per container, and the containers are sold within a child-resistant container.
Is there any prominent warning about delayed effect on the packaging? My impression of the packaging I've seen on tv and in photos (such as the above) is this casual availability will inevitably result in problems which will serve the interest of the Reefer Madness cult.

How about that chocolate bar? No explicit warning to nibble and wait?

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