Marijuana Ruling Could Signal End of Prohibition on Pot

21.5 Million In Marijuana Taxes Just Went Up In Smoke - Forbes
Just found this article, pointing out the snag in reporting taxes on marijuana sales that are legal by state laws,
but still considered illegal federally. So how can businesses report income tax if that forces them to self-incriminate?
In your given, the business is,breaking federal law.
It has no issue with federal law if it doesn't sell an illegal product.
Noting in this has any hope of overturning the relevant federal law.

M14 Shooter: This is NOT my argument or position, and I am actually against
such a waste of time, legal resources, and public govt resources fighting that way.

The advocates who WANT to push for legalization are the ones pursuing legal arguments
that they cannot file income taxes without incriminating themselves and violating the Fifth Amendment.

You and I can see or say there is nothing there to force federal laws to change.

But that doesn't stop these advocates for pushing for that anyway.

NOTE: I am not for promoting marijuana, but more against it because of the harmful side effects
that cannot always be proven or measured, yet will impose costs on the public not consented to.

I was just citing this article that explained how these legal arguments were being pushed.

Personally I think it is shameful and wasteful that so much medical and legal effort is going into
pushing marijuana when there are more natural means of healing that can cure and prevent
a LOT more DISEASES that aren't being researched or pushed, but REJECTED by liberal politics.

I believe in freedom of choice as long as people accept full responsibility for that choice.

But in the case of marijuana use, abuse and addiction, neither side is accepting full responsibility for the cost.
That's why I advocate for separating districts or parties that agree or don't agree to pay for certain choices.

To understand the full implications requires more research and agreement on the causes, effects and cures of addiction and abuse.

So that research I am pushing to CURE addictions not feed them.

So I am against this onesided movement that isn't taking full social, financial or spiritual responsibility
for the addictions and abuse going on.

If you are going to decriminalize the choice of abuse and addiction, then at least research and promote
prevention and cure, instead of REJECTING this at the same time as promoting drug use.

I believe this is dangerous and messed up to ignore, reject and deny the full process of what
is going on with addiction, abuse, the causes and cures for it.

sorry to preach. If people want that choice, they should be FULLY informed, and take responsibility.
and that's not happening while half the nation is denying rejecting common knowledge about
how to identify causes of addiction and abuse and what it takes spiritually to cure them.
They act like that knowledge and process doesn't exist, and even demonize it.
When that information should be required before making decisions about drug use
or else it is negligence not to inform people of the consequences of substances you are selling them.

Where is the legal disclaimer that people will not sue if they
end up suffering the symptoms they were warned about?
Totally screwed up by political, media, and social frenzy.
you keep mentioning "addiction".....what type of addiction are you referring too?....
Hi Harry: When I talk about addiction in relation to marijuana use, I am talking about people who have admitted to having their own addictions related to marijuana use, whether it was already there, as in an addictive personality, or it was caused or made worse by it.

Do you have any knowledge or experience, friends or research you trust as valid sources
that have reported addictions related to marijuana use (can be caused by, or pre existing where marijuana
didn't help but made it worse or enabled avoidance).

1. Is that why you are asking, because you don't believe any such addiction exists in relation to pot use?

See more below, sorry that it goes off on a tangent, but I believe this issue is important to resolve
and respect different views until these things can be proven medically. Thanks!

2. When I talk about addiction or abuse openly, that can mean any level or form, regardless of cause, if it is self-inflicted or medical/genetic or abuse imposed by some person or situation.

The reason I use addiction loosely, is that it CAN refer to any level of addiction,
and the same methods/process of "spiritual healing" can cure them all, whether physical or mental or situational.

So there are some places I just use the term openly to apply to any part or any form,
and the solution is still the same. Studies on forgiveness and spiritual healing therapy, whether through more general AA/recovery groups or more specific types of healing prayer and deliverance, have shown effective
cure of cancer, schizophrenia, and other mental and physical diseases including issues with drug and sex abuse (both the offenders and the victims, so this is very broad). Since it doesn't only cure one type of person or problem, I tend to use the words "abuse and addiction" loosely since all forms can be healed and cured through
that approach.

I am not offended if people do not believe in these things without proof.
But I am offended that so much money is wasted chasing after symptoms, when these methods which are free and could be accessed and shared by everyone to SAVE LIVES is being denied and neglected while people are dying of problems caused by "addiction and abuse of all forms." So that is a shame and a waste,
and I blame the demonization of religious and political differences in the media for obstructing this information from becoming standard public knowledge which would change society and government, save lives and whole nations.

Sorry to go on about it, I just moved all that below instead...

you keep mentioning "addiction".....what type of addiction are you referring too?....

I understand there are people who do not believe marijuana is addictive, but I have friends and have read online MANY testimonies of people who convey their own admissions and experiences otherwise.

if you are are one of those people who see no harm or problem, and/or don't believe there is any addictive risk,
that's fine, if this is not proven to you to exist, but it is NOT FAIR to ask others to pay the price if they believe otherwise and have STATED they DON'T want to pay the costs or encourage this useage for that reason!

I am one of those people who has researched and seen PROOF of spiritual healing of addiction and abuses, of all kinds, not just related to marijuana. To the point I find it dangerously biased to reject this treatment as nonexistent while promoting drug use that takes advantage of addictive personalities instead of healing them.

I just ask that if people DO NOT believe in funding research on how "harmless" marijuana is, why not invest those medical resources and research into SPIRITUAL HEALING that has not only cured cancer but also addictions to all kinds of habits, not just drugs and not just marijuana which has different effects and cannot be judged like alcohol or smoking tobacco. The common factor is enabling avoidance behavior, and that is the difference in people who do not use drugs but change themselves directly and consciously, not relying on chemical stimulants to do so.

Again I recognize that is my belief, which I have seen proof of,
and don't expect others to believe or change their minds without proof.

I just think it is dangerous and legally negligence or fraudulent to promote marijuana use as harmless,
especially when there are other cures for cancer, and these same methods can cure addictions and
other causes of why people might use or abuse drugs. To reject this while only promoting research
that backs marijuana is SELFISH and isn't taking into account the public interest equally.

I have NO PROBLEM if people ACCEPT responsibility for beliefs and choices they believe in,
but to ignore, discredit and deny research and information that could provide natural alternatives
instead of marijuana is irresponsible and unethical.

If you don't believe there is harm, then offer to pay for all the symptoms and health care service and other costs to the public that people DON'T want to pay for.

If you believe in keeping it illegal, then pay for all the law enforcement and prisons yourself that profit off this policy.

BTW the groups like RAMP will say the addiction is mutual. The feds and police are just as "addicted" to the power and govt resources they get to fight this drug war.

So if you are going to push to recognize that addiction, at least be as honest as the former officer from RAMP who also knows how dangerous, harmful and addictive marijuana can be and does not argue that point.

The one point he makes that cannot be argued with, is the billions of dollars wasted on punitive measures that is NOT addressing the drug abuse, addiction and criminal problem is taking away from the programs that can help.

So he is for legalization, and lectures around the country, and does not deny the problems with marijuana.

That is the kind of responsibility I respect if someone is going to make an argument.
they WANT the resources to go into helping people GET OFF DRUGS, NOT promote legalization
to promote drug use which is selfish and ill-informed of the longterm consequences, physically,
socially and spiritually.

The harm caused by drug use can take YEARS to show up and be recognized; I have a friend who stopped years ago, and is STILL battled the backlog of mental, emotional and health problems that were made worse not just from putting these issues on hold by never resolving them spiritually (again using the healing methods that cure both mental and physical diseases, addictions and symptoms of abuse), but also by the added effects of drug use including pot.

No study is going to be perfectly effective in isolating pot use by itself, so you can argue there is no proof
because the person could already have an addictive personality with or without the pot, and is using other drugs, too.

However, the medical research on Spiritual Healing to overcome all forms of drug and sex abuse, addictions of various causes and forms, medical and mental illness, covers all these areas.

SO WTF isn't the money spent on researching medical marijuana EQUALLY focused there?

If people are so concerned about medical benefits and helping cancer patients?

Anyway, sorry to add all that.
it is frustrating that these things HAVE been proven by medical science,
but there is such a divide in the media, it is as if nobody knows this is real.

all the funding wasted on drug wars, and fighting politically and legally over drug wars,
and here is a FREE solution and no one is investing those medical resources into
further research and development. just insane this is still going on.
Hi Harry: When I talk about addiction in relation to marijuana use, I am talking about people who have admitted to having their own addictions related to marijuana use, whether it was already there, as in an addictive personality, or it was caused or made worse by it.

Do you have any knowledge or experience, friends or research you trust as valid sources
that have reported addictions related to marijuana use (can be caused by, or pre existing where marijuana
didn't help but made it worse or enabled avoidance).

1. Is that why you are asking, because you don't believe any such addiction exists in relation to pot use?

See more below, sorry that it goes off on a tangent, but I believe this issue is important to resolve
and respect different views until these things can be proven medically. Thanks!

2. When I talk about addiction or abuse openly, that can mean any level or form, regardless of cause, if it is self-inflicted or medical/genetic or abuse imposed by some person or situation.

The reason I use addiction loosely, is that it CAN refer to any level of addiction,
and the same methods/process of "spiritual healing" can cure them all, whether physical or mental or situational.

So there are some places I just use the term openly to apply to any part or any form,
and the solution is still the same. Studies on forgiveness and spiritual healing therapy, whether through more general AA/recovery groups or more specific types of healing prayer and deliverance, have shown effective
cure of cancer, schizophrenia, and other mental and physical diseases including issues with drug and sex abuse (both the offenders and the victims, so this is very broad). Since it doesn't only cure one type of person or problem, I tend to use the words "abuse and addiction" loosely since all forms can be healed and cured through
that approach.

I am not offended if people do not believe in these things without proof.
But I am offended that so much money is wasted chasing after symptoms, when these methods which are free and could be accessed and shared by everyone to SAVE LIVES is being denied and neglected while people are dying of problems caused by "addiction and abuse of all forms." So that is a shame and a waste,
and I blame the demonization of religious and political differences in the media for obstructing this information from becoming standard public knowledge which would change society and government, save lives and whole nations.

Sorry to go on about it, I just moved all that below instead...

you keep mentioning "addiction".....what type of addiction are you referring too?....

I understand there are people who do not believe marijuana is addictive, but I have friends and have read online MANY testimonies of people who convey their own admissions and experiences otherwise.

if you are are one of those people who see no harm or problem, and/or don't believe there is any addictive risk,
that's fine, if this is not proven to you to exist, but it is NOT FAIR to ask others to pay the price if they believe otherwise and have STATED they DON'T want to pay the costs or encourage this useage for that reason!

I am one of those people who has researched and seen PROOF of spiritual healing of addiction and abuses, of all kinds, not just related to marijuana. To the point I find it dangerously biased to reject this treatment as nonexistent while promoting drug use that takes advantage of addictive personalities instead of healing them.

I just ask that if people DO NOT believe in funding research on how "harmless" marijuana is, why not invest those medical resources and research into SPIRITUAL HEALING that has not only cured cancer but also addictions to all kinds of habits, not just drugs and not just marijuana which has different effects and cannot be judged like alcohol or smoking tobacco. The common factor is enabling avoidance behavior, and that is the difference in people who do not use drugs but change themselves directly and consciously, not relying on chemical stimulants to do so.

Again I recognize that is my belief, which I have seen proof of,
and don't expect others to believe or change their minds without proof.

I just think it is dangerous and legally negligence or fraudulent to promote marijuana use as harmless,
especially when there are other cures for cancer, and these same methods can cure addictions and
other causes of why people might use or abuse drugs. To reject this while only promoting research
that backs marijuana is SELFISH and isn't taking into account the public interest equally.

I have NO PROBLEM if people ACCEPT responsibility for beliefs and choices they believe in,
but to ignore, discredit and deny research and information that could provide natural alternatives
instead of marijuana is irresponsible and unethical.

If you don't believe there is harm, then offer to pay for all the symptoms and health care service and other costs to the public that people DON'T want to pay for.

If you believe in keeping it illegal, then pay for all the law enforcement and prisons yourself that profit off this policy.

BTW the groups like RAMP will say the addiction is mutual. The feds and police are just as "addicted" to the power and govt resources they get to fight this drug war.

So if you are going to push to recognize that addiction, at least be as honest as the former officer from RAMP who also knows how dangerous, harmful and addictive marijuana can be and does not argue that point.

The one point he makes that cannot be argued with, is the billions of dollars wasted on punitive measures that is NOT addressing the drug abuse, addiction and criminal problem is taking away from the programs that can help.

So he is for legalization, and lectures around the country, and does not deny the problems with marijuana.

That is the kind of responsibility I respect if someone is going to make an argument.
they WANT the resources to go into helping people GET OFF DRUGS, NOT promote legalization
to promote drug use which is selfish and ill-informed of the longterm consequences, physically,
socially and spiritually.

The harm caused by drug use can take YEARS to show up and be recognized; I have a friend who stopped years ago, and is STILL battled the backlog of mental, emotional and health problems that were made worse not just from putting these issues on hold by never resolving them spiritually (again using the healing methods that cure both mental and physical diseases, addictions and symptoms of abuse), but also by the added effects of drug use including pot.

No study is going to be perfectly effective in isolating pot use by itself, so you can argue there is no proof
because the person could already have an addictive personality with or without the pot, and is using other drugs, too.

However, the medical research on Spiritual Healing to overcome all forms of drug and sex abuse, addictions of various causes and forms, medical and mental illness, covers all these areas.

SO WTF isn't the money spent on researching medical marijuana EQUALLY focused there?

If people are so concerned about medical benefits and helping cancer patients?

Anyway, sorry to add all that.
it is frustrating that these things HAVE been proven by medical science,
but there is such a divide in the media, it is as if nobody knows this is real.

all the funding wasted on drug wars, and fighting politically and legally over drug wars,
and here is a FREE solution and no one is investing those medical resources into
further research and development. just insane this is still going on.
Is that why you are asking, because you don't believe any such addiction exists in relation to pot use?

Pot can be mentally addictive for sure.....but not physically like Nicotine or Heroin....i smoked for 30 years and when it just got to be a big pain in the ass getting some....i just said screw it.....and stopped pretty much cold physical reaction.....and yes mentally there were days when it would be nice to smoke some.....but that was gone after a month or after all these years i have smoked it if im with someone who has some and thats not to bad.....the next day i dont want any ...and if it doesnt happen again i can care less....

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