Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

You didn't read the article did you.

This seems a common theme among the leftist. They read the headline and believe they actually know wtf they're talking about.

No wonder you folks are so uninformed.

It's always good form to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate then ourselves...and in my opinion that extends to intellect.

So here you go...

"Marjorie Taylor Greene has said joining the military is like "throwing your life away" due to President Joe Biden's foreign policies."

Your welcome. 😉
Of course, the lobotomized moron didn't actually argue why.

She knows her audience. She only has to shart an emotional and mind numbingly stupid soundbite, and the cackling Trumper hyenas start the feeding frenzy for her.
Of course, the lobotomized moron didn't actually argue why.

She knows her audience. She only has to shart an emotional and mind numbingly stupid soundbite, and the cackling Trumper hyenas start the feeding frenzy for her.
Well...the Afghanistan withdrawal was a clusterfuck of the first magnitude...

This is where you say..."But Trump..."...

Then I say... Biden extended the withdrawal date from May to September. If he felt it was within his purview to extend it was certainly within his purview to extend it again if he felt the withdrawal plan was dangerous to execute...

...but the fact imbecile... and the withdrawal was doomed the second he took office.

"But Trump..." in ...3...2...1...
Well...the Afghanistan withdrawal was a clusterfuck of the first magnitude...

This is where you say..."But Trump..."...

Then I say... Biden extended the withdrawal date from May to September. If he felt it was within his purview to extend it was certainly within his purview to extend it again if he felt the withdrawal plan was dangerous to execute...

...but the fact imbecile... and the withdrawal was doomed the second he took office.

"But Trump..." in ...3...2...1...
trump was so desperate to get out of Afghanistan that he surrendered to the Taliban. He thought it would help him get re-elected. He failed.

trump was so desperate to get out of Afghanistan that he surrendered to the Taliban. He thought it would help him get re-elected. He failed.

TRUMP!!!!! Did I call it or what? :lol:

Well if Liz Cheney said must be true... :icon_rolleyes:

I said it once and I'll copy and paste it again...

Biden extended the withdrawal date from May to September. If he felt it was within his purview to extend it was certainly within his purview to extend it again if he felt the withdrawal plan was dangerous to execute...
Yes, let's blame our President because a terrorist set off a bomb.

Embarrassing. You people embarrass our country.
Nope...let's blame our president that the entire country collapsed in three days after his half-assed piss poor withdrawal left the country in chaos AND allowed Bergram Air Base AND 155 million dollars worth of US military equipment in the hands of the Taliban.

Now THAT is an embarrassment.

But somehow it's always someone else's fault...the buck stops any and everywhere else...
It does not matter. If you look at the military under Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, or Bush Sr., the military was entirely doing the wrong thing, murdering innocent people over seas, who never had done anything to us.

We should dump the mercenary military and go with an all volunteer, citizen soldier Militia, like we were supposed to have all along.
Actuallly, The Atlantic is highly respected for their journalistic rigor.
And by the linked article they do not name all their sources.
And undertandably in most cases. It is usually 'insiders' that dish the dirt.
And as we've seen time and time again 'whistle-blowers' pay a price once they are identified.

So, for me, I've got confidence that The Atlantic has got it right.
If Breitbart, or Hannity, or Gateway Pundit reported something with 'anonymous sources'.....well.........

Here's another bit about the fired guy's loyalty to our military. This one is from Vox on September 4th, 2020.

The Atlantic reports that during a trip to France two years ago, Trump didn’t want to visit a cemetery where American military service members were buried, during the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I.

His reasons? Among them, the bad weather might mess up his hair. He also felt the cemetery was, in his estimation, “filled with losers,” and that the nearly 2,000 Marines buried there were “suckers” for getting killed in a storied World War I battle.

The Atlantic story also details other disturbing incidents: that Trump railed against lowering American flags after Sen. John McCain’s death because McCain “was a fucking loser,” and that during a Memorial Day visit in 2017 to the grave of then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly’s son, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010, Trump asked why anyone would volunteer to serve in the military. “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” he asked the fallen Marine’s father.

Please, if you would good poster Godboy, what is a "woke military"?
How do you define it?
How do you know?
Are you active duty military now?

Who did it?
Well, I would argue that if it was being done it was by young folks adamantly opposed to that unfortunate war. The good poster LeftofLeft says it wasn't Conservatives?

OK, so?
How does he know?
50+ years is a long time ago.
And for any of those who dissed returning soldiers from Viet Nam.......what is their political affiliation now?
I know plenty of and women who were very 'anti-war' at that time. Today they are solid citizens who love America and support whatever Administration is in power, and they support the military. But, they still think Viet Nam was not America's shining moment in the sun.

If returning troops got dissed, and I'm not doubting some, a few, may have been.....of course that is unfortunate. But in my opinion, America ain't like that now. And hasn't been shortly after 1973, '74.

We all saw some news coverage at the time of the alleged 'spitting'. But the question arises.....just how frequent and widespread was this unfortunate activity? I'm pretty skeptical that it was a big nationwide activity. It would only take a mere handful to be 'news'.....and shock America.
Which I think the reportage did.


The poster says he "saw the attitude towards troops following Iraq".

Tell us about it.
I ask because I had never heard that.
It seems to me that since Viet Nam our nation has been very very pro-military.
With much support for the boots-on-the-ground guys.

Count me as skeptical.

The Atlantic is a piece of shit, lefttard bird-cage liner. You think it is resoectable because you are a leftard.
Nope...let's blame our president that the entire country collapsed in three days after his half-assed piss poor withdrawal left the country in chaos AND allowed Bergram Air Base AND 155 million dollars worth of US military equipment in the hands of the Taliban.

Now THAT is an embarrassment.

But somehow it's always someone else's fault...the buck stops any and everywhere else...
MTG is obviously a child of talk radio, conditioned to be aggressively, militantly, mindlessly contrarian to anything the Dems do or say, regardless of how ugly or un-American it makes her look. She knows the base will love it.
Nothing wrong with talk radio. We could use more patriots like Limbaugh who could set people straight.
Nothing wrong with talk radio. We could use more patriots like Limbaugh who could set people straight.
These people give you fully one-sided, distorted information.

They make assumptions and draw conclusions that are not honest.

Then they convince you to avoid any contrary information as fake.

You're being manipulated, and you may go the rest of your life not knowing it.

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