Marjorie Greene RAGES on Twitter after Judge Says Lawsuit Disbarring her from Running for Re-Election can PROCEED

A state can determine how their voting goes. If enough of them make the same decision, it can easily become a federal law. It's called a Constitutional Convention. You know, like the one where the Articles of Confederation were thrown out and the new Constitution was adopted in 1787. And that provision is still active in the Constitution of the United States. I don't know how many times it's been used but if memory serves me right, one ended Prohibition.

You just can't stand it that there are ways to change the constitution without you domestic terrorists grabbing your guns.
No, the democratic parties of several States cannot simply decide they are going to ignore the vote outcome of their states and just direct their votes to the national popular vote winner. I'm sure the state constitutions probably have provisions for how that is suppose to work.

States are not allowed to enter into compacts.

You are only in favor of it because it would generally work out in your favor, since dems generally win the popular vote. That plan would have never surfaced if it didn't benefit the dems.

If you want get rid of the electoral college, then by all means, get a convention of states and ammend the constitution.

What they did by entering in to that compact was to try and go against the will of the people to attempt to make sure the democratic candidate would win the presidency. How is that any different than what you all claim Trump tried to do?

Let's get some investigations started on the insurrection perpetrated by all those who voted to subvert the will of the people.
Clearly reminds me of people like ANTIFA and BLM. And you.

And bodey...

There are no "victims" in this sordid game, only prey.

You both know damn well who's doing the hunting, and it ain't conservatives.
What are you calling me out and accusing me of?
Marge, cawthorn,AOC, omar. What exactly have they gotten passed for their states? Who the hell is voting these idiots in. Good god!
No, the democratic parties of several States cannot simply decide they are going to ignore the vote outcome of their states and just direct their votes to the national popular vote winner. I'm sure the state constitutions probably have provisions for how that is suppose to work.

States are not allowed to enter into compacts.

You are only in favor of it because it would generally work out in your favor, since dems generally win the popular vote. That plan would have never surfaced if it didn't benefit the dems.

If you want get rid of the electoral college, then by all means, get a convention of states and ammend the constitution.

What they did by entering in to that compact was to try and go against the will of the people to attempt to make sure the democratic candidate would win the presidency. How is that any different than what you all claim Trump tried to do?

Let's get some investigations started on the insurrection perpetrated by all those who voted to subvert the will of the people.

Let me guess. If a Democrat controlled state votes in it's legislation for something that 34 other states also voted on then that is treason. But if it's done by a Republican Controlled Legislation then that's patriotism.
Making statements about what she believed to be a stolen election is not the same as giving aid and comfort to an insurrection or rebellion.
Ugh, so weaselly. She, of course, said more than that, and you know it. Why are you so dishonest? It's not my job to sift through and correct your weaselly horseshit. So I won't.
Let me guess. If a Democrat controlled state votes in it's legislation for something that 34 other states also voted on then that is treason. But if it's done by a Republican Controlled Legislation then that's patriotism.
That's not what happened though. There were like 18 states that all decided they would submit their electors to the national popular vote winner, regardless of how the votes turned out in their states. Do you not agree that also is trying to overturn the will of the people, and steal an election?
Ugh, so weaselly. She, of course, said more than that, and you know it. Why are you so dishonest? It's not my job to sift through and correct your weaselly horseshit. So I won't.
Doesn't matter what she said, unless she have aid and comfort to a rebellion or insurrection. Having an opinion, and agreeing that an election had been stolen does not qualify.

If her crime was so apparent, it should be simple to show me her actions of aid and comfort. I've searched for mtg statements about insurrection, or riot, or support of jan 6th, and all that gets returned are either the current news stories about this lawsuit, or stories about interviews she had several months after the riot.

Call it weaselly, I don't care. I've not seem anything that qualifies as aid and comfort. What you are trying to do is change the definition of aid and comfort to merely having an opinion. People are allowed to speak out, and disagree with their government, even legislators, that doesn't make them guilty of a crime, though I suspect, for lefties, you would very much like for it to be a this instance.
That's not what happened though. There were like 18 states that all decided they would submit their electors to the national popular vote winner, regardless of how the votes turned out in their states. Do you not agree that also is trying to overturn the will of the people, and steal an election?

I don't agree with it. But if it's the law then both sides should benefit from it. Colorado is one of the states that passed that but it doesn't come into affect until the 2024 Presidential election. We have time to reverse it at the ballot box either by passing a law that does it or dump the ones that voted it in in the first place. Just remember, the courts are tied up right now with the reintroduction of the Jim Crowe laws.

And what are you worried about. If your Orange Deity wins the popular vote doesn't that help him? I guess that makes it harder for your Orange Deity to try and steal the election like he tried to do in 2020/21. I do have to give it to you. You certainly like to peer over the fence into your neighbors yard, throw your garbage into his yard and then complain about him having a crappy back yard.
By supporting it in her official capacity. A congressperson, publicly stating support for it. Yes, even statements are enough. She is a congress person, not an anonymous message board poster.

What do you care? You also support her and the insurrection. Why not just say so and praise her behavior and say she shod be allowed to support insurrection? Why the useless dog and pony show by you? You sure are a time waster.
So are you.

There was no insurrection.

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