Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke to Trump about QAnon supporters before Jan 6: ‘These are my people"

MTG was reelected overwhelmingly in Georgia last month, Tommy. She is in Congress to stay for another term. BTW, you might want to visit her district if you come to America. The gay community in rural Georgia likes to squeal like a pig, if you've seen the classic film Deliverance.
I've been to that area. Lots of uneducated whites as you might imagine. The lowest of the low amongst whites. People from outside Georgia can't comprehend the level of racism in north Georgia.
It's not over till all the red hats that were there and committed crimes are arrested and see their day in court. Oh and the Kingpin that wasnt there.
If they actually cared about crimes committed, Ray Epps would be in jail along with the unknown, anonymous instigators dressed in black fatigues.
I've been to that area. Lots of uneducated whites as you might imagine. The lowest of the low amongst whites. People from outside Georgia can't comprehend the level of racism in north Georgia.
Why the Hell did they elect Warnock then?
If they actually cared about crimes committed, Ray Epps would be in jail along with the unknown, anonymous instigators dressed in black.
Well they've arrested a bunch of people that admitted to committing crimes on Jan 6th.
Well they've arrested a bunch of people that admitted to committing crimes on Jan 6th.
Ray Epps committed crimes, why isn't he in jail? Answer the question. Who were the black Ninja dressed protesters? Answer the question. Pleading to allegations does not mean crimes were committed it means the defendants (who did nothing wrong) are just pleading to get lesser fake charges. Some of those folks got prosecuted for just being there, yet guys like Ray Epps who for 2 days urged people to 'go into the capitol' with a bullhorn are free today. You have no questions about him? How about John Sullivan seen urging people on with a bullhorn? Instead, they go after people who were just there walking around and come down on Alex Jones who was also there with a bullhorn urging people NOT to go into the capitol.
Maybe it's the steroids talking to her.
Hey, she's the intellectual leader of the MAGA base. They love her -- the louder, the more vulgar, the more ignorant and the more juvenile the better.

Here's Marge flexing her ample dignity:

Hey, she's the intellectual leader of the MAGA base. They love her -- the louder, the more vulgar, the more ignorant and the more juvenile the better.

Here's Marge flexing her ample dignity:

There is no organized MAGA and if there was, MTG wouldn't be their leader. Stop lying.
Ray Epps committed crimes, why isn't he in jail? Answer the question. Who were the black Ninja dressed protesters? Answer the question. Pleading to allegations does not mean crimes were committed it means the defendants (who did nothing wrong) are just pleading to get lesser fake charges. Some of those folks got prosecuted for just being there, yet guys like Ray Epps who for 2 days urged people to 'go into the capitol' with a bullhorn are free today. You have no questions about him? How about John Sullivan seen urging people on with a bullhorn? Instead, they go after people who were just there walking around and come down on Alex Jones who was also there with a bullhorn urging people NOT to go into the capitol.
I dont have to answer any of your questions. Because I believe in the rule of law. Not a bunch of conspiracy theories. Lots more work yet to be done rounding up more criminal red hats.
Hey, she's the intellectual leader of the MAGA base. They love her -- the louder, the more vulgar, the more ignorant and the more juvenile the better.

Here's Marge flexing her ample dignity:

She's 100% correct, Joe Biden is a POS and the head of a criminal family.
I dont have to answer any of your questions. Because I believe in the rule of law. Not a bunch of conspiracy theories. Lots more work yet to be done rounding up more criminal red hats.
If you believed in the rule of law you wouldn't be crowing about torturing protesters and you wouldn't be sanguine about a Capitol cop shooting and killing an unarmed protester.
If you believed in the rule of law you wouldn't be crowing about torturing protesters and you wouldn't be sanguine about a Capitol cop shooting and killing an unarmed protester.
LOL who has been tortured? LOL! I APPLAUD that cop for acting in defense of the Capitol from domestic terrorists.
LOL who has been tortured? LOL! I APPLAUD that cop for acting in defense of the Capitol from domestic terrorists.
Here ya go, loony LOLLER.....

January 6 protesters are being tortured, many held for minor offenses​


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