Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

And dismissing ME as a "Trumper"? You lose. Again. Always.

If you aren't a Trumper then no one is

Oh and making insults out of a poster's name is an infraction. Reported

Are you fucking HIGH, we can make all the fun of your handle we want. In fact I'm working on new ideas as I type.


Up to you, but I wouldn't bother. It was barely worth acknowledging, anyway. Perhaps if we all treat it with the respect it deserves - ie. ignoring it entirely - it will crawl away with the other sewer roaches.

Oh no, pissing off regressives is most of the fun being here. Unfortunately with it's handle being a 4 letter word (pun intended) that just aren't that many comical variations.


You couldn't find anything more comical than its posts, anyway.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
They said they didn't remember going. Like I said, not a direct contradiction of her claims. Thank you for doing my light work. ;)

Oh, NOW you're the King of Specificity? Don't make me laugh.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
They said they didn't remember going. Like I said, not a direct contradiction of her claims. Thank you for doing my light work. ;)

Oh, NOW you're the King of Specificity? Don't make me laugh.
Stop whining.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
They said they didn't remember going. Like I said, not a direct contradiction of her claims. Thank you for doing my light work. ;)

They said they didn't remember going.

Looks like she loses the credibility contest.
Looks like a nonndenial denial, reagan style... I'm sure she wasn't trying to win over people like you, so no worries...

Looks at least as clear and precise as Ford's accusation.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
They said they didn't remember going. Like I said, not a direct contradiction of her claims. Thank you for doing my light work. ;)

Oh, NOW you're the King of Specificity? Don't make me laugh.
Stop whining.

Stop deluding yourself.
Yes, her witnesses denying being at the party is a non-denial. DERP!
You mean, denying that they remembered being there, which is clearly not the same. Please use your big boy words.

Or anyone else interested in the truth.
Yes, I know you really need to self affirm on a regular basis, but how about you take 5 minutes off for a change? Thanks.

You mean, denying that they remembered being there, which is clearly not the same.

It's true, she has no backup for her claims. Weird.
Yes, her witnesses denying being at the party is a non-denial. DERP!
You mean, denying that they remembered being there, which is clearly not the same. Please use your big boy words.

Or anyone else interested in the truth.
Yes, I know you really need to self affirm on a regular basis, but how about you take 5 minutes off for a change? Thanks.

You mean, denying that they remembered being there, which is clearly not the same.

It's true, she has no backup for her claims. Weird.
Not that weird, considering the only other two people in the room were a lying frat boy and...well, another lying frat boy...
Yes, her witnesses denying being at the party is a non-denial. DERP!
You mean, denying that they remembered being there, which is clearly not the same. Please use your big boy words.

Or anyone else interested in the truth.
Yes, I know you really need to self affirm on a regular basis, but how about you take 5 minutes off for a change? Thanks.

You mean, denying that they remembered being there, which is clearly not the same.

It's true, she has no backup for her claims. Weird.
Not that weird, considering the only other two people in the room were a lying frat boy and...well, another lying frat boy...

The two other people "in the room" deny it happened.
The two other people she named deny being at a party with Kavanaugh.
Maybe, with all her drinking and promiscuity, it was two other guys?
Or maybe it was two other guys, a bunch of times?

You think she's going to testify on Thursday?
I say she chickens out.
Yes, her witnesses denying being at the party is a non-denial. DERP!
You mean, denying that they remembered being there, which is clearly not the same. Please use your big boy words.

Or anyone else interested in the truth.
Yes, I know you really need to self affirm on a regular basis, but how about you take 5 minutes off for a change? Thanks.

You mean, denying that they remembered being there, which is clearly not the same.

It's true, she has no backup for her claims. Weird.
Not that weird, considering the only other two people in the room were a lying frat boy and...well, another lying frat boy...

The two other people "in the room" deny it happened.
The two other people she named deny being at a party with Kavanaugh.
Maybe, with all her drinking and promiscuity, it was two other guys?
Or maybe it was two other guys, a bunch of times?

You think she's going to testify on Thursday?
I say she chickens out.

Someone was suggesting the other day, and I wish I could remember whom, that what this sounded like to them was that she was having second thoughts about her accusation and the clarity of her memories, and her handlers told her, "Just shut up and go with it. We'll handle things," and wouldn't let her back out.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
They said they didn't remember going. Like I said, not a direct contradiction of her claims. Thank you for doing my light work. ;)

Maybe because you can't go to something that never happened.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
They said they didn't remember going. Like I said, not a direct contradiction of her claims. Thank you for doing my light work. ;)

Maybe because you can't go to something that never happened.

So if someone said, "I remember Cecilie doing XYZ in Boise in 1982", and my response was, "I've never been to Boise AT ALL", that would be "not really a denial" to Fort.
#1) I explained why.
#2) It should be private not in schools. Separate church and state.
#3) PC Culture --- Google or Bing is your friend. Look it up
#4) It is not polite when a guy says I am a girl and can use the W locker room at a gym where my kids may be changing.
No you didnt really explain why other than saying you can shoot faster.

Separation of church and state was meant for the administrative level. I see nothing wrong with children praying in school if they so choose to.

I looked up PC culture just to make sure I had it right and I do.

"The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated to PC or P.C.) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

You do realize there are men passing for women already in the womens locker room dont you?

#1) Yes when it takes me 15 seconds to kill one person vs. 1 second to kill 5 I think we should amend the laws.
#2) Prayer should not be in public schools. Separation of Church and State. Fine in private schools.
#3) PC Culture means I cannot assume adjectives or call you a sissy. Which is stupid. I should be able to say "man up" without people throwing a hissy fit.
#4) Very few. Today you could go to Planet Fitness, state you identify as a woman and use their locker room. That is stupid.

Fact that you didn't know what "PC Culture" meant is disturbing. But not surprising.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

That's not true because 30 years ago, a guy would get arrested for going into a female facility whether he was wearing a dress or not.
You sound like an idiot. 30 years ago you could get arrested for smoking weed but people still did it.

Never heard of a case where that actually happened. 30 years ago very few men walked around in dresses. Guys that dress up like women are as obvious as black woman with a blonde wig. It's something that most people can't miss.
Bart The Brat Kavanaugh will be impeached even if he gets rammed down our throats by the republicans, as will be impeached the president who appointed him
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
They said they didn't remember going. Like I said, not a direct contradiction of her claims. Thank you for doing my light work. ;)

Maybe because you can't go to something that never happened.

So if someone said, "I remember Cecilie doing XYZ in Boise in 1982", and my response was, "I've never been to Boise AT ALL", that would be "not really a denial" to Fort.

Not only that, but people like him would conclude that's enough to ruin a mans life; nobody remembered.

So far every case they brought has severe flaws in it. Ford's lifelong friend couldn't even support her. Now they are trying to use the angle of how much he drank in college, as if he was the only one or people can't drink without being able to control themselves.
its gonna be a great thing when Roe V Wade gets overturned to show these idiots it wont make any difference. abortion will always be legal in some degree.
His statement to Senator Grassley.

“I did not ask to be involved in this matter nor did anyone ask me to be involved,” Judge said in a letter signed by his lawyer on Tuesday. “The only reason I am involved is because Dr. Christine Blasey Ford remembers me as the other person in the room during the alleged assault.”

“In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident,” he added. “Brett Kavanaugh and I were friends in high school but I do not recall the party described in Ford’s letter. More to the point, I never saw Brett act in the matter Dr. Ford describes.”

Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify
And yet he won't say that under oath.
She has her opportunity.

She made the accusation.

She can present her case and allow Kavanaugh to refute her claim..

Under oath..

Is there a problem?
its gonna be a great thing when Roe V Wade gets overturned to show these idiots it wont make any difference. abortion will always be legal in some degree.

That would have been questionable if Kavanaugh was seated, but now if he's seated, it's almost guaranteed the way Democrats are treating him today. Payback is a bitch sometimes.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.

Republicans like to confuse real transvestites with perverted guys who dress up as women so they can go look in women's bathrooms.

The transvestites exist and are harmless. The pervs who dress up as women to go into bathrooms are almost non existent. In other words they don't exist. Not enough to make this a political issue. But Republicans are counting on their ignorant homophobic voters.

I even know a guy here at work who's liberal in all ways but boy did he get upset at the thought of some guy being in the bathroom with his little girl. Republicans are brilliant at catering to stupid fuckers.

If you're a biological male and you are in the same locker room as my 14-year old daughter, I am going to kick your ass. Period. End of Story. They are harmless until they are not. You ignorance is comical.
No you aren’t. Or you’ll go to jail for beating up a transvestite. A hate crime. Designed to deal with idiots like you
So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.

Republicans like to confuse real transvestites with perverted guys who dress up as women so they can go look in women's bathrooms.

The transvestites exist and are harmless. The pervs who dress up as women to go into bathrooms are almost non existent. In other words they don't exist. Not enough to make this a political issue. But Republicans are counting on their ignorant homophobic voters.

I even know a guy here at work who's liberal in all ways but boy did he get upset at the thought of some guy being in the bathroom with his little girl. Republicans are brilliant at catering to stupid fuckers.

If you're a biological male and you are in the same locker room as my 14-year old daughter, I am going to kick your ass. Period. End of Story. They are harmless until they are not. You ignorance is comical.
No you aren’t. Or you’ll go to jail for beating up a transvestite. A hate crime. Designed to deal with idiots like you

I ll take that chance.

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