Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

He might be, if he were qualified for the position and impressed the President with his qualification for the job. There are people in law school who were accused of things when they were children.

No he wouldn't be. A guy admitted to smoking pot as a youth and that ended his chance of being a SCOTUS justice. You think being convicted of a crime would be no biggie if it happened decades before?

Conviction and accusations are two different things.

The answer seems to be different depending on who you are. Ellison the woman’s accusation for an alleged incident in 2017 iscan accusation. Kavanaugh the accusation from a woman who didn’t remember an event somewhere around 1982 until 2012 is guilty even with no evidence Is the same as a conviction.

Even that should be looked into if her story didn't have so many holes in it. But the more we learn, the more obvious it is that this never took place.

I mean......what is her goal here? To stop the SC from turning more conservative. Gee, what a surprise that a Democrat activist would tell this story to try and accomplish that.

I don’t think she believes she is lying. If this is a false memory this answer a lot of questions. She honestly believes it happened, that is why she passed a lie detector test.
Trauma is way easier to remember then say oh somebody’s name.
That's a lie, name them.


Oh, but that's the Nazis next step. Come Monday, they will start claiming to have witnesses and that we must DELAY. They won't produce them of course. If Grassley is stupid enough to play with the Nazis, they will spew all kinds of shit to the filthy Goebbels of CNN and the NY Times. No names or facts, just slime an innuendo.

Then in about three weeks they will trot out some Soros funded, women's march skank (jillian ?) who will claim "when I was 3, Judge Kavanaugh looked down my diaper. or some shit.

We are dealing with Nazis. Nothing the claim is true. They have no integrity, no moral compass. They think Judge Kavanaugh threatens their child sacrifice of abortion. They care about nothing else.
You are right, we are dealing with Nazis. They’re called Republicans. And just like Nazis they are almost all white.
No he wouldn't be. A guy admitted to smoking pot as a youth and that ended his chance of being a SCOTUS justice. You think being convicted of a crime would be no biggie if it happened decades before?

Conviction and accusations are two different things.

The answer seems to be different depending on who you are. Ellison the woman’s accusation for an alleged incident in 2017 iscan accusation. Kavanaugh the accusation from a woman who didn’t remember an event somewhere around 1982 until 2012 is guilty even with no evidence Is the same as a conviction.

Even that should be looked into if her story didn't have so many holes in it. But the more we learn, the more obvious it is that this never took place.

I mean......what is her goal here? To stop the SC from turning more conservative. Gee, what a surprise that a Democrat activist would tell this story to try and accomplish that.

I don’t think she believes she is lying. If this is a false memory this answer a lot of questions. She honestly believes it happened, that is why she passed a lie detector test.
Trauma is way easier to remember then say oh somebody’s name.

You maybe right, however even her friend doesn’t remember being at the unknown party at the unknown place at the unknown date. She is 0-3, and not remembering for 30 years? Seems pretty odd.
You are right, we are dealing with Nazis. They’re called Republicans. And just like Nazis they are almost all white.

Yeah, those damn Republicans with their "I believe her" campaign of "Guilty even if innocent" and Goebbels campaigns to smear Judge Kavanaugh in the leftist press because the GOP fears he might impugn the billion dollar abortion industrial complex.

You sure are smart deantard......
That's a lie, name them.


Oh, but that's the Nazis next step. Come Monday, they will start claiming to have witnesses and that we must DELAY. They won't produce them of course. If Grassley is stupid enough to play with the Nazis, they will spew all kinds of shit to the filthy Goebbels of CNN and the NY Times. No names or facts, just slime an innuendo.

Then in about three weeks they will trot out some Soros funded, women's march skank (jillian ?) who will claim "when I was 3, Judge Kavanaugh looked down my diaper. or some shit.

We are dealing with Nazis. Nothing the claim is true. They have no integrity, no moral compass. They think Judge Kavanaugh threatens their child sacrifice of abortion. They care about nothing else.

Don't think Grassley is in the mood for any more BS and neither are the fence sitters.

All he has to do is show up to the hearing and say I swear I don’t even remember whether it happened or not. And he can’t even do that?

Mighty suspicious.
No he wouldn't be. A guy admitted to smoking pot as a youth and that ended his chance of being a SCOTUS justice. You think being convicted of a crime would be no biggie if it happened decades before?

Conviction and accusations are two different things.

The answer seems to be different depending on who you are. Ellison the woman’s accusation for an alleged incident in 2017 iscan accusation. Kavanaugh the accusation from a woman who didn’t remember an event somewhere around 1982 until 2012 is guilty even with no evidence Is the same as a conviction.

Even that should be looked into if her story didn't have so many holes in it. But the more we learn, the more obvious it is that this never took place.

I mean......what is her goal here? To stop the SC from turning more conservative. Gee, what a surprise that a Democrat activist would tell this story to try and accomplish that.

I don’t think she believes she is lying. If this is a false memory this answer a lot of questions. She honestly believes it happened, that is why she passed a lie detector test.
Trauma is way easier to remember then say oh somebody’s name.

Yep, I was in a car wreck in 1962, I was 11, I can tell you every detail of what happened, time, location and the direction the vehicles were traveling. Some things you just don't forget. I guess Ford didn't get as much trauma as I did.

That's a lie, name them.


Oh, but that's the Nazis next step. Come Monday, they will start claiming to have witnesses and that we must DELAY. They won't produce them of course. If Grassley is stupid enough to play with the Nazis, they will spew all kinds of shit to the filthy Goebbels of CNN and the NY Times. No names or facts, just slime an innuendo.

Then in about three weeks they will trot out some Soros funded, women's march skank (jillian ?) who will claim "when I was 3, Judge Kavanaugh looked down my diaper. or some shit.

We are dealing with Nazis. Nothing the claim is true. They have no integrity, no moral compass. They think Judge Kavanaugh threatens their child sacrifice of abortion. They care about nothing else.
You are right, we are dealing with Nazis. They’re called Republicans. And just like Nazis they are almost all white.

So is every one involved in this story, what's your point racist?

All he has to do is show up to the hearing and say I swear I don’t even remember whether it happened or not. And he can’t even do that?

Mighty suspicious.

Who the hell are you talking about?

He might be, if he were qualified for the position and impressed the President with his qualification for the job. There are people in law school who were accused of things when they were children.

No he wouldn't be. A guy admitted to smoking pot as a youth and that ended his chance of being a SCOTUS justice. You think being convicted of a crime would be no biggie if it happened decades before?

Conviction and accusations are two different things.

The answer seems to be different depending on who you are. Ellison the woman’s accusation for an alleged incident in 2017 iscan accusation. Kavanaugh the accusation from a woman who didn’t remember an event somewhere around 1982 until 2012 is guilty even with no evidence Is the same as a conviction.

Even that should be looked into if her story didn't have so many holes in it. But the more we learn, the more obvious it is that this never took place.

I mean......what is her goal here? To stop the SC from turning more conservative. Gee, what a surprise that a Democrat activist would tell this story to try and accomplish that.

I don’t think she believes she is lying. If this is a false memory this answer a lot of questions. She honestly believes it happened, that is why she passed a lie detector test.

I don't believe that passing a polygraph test is all that difficult when it's your lawyers that you are paying who set it up and asked the questions. That's besides she is a PHD and very well trained on how the mind works.

This entire thing smells too much of Democrats. She held this thing in for nearly 30 years and only came out with it to her therapist in 12 and a week before Kavanaugh's confirmation? She said she wanted to be anonymous and not have any action taken against Kavanaugh but she lawyered up and took that polygraph test a month before her name came out?

If Frankenstein was the only one that had that letter, and nobody else seen it, how did it get "leaked" to the press?

There are just too many things that don't add up. Could it be that somebody did try to do this to her, and she inserted Kavanaugh's name into it to stop this confirmation? After all, that's what she wants, isn't it?
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All he has to do is show up to the hearing and say I swear I don’t even remember whether it happened or not. And he can’t even do that?

Mighty suspicious.

Who the hell are you talking about?


He's talking about Judge. He's hung-up on him not testifying even though nobody asked him to. He thinks that Judge's statement is not enough and he should repeat the same thing he wrote under oath as if that would make a difference.
All he has to do is show up to the hearing and say I swear I don’t even remember whether it happened or not. And he can’t even do that?

Mighty suspicious.

Who the hell are you talking about?


He's talking about Judge. He's hung-up on him not testifying even though nobody asked him to. He thinks that Judge's statement is not enough and he should repeat the same thing he wrote under oath as if that would make a difference.

Well the dumb ass is just a clueless regressive, Judge has given testimony under penalty of a felony. That's the same as under oath and he still contends Ford is bat shit crazy, the events she describes never happened.

So you defend trump and kav yet you deny being a trump supporter or republican? Let me guess you’re a libertarian?
I selectively comment on issues which concern me.

False accusations against men are a big one which interests me.

Regardless of who it is. I have also stated there is no evidence against clinton

I don't care about the political party I care about what is being said and done.

There are in fact predators and rapists but there are also men who are falsely accused. Being falsely accused of a sex crime is as bad or sometimes worse than being the victim of a sex crime. That is what draws my interest. I don't care if is trump or Clinton PR Daniel Holtclaw.
Did you just say being falsely accused of rape is worse than actually being raped?

You are a republican dude. Are you new? Don’t try to deny the obvious. Maybe you don’t know it yet
No I did not say that so stop playing games.

I said it can be as bad or sometimes worse and like it or not that is a demonstrably true statement.

Nor does it make one a republican.

It is not obvious except to a narrow minded fool.

You are not insightful or good at reading people.

You are newer than me.
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj
You are newer than I am and no such history is reflected.

You have twisted my words and accused me of saying two different things so no i did not say it again. My statement stands as true and your outrage does not challenge it.

Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise.
Start a thread and see who agrees with you. It’ll be all republicans and men.
I selectively comment on issues which concern me.

False accusations against men are a big one which interests me.

Regardless of who it is. I have also stated there is no evidence against clinton

I don't care about the political party I care about what is being said and done.

There are in fact predators and rapists but there are also men who are falsely accused. Being falsely accused of a sex crime is as bad or sometimes worse than being the victim of a sex crime. That is what draws my interest. I don't care if is trump or Clinton PR Daniel Holtclaw.
Did you just say being falsely accused of rape is worse than actually being raped?

You are a republican dude. Are you new? Don’t try to deny the obvious. Maybe you don’t know it yet
No I did not say that so stop playing games.

I said it can be as bad or sometimes worse and like it or not that is a demonstrably true statement.

Nor does it make one a republican.

It is not obvious except to a narrow minded fool.

You are not insightful or good at reading people.

You are newer than me.
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj
You are newer than I am and no such history is reflected.

You have twisted my words and accused me of saying two different things so no i did not say it again. My statement stands as true and your outrage does not challenge it.
Did you just say being falsely accused of rape is worse than actually being raped?

You are a republican dude. Are you new? Don’t try to deny the obvious. Maybe you don’t know it yet
No I did not say that so stop playing games.

I said it can be as bad or sometimes worse and like it or not that is a demonstrably true statement.

Nor does it make one a republican.

It is not obvious except to a narrow minded fool.

You are not insightful or good at reading people.

You are newer than me.
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj
You are newer than I am and no such history is reflected.

You have twisted my words and accused me of saying two different things so no i did not say it again. My statement stands as true and your outrage does not challenge it.

Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise.

Try to say it with a broomstick up your ass.
Did you just say being falsely accused of rape is worse than actually being raped?

You are a republican dude. Are you new? Don’t try to deny the obvious. Maybe you don’t know it yet
No I did not say that so stop playing games.

I said it can be as bad or sometimes worse and like it or not that is a demonstrably true statement.

Nor does it make one a republican.

It is not obvious except to a narrow minded fool.

You are not insightful or good at reading people.

You are newer than me.
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj
You are newer than I am and no such history is reflected.

You have twisted my words and accused me of saying two different things so no i did not say it again. My statement stands as true and your outrage does not challenge it.

Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise.

Try to say it with a broomstick up your ass.
What I said is demonstrably true.

Comments like yours prove you lack the ability to refute me. Your just not smart enough.

Or tough enough to put a broomstick there.
How is being falsely accused of rape ever worse than being literally raped. Explain that.
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj

It is a VERY serious issue being falsely accuses of Rape. If the Senate convicts him of this atrocity and fails to seat him, his career, reputation and family will be destroyed. He'll have to spend the rest of his life rehabilitating himself.

This is why the Democrats are so evil for their actions, like when they convicted the Duke Lacrosse Team of gang rape in the media.
And that’s worse than being physically raped?
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj

It is a VERY serious issue being falsely accuses of Rape. If the Senate convicts him of this atrocity and fails to seat him, his career, reputation and family will be destroyed. He'll have to spend the rest of his life rehabilitating himself.

This is why the Democrats are so evil for their actions, like when they convicted the Duke Lacrosse Team of gang rape in the media.
No ones arguing it’s a very serious issue. If you looked you would find where I’ve said the accuser should spend as much time in prison as the guy she falsely accused would have.

But in this thread you’re trying to suggest this woman is lying. She is not. But I don’t think this should prevent him from being seated.

I know this is political. They found some pretty weak lame old dirt on the guy.
What I said is demonstrably true.

Comments like yours prove you lack the ability to refute me. Your just not smart enough.

Or tough enough to put a broomstick there.

The only thing demonstrable from your posts - on this topic, at least - is you're a freaking idiot.

I can back up what I said you cannot refute it or even challenge it.

Your childish insults prove you know I am right and your insults are an admission of this.

Thank you for admitting that I am right and your superior

No victory quite like self-declared victory.

You're showing you don't consider being the victim of a sex crime to be a serious matter. Test this by substituting any other serious crime in your formulation - murder being the most obvious.
You mean a real victory where the opponent can only hurl insults and now has to lie as you have just done

That also proves your weakness.

Nothing I have said reflects any lack of sympathy for victims. Nothing i have said marginalizes the seriousness of being victim of a sex crime. Your assertion is a bald faced lie.

Replacing raper with another type of crime is a stupid and worthless test because it is not a comparison.

The facts stand for themselves and support me while proving you wrong.

Here's your quote, dummy:

"Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise."

That stands for itself, and I don't see any facts nearby. It's just an idiot's opinion.
And he can never take it back. He still hasn’t explained how being falsely accused can ever be worse. First, that’s insulting to people who have been raped. It’s obviously way worse being literally raped. The only way to know it’s not worse is to have had both things happen to you and I bet you 100% of the time the person would say the physical rape was much much worse.

Republicans don’t care if this is true or insensitive. This is to appease their white male base and their entitled mothers who don’t want their sons falsely accused of rape by a whore in a short dress. Republicans will gladly take the dark side on this issue. This is another wedge issue like gay marriage or transvestites in women’s bathrooms. I hope this rally’s women but women tend to not care so why should we?
All he has to do is show up to the hearing and say I swear I don’t even remember whether it happened or not. And he can’t even do that?

Mighty suspicious.

Who the hell are you talking about?


He's talking about Judge. He's hung-up on him not testifying even though nobody asked him to. He thinks that Judge's statement is not enough and he should repeat the same thing he wrote under oath as if that would make a difference.

Well the dumb ass is just a clueless regressive, Judge has given testimony under penalty of a felony. That's the same as under oath and he still contends Ford is bat shit crazy, the events she describes never happened.

Kavanaugh has lied under oath in the past. Why not judge?
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj

It is a VERY serious issue being falsely accuses of Rape. If the Senate convicts him of this atrocity and fails to seat him, his career, reputation and family will be destroyed. He'll have to spend the rest of his life rehabilitating himself.

This is why the Democrats are so evil for their actions, like when they convicted the Duke Lacrosse Team of gang rape in the media.
No ones arguing it’s a very serious issue. If you looked you would find where I’ve said the accuser should spend as much time in prison as the guy she falsely accused would have.

But in this thread you’re trying to suggest this woman is lying. She is not. But I don’t think this should prevent him from being seated.

I know this is political. They found some pretty weak lame old dirt on the guy.

But in this thread you’re trying to suggest this woman is lying. She is not.

Can you prove it?

But I don’t think this should prevent him from being seated.

Hey, you got one right!

They found some pretty weak lame old dirt on the guy.

Made up some lame old dirt.
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj

It is a VERY serious issue being falsely accuses of Rape. If the Senate convicts him of this atrocity and fails to seat him, his career, reputation and family will be destroyed. He'll have to spend the rest of his life rehabilitating himself.

This is why the Democrats are so evil for their actions, like when they convicted the Duke Lacrosse Team of gang rape in the media.
No ones arguing it’s a very serious issue. If you looked you would find where I’ve said the accuser should spend as much time in prison as the guy she falsely accused would have.

But in this thread you’re trying to suggest this woman is lying. She is not. But I don’t think this should prevent him from being seated.

I know this is political. They found some pretty weak lame old dirt on the guy.

But in this thread you’re trying to suggest this woman is lying. She is not.

Can you prove it?

But I don’t think this should prevent him from being seated.

Hey, you got one right!

They found some pretty weak lame old dirt on the guy.

Made up some lame old dirt.

Have kav and judge testify. This is a pretty important decision. We don’t have to go with trumps first pick. He’s lied under oath. Google it. He’s a bush stooge. He would overturn roe v wade. He’s a liar.

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