Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

I cannot. I think the Committee should hear her out, and question any alleged witnesses. Why not?
people with a credible claim should be heard out. otherwise next year ime a democrat is making their selection all that has to happen is someone makes a last minute vague accusation n demands to be taken seriously. would you give the right the effortvyou are demanding for the left?

I wouldn't oppose it, in a similar situation. I agree the last minute nature of it rouses opposition, but the Committee still has an obligation.

Sure, I'm partisan. So is the Committee. In an ethical government, the man making the nomination would tell his FBI to check it out.

Pretty funny.

There obligation ended when the hearings ended. Feinstein had an obligation to bring all allegations forward DURING the hearings.

Got that cuck?

Actually they were given an extra 7 days to submit written questions, DiFi sat on it even beyond that. The clock has run out.


Its time to vote, up or down.

I don't see where the Libs made the case that Judge Kavanaugh assaulted this gal 36 years ago, but if there are 51 senators who think he did it, so be it.

At least it will get the people on the record and enable Kavanaugh to get on with his life and fight for his reputation back.

You won't believe how fast this story will disappear from the news when the commies lose the battle.

Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

Many crimes are committed when someone is seen from afar as a good or honorable person. 65 testimonials from those who saw the public persona of a person, cannot speak to their private behavior.

Many persons who knew a serial killer cannot believe such a nice man could commit horrible acts. The matter needs to be fully vetted, and the alleged victim needs to come forward either to the public, or to the committee in private.

Postscript: I wonder how anyone could believe they could testify in private and be assured of their privacy, would be protected when Grassley and other's (such as Nunes in the H. or Rep.) are dishonest hacks and protect their party before our nation.

Nazi fuck, are you saying Judge Kavanaugh is a serial killer?

I get that he is guilty until proven innocent, and let's face it, with no time line and no location for the allegation, it's impossible to prove innocent, so convenient for you Nazis, but how does that make him a serial killer, you vile Nazi pig?
Serial rapist is more accurate

Serial liar is what you are, bigotfag.

There is far more evidence you are a rapist than there is that Kavanaugh is one.
The why didn’t DiFi request it during the hearings, when by the way, SHE HAD THE RIGHT TO MAKE THE REQUEST. DiFi knew that once the gavel dropped ending the meeting, IT COULD NOT BE FURTHER INVESTIATED.

Got that demoscum cuckdupe?
Because dr. Ford didn't want to, and you can see why. The scumbag GOP and it's scumbag propaganda arm is incredibly scary.

Because dr. Ford didn't want to, and you can see why.

No evidence, no witnesses, no proof, no year, no address, no clue.

I think we can all see why.
Plenty of evidence 2 trigger an investigation.

The why didn’t Feinstein request one Pussyboydupe?
I told you why. Do you need a diagram, super duper hater dupe internet tough guy? LOL!

How could you supply one when she can’t?

Huh cuck?
So why are all the scumbag Republicans and silly dupes so afraid of a five-day investigation? You people live on an imaginary planet where ignorance is the best argument for corruption.... How did Hillary get all that money? What did the foundation do with all that money? All investigated, no problems at all- ditto all her murders, pedophilia etc etc etc. Which you ignorant jackasses don't know. Never a retraction on the propaganda machine...She is going to testify and we'll see who else is brave enough to go up against your disgraceful hate and garbage machine, Dupes.
So why are all the scumbag Republicans and silly dupes so afraid of a five-day investigation?

We're not. Who said we were? And where do you get five days from? Making shit up again?

It's the FBI that said they want nothing to do with this--not the Republicans.
So why are all the scumbag Republicans and silly dupes so afraid of a five-day investigation?

We're not. Who said we were? And where do you get five days from? Making shit up again?

It's the FBI that said they want nothing to do with this--not the Republicans.
The FBI doesn't do things like that, super duper. The Anita Hill investigation took 3 days. Too bad you know nothing factual, just garbage propaganda.
So why are all the scumbag Republicans and silly dupes so afraid of a five-day investigation?

We're not. Who said we were? And where do you get five days from? Making shit up again?

It's the FBI that said they want nothing to do with this--not the Republicans.
The FBI doesn't do things like that, super duper. The Anita Hill investigation took 3 days. Too bad you know nothing factual, just garbage propaganda.

You brainwashed boob, Hill and Ford are entirely two different things. I understand you're a liberal, and as such, have a mental block, but I"ll explain this to you just one more time:

Hills situation involved the federal government. She and Thomas were working together. If her accusation turned out to be true, then Thomas was violating her civil rights.

A teen house party is not for the federal government to investigate, it's for local authorities to investigate IF a complaint was made which one was not.

Now do you understand, or do you need color pictures to go along with the explanation?
The FBI apparently doesn't investigate juvenile crimes, i.e. perps less than 18. Kavanaugh was 17 when the "crime" was committed. Speaking of "crime, lets look at soem of the details.
1. He tried to get her clothes off, unsuccessfully. Not a crime, at least I hope its not
2. He did not expose himself, not sure that's a crime for teenagers??
3. He did not hit her or tie her up, apparently a new thing as per "50 shades of gray"
4. Mark Judge said it never happened, end of story
5. Her polygraph, hope he can match that as evidence
6. He supposedly put his hand over her mouth, she should have bit him

What "crime" was committed, as shown by the "evidence"? None.

I hope Kavanaugh finds a few witnesses to back up his side, and she goes down for perjury, just like the Duke Lacross Team accuser.
So why are all the scumbag Republicans and silly dupes so afraid of a five-day investigation?

We're not. Who said we were? And where do you get five days from? Making shit up again?

It's the FBI that said they want nothing to do with this--not the Republicans.
The FBI doesn't do things like that, super duper. The Anita Hill investigation took 3 days. Too bad you know nothing factual, just garbage propaganda.

You brainwashed boob, Hill and Ford are entirely two different things. I understand you're a liberal, and as such, have a mental block, but I"ll explain this to you just one more time:

Hills situation involved the federal government. She and Thomas were working together. If her accusation turned out to be true, then Thomas was violating her civil rights.

A teen house party is not for the federal government to investigate, it's for local authorities to investigate IF a complaint was made which one was not.

Now do you understand, or do you need color pictures to go along with the explanation?
Contrary to what some have said the statute of limitations has expired.
So why are all the scumbag Republicans and silly dupes so afraid of a five-day investigation?

We're not. Who said we were? And where do you get five days from? Making shit up again?

It's the FBI that said they want nothing to do with this--not the Republicans.
The FBI doesn't do things like that, super duper. The Anita Hill investigation took 3 days. Too bad you know nothing factual, just garbage propaganda.

You brainwashed boob, Hill and Ford are entirely two different things. I understand you're a liberal, and as such, have a mental block, but I"ll explain this to you just one more time:

Hills situation involved the federal government. She and Thomas were working together. If her accusation turned out to be true, then Thomas was violating her civil rights.

A teen house party is not for the federal government to investigate, it's for local authorities to investigate IF a complaint was made which one was not.

Now do you understand, or do you need color pictures to go along with the explanation?
Contrary to what some have said the statute of limitations has expired.

They don't have that in Maryland for sexual crimes. Ilf she wanted to take a long shot, she could still file a complaint against him just to harass the guy. Of course it won't go anywhere with zero evidence.
The FBI apparently doesn't investigate juvenile crimes, i.e. perps less than 18. Kavanaugh was 17 when the "crime" was committed. Speaking of "crime, lets look at soem of the details.
1. He tried to get her clothes off, unsuccessfully. Not a crime, at least I hope its not
2. He did not expose himself, not sure that's a crime for teenagers??
3. He did not hit her or tie her up, apparently a new thing as per "50 shades of gray"
4. Mark Judge said it never happened, end of story
5. Her polygraph, hope he can match that as evidence
6. He supposedly put his hand over her mouth, she should have bit him

What "crime" was committed, as shown by the "evidence"? None.

I hope Kavanaugh finds a few witnesses to back up his side, and she goes down for perjury, just like the Duke Lacross Team accuser.

The problem is the Democrats created this little story so that it can't be proven one way or the other. It not only cannot be proven, it can't even be investigated.

The game plan here is to stall this as long as possible. What Katz is hoping for is some leftist loon will come out and make up a similar story about Kavanaugh. So it seems, they can't find such a person yet. That's why it's imperative they rush this through.
So why are all the scumbag Republicans and silly dupes so afraid of a five-day investigation?

We're not. Who said we were? And where do you get five days from? Making shit up again?

It's the FBI that said they want nothing to do with this--not the Republicans.
The FBI doesn't do things like that, super duper. The Anita Hill investigation took 3 days. Too bad you know nothing factual, just garbage propaganda.

You brainwashed boob, Hill and Ford are entirely two different things. I understand you're a liberal, and as such, have a mental block, but I"ll explain this to you just one more time:

Hills situation involved the federal government. She and Thomas were working together. If her accusation turned out to be true, then Thomas was violating her civil rights.

A teen house party is not for the federal government to investigate, it's for local authorities to investigate IF a complaint was made which one was not.

Now do you understand, or do you need color pictures to go along with the explanation?
Contrary to what some have said the statute of limitations has expired.

They don't have that in Maryland for sexual crimes. Ilf she wanted to take a long shot, she could still file a complaint against him just to harass the guy. Of course it won't go anywhere with zero evidence.
From what I read there is no statute of limitations now.

But there was in the 1980s. The current law was passed in 2009. Anything accusation before 09 is subject to the statute of limitations from then. Which has passed.
Both Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth should testify and destroy Ford sentence by sentence and word by word. Rip her lies to shreds. It never happened. There was no such party. Kavanaugh doesn't drink and was never drunk.7
We're not. Who said we were? And where do you get five days from? Making shit up again?

It's the FBI that said they want nothing to do with this--not the Republicans.
The FBI doesn't do things like that, super duper. The Anita Hill investigation took 3 days. Too bad you know nothing factual, just garbage propaganda.

You brainwashed boob, Hill and Ford are entirely two different things. I understand you're a liberal, and as such, have a mental block, but I"ll explain this to you just one more time:

Hills situation involved the federal government. She and Thomas were working together. If her accusation turned out to be true, then Thomas was violating her civil rights.

A teen house party is not for the federal government to investigate, it's for local authorities to investigate IF a complaint was made which one was not.

Now do you understand, or do you need color pictures to go along with the explanation?
Contrary to what some have said the statute of limitations has expired.

They don't have that in Maryland for sexual crimes. Ilf she wanted to take a long shot, she could still file a complaint against him just to harass the guy. Of course it won't go anywhere with zero evidence.
From what I read there is no statute of limitations now.

But there was in the 1980s. The current law was passed in 2009. Anything accusation before 09 is subject to the statute of limitations from then. Which has passed.

Not according to Michael Medved. This was something he was talking about Friday on his show. He's not a lawyer, but he did attend law school. That aside, even if they could go back on him, he was a juvenile at the time, so that's almost like a separate life legally.
Both Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth should testify and destroy Ford sentence by sentence and word by word. Rip her lies to shreds. It never happened. There was no such party. Kavanaugh doesn't drink and was never drunk.7

That won't work. They found a video of him talking about how they used to drink in college. I never heard him mention anything about high school though, but bringing up the subject of drinking is not something he would probably want to do.
Both Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth should testify and destroy Ford sentence by sentence and word by word. Rip her lies to shreds. It never happened. There was no such party. Kavanaugh doesn't drink and was never drunk.7

I'd like to know who bought the beer, wine and other potent potables that were on hand for this event?

How about drugs? Was Ms. Ford loaded on something besides booze?

There are a lot of details here- I wonder if the complainant here had a "fake ID" and whether or not she should be cited and her car insurance notified.
Both Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth should testify and destroy Ford sentence by sentence and word by word. Rip her lies to shreds. It never happened. There was no such party. Kavanaugh doesn't drink and was never drunk.7

I'd like to know who bought the beer, wine and other potent potables that were on hand for this event?

How about drugs? Was Ms. Ford loaded on something besides booze?

There are a lot of details here- I wonder if the complainant here had a "fake ID" and whether or not she should be cited and her car insurance notified.

I'm a bit older than they are. I'm from the 70's. Back then, it was pretty easy to get somebody to sell you beer, especially stores owned by foreigners. It wasn't a big deal back then, and neither was DUI. The only time the state got involved is if a parent complained about the store.
The FBI apparently doesn't investigate juvenile crimes, i.e. perps less than 18. Kavanaugh was 17 when the "crime" was committed. Speaking of "crime, lets look at soem of the details.
1. He tried to get her clothes off, unsuccessfully. Not a crime, at least I hope its not
2. He did not expose himself, not sure that's a crime for teenagers??
3. He did not hit her or tie her up, apparently a new thing as per "50 shades of gray"
4. Mark Judge said it never happened, end of story
5. Her polygraph, hope he can match that as evidence
6. He supposedly put his hand over her mouth, she should have bit him

What "crime" was committed, as shown by the "evidence"? None.

I hope Kavanaugh finds a few witnesses to back up his side, and she goes down for perjury, just like the Duke Lacross Team accuser.
You hope a man ripping a woman’s clothes off is not a crime? You hope?
And why won’t Mark judge say it under oath? What is he afraid of?
The FBI apparently doesn't investigate juvenile crimes, i.e. perps less than 18. Kavanaugh was 17 when the "crime" was committed. Speaking of "crime, lets look at soem of the details.
1. He tried to get her clothes off, unsuccessfully. Not a crime, at least I hope its not
2. He did not expose himself, not sure that's a crime for teenagers??
3. He did not hit her or tie her up, apparently a new thing as per "50 shades of gray"
4. Mark Judge said it never happened, end of story
5. Her polygraph, hope he can match that as evidence
6. He supposedly put his hand over her mouth, she should have bit him

What "crime" was committed, as shown by the "evidence"? None.

I hope Kavanaugh finds a few witnesses to back up his side, and she goes down for perjury, just like the Duke Lacross Team accuser.
You hope a man ripping a woman’s clothes off is not a crime? You hope?
And why won’t Mark judge say it under oath? What is he afraid of?

Pretty cool how he wrote "get off" and your mind saw, "ripped off".

You hallucinate like that a lot?

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