Mark Meadows says he didn't mean it to be racist when he said he wanted to send Obama back to Kenya

Michelle has also said he was born in Hawaii

So which do you believe?

So you agree she is a liar? She is saying two contradictory points? Why would she do that?
I agree you are an idiot

Birtherism confirms it

His wife makes contradictory statements, I question, and you default to name-calling??
Just an observation

It is established fact that birthers are morons

Empirically speaking, your facts are simply what lies between your ears. Again, his wife referred to Kenya as his home country. Calling into question birth origins does not necessarily make one a “birther”.
Michelle Obama was referring to his father's home country. Obama has same name as his father; Sr. vs Jr.
So you agree she is a liar? She is saying two contradictory points? Why would she do that?
I agree you are an idiot

Birtherism confirms it

His wife makes contradictory statements, I question, and you default to name-calling??
Just an observation

It is established fact that birthers are morons

Empirically speaking, your facts are simply what lies between your ears. Again, his wife referred to Kenya as his home country. Calling into question birth origins does not necessarily make one a “birther”.
Michelle Obama was referring to his father's home country. Obama has same name as his father; Sr. vs Jr.

Where in the video does she reference his father? Where does she differentiate between her husband and his father?
“Obama forced more than 200 coal-fired plants to shut down over a five year period.”
So typical of the lying scum Right, FRACKING forced 200 coal mines to shut down by making natural gas dirt cheap, but you lying scum knew that already.
In fact more coal mines and coal plants closed during Trump's first two years than in all of the 8 years of the Obama Admin
Send em back to Africa has been a racist trope as long as I have been alive. I was born on the 50s
Teabaggers Jordan and Meadows are a national disgrace!

You love Omar right shiria
Send em back to Africa has been a racist trope as long as I have been alive. I was born on the 50s
Why not, some haven’t been happy here. Go back if that’s their home! I don’t think they would love it. What’s your point?
What about the second time he won both the popular and electoral vote? What you gonna blame that on idiot?
Negro "people."
what does that even mean?

Again, you people are beyond delusional...

You idiots voted for Bush....he got us in 2 wars (one that even trumptards claim was an idiotic thing to do) and left the next president with the worst economic collapse in 70 yrs...

Then you idiots nominated McCain...claimed he was a war hero and painted Obama as a terrorist who wasn't born here...despite the fact the only person not born in the US was McCain himself....he lost...and now you idiots trash McCain and pretend you never supported him...

Then idiots nominated Romney claiming he will run America like a businessman because he is such a successful businessman.....and again, you paint Obama out as someone not born here, despite the fact that Romney was ACTUALLY NOT BORN HERE....and what happened? he you folks pretend you never supported Romney...

You people are pathetic...
Yes, we got fucked by the Surrender monkey...

  • Blaming Bush and Congress for his woes. “During Obama’s first term, he blamed Bush for the economy, for the botched Operation Fast and Furious, for the massive deficits, for our plummeting national wealth, for our problems in the Middle East -- for just about everything that went wrong.
  • War on coal and oil. “Obama forced more than 200 coal-fired plants to shut down over a five year period.”
  • Cut funding to fight aids. “This inexplicable decision had a devastating effect on Africa, where most AIDS deaths occur.”
  • Nominating liar John Brennan as CIA director. Brennan has gone on to be President Trump’s critic.
  • DACA via executive order. Obama went around Congress to give amnesty to some 800,000 younger illegal immigrants.
  • Assault on the press. The Committee to Protect Journalists, said of Obama’s media attacks, “In the Obama administration’s Washington, government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press. Those suspected of discussing, with reporters, anything that the government has classified as secret are subject to investigation, including lie-detector tests and scrutiny of their telephone and e-mail records.”
Have a few hundred more for you ABNORMALS to absorb and didnt even start on the rapist Blow Job Cunton!
I don’t understand all the lies. We know the Republicans by denying funds to organizations that promoted condoms and safe sex refused to give money probably causing 1 million cases AIDS just from their awful policies.

And it’s Obama that had a war in the press? The press doesn’t think so. Only......never mind
Oh, I'm sure the republicans caused way more than 1 million cases of AIDS. Probably closer to 10 million AIDS cases caused by Republicans. Republicans also caused the bubonic plague and invented the flu.
Well, we know that if there are vaccines against those, Republicans would be fighting it.

Negro "people."
what does that even mean?

Again, you people are beyond delusional...

You idiots voted for Bush....he got us in 2 wars (one that even trumptards claim was an idiotic thing to do) and left the next president with the worst economic collapse in 70 yrs...

Then you idiots nominated McCain...claimed he was a war hero and painted Obama as a terrorist who wasn't born here...despite the fact the only person not born in the US was McCain himself....he lost...and now you idiots trash McCain and pretend you never supported him...

Then idiots nominated Romney claiming he will run America like a businessman because he is such a successful businessman.....and again, you paint Obama out as someone not born here, despite the fact that Romney was ACTUALLY NOT BORN HERE....and what happened? he you folks pretend you never supported Romney...

You people are pathetic...
Yes, we got fucked by the Surrender monkey...

  • Blaming Bush and Congress for his woes. “During Obama’s first term, he blamed Bush for the economy, for the botched Operation Fast and Furious, for the massive deficits, for our plummeting national wealth, for our problems in the Middle East -- for just about everything that went wrong.
  • War on coal and oil. “Obama forced more than 200 coal-fired plants to shut down over a five year period.”
  • Cut funding to fight aids. “This inexplicable decision had a devastating effect on Africa, where most AIDS deaths occur.”
  • Nominating liar John Brennan as CIA director. Brennan has gone on to be President Trump’s critic.
  • DACA via executive order. Obama went around Congress to give amnesty to some 800,000 younger illegal immigrants.
  • Assault on the press. The Committee to Protect Journalists, said of Obama’s media attacks, “In the Obama administration’s Washington, government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press. Those suspected of discussing, with reporters, anything that the government has classified as secret are subject to investigation, including lie-detector tests and scrutiny of their telephone and e-mail records.”
Have a few hundred more for you ABNORMALS to absorb and didnt even start on the rapist Blow Job Cunton!
I don’t understand all the lies. We know the Republicans by denying funds to organizations that promoted condoms and safe sex refused to give money probably causing 1 million cases AIDS just from their awful policies.

And it’s Obama that had a war in the press? The press doesn’t think so. Only......never mind
Oh, I'm sure the republicans caused way more than 1 million cases of AIDS. Probably closer to 10 million AIDS cases caused by Republicans. Republicans also caused the bubonic plague and invented the flu.
Well, we know that if there are vaccines against those, Republicans would be fighting it.

Oh is another reason it is racist...

How has Trump proved to you that he is born in the US?

By being white? Because he definitely hasn't had to release any birth certificates....

Also.....Were these 3 last republican presidential candidates born in the US?


Republicans are the most self-projecting depraved dumb asses on the planet...

Hillary Clinton was the root cause as to questioning Obama origins. How could any vote for such a racist?
Hillary never said anything about Obama’s origins

That was birther Trump
Nope. Hillary's campaign were the first ones to question Obama's birth place. FACT.
Washington post admits hillary brought up obama's birth place - Bing
Lying rightard. No one in Hillary’s campaign ever said Obama was born in Kenya. That nonsense started on the right, on blogs and in forums like this one.

No one wants to outlaw contraception. What the President wants to do is to let the private sector pay for it.
Oh is another reason it is racist...

How has Trump proved to you that he is born in the US?

By being white? Because he definitely hasn't had to release any birth certificates....

Also.....Were these 3 last republican presidential candidates born in the US?


Republicans are the most self-projecting depraved dumb asses on the planet...

Hillary Clinton was the root cause as to questioning Obama origins. How could any vote for such a racist?
Hillary never said anything about Obama’s origins

That was birther Trump
Nope. Hillary's campaign were the first ones to question Obama's birth place. FACT.
Washington post admits hillary brought up obama's birth place - Bing
Lying rightard. No one in Hillary’s campaign ever said Obama was born in Kenya. That nonsense started on the right, on blogs and in forums like this one.

Obama said he was born in Kenya.
Oh is another reason it is racist...

How has Trump proved to you that he is born in the US?

By being white? Because he definitely hasn't had to release any birth certificates....

Also.....Were these 3 last republican presidential candidates born in the US?


Republicans are the most self-projecting depraved dumb asses on the planet...

Hillary Clinton was the root cause as to questioning Obama origins. How could any vote for such a racist?
Hillary never said anything about Obama’s origins

That was birther Trump
Nope. Hillary's campaign were the first ones to question Obama's birth place. FACT.
Washington post admits hillary brought up obama's birth place - Bing
Lying rightard. No one in Hillary’s campaign ever said Obama was born in Kenya. That nonsense started on the right, on blogs and in forums like this one.

Obama said he was born in Kenya.

To be fair, its was Obama's literary agents that came up with that whopper when they were crafting the Obama gimmick for good old Barry Soetoro, the don of the notorious Honolulu Choom Gang.

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