Mark Meadows says he didn't mean it to be racist when he said he wanted to send Obama back to Kenya

Teabaggers Jordan and Meadows are a national disgrace!

What crimes? What court was he convicted in and where is he incarcerated? The fantasies up your ass are not reality.
Nothing at all racist about wanting to send Obama to Kenya. Obama actually went to Kenya, and no one said it was racist.
Idiot comment #1
What's idiotic about it?
Why should a president be sent back to somewhere if he was not born there?

Trump went to Scotland, should Trump be sent back to Scotland?

When did you start hating the Scots? Why would you wish him on someone else? Are you racist against Scots?:abgg2q.jpg:
"Or wherever it is". Let the race card go lefties. You are starting to look like pathetic whiners.
Oh goody! Our resident black crybaby is spewing his racist hate and baseless grievance-mongering against whites. Don't you have some cotton to pick, OP, so I can pretend it's your face and wipe my Caucasian ass with it?
Oh goody! Our resident black crybaby is spewing his racist hate and baseless grievance-mongering against whites. Don't you have some cotton to pick, OP, so I can pretend it's your face and wipe my Caucasian ass with it?
In all fairness, the OP is far less black than Lizzy Cheekbones is American Indian
But receipts have risen that says otherwise...





The most dangerous racists are those who do not mean to be racists. These individuals feel white privilege is a right given by God. They mean no harm to those who are not fortunate enough to be white. They love their non-white brother and sisters, they just are not as good as whites.
The overt racists are a relatively small, extremely stupid group. The subtle racists, those who do not mean to be racists are large in numbers and the backbone of racism in our country.
But receipts have risen that says otherwise...






Obama should be exiled to Kenya. He's not American, brah. He's not American like you. I bet your grandparents went to a Baptist church. His are wackadoodle Communists, and his grandpa named all his children Stanley. Just in case you thought George Foreman was weird..
Idiot comment #2

Oh yeah? What's Obammy's Mammy's name, smartass?

I bet you can't even figure it out without Google when I've already posted it.
I will say this again.....

What is having a black woman stand up and perform a minstrel show for white supremacists like you supposed to prove?

What?! Ok Captain clueless, you fail. Where does the black woman come in? :cuckoo:

Wtf are you talking about?
Mr. Meadows had this black lady stand for hours in the chamber. She was there to prove a person of color works for Trump. I'm guessing Ben Carson was busy.


She didn't talk. She didn't answer questions. She was only there to prove a black person works for Trump. That's it. That's the reason.
Who cares send the Surrender Monkey to Iran...he fits right in with the muslim terrorists....and he has a bank account with them worth a few hundred left over on the airfield where he deposited $$150 billion!
Obama should be exiled to Kenya. He's not American, brah. He's not American like you. I bet your grandparents went to a Baptist church. His are wackadoodle Communists, and his grandpa named all his children Stanley. Just in case you thought George Foreman was weird..
Idiot comment #2

Oh yeah? What's Obammy's Mammy's name, smartass?

I bet you can't even figure it out without Google when I've already posted it.
I will say this again.....

What is having a black woman stand up and perform a minstrel show for white supremacists like you supposed to prove?

What?! Ok Captain clueless, you fail. Where does the black woman come in? :cuckoo:

Wtf are you talking about?
Mr. Meadows had this black lady stand for hours in the chamber. She was there to prove a person of color works for Trump. I'm guessing Ben Carson was busy.


She didn't talk. She didn't answer questions. She was only there to prove a black person works for Trump. That's it. That's the reason.

No.she was there as a character witness, funny ni Democrats asked her a question.And are black people not allowed as guests

We all know what you guys do, it's an old and sick tactics say no minorities like Republicans and when we have some they are props, so go fuck yourself or some tranny
I think Meadows is being sincere when he says he didn't mean to be a bigot when he said bigoted things. That doesn't make him a bad man. And he has counterparts in the dem camp.

References to President Obama and ‘Kenya’ are intentionally racist, Meadows is just another Republican pandering to his racist base.

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