Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

I can pretty much assure everyone that "the Deity" does not need Kim Davis to be fighting the Deity's battle .... I mean this entity runs a universe measured in parsecs and with a time scale measured in infinite eons... God has it all relax.... first of all God just like human parents does not reject and manifest hostility towards its progeny because of sexual orientation...parents of gays love their children that is how it is in most cases...The Christian Bible has a passage that has Jesus saying "whatsoever you do unto even the least of your brethren you do unto me"... well let us assume you consider gays who want to marry "the least of your brethren" you are still called upon to treat them with decency and with kindness and tolerance. Its self evident that depriving a gay person of their Constitutional Rights that have been affirmed after decades of litigation all the way to the Supreme Court DOES NOT MEET THOSE STANDARDS of decency...Its a Sin...
Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!

Fighting back- by suing her

A county clerk in Kentucky who has been sued for declining to issue marriage licenses since the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision now has turned the legal focus onto her own governor, Steve Beshear, for arbitrarily picking and choosing religious beliefs for exemptions from the law, and thus putting her in the position to be a defendant in the current case.

The new case filed by Kim Davis, the clerk in Rowan County, asks that Beshear be made liable for any damages that might be assessed against her in the marriage fight.

Yeah- thats going to end well.....

I'm not so sure. It seems that the Governor has acted in agreement with the Attorney General on the same issues. Conway, the AG, felt the same way Davis does about the religious aspect of the case. The governor basically supported Conway, setting a precedent. Conway did not want to prosecute cases that denied homosexuals the marriage certificate. They hired someone else to do the job.

So, the courts could decide that a precedent was established. I am not in favor of Conway getting what he wanted and certainly not on the side of Davis. I think both should just do their jobs or step down.


“For instance, when Attorney General [Jack] Conway refused to defend Kentucky’s marriage laws, Beshear did not admonish Conway that ‘neither your oath nor the Supreme Court dictates what you must believe. But as elected officials, they do prescribe how we must act,’ but Gov. Beshear did so direct county clerks like Davis.”

The complaint also explains, “Beshear did not command Conway that ‘when you accepted this job and took that oath, it puts you on a different level,’ and ‘you have official duties now that the law puts on you,’ but he did deliver this command to county clerks like Davis.”

Further, “Beshear did not publicly proclaim that Conway was ‘refusing to perform [his] duties’ and failing to ‘follow the law and carry out [his] duty,’ and should instead ‘comply with the law regardless of personal beliefs,’ but he did make this proclamation (repeatedly) about county clerks like Davis.

“Beshear did not instruct Conway that ‘if you are at that point to where your personal convictions tell you that you simply cannot fulfill your duties that you were elected to do, then obviously the honorable course to take is to resign and let someone else step in who feels that they can fulfill these duties,’ but he did issue this instruction to country clerks like Davis … Beshear did not ominously declare that ‘the courts will deal appropriately with’ Conway, but he did so declare as to the ‘two or three’ county clerks who are not issuing marriage licenses.”

The issue raised in the complaint is that the state’s attorney general, Jack Conway, earlier had simply refused to defend the state’s marriage laws, which were challenged in court, because of his beliefs.

He said, “I can only say that I am doing what I think is right.”

Beshear simply hired outside attorneys to do the job to which Conway was elected.

Instead, this case is about forcing an individual county clerk (Davis) to authorize and personally approve SSM in violation of her fundamental religious liberty and speech rights.”

Read more at Marriage clerk targeted by ‘gays’ revolts

“Thus, although Attorney General Conway was given a pass for his conscience about marriage without any threats of repercussion, clerks like Davis are being repeatedly told by their governor to abandon their religiously informed beliefs or resign.

Read more at Marriage clerk targeted by ‘gays’ revolts
Marriage clerk targeted by ‘gays’ revolts
Yet Obama seems to do whatever the Hell he wants, when he wants, no matter what. He's a public servant too.

Yes, he's President of the United States of America...and if he was not performing the duties of his job or was actually refusing to perform the duties of his job and ordering his administration not to perform the duties of their might have a point. Instead, You are simply whining about the black guy President you despise with the heat of a thousand white hot suns.

How's that John Boner lawsuit against the President going?

He refuses to correctly enforce immigration laws on the books. He also refused to defend in court a law (DOMA) he felt was unconstitutional.

So .....

End of story.
So...where's the law suit? Where's your appealing to a federal judge to order the President to do his job? There are legal steps to go thru.....whining isn't an effective way to get things legally done.
I remember the House suing him in court......and you guys thought it was funny. Oh what a joke you guys said
The House won an injunction and Obama received a court order to desist and Obama appealed it and lost. It's still going through the courts.

So a pile of excrement.

Where is that lawsuit? What was it's conclusion? (Actually, if you had paid attention, you would have known we were laughing at the House threatening to sue and NOT following thru) in other words, all talk. Just. Like. You.

But I see you concluded with that typical Con-servative greeting. :D

You're talking about the vote to sue over Obamacare. Several states sued him.

Obama immigration orders likely headed for new legal setback

Few expect Obama to prevail in the Fifth Circuit, which already rejected an emergency request from the administration to let the executive actions — scheduled to begin in February but on hold since then — to proceed while the larger legal case plays out in the courts. The New Orleans-based court is considered the most conservative appeals court in the country.

The two judges who ruled against the Obama administration in that May decision also heard the two-hour oral arguments Friday: Elrod, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, and Smith, appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

Now, the bigger question in the legal case is timing — and whether a high-stakes legal fight over Obama’s immigration actions will explode in the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign.

The Fifth Circuit judges don’t have a deadline for delivering their final ruling. And after the appeals court considered the stay, that ruling wasn’t handed down until more than a month after the oral arguments in April.

It’s conceivable that — if the battle goes to the Supreme Court and justices take the case — a final decision on the legality of Obama’s actions may not come before June 2016.

Immigration advocates are already expecting a loss at the Fifth Circuit. Marielena Hincapie, the executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, attended the hearing, and she argued that the Republican-appointed judges, as well as the attorney representing the states suing the administration, “really showed a tremendous lack of understanding of deferred action, as well as prosecutorial discretion.”​
EXCLUSIVE: Kentucky Clerk: 'This is a fight worth fighting' | Fox News

Davis is a devout Apostolic Christian, and she knew that should gay marriage become legal, she could not and would not sign her name on a same-sex marriage certificate.

“I would have to either make a decision to stand or I would have to buckle down and leave,” she said, pondering her choices. “And if I left, resigned or chose to retire, I would have no voice for God’s word.

. . .

“I’m just a vessel God has chosen for this time and this place,” she said. “I’m no different than any other Christian. It was my appointed time to stand, and their time will come.”

In her own mind, she is Joan of Arc.

Despite her false protests, she didn't want the cameras turned off ... she didn't want the applicants to go to another county ...

Oh my ... those people are just picking on poor me when they could go to another county ... she alleged in court papers ...

But she didn't want the cameras turned off ... she didn't want the applicants to go to another county ... she wanted them to shine a spotlight on her ... to give her a "voice for God's word".

After all, she thinks she is God's chosen vessel.

But now that she is in jail and her ability to persecute others has been thwarted, her spotlight will fade away.

And Casey Davis, another county clerk, has to hide his jealousy. He wanted the spotlight on himself ... he wanted to be God's vessel ... but there were no takers.

In with a bang ... out with a whimper ...

Perhaps God has made her an example of what happens to idiots who pretend they are speaking on His authority. They are easily picked up and moved out of the path of equality for all men and women.
Yep.....Democrats can be such assholes.
That is not acceptable.

If she truly has these religious convictions then she can resign and that is the ONLY recourse she should be allowed to ever take. The government cannot force her to marry people that she is religiously convicted not to HOWEVER if that conviction interferes with her official duties as a representative of the government then she can no longer hold that position.

At no time EVER is my government allowed to deny me basic access to my rights using governmental power because of religious convictions. The government is specifically barred from applying religions standards to me.
So she has to quit her job because these activists want to make a statement?

Oh, and the government denies people a lot of their benefits every day. They literally invented the wild-goose chase and giving someone the runaround.

No. She should resign because, according to her, she can no longer perform the requirements of her job. When you are a public servant, you don't get to tell the public to just "go somewhere else".
Yet Obama seems to do whatever the Hell he wants, when he wants, no matter what. He's a public servant too.

Yes, he's President of the United States of America...and if he was not performing the duties of his job or was actually refusing to perform the duties of his job and ordering his administration not to perform the duties of their might have a point. Instead, You are simply whining about the black guy President you despise with the heat of a thousand white hot suns.

How's that John Boner lawsuit against the President going?

He refuses to correctly enforce immigration laws on the books. He also refused to defend in court a law (DOMA) he felt was unconstitutional.

So .....

End of story.

Obviously not. Has he been sued, lost, kept breaking the law, lost again and still kept breaking the law? No? So argument FAIL...again.

Do Presidents Have a Duty to Defend the Constitutionality of Laws they Believe to be Unconstitutional? - The Volokh Conspiracy

So, another argument fail. Keep flailing.
So she has to quit her job because these activists want to make a statement?

Oh, and the government denies people a lot of their benefits every day. They literally invented the wild-goose chase and giving someone the runaround.

No. She should resign because, according to her, she can no longer perform the requirements of her job. When you are a public servant, you don't get to tell the public to just "go somewhere else".
Yet Obama seems to do whatever the Hell he wants, when he wants, no matter what. He's a public servant too.

Yes, he's President of the United States of America...and if he was not performing the duties of his job or was actually refusing to perform the duties of his job and ordering his administration not to perform the duties of their might have a point. Instead, You are simply whining about the black guy President you despise with the heat of a thousand white hot suns.

How's that John Boner lawsuit against the President going?

He refuses to correctly enforce immigration laws on the books. He also refused to defend in court a law (DOMA) he felt was unconstitutional.

So .....

End of story.

Obviously not. Has he been sued, lost, kept breaking the law, lost again and still kept breaking the law? No? So argument FAIL...again.

Do Presidents Have a Duty to Defend the Constitutionality of Laws they Believe to be Unconstitutional? - The Volokh Conspiracy

So, another argument fail. Keep flailing.

He's still going ahead with his amnesty plan.

By the time the election rolls around stories will be all over the place about non-citizens being allowed to vote because they pay taxes. Truth is, they're already voting and even are members of government in some liberal states.
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And gay couples in Moorehead just got their licenses.

So they can get pretend married? ROFLMAO

Their marriages are as legally valid as yours.

Not in God's eyes, that's all that matters to me. Let the gaypers pretend their mental disease is "normal" LOL Freaking loops need help
More clear evidence that Sassy is a firm believer in christian sharia law.

Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.
Maybe if you let go of your anger of only having a pretend might not be so bitter.

LOL Didn't you just whine about projecting? You're too easy
Pointing out the obvious about your projecting isn't whining. It's a public service. :D

Except you're just lying to promote your perversion
No....I'm not. Your anger and fear and need for a christian sharia security blanket is quite evident. To point that out is another kindness I am doing you. :D

Pulease, I take no gayper serious. In the end you lose, I know how the story ends :)

Actually, the homo gays won. And don't think you are off the radar 'in the end' ... not with that judging & stone throwing.
So they can get pretend married? ROFLMAO

Their marriages are as legally valid as yours.

Not in God's eyes, that's all that matters to me. Let the gaypers pretend their mental disease is "normal" LOL Freaking loops need help
More clear evidence that Sassy is a firm believer in christian sharia law.

Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.

Political prisoners.

Guess if it gets worse those FEMA camps will be opened up.

Perfect excuse.....lock up Christians so the gheys can have their weddings.
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Their marriages are as legally valid as yours.

Not in God's eyes, that's all that matters to me. Let the gaypers pretend their mental disease is "normal" LOL Freaking loops need help
More clear evidence that Sassy is a firm believer in christian sharia law.

Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.

Political prisoners.

Guess if it gets worse those FEMA camps will be opened up.

If someone breaks the law then they belong in jail. It's not 'political', it's CONSTITUTIONAL.
Not in God's eyes, that's all that matters to me. Let the gaypers pretend their mental disease is "normal" LOL Freaking loops need help
More clear evidence that Sassy is a firm believer in christian sharia law.

Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.

Political prisoners.

Guess if it gets worse those FEMA camps will be opened up.

If someone breaks the law then they belong in jail. It's not 'political', it's CONSTITUTIONAL.
So why is Obama letting them out or just letting them go.

Obama released thousands of people he says are nonviolent criminals. Then he decided not to enforce immigration laws as written. Now he makes a deal with Iranians calling it a non-binding agreement circumventing Congressional approval and then goes to the UN and they make side deals to undermine its language. Congress won't ratify it but it doesn't matter. The UN sanctions it while the Iranians continue to say death to America and openly say they won't abide by the agreement. America is the only side that is punished if we back out of the deal.

Seems to me Obama went around the law. He never follows the law or the rules....So spare me.
Not in God's eyes, that's all that matters to me. Let the gaypers pretend their mental disease is "normal" LOL Freaking loops need help
More clear evidence that Sassy is a firm believer in christian sharia law.

Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.

Political prisoners.

Guess if it gets worse those FEMA camps will be opened up.

If someone breaks the law then they belong in jail. It's not 'political', it's CONSTITUTIONAL.
Its become painfully obvious that the left doesn't know what the constitution says and that everything is political.....even the weather.
Not in God's eyes, that's all that matters to me. Let the gaypers pretend their mental disease is "normal" LOL Freaking loops need help
More clear evidence that Sassy is a firm believer in christian sharia law.

Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.

Political prisoners.

Guess if it gets worse those FEMA camps will be opened up.

If someone breaks the law then they belong in jail. It's not 'political', it's CONSTITUTIONAL. when are they locking up Lois Lerner? :rolleyes:
More clear evidence that Sassy is a firm believer in christian sharia law.

Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.

Political prisoners.

Guess if it gets worse those FEMA camps will be opened up.

If someone breaks the law then they belong in jail. It's not 'political', it's CONSTITUTIONAL.
Its become painfully obvious that the left doesn't know what the constitution says and that everything is political.....even the weather.

Silly me, I thought you were talking about Davis going to jail per a Federal Judges' orders since she failed to comply with the duties required concerning her government job since that is what this thread is about... & here you are talking about Obama & illegals. On the flip side, it's painfully obvious that the 'right' loves to wrap itself in the Bible & cry foul when they are called out for using 'Christianity' & it's so called war against Christians... when they have clue none wtf they are talking about.
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More clear evidence that Sassy is a firm believer in christian sharia law.

Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.

Political prisoners.

Guess if it gets worse those FEMA camps will be opened up.

If someone breaks the law then they belong in jail. It's not 'political', it's CONSTITUTIONAL. when are they locking up Lois Lerner? :rolleyes:

You tell me.
Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.

Political prisoners.

Guess if it gets worse those FEMA camps will be opened up.

If someone breaks the law then they belong in jail. It's not 'political', it's CONSTITUTIONAL. when are they locking up Lois Lerner? :rolleyes:

You tell me.

She should have been locked up long ago....but she's safely retired and we are paying her pension. Doesn't seem fair
Christian sharia law doesn't exist, stop making shit up to further your perverted cause.

It certainly would if left up to the thumpers. Fortunately the Constitution keeps 'em in check. And jail too if necessary.

Political prisoners.

Guess if it gets worse those FEMA camps will be opened up.

If someone breaks the law then they belong in jail. It's not 'political', it's CONSTITUTIONAL.
Its become painfully obvious that the left doesn't know what the constitution says and that everything is political.....even the weather.

Silly me, I thought you were talking about Davis going to jail per a Federal Judges' orders since she failed to comply with the duties required concerning her government job since that is what this thread is about... & here you are talking about Obama & illegals. On the flip side, it's painfully obvious that the 'right' loves to wrap itself in the Bible & cry foul when they are called out for using 'Christianity' & it's so called war against Christians... when they have clue none wtf they are talking about.
Since our president only enforces the laws he likes....he's set a bad precedent and a bad example.

From now on the law doesn't mean what it says anymore. It's purely subject to each person's beliefs. Illegals aren't illegal in SF. They get away with it,......why not everyone else?

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