Marriage Equality equals Child Abuse


Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

  • From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian
  1. Ellen C. Perrin, MD, MA,
  2. Benjamin S. Siegel, MD,
Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members. Because marriage strengthens families and, in so doing, benefits children’s development, children should not be deprived of the opportunity for their parents to be married. Paths to parenthood that include assisted reproductive techniques, adoption, and foster parenting should focus on competency of the parents rather than their sexual orientation.

Post the study, not the Abstract, an Abstract is nothing more than Hersey, inadmissible. The Abstract is gossip.

Take this idea presented in the abstract,

children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma

What is the basis for this, "Opinion", there is no facts nor data included in the abstract, abstracts are statements of opinion, without access to the study. Only by reading a study can we determine if the abstract is fact or conjecture. .

"Social stigma", is the most important phrase in the abstract.It is a problem caused by bigoted religious heterosexual parents, it is us Heterosexuals who have created the problem, not the homosexuals.

It is the Heterosexual children who must be re-programmed through "education", to counter the bigotry of the parents which caused the Social Stigma.

It is already happening in California, new laws, lawyers, and lawsuits, millions of books to be burned and replaced, profits to be made.

Which do you think is more harmful to a child's well-being? Having gay parents who, obviously, thought carefully before having them.....or being raised by your parents to hate and fear people different than yourself in some way?

How many straight posters have posted in favor of hitting children?

How many gay posters have posted in favor of hitting children?

How about their stand on food stamps for children?

Birth control?


Its the straights who are abusing children.

Straights are in favor of unwanted children starving on the streets.
Being queer is a mental disorder, so therefore they shouldn't be raising kids. Period, this is an social experiment. Just like with the military, which under Obama will now fight global warming and Ebola. Liberals should lose all power they have. Just look how well they have done with our schools.
The comprehensive ignorance, hate, and stupidly of this is remarkable, but unsurprising given the poster.

And he can't even post his ignorant, baseless rant in the correct forum.

WHY must everything be put in Politics?
How many straight posters have posted in favor of hitting children?

I'd pop a kid on the ass if they did something dangerous, like play with fire or wander into traffic. But never as punishment.
Yes, live your own life, and let others live theirs, which you violate, you are demanding that children be forced into homosexual lifestyles against the children's wishes, well telling others just to let people live?

Again, you start with the assumption that gay adoption is bad. But you can never explain why.

As for 'forcing children', your argument seems to be on the use of force. And that would apply just as equally if they didn't want to go to a home with a man and woman.

So far you have yet to explain how being gay has any relevance to anything you've argued.
Being queer is a mental disorder, so therefore they shouldn't be raising kids. Period, this is an social experiment. Just like with the military, which under Obama will now fight global warming and Ebola. Liberals should lose all power they have. Just look how well they have done with our schools.
More hatred from the right. How unusual.
If conservatives could do better with schools, why do they not get involved in education, instead of just complaining?
School vouchers? That would put competition with the school system. It would improve over night.
I noticed you were unable to reply to what I said. Typical conservative, just want to cry and complain.
I gave you a solution, can't help your to stupid to understand.
Being queer is a mental disorder, so therefore they shouldn't be raising kids. Period, this is an social experiment. Just like with the military, which under Obama will now fight global warming and Ebola. Liberals should lose all power they have. Just look how well they have done with our schools.
More hatred from the right. How unusual.
If conservatives could do better with schools, why do they not get involved in education, instead of just complaining?
School vouchers? That would put competition with the school system. It would improve over night.
I noticed you were unable to reply to what I said. Typical conservative, just want to cry and complain.
I gave you a solution, not my fault your to stupid to understand.
Being queer is a mental disorder, so therefore they shouldn't be raising kids. Period, this is an social experiment. Just like with the military, which under Obama will now fight global warming and Ebola. Liberals should lose all power they have. Just look how well they have done with our schools.
More hatred from the right. How unusual.
If conservatives could do better with schools, why do they not get involved in education, instead of just complaining?
School vouchers? That would put competition with the school system. It would improve over night.
I noticed you were unable to reply to what I said. Typical conservative, just want to cry and complain.
I gave you a solution, can't help your to stupid to understand.
Being queer is a mental disorder, so therefore they shouldn't be raising kids. Period, this is an social experiment. Just like with the military, which under Obama will now fight global warming and Ebola. Liberals should lose all power they have. Just look how well they have done with our schools.
More hatred from the right. How unusual.
If conservatives could do better with schools, why do they not get involved in education, instead of just complaining?
School vouchers? That would put competition with the school system. It would improve over night.
I noticed you were unable to reply to what I said. Typical conservative, just want to cry and complain.
I gave you a solution, not my fault your to stupid to understand.

I gave you a solution, not my fault your to stupid to understand.

Marriage Equality, a political talking point that literally abuses children.

Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.

That natural Right is willfully and knowingly being destroyed by the Democrats and Liberals who love Homosexuality.

Broken families across the USA prove without a doubt that children who are missing or who have list a parent suffer in a myriad if ways, from drug addiction, crime, violence, depression, poverty, the children suffer.

Children naturally love their mother and father. Children need their mother and father.

The natural Biological right is now being torn from them in the name of, arrive Equality, which is in reality, at the least, is ugly selfishness.

The willful intent of homosexual same-sex couples to design a family of their choosing which denies children of the opportunity to live in a natural family is nothing less than abuse

All of us in natural families know the love our children have for both mom and dad.

I can think of nothing uglier than to claim homosexuals have a right to, "equality", which unequivocally destroys Children's rights.

A child is a defenseless, voiceless victim of the Democrats desire to place them within a homosexual relationship and home

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

The 21st century.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Sodom and Gomorrah, and the wrath that comes with it.
Being queer is a mental disorder, so therefore they shouldn't be raising kids. Period, this is an social experiment. Just like with the military, which under Obama will now fight global warming and Ebola. Liberals should lose all power they have. Just look how well they have done with our schools.
More hatred from the right. How unusual.
If conservatives could do better with schools, why do they not get involved in education, instead of just complaining?
School vouchers? That would put competition with the school system. It would improve over night.
I noticed you were unable to reply to what I said. Typical conservative, just want to cry and complain.
I gave you a solution, can't help your to stupid to understand.
Being queer is a mental disorder, so therefore they shouldn't be raising kids. Period, this is an social experiment. Just like with the military, which under Obama will now fight global warming and Ebola. Liberals should lose all power they have. Just look how well they have done with our schools.
More hatred from the right. How unusual.
If conservatives could do better with schools, why do they not get involved in education, instead of just complaining?
School vouchers? That would put competition with the school system. It would improve over night.
I noticed you were unable to reply to what I said. Typical conservative, just want to cry and complain.
I gave you a solution, not my fault your to stupid to understand.

I gave you a solution, not my fault your to stupid to understand.

Public school educated?

Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

  • From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian
  1. Ellen C. Perrin, MD, MA,
  2. Benjamin S. Siegel, MD,
Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members. Because marriage strengthens families and, in so doing, benefits children’s development, children should not be deprived of the opportunity for their parents to be married. Paths to parenthood that include assisted reproductive techniques, adoption, and foster parenting should focus on competency of the parents rather than their sexual orientation.

Post the study, not the Abstract, an Abstract is nothing more than Hersey, inadmissible. The Abstract is gossip.

Take this idea presented in the abstract,

children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma

What is the basis for this, "Opinion", there is no facts nor data included in the abstract, abstracts are statements of opinion, without access to the study. Only by reading a study can we determine if the abstract is fact or conjecture. .

"Social stigma", is the most important phrase in the abstract.It is a problem caused by bigoted religious heterosexual parents, it is us Heterosexuals who have created the problem, not the homosexuals.

It is the Heterosexual children who must be re-programmed through "education", to counter the bigotry of the parents which caused the Social Stigma.

It is already happening in California, new laws, lawyers, and lawsuits, millions of books to be burned and replaced, profits to be made.

Which do you think is more harmful to a child's well-being? Having gay parents who, obviously, thought carefully before having them.....or being raised by your parents to hate and fear people different than yourself in some way?

How many straight posters have posted in favor of hitting children?

How many gay posters have posted in favor of hitting children?

How about their stand on food stamps for children?

Birth control?


Its the straights who are abusing children.

Straights are in favor of unwanted children starving on the streets.
Your an idiot, spanking a child when needed isn't abuse. So gays don't spank their children?
You want to pay people to have children and keep them dependent for a vote. I never stated not helping people who really need it.
Birth control? Not against it, but why should I have to pay for it.
Abortion? The ultimate child abuse. I say it's okay to spank for discipline, not to kill them for convenience.
Starving children on the streets? The United states has the fattest starving children in the world
Sounds to me liberals are the abusers.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Sodom and Gomorrah, and the wrath that comes with it.

Alas, 'Yahweh v Sodom' isn't admissible in court. Which means that you'll need a compelling state interest and a rational reason to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry.

And there isn't one.
More hatred from the right. How unusual.
If conservatives could do better with schools, why do they not get involved in education, instead of just complaining?
School vouchers? That would put competition with the school system. It would improve over night.
I noticed you were unable to reply to what I said. Typical conservative, just want to cry and complain.
I gave you a solution, can't help your to stupid to understand.
More hatred from the right. How unusual.
If conservatives could do better with schools, why do they not get involved in education, instead of just complaining?
School vouchers? That would put competition with the school system. It would improve over night.
I noticed you were unable to reply to what I said. Typical conservative, just want to cry and complain.
I gave you a solution, not my fault your to stupid to understand.

I gave you a solution, not my fault your to stupid to understand.

Public school educated?

Irony squared!
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Sodom and Gomorrah, and the wrath that comes with it.

Alas, 'Yahweh v Sodom' isn't admissible in court. Which means that you'll need a compelling state interest and a rational reason to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry.

And there isn't one.
In the end, unfortunately you will realize how wrong you are.
Marriage Equality, a political talking point that literally abuses children.

Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.

That natural Right is willfully and knowingly being destroyed by the Democrats and Liberals who love Homosexuality.

Broken families across the USA prove without a doubt that children who are missing or who have list a parent suffer in a myriad if ways, from drug addiction, crime, violence, depression, poverty, the children suffer.

Children naturally love their mother and father. Children need their mother and father.

The natural Biological right is now being torn from them in the name of, arrive Equality, which is in reality, at the least, is ugly selfishness.

The willful intent of homosexual same-sex couples to design a family of their choosing which denies children of the opportunity to live in a natural family is nothing less than abuse

All of us in natural families know the love our children have for both mom and dad.

I can think of nothing uglier than to claim homosexuals have a right to, "equality", which unequivocally destroys Children's rights.

A child is a defenseless, voiceless victim of the Democrats desire to place them within a homosexual relationship and home

Riiiight. Because child abuse never happens in traditional families. Not like the Bible advocates corporal punishment or anything.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Sodom and Gomorrah, and the wrath that comes with it.

Alas, 'Yahweh v Sodom' isn't admissible in court. Which means that you'll need a compelling state interest and a rational reason to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry.

And there isn't one.
In the end, unfortunately you will realize how wrong you are.

From the trend, looks like in the end, people who are in love will be allowed to get married- and there is nothing wrong with that.
Marriage Equality, a political talking point that literally abuses children.

Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.

That natural Right is willfully and knowingly being destroyed by the Democrats and Liberals who love Homosexuality.

Broken families across the USA prove without a doubt that children who are missing or who have list a parent suffer in a myriad if ways, from drug addiction, crime, violence, depression, poverty, the children suffer.

Children naturally love their mother and father. Children need their mother and father.

The natural Biological right is now being torn from them in the name of, arrive Equality, which is in reality, at the least, is ugly selfishness.

The willful intent of homosexual same-sex couples to design a family of their choosing which denies children of the opportunity to live in a natural family is nothing less than abuse

All of us in natural families know the love our children have for both mom and dad.

I can think of nothing uglier than to claim homosexuals have a right to, "equality", which unequivocally destroys Children's rights.

A child is a defenseless, voiceless victim of the Democrats desire to place them within a homosexual relationship and home

Riiiight. Because child abuse never happens in traditional families. Not like the Bible advocates corporal punishment or anything.
No such thing as a traditional family, there are only families, mom, dad, kids.

Now you want to create a family of your design. A family that does not exist naturally. A family designed for those among us that are willing to do things normal people do not do.

And you think they will be as good if not better than people who do things, normally.

Marriage Equality, a political talking point that literally abuses children.

Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.

That natural Right is willfully and knowingly being destroyed by the Democrats and Liberals who love Homosexuality.

Broken families across the USA prove without a doubt that children who are missing or who have list a parent suffer in a myriad if ways, from drug addiction, crime, violence, depression, poverty, the children suffer.

Children naturally love their mother and father. Children need their mother and father.

The natural Biological right is now being torn from them in the name of, arrive Equality, which is in reality, at the least, is ugly selfishness.

The willful intent of homosexual same-sex couples to design a family of their choosing which denies children of the opportunity to live in a natural family is nothing less than abuse

All of us in natural families know the love our children have for both mom and dad.

I can think of nothing uglier than to claim homosexuals have a right to, "equality", which unequivocally destroys Children's rights.

A child is a defenseless, voiceless victim of the Democrats desire to place them within a homosexual relationship and home

Riiiight. Because child abuse never happens in traditional families. Not like the Bible advocates corporal punishment or anything.
No such thing as a traditional family, there are only families, mom, dad, kids.

Now you want to create a family of your design. A family that does not exist naturally. A family designed for those among us that are willing to do things normal people do not do.

And you think they will be as good if not better than people who do things, normally.


Let us just take a look at someone who was not raised in your perfect "traditional family".

Oprah Winfrey was born to a single teenage mother and raised in an inner city where she was raped at age 9 and pregnant herself at 14.

Where is she today?
Marriage Equality, a political talking point that literally abuses children.

Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.


So the child born to a woman- whose husband has no testes because they were blown off in Iraq- and uses artificial insemination of another man's semen to get pregnant- you think that the resulting child have 'the Natural Biological Right" to be raised by the mother- and the biological father- and the infertile husband be damned?

And do you want to force divorced parents to live together because their children have a 'right' to the Natural biological' family?

What BS.

What bigoted BS.

The issue we have is with heterosexual parents not doing their jobs parenting- abandoning their children or worse.

Gay families have children already- as was pointed out by the Supreme Court Justice, when Prop 8 was being argued- there were 40,000 children of gay couples whose parents could not get legally married- all that did was ensure that those children didn't have married parents.

Gay couples who get married may or may not chose to have children. But IF they have children, they will do so purposely, not accidentally like far too many of my fellow heterosexuals do.
No such thing as a traditional family, there are only families, mom, dad, kids.

What BS.

There are families with single mom's. Families with single dad's. There are families being raised by grandparents. There are families whose parents have died, and the oldest children are raising them.

And there are loving families in which the parents happen to be gay.

And those are the facts.

You just don't want those parents to be allowed to get married.

You want those children to have unmarried parents, and fewer legal protections than the children whose parents are heterosexual

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