Marriage Equality equals Child Abuse

Looks like the lavendar battalion is here in full force. Elektra struck a chord IMHO. Good thread Elecktra!

Looks like the lavendar battalion is here in full force. Elektra struck a chord IMHO. Good thread Elecktra!


So the more people disagree with you, the righter you must be, huh? Then you must be thrilled to see these numbers:

Gallup Poll. May 8-11, 2014. N=1,028 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4

Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages

Should: 55
Should not: 42

Civil Rights

That's a 13 point spread in favor of gay marriage. And now for some real opposition!

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Feb. 27-March 2, 2014. N=1,002 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5

Do you favor or oppose allowing gay or lesbian couples to adopt a child
Favor: 61%
Oppose 34%
That's a 25 margin of support for gay adoption. 5 points off of a super majority. Now for the real fun. This is my personal favorite:"

Even among states with gay marriage bans, you have a 13 point spread. Imagine how much right you must be with so many people telling you how wrong you are!
The persecution complex can be found among the more fundy Mormon and evangelical and Catholic congregations.

Sil, being persecuted does not mean you are right. But if it makes you feel good, try Westboro Baptist.
  • From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian
  1. Ellen C. Perrin, MD, MA,
  2. Benjamin S. Siegel, MD,
Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members. Because marriage strengthens families and, in so doing, benefits children’s development, children should not be deprived of the opportunity for their parents to be married. Paths to parenthood that include assisted reproductive techniques, adoption, and foster parenting should focus on competency of the parents rather than their sexual orientation.

And this is how the game is played, an idiot posts an "Abstract", nice name, in this case its an abstract from an article written by the Homosexual Activists, its not from doctors or science, its from Activists. What is this Abstract, just tells you that its best for homosexuals to be married cause that helps the heterosexual kids they screwed up by adopting them into a homosexual lifestyle, which is exactly what a homosexual relationship is.

The Abstract is conjecture at best, how do we know, because it does not lead to Science, it leads to an article, nothing more. It does not lead to data, it does not lead to a study, it does not lead science, it just links to the AAP's website, to a long article, stating that it is their idea, that heterosexual children adopted by homosexuals will not be teased at school if the two homosexual male male "parents" are married.

Like two men who have screwed up the life of some poor boy who only learned of homosexuality because he got adopted into a homosexual lifestyle.

You are one sick puppy to try and pass of a cheap article of the APP as a "scientific" study.

The only person calling this article Science or a Study is Derido_te. No where in what you quote does it state, "study", or "science". No where on the AAP site do they call this article a, "study" or "science". The link on the page that you link to and highlighted does not link to a page that calls itself, "science" or a "study.

So again, for all to see, over and over again, the homosexual supporters only have lies and deceit, they do not have studies, call them on it every time, follow the links, they never ever link to a study.

They at best link to articles that are from one website or link back to one website, the activists site of the AAP.

I ignored your posts, for the most part, but today I followed your link, right to an article, thanks for further proof that validates my OP.

Semantics, the last refuge of the defeated zealot!

If you want to nitpick this study is called a Technical Report. Since it was published in "Pediatrics" which is the "Official Journal" of the AAP that means it can also be termed an article.

However the study was conducted by two medical doctors and a committee formed specifically to study the "PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH".

The Technical Report covered State and Federal Laws, Health (both physical and mental), Childhood Development and Marriage.The Conclusions were pretty much identical to what was summarized in the Abstract.Then there were 60 References in the Bibliography.

That is a Study. You can throw a hissyfit and pretend that it isn't but you can't refute a single word of it.

Furthermore you still haven't provided anything at all to substantiate your bogus allegation.

Homophobic activists like yourself have zero credibility because you have nothing of substance to support your BS.
Only you call it a study, nice hissy fit, sissy!
Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.e

So why do we allow Divorce?

Heterosexual parents regularly divorce, and Heterosexual parents regularly split their family so that their children are not 'part of the family that they are created from'.

Do you believe that all children therefore have the right to demand that their natural mother and father must live together with them as a family?

What about those who are half sisters and half brothers, from remarriages- what about them?

And what about the children abandoned by their heterosexual parents? Do they have the 'right' to live with their parents- even if their parents are in jail or refuse to care for them?

The problem children have in America today is not because Gays are allowed to legally marry. The problem children have in America today is that heterosexual parents are not doing their own job parenting.

And I say that as a happily married father.
Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.e

So why do we allow Divorce?

Heterosexual parents regularly divorce, and Heterosexual parents regularly split their family so that their children are not 'part of the family that they are created from'.

Do you believe that all children therefore have the right to demand that their natural mother and father must live together with them as a family?

What about those who are half sisters and half brothers, from remarriages- what about them?

And what about the children abandoned by their heterosexual parents? Do they have the 'right' to live with their parents- even if their parents are in jail or refuse to care for them?

The problem children have in America today is not because Gays are allowed to legally marry. The problem children have in America today is that heterosexual parents are not doing their own job parenting.

And I say that as a happily married father.
Wow, you really have a problem with heyerosexuals. Why not start a thread on the topic. Your prejudices have no place in this thread.

So you support forcing orphaned children into homosexual lifestyles again their wishes or knowledge.

That is not equality, that is abuse.
Being queer is a mental disorder, so therefore they shouldn't be raising kids. Period, this is an social experiment. Just like with the military, which under Obama will now fight global warming and Ebola. Liberals should lose all power they have. Just look how well they have done with our schools.
More hatred from the right. How unusual.
If conservatives could do better with schools, why do they not get involved in education, instead of just complaining?
School vouchers? That would put competition with the school system. It would improve over night.
I noticed you were unable to reply to what I said. Typical conservative, just want to cry and complain.
This really is a cretionously stupid and offensive thread.

Really Elektra; you come across as a complete headcase timewarped in from about 1952. Prejudice, ignorance and hatred just aren't what they used to be, you know.

Horrible as it may seem to you, most people really don't care what people do in bed, or which consenting adult they do it with; we don't care about our neighbour's skin colour, religion, sexual orientation or hobbies.

Why not live your own life and let other people get on with theirs?
  • From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian
  1. Ellen C. Perrin, MD, MA,
  2. Benjamin S. Siegel, MD,
Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members. Because marriage strengthens families and, in so doing, benefits children’s development, children should not be deprived of the opportunity for their parents to be married. Paths to parenthood that include assisted reproductive techniques, adoption, and foster parenting should focus on competency of the parents rather than their sexual orientation.

And this is how the game is played, an idiot posts an "Abstract", nice name, in this case its an abstract from an article written by the Homosexual Activists, its not from doctors or science, its from Activists. What is this Abstract, just tells you that its best for homosexuals to be married cause that helps the heterosexual kids they screwed up by adopting them into a homosexual lifestyle, which is exactly what a homosexual relationship is.

The Abstract is conjecture at best, how do we know, because it does not lead to Science, it leads to an article, nothing more. It does not lead to data, it does not lead to a study, it does not lead science, it just links to the AAP's website, to a long article, stating that it is their idea, that heterosexual children adopted by homosexuals will not be teased at school if the two homosexual male male "parents" are married.

Like two men who have screwed up the life of some poor boy who only learned of homosexuality because he got adopted into a homosexual lifestyle.

You are one sick puppy to try and pass of a cheap article of the APP as a "scientific" study.

The only person calling this article Science or a Study is Derido_te. No where in what you quote does it state, "study", or "science". No where on the AAP site do they call this article a, "study" or "science". The link on the page that you link to and highlighted does not link to a page that calls itself, "science" or a "study.

So again, for all to see, over and over again, the homosexual supporters only have lies and deceit, they do not have studies, call them on it every time, follow the links, they never ever link to a study.

They at best link to articles that are from one website or link back to one website, the activists site of the AAP.

I ignored your posts, for the most part, but today I followed your link, right to an article, thanks for further proof that validates my OP.

Semantics, the last refuge of the defeated zealot!

If you want to nitpick this study is called a Technical Report. Since it was published in "Pediatrics" which is the "Official Journal" of the AAP that means it can also be termed an article.

However the study was conducted by two medical doctors and a committee formed specifically to study the "PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH".

The Technical Report covered State and Federal Laws, Health (both physical and mental), Childhood Development and Marriage.The Conclusions were pretty much identical to what was summarized in the Abstract.Then there were 60 References in the Bibliography.

That is a Study. You can throw a hissyfit and pretend that it isn't but you can't refute a single word of it.

Furthermore you still haven't provided anything at all to substantiate your bogus allegation.

Homophobic activists like yourself have zero credibility because you have nothing of substance to support your BS.
Only you call it a study, nice hissy fit, sissy!

All you have left are pathetic insults since you cannot refute a single word of that study.
This really is a cretionously stupid and offensive thread.

Really Elektra; you come across as a complete headcase timewarped in from about 1952. Prejudice, ignorance and hatred just aren't what they used to be, you know.

Horrible as it may seem to you, most people really don't care what people do in bed, or which consenting adult they do it with; we don't care about our neighbour's skin colour, religion, sexual orientation or hobbies.

Why not live your own life and let other people get on with theirs?
Yes, live your own life, and let others live theirs, which you violate, you are demanding that children be forced into homosexual lifestyles against the children's wishes, well telling others just to let people live?

Rich irony.

Leave the children alone, pervert.
Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.e

So why do we allow Divorce?

Heterosexual parents regularly divorce, and Heterosexual parents regularly split their family so that their children are not 'part of the family that they are created from'.

Do you believe that all children therefore have the right to demand that their natural mother and father must live together with them as a family?

What about those who are half sisters and half brothers, from remarriages- what about them?

And what about the children abandoned by their heterosexual parents? Do they have the 'right' to live with their parents- even if their parents are in jail or refuse to care for them?

The problem children have in America today is not because Gays are allowed to legally marry. The problem children have in America today is that heterosexual parents are not doing their own job parenting.

And I say that as a happily married father.
Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.e

So why do we allow Divorce?

Heterosexual parents regularly divorce, and Heterosexual parents regularly split their family so that their children are not 'part of the family that they are created from'.

Do you believe that all children therefore have the right to demand that their natural mother and father must live together with them as a family?

What about those who are half sisters and half brothers, from remarriages- what about them?

And what about the children abandoned by their heterosexual parents? Do they have the 'right' to live with their parents- even if their parents are in jail or refuse to care for them?

The problem children have in America today is not because Gays are allowed to legally marry. The problem children have in America today is that heterosexual parents are not doing their own job parenting.

And I say that as a happily married father.
Wow, you really have a problem with heyerosexuals. Why not start a thread on the topic. Your prejudices have no place in this thread.

So you support forcing orphaned children into homosexual lifestyles again their wishes or knowledge.

That is not equality, that is abuse.

Your comment is abusive. This comment altered is "So you support forcing orphaned children into" heterosexual "lifestyles again their wishes or knowledge" is as silly in concept as the one on which it is parsed.
you are demanding that children be forced into homosexual lifestyles against the children's wishes has been rebuked competently and completely above. No one is demanding of orphans that they be either homosexual or heterosexual.
Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.e

So why do we allow Divorce?

Heterosexual parents regularly divorce, and Heterosexual parents regularly split their family so that their children are not 'part of the family that they are created from'.

Do you believe that all children therefore have the right to demand that their natural mother and father must live together with them as a family?

What about those who are half sisters and half brothers, from remarriages- what about them?

And what about the children abandoned by their heterosexual parents? Do they have the 'right' to live with their parents- even if their parents are in jail or refuse to care for them?

The problem children have in America today is not because Gays are allowed to legally marry. The problem children have in America today is that heterosexual parents are not doing their own job parenting.

And I say that as a happily married father.
Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.e

So why do we allow Divorce?

Heterosexual parents regularly divorce, and Heterosexual parents regularly split their family so that their children are not 'part of the family that they are created from'.

Do you believe that all children therefore have the right to demand that their natural mother and father must live together with them as a family?

What about those who are half sisters and half brothers, from remarriages- what about them?

And what about the children abandoned by their heterosexual parents? Do they have the 'right' to live with their parents- even if their parents are in jail or refuse to care for them?

The problem children have in America today is not because Gays are allowed to legally marry. The problem children have in America today is that heterosexual parents are not doing their own job parenting.

And I say that as a happily married father.
Wow, you really have a problem with heyerosexuals. Why not start a thread on the topic. Your prejudices have no place in this thread.

So you support forcing orphaned children into homosexual lifestyles again their wishes or knowledge.

That is not equality, that is abuse.

What an idiotic statement.

As I pointed out- I am a happily married father- I am a heterosexual who takes parenting seriously.

I have a problem with heterosexuals- and homosexuals- and anyone else who doesn't take responsibility for their children.

"So you support forcing orphaned children into homosexual lifestyles again their wishes or knowledge"

Why are you compelled to lie about me in order to try to make your point? Are you so desperate to attack homosexuals that you are willing to lie to do so?

I support children who have been abandoned by their parents- which are by a huge, overwhelming majority heterosexual parents- being adopted by parents who will love and support them.

Why do you not want those children to have loving parents who want to commit to them for the rest of their lives- if those parents happen to be gay?

It appears to be just pure bigotry.
Yes, live your own life, and let others live theirs, which you violate, you are demanding that children be forced into homosexual lifestyles against the children's wishes, well telling others just to let people live?

Rich irony.

Leave the children alone, pervert.

Talk about rich irony.

You are the one who would prevent children who want to be adopted, from being adopted by gay parents- EVEN if that is what the children want.

You are the one who would force children into an orphanage lifestyle against their wishes.

That is beyond rich irony.

That is really sad.
This really is a cretionously stupid and offensive thread.

Really Elektra; you come across as a complete headcase timewarped in from about 1952. Prejudice, ignorance and hatred just aren't what they used to be, you know.

Horrible as it may seem to you, most people really don't care what people do in bed, or which consenting adult they do it with; we don't care about our neighbour's skin colour, religion, sexual orientation or hobbies.

Why not live your own life and let other people get on with theirs?
Yes, live your own life, and let others live theirs, which you violate, you are demanding that children be forced into homosexual lifestyles against the children's wishes, well telling others just to let people live?

Rich irony.

Leave the children alone, pervert.


I am not forcing anyone to do anything, genius!

There is no reason at all to believe that a child raised by two women will be any less loved, any less protected or any less safe than any child raised by any straight couple. So where is the 'force' in that?

btw, I'd be very careful about posting things which could be taken as accusations of paedophilia if you want to still be posting here next week.
Marriage Equality, a political talking point that literally abuses children.

Children are naturally born of a Mother and a Father. Which of course means that they have the Natural biological Right to be a part of the family that they are created from.

That natural Right is willfully and knowingly being destroyed by the Democrats and Liberals who love Homosexuality.

Broken families across the USA prove without a doubt that children who are missing or who have list a parent suffer in a myriad if ways, from drug addiction, crime, violence, depression, poverty, the children suffer.

Children naturally love their mother and father. Children need their mother and father.

The natural Biological right is now being torn from them in the name of, arrive Equality, which is in reality, at the least, is ugly selfishness.

The willful intent of homosexual same-sex couples to design a family of their choosing which denies children of the opportunity to live in a natural family is nothing less than abuse

All of us in natural families know the love our children have for both mom and dad.

I can think of nothing uglier than to claim homosexuals have a right to, "equality", which unequivocally destroys Children's rights.

A child is a defenseless, voiceless victim of the Democrats desire to place them within a homosexual relationship and home

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

The 21st century.
Being queer is a mental disorder, so therefore they shouldn't be raising kids. Period, this is an social experiment. Just like with the military, which under Obama will now fight global warming and Ebola. Liberals should lose all power they have. Just look how well they have done with our schools.
The comprehensive ignorance, hate, and stupidly of this is remarkable, but unsurprising given the poster.
Children have the right to not have a bunch of hate and prejudice crammed into their impressionable minds. Too bad many parents do not respect that right.
No...The problem is that you libs believe you have the right to instruct and mandate how parents raise THEIR children.
You do this by petitioning government to enact sanctions for those who do not comply.
Gays have been adopting children long before they gained access to marriage. Clearly you have an axe to grind when it comes to gays raising children. I wish you spent just as much energy worrying about your own family as you do with mine.
While your claim is only to insure tolerance, your side actually has the goal of "forced acceptance"..
That is from where the push back arises.
Gays have been adopting children long before they gained access to marriage. Clearly you have an axe to grind when it comes to gays raising children. I wish you spent just as much energy worrying about your own family as you do with mine.
While your claim is only to insure tolerance, your side actually has the goal of "forced acceptance"..
That is from where the push back arises.

Gays are getting married and have been raising/adopting children long before they were allowed access to marriage. It doesn't seem like anybody is forcing you to accept to anything. You're just upset that your side is losing the fight.
This really is a cretionously stupid and offensive thread.

Really Elektra; you come across as a complete headcase timewarped in from about 1952. Prejudice, ignorance and hatred just aren't what they used to be, you know.

Horrible as it may seem to you, most people really don't care what people do in bed, or which consenting adult they do it with; we don't care about our neighbour's skin colour, religion, sexual orientation or hobbies.

Why not live your own life and let other people get on with theirs?
Yes, live your own life, and let others live theirs, which you violate, you are demanding that children be forced into homosexual lifestyles against the children's wishes, well telling others just to let people live?

Rich irony.

Leave the children alone, pervert.

Children are not "forced into homosexual lifestyles"!

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