Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

Societies are constantly evolving.

Look at polls concerning gay marriage honestly and you will see that.

And while nobody gives me personally the right to define anything, society has that right and is using it.

And as for morality, nobody gives you the right to define morality for the whole, you can only define it for yourself.

societies evolve but that doesn't mean we have to evolve this way...

polls are driven by politically driven interests...and the young people of this country are being manipulated and fed propaganda through all kinds of anti-religious leftist media....

society has already voted against gay it is going to be defined by a handful of people?....that is NOT society....

morality can be defined through our laws and is done all the time...i'm not falling for your anti-God relativistic anti-religious secular bullcrap...

Look at the polls concerning gay marriage and you'll see that votes held 5-10 years ago are largely meaningless today.

A majority of Americans favor same-sex marrige today. An inconvenient truth for you to be sure, but a truth none the less.

As you the rest, please show me where I'm anti-god or anti-religion.

When gay marriage is legal in all America, you'll still be able to pray to your god and follow the religion of your choice, which I fully support. What I don't support is you telling me I can't do something (or must do something else) simply because you think that's what your god wants.

so you base the meaning of things on polls........? you must be one of those mindless liberal lemmings....

a majority of Americans favored BO too......that was also a mistake....

you are a secularist fool...
traditional marriage follows natural is UNIQUE.....and ubiquitous.....the core family is the building block of society....from that flows a civilized society...

to change all that to satisfy a measly 1/2% of society is simply ridiculous....

"Traditional" marriage included polygomy.

Are you good with that?

Stuff changes and stuff is changing.

In 20 years, kids are going to be wondering what the big deal was, just like many are now about those who opposed civil rights back in the '60's.

You don't have to like it, but times constantly change and on this issue, you're more and more in the minority every day.

at least polygamy involved men and women having children....

propaganda may change attitudes but it does not change natural law...

And many heterosexual marriages produce no children. So?
While I would like to agree with you, I find the occasional appearance of Queers In Public entertaining: At least as entertaining as dwrafs, albinos, an alligator wrestler, or a giraffe.

Thus I look forward to the so-called, "Violation of my sense of normalcy."


I share your concern about tossing away Judeo-Christian morality norms that have guided western culture for thousands of years, and was very probably well established long before Israelite Wise Men decided to incorporate them. While some of these ancient beliefs, e.g. stoning unmarried women who become pregnate, are repugnant, and are only practiced within cultures we now consider "backward," MANY MORE, e.g. "Thou shall not kill" remain. There was some reason for the ancients to put together RULES of BEHAVIOUR.

Whether or not they can now be completely understood is immaterial to a significant proportion of Americans who deserve to have their VOTE count rather than have their beliefs ignored.

traditional marriage follows natural is UNIQUE.....and ubiquitous.....the core family is the building block of society....from that flows a civilized society...

to change all that to satisfy a measly 1/2% of society is simply ridiculous....

Legalizing same sex marriage doesn't change opposite sex marriage at all.

Your argument is founded on the premise that there is something inherently, and sufficiently, wrong with homosexuality that justifies discriminating against homosexuals.

It's been established in our laws that such a premise is wrong, legally.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but Scalia, and probably Thomas, would still uphold laws against sodomy, and I wouldn't bet on Roberts or Alito either.
societies evolve but that doesn't mean we have to evolve this way...

polls are driven by politically driven interests...and the young people of this country are being manipulated and fed propaganda through all kinds of anti-religious leftist media....

society has already voted against gay it is going to be defined by a handful of people?....that is NOT society....

morality can be defined through our laws and is done all the time...i'm not falling for your anti-God relativistic anti-religious secular bullcrap...

Look at the polls concerning gay marriage and you'll see that votes held 5-10 years ago are largely meaningless today.

A majority of Americans favor same-sex marrige today. An inconvenient truth for you to be sure, but a truth none the less.

As you the rest, please show me where I'm anti-god or anti-religion.

When gay marriage is legal in all America, you'll still be able to pray to your god and follow the religion of your choice, which I fully support. What I don't support is you telling me I can't do something (or must do something else) simply because you think that's what your god wants.

so you base the meaning of things on polls........? you must be one of those mindless liberal lemmings....

a majority of Americans favored BO too......that was also a mistake....

you are a secularist fool...

So when reason and logic fail, resort to ad hominems? Adults are able to discuss an issue without resorting to acting like petulant children.

As for polls, they reflect the feelings of society as a whole. This is important in judging the direction of these types of issues.

You can cover your ears and claim you're not listening, but society is speaking and it's saying that "we accept gay marriage."
traditional marriage follows natural is UNIQUE.....and ubiquitous.....the core family is the building block of society....from that flows a civilized society...

to change all that to satisfy a measly 1/2% of society is simply ridiculous....

Legalizing same sex marriage doesn't change opposite sex marriage at all.

Your argument is founded on the premise that there is something inherently, and sufficiently, wrong with homosexuality that justifies discriminating against homosexuals.

It's been established in our laws that such a premise is wrong, legally.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but Scalia, and probably Thomas, would still uphold laws against sodomy, and I wouldn't bet on Roberts or Alito either.

The SCOTUS already struck down sodomy laws in Lawrence v Texas.
What happens when we become a Muslim country? will gay rights still stand?

It islam they are hanged. In France there are street riots of tens of thousands of people. In England gays are burned alive.

It's impossible to tinker with entire cultures without some adverse effect. Not unless the populations are, like they are in Scandanavian countries, too weak and apathetic to act. The gays are still being murdered for being gay, but its by muslims so it doesn't get much attention.

Gates of Vienna: Not-So-Hate Crimes in Malmö
While I would like to agree with you, I find the occasional appearance of Queers In Public entertaining: At least as entertaining as dwrafs, albinos, an alligator wrestler, or a giraffe.

Thus I look forward to the so-called, "Violation of my sense of normalcy."


I share your concern about tossing away Judeo-Christian morality norms that have guided western culture for thousands of years, and was very probably well established long before Israelite Wise Men decided to incorporate them. While some of these ancient beliefs, e.g. stoning unmarried women who become pregnate, are repugnant, and are only practiced within cultures we now consider "backward," MANY MORE, e.g. "Thou shall not kill" remain. There was some reason for the ancients to put together RULES of BEHAVIOUR.

Whether or not they can now be completely understood is immaterial to a significant proportion of Americans who deserve to have their VOTE count rather than have their beliefs ignored.

traditional marriage follows natural is UNIQUE.....and ubiquitous.....the core family is the building block of society....from that flows a civilized society...

to change all that to satisfy a measly 1/2% of society is simply ridiculous....

Legalizing same sex marriage doesn't change opposite sex marriage at all.

Your argument is founded on the premise that there is something inherently, and sufficiently, wrong with homosexuality that justifies discriminating against homosexuals.

It's been established in our laws that such a premise is wrong, legally.

yes it changes the definition of marriage and demeans it....

yes....homosexuality is abnormal....i don't hate the homosexual person but there is no reason to change the whole of society to accomodate their abnormal behavior...

our laws reflect a tolerance for the homosexual.....however there is a big difference between tolerance and acceptance....
What happens when we become a Muslim country? will gay rights still stand?

It islam they are hanged. In France there are street riots of tens of thousands of people. In England gays are burned alive.

It's impossible to tinker with entire cultures without some adverse effect. Not unless the populations are, like they are in Scandanavian countries, too weak and apathetic to act. The gays are still being murdered for being gay, but its by muslims so it doesn't get much attention.

Gates of Vienna: Not-So-Hate Crimes in Malmö

So under Islamic law all the gains homosexuals have accrued will burn to the ground?
Legalizing same sex marriage doesn't change opposite sex marriage at all.

Your argument is founded on the premise that there is something inherently, and sufficiently, wrong with homosexuality that justifies discriminating against homosexuals.

It's been established in our laws that such a premise is wrong, legally.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but Scalia, and probably Thomas, would still uphold laws against sodomy, and I wouldn't bet on Roberts or Alito either.

The SCOTUS already struck down sodomy laws in Lawrence v Texas.

I realize that. But, the post still stands.
Look at the polls concerning gay marriage and you'll see that votes held 5-10 years ago are largely meaningless today.

A majority of Americans favor same-sex marrige today. An inconvenient truth for you to be sure, but a truth none the less.

As you the rest, please show me where I'm anti-god or anti-religion.

When gay marriage is legal in all America, you'll still be able to pray to your god and follow the religion of your choice, which I fully support. What I don't support is you telling me I can't do something (or must do something else) simply because you think that's what your god wants.

so you base the meaning of things on polls........? you must be one of those mindless liberal lemmings....

a majority of Americans favored BO too......that was also a mistake....

you are a secularist fool...

So when reason and logic fail, resort to ad hominems? Adults are able to discuss an issue without resorting to acting like petulant children.

As for polls, they reflect the feelings of society as a whole. This is important in judging the direction of these types of issues.

You can cover your ears and claim you're not listening, but society is speaking and it's saying that "we accept gay marriage."

you believe in popular polls.....that is all i need to know why you fail to understand what i am saying.....and i doubt you ever will.....
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traditional marriage follows natural is UNIQUE.....and ubiquitous.....the core family is the building block of society....from that flows a civilized society...

to change all that to satisfy a measly 1/2% of society is simply ridiculous....

Legalizing same sex marriage doesn't change opposite sex marriage at all.

Your argument is founded on the premise that there is something inherently, and sufficiently, wrong with homosexuality that justifies discriminating against homosexuals.

It's been established in our laws that such a premise is wrong, legally.

yes it changes the definition of marriage and demeans it....

yes....homosexuality is abnormal....i don't hate the homosexual person but there is no reason to change the whole of society to accomodate their abnormal behavior...

our laws reflect a tolerance for the homosexual.....however there is a big difference between tolerance and acceptance....

Your argument is yours to make but as I pointed out, your argument is already fatally flawed by legal precedent. It is not legal to deny homosexuals civil rights enjoyed by others on the grounds that homosexuals are 'abnormal'. That ship sailed long ago.
Legalizing same sex marriage doesn't change opposite sex marriage at all.

Your argument is founded on the premise that there is something inherently, and sufficiently, wrong with homosexuality that justifies discriminating against homosexuals.

It's been established in our laws that such a premise is wrong, legally.

yes it changes the definition of marriage and demeans it....

yes....homosexuality is abnormal....i don't hate the homosexual person but there is no reason to change the whole of society to accomodate their abnormal behavior...

our laws reflect a tolerance for the homosexual.....however there is a big difference between tolerance and acceptance....

Your argument is yours to make but as I pointed out, your argument is already fatally flawed by legal precedent. It is not legal to deny homosexuals civil rights enjoyed by others on the grounds that homosexuals are 'abnormal'. That ship sailed long ago.

laws will never make homosexuality 'normal'....
so you base the meaning of things on polls........? you must be one of those mindless liberal lemmings....

a majority of Americans favored BO too......that was also a mistake....

you are a secularist fool...

So when reason and logic fail, resort to ad hominems? Adults are able to discuss an issue without resorting to acting like petulant children.

As for polls, they reflect the feelings of society as a whole. This is important in judging the direction of these types of issues.

You can cover your ears and claim you're not listening, but society is speaking and it's saying that "we accept gay marriage."

you believe in popular polls.....that is all i need to know why you fail to understand what i am saying.....and i doubt you ever will.....

The will of a society decides social issues.

Simple concept.
Look at the polls concerning gay marriage and you'll see that votes held 5-10 years ago are largely meaningless today.

A majority of Americans favor same-sex marrige today. An inconvenient truth for you to be sure, but a truth none the less.

As you the rest, please show me where I'm anti-god or anti-religion.

When gay marriage is legal in all America, you'll still be able to pray to your god and follow the religion of your choice, which I fully support. What I don't support is you telling me I can't do something (or must do something else) simply because you think that's what your god wants.

so you base the meaning of things on polls........? you must be one of those mindless liberal lemmings....

a majority of Americans favored BO too......that was also a mistake....

you are a secularist fool...

So when reason and logic fail, resort to ad hominems? Adults are able to discuss an issue without resorting to acting like petulant children.

As for polls, they reflect the feelings of society as a whole. This is important in judging the direction of these types of issues.

You can cover your ears and claim you're not listening, but society is speaking and it's saying that "we accept gay marriage."

We don't know what the public says because polls generally prove whatever the pollsters want it to prove.

IF the polls are right and people in California now support same sex marriage, than the activists who promote it would have no problem getting the issue back on the ballot and settle the matter in the state once and for all, by the vote. But they can't. They can't get enough signatures to qualify.

What happened in the Chick Fil A boycott battle? What happened to JC Penney when they decided that pandering to the gay lobby by having Ellen Degeneres as their spokesperson? The public speaks with many voices.
yes it changes the definition of marriage and demeans it....

yes....homosexuality is abnormal....i don't hate the homosexual person but there is no reason to change the whole of society to accomodate their abnormal behavior...

our laws reflect a tolerance for the homosexual.....however there is a big difference between tolerance and acceptance....

Your argument is yours to make but as I pointed out, your argument is already fatally flawed by legal precedent. It is not legal to deny homosexuals civil rights enjoyed by others on the grounds that homosexuals are 'abnormal'. That ship sailed long ago.

laws will never make homosexuality 'normal'....


I don't think too many homosexuals wanting to marry really care if you consinder them "normal." They just want equal treatment under the law.
so you base the meaning of things on polls........? you must be one of those mindless liberal lemmings....

a majority of Americans favored BO too......that was also a mistake....

you are a secularist fool...

So when reason and logic fail, resort to ad hominems? Adults are able to discuss an issue without resorting to acting like petulant children.

As for polls, they reflect the feelings of society as a whole. This is important in judging the direction of these types of issues.

You can cover your ears and claim you're not listening, but society is speaking and it's saying that "we accept gay marriage."

We don't know what the public says because polls generally prove whatever the pollsters want it to prove.

IF the polls are right and people in California now support same sex marriage, than the activists who promote it would have no problem getting the issue back on the ballot and settle the matter in the state once and for all, by the vote. But they can't. They can't get enough signatures to qualify.

What happened in the Chick Fil A boycott battle? What happened to JC Penney when they decided that pandering to the gay lobby by having Ellen Degeneres as their spokesperson? The public speaks with many voices.

Those beliefs worked so well for us last November. We got a white mormon and our clock cleaned with 8% unemployment.
Your argument is yours to make but as I pointed out, your argument is already fatally flawed by legal precedent. It is not legal to deny homosexuals civil rights enjoyed by others on the grounds that homosexuals are 'abnormal'. That ship sailed long ago.

laws will never make homosexuality 'normal'....


I don't think too many homosexuals wanting to marry really care if you consinder them "normal." They just want equal treatment under the law.

so it's just all about the money....?
laws will never make homosexuality 'normal'....


I don't think too many homosexuals wanting to marry really care if you consinder them "normal." They just want equal treatment under the law.

so it's just all about the money....?

When did I mention anything about money?

Furthermore, when heterosexuals marry, is their only reason for marrying versus living together money?

I don't pretend to know why every couple decides to marry, but I'd be willing to bet it's not just the money for most.
so you base the meaning of things on polls........? you must be one of those mindless liberal lemmings....

a majority of Americans favored BO too......that was also a mistake....

you are a secularist fool...

So when reason and logic fail, resort to ad hominems? Adults are able to discuss an issue without resorting to acting like petulant children.

As for polls, they reflect the feelings of society as a whole. This is important in judging the direction of these types of issues.

You can cover your ears and claim you're not listening, but society is speaking and it's saying that "we accept gay marriage."

We don't know what the public says because polls generally prove whatever the pollsters want it to prove.

IF the polls are right and people in California now support same sex marriage, than the activists who promote it would have no problem getting the issue back on the ballot and settle the matter in the state once and for all, by the vote. But they can't. They can't get enough signatures to qualify.

What happened in the Chick Fil A boycott battle? What happened to JC Penney when they decided that pandering to the gay lobby by having Ellen Degeneres as their spokesperson? The public speaks with many voices.

Dick Morris, is that you?

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