Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

Even if "recognized" it won't fix the guilt you feel as a result of your sin... whether you admit it or not...

Darlin' the only guilt I feel that's related to my sexual orientation is when she only has two or three orgasms in succession.

I wouldn't expect any less --- but now you are adding a lie to the list of transgressions..

You can wish it were a lie, but if wishes were horses even beggars would ride.
Darlin' the only guilt I feel that's related to my sexual orientation is when she only has two or three orgasms in succession.

I wouldn't expect any less --- but now you are adding a lie to the list of transgressions..

You can wish it were a lie, but if wishes were horses even beggars would ride.

Me thinks she doeth protest too loudly....

What's that? Oh yeah, denial is the first step to recovery!
Can you provide a societal harm in allowing non familial consenting adult gays and lesbians equal access to a civil marriage contract?

Can you provide a harm to gays and lesbians to officially referring to their contract as a Civil Union rather than a marriage?

No, go ahead, do it. It's not like "the gheys" have ever turned down civil unions have we?

But... if you set up a system of Civil Marriage for heterosexuals and Civil Unions for gays, well then you're falling into this little thing we call "separate but equal". You've heard of that, yes?

What happened to "go ahead, do it."? Which is it?
Can you provide a harm to gays and lesbians to officially referring to their contract as a Civil Union rather than a marriage?

No, go ahead, do it. It's not like "the gheys" have ever turned down civil unions have we?

But... if you set up a system of Civil Marriage for heterosexuals and Civil Unions for gays, well then you're falling into this little thing we call "separate but equal". You've heard of that, yes?

What happened to "go ahead, do it."? Which is it?

It still is go ahead do it, we won't stop you (but social conservatives will...they are the ones that always stop Civil Unions, not gays).

We won't stop fighting for equality though. If you get civil marriage, we get civil marriage. If you want us to have civil unions, you have to be ready to take them too.
No, go ahead, do it. It's not like "the gheys" have ever turned down civil unions have we?

But... if you set up a system of Civil Marriage for heterosexuals and Civil Unions for gays, well then you're falling into this little thing we call "separate but equal". You've heard of that, yes?

What happened to "go ahead, do it."? Which is it?

It still is go ahead do it, we won't stop you (but social conservatives will...they are the ones that always stop Civil Unions, not gays).

We won't stop fighting for equality though. If you get civil marriage, we get civil marriage. If you want us to have civil unions, you have to be ready to take them too.

ACCEPT US AND OUR SIN!!! or else!!! lol
No, marriage has always existed. One can play word games, but marriage as mankind has known it means that the community, even a tribe, has recognized and approved of the bond between male and female. With it come the expectations of creating children, and, depending on the culture, customs, and traditions, of various bonds of families and property - all in the broad sense. This has existed in Ancient Egypt and China, Medieval Europe, among Native Americans, tribal Africa and foraging peoples of today.

First off, "tradition" is not justification for unequal treatment. "Traditionally", voting was for white male landowners. "Traditionally", marriage was restricted to people of the same race.

Marriage has many traditions.


Iknow that procreation is not any pre-requisite. I already explained this. You are speaking about the laws, especially very recent when we consider THOUSANDS of years of history all over the entire planet. I am speaking about enduring culture and human nature as evidenced by our history everywhere in the world. However, check the documents that France had until recently - when they decided to destroy marriage - with marriage: On the legal document, there were numbers 1 to 9. Each was followed by a line. The line was for the couple to fill in later: The names of the children that they would create. It did not mean that they HAD TO, of course, but it was just considered part of what marriage is - and has been for thousands of years, with every culture in the entire history of the world.

If you know, why try and use it as justification?

I should have asked, do you have any justification that will hold up in court?

the only thing "unequal" is that you can't describe your lesbian union as a marriage. You have equal rights, its not about that and you know it.

you never told us, are you the butch or the fem? I'm guessing the butch. Short hair, never wear a dress, little or no make up, thats you isn't it? "not that there is anything wrong with that" Seinfeld.

It’s this type of hate and ignorance the Framers of the 5th and 14th Amendments anticipated, and why we need the Constitution and its case law as much today as any point in our Nation’s history.
What happened to "go ahead, do it."? Which is it?

It still is go ahead do it, we won't stop you (but social conservatives will...they are the ones that always stop Civil Unions, not gays).

We won't stop fighting for equality though. If you get civil marriage, we get civil marriage. If you want us to have civil unions, you have to be ready to take them too.

ACCEPT US AND OUR SIN!!! or else!!! lol

No one is being ‘forced’ to ‘accept’ anything.

And that some might perceive homosexuals as ‘sinful’ is thankfully irrelevant.
It still is go ahead do it, we won't stop you (but social conservatives will...they are the ones that always stop Civil Unions, not gays).

We won't stop fighting for equality though. If you get civil marriage, we get civil marriage. If you want us to have civil unions, you have to be ready to take them too.

ACCEPT US AND OUR SIN!!! or else!!! lol

No one is being ‘forced’ to ‘accept’ anything.

And that some might perceive homosexuals as ‘sinful’ is thankfully irrelevant.

If that were true we woulndn't even be having this discussion --- Why are you libs so dense?
If you want us to have civil unions, you have to be ready to take them too.

No, that's not what it means at all.

Yes, it is what it means. While we are perfectly willing to take Civil Unions where they are granted, we won't stop fighting for full equality. We will not accept separate but equal. If you don't believe that gays should be able to get a civil marriage, then you shouldn't be able to get one either. Make so we all get Civil Unions and everyone will be happy.
ACCEPT US AND OUR SIN!!! or else!!! lol

No one is being ‘forced’ to ‘accept’ anything.

And that some might perceive homosexuals as ‘sinful’ is thankfully irrelevant.

If that were true we woulndn't even be having this discussion --- Why are you libs so dense?

He's absolutely right. You aren't forced to accept anything. You may be forced to tolerate "the gheys" in your midst, but acceptance is purely voluntary.
If you want us to have civil unions, you have to be ready to take them too.

No, that's not what it means at all.

Yes, it is what it means. While we are perfectly willing to take Civil Unions where they are granted, we won't stop fighting for full equality. We will not accept separate but equal. If you don't believe that gays should be able to get a civil marriage, then you shouldn't be able to get one either. Make so we all get Civil Unions and everyone will be happy.

Don't you just love Seawytch "logic" - I will not act like you do, but you will give me the same benefits that you do.

Wytchey - you want to slit somebody's throat but not be charged with murder because you think your "special". If you don't want to be charged with murder - don't slit someone's throat. And it you want to be "equal" - then marry a man just like most other women do. Equality comes from abiding from the same rules - not doing your own thing outside of the rules and then expecting the same results as those who played inside of the rules. You can cry all you want, but you're losing this battle big time because at the end of the day you want special treatment while screaming it's "equal" treatment.

No one is being ‘forced’ to ‘accept’ anything.

And that some might perceive homosexuals as ‘sinful’ is thankfully irrelevant.

If that were true we woulndn't even be having this discussion --- Why are you libs so dense?

He's absolutely right. You aren't forced to accept anything. You may be forced to tolerate "the gheys" in your midst, but acceptance is purely voluntary.

Why don't you "tolerate" the fact that you choose to play the game outside of the rules but still expect the rules to work in your favor? :eusa_whistle:
All this fuss over a title. Holy smokes! Can't we get on with something more important?

I happen to believe this is extremely important. If you don't, move on to another thread. Nobody said you had to be here - just like nobody said SW had to marry a woman - that was her choice but she's not willing to live with the consequences of her decisions (typical liberal).
All this fuss over a title. Holy smokes! Can't we get on with something more important?

I happen to believe this is extremely important. If you don't, move on to another thread. Nobody said you had to be here - just like nobody said SW had to marry a woman - that was her choice but she's not willing to live with the consequences of her decisions (typical liberal).

Indeed. Being a libertarian though, I don't need the government telling me I'm married, God knows full well what I am, and what homosexuals aren't. This title of marriage is issued by the government, my pastor is the guy ordained by God to join me with the woman I love. I mean it when I say it isn't as important people are led to believe.

I am opposed to gay marriage if it means anything. Being a libertarian doesn't necessarily mean I abandon my morals.
If that were true we woulndn't even be having this discussion --- Why are you libs so dense?

He's absolutely right. You aren't forced to accept anything. You may be forced to tolerate "the gheys" in your midst, but acceptance is purely voluntary.

Why don't you "tolerate" the fact that you choose to play the game outside of the rules but still expect the rules to work in your favor? :eusa_whistle:

The same way a kid cheats at a game of Connect Four when you aren't looking, he's hoping you don't notice, if you do, he hopes you won't rat him out. If you do rat him out, he accuses you of cheating!

Funny how that works.
No, that's not what it means at all.

Yes, it is what it means. While we are perfectly willing to take Civil Unions where they are granted, we won't stop fighting for full equality. We will not accept separate but equal. If you don't believe that gays should be able to get a civil marriage, then you shouldn't be able to get one either. Make so we all get Civil Unions and everyone will be happy.

Don't you just love Seawytch "logic" - I will not act like you do, but you will give me the same benefits that you do.

Wytchey - you want to slit somebody's throat but not be charged with murder because you think your "special". If you don't want to be charged with murder - don't slit someone's throat. And it you want to be "equal" - then marry a man just like most other women do. Equality comes from abiding from the same rules - not doing your own thing outside of the rules and then expecting the same results as those who played inside of the rules. You can cry all you want, but you're losing this battle big time because at the end of the day you want special treatment while screaming it's "equal" treatment.

Puppy, explain how granting my legal marriage the EXACT same Federal rights, benefits and privileges your legal marriage enjoys is "special".
If that were true we woulndn't even be having this discussion --- Why are you libs so dense?

He's absolutely right. You aren't forced to accept anything. You may be forced to tolerate "the gheys" in your midst, but acceptance is purely voluntary.

Why don't you "tolerate" the fact that you choose to play the game outside of the rules but still expect the rules to work in your favor? :eusa_whistle:

What game Puppy? Whose rules? I am legally married, but the DOMA "rules" says my legal marriage is treated differently than yours is. Sounds like homophobes think they make "rules". Racists thought they did too.
The fact that you don't understand the concept of discrimination against a minority isn't my problem, it's yours.

In 1950, how many states allowed blacks to marry whites? How many had anti-miscegenation laws?

In other words, you know I'm right and you have no response?

The federal government represents ALL states. And the overwhelming majority do NOT recognize gay marriage. It's an inconvenient fact which has you pissed off right now because it's the truth.

No Puppy...I'm pointing out, quite rightfully, that you seem to have no concept of what discrimination is. You seem to think that if enough people think gays are icky, that should trump the individual rights of gays and lesbians.

Apparently you've never heard the term "tyranny of the majority".

Do you have any idea what an idiot you sound like? I'm 100% against money being taken from me against my will and unconstitutionally being spent on socialism. Yet I don't hear you crying "tyranny of the majority" when it provides you with free the handouts that you cherish so much.

This country has countless checks & balances to prevent tyranny. One of the biggest to prevent "tyranny of the majority" is that we are not a democracy - we are a republic. And this republic has overwhelmingly decided that we will not accept gay marriage.

Now, you have you S.O. and your children and you all live together free from persecution or physical harm. But like almost all libtards, you don't care about freedom - you want your perks, benefits, free money, and handouts. You're an embarrassment to America and part of the cancer that is killing this country. Muslims in the Middle East are tortured and killed for being gay. You have the luxury of expressing it freely and all you can do is cry about how "oppressed" you are because you can't get free shit from the government for being gay.

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