Martin riots breaking out in Los Angeles

Not surprised at all. I wonder if Liberals will condemn this?

they will condemn whites for causing it
What a shocker!!

Anyhoo, here's my take on the whole idea of race relations. I am unapologetically Conservative in my politics. Pro-Life, pro family, anti big government. but I abhor racism with a passion as I know it to be a festering cancer upon a society, be it America and her past as it related to slavery, the third Reich's treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, what have you. Zimmerman was acquitted because the prosecution failed to meet its burden of proof in its prima facie case against him. Because of a political vendetta to "right a wrong", he was overcharged with 2nd degree murder as the top charge. should he have been charged? Tough call for me. I think the manslaughter charge should have been the top charge with a lesser included charge of criminally negligent homicide, or pled out to the lesser charge. Now what does this whole disaster say about racial attitudes? Simple. since Obama has been coronated, we have seen racial relations circling the bowl like never before. All I have to say is wake up. This is not worth rioting over.
Not surprised at all. I wonder if Liberals will condemn this?

they will condemn whites for causing it
What a shocker!!

Anyhoo, here's my take on the whole idea of race relations. I am unapologetically Conservative in my politics. Pro-Life, pro family, anti big government. but I abhor racism with a passion as I know it to be a festering cancer upon a society, be it America and her past as it related to slavery, the third Reich's treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, what have you. Zimmerman was acquitted because the prosecution failed to meet its burden of proof in its prima facie case against him. Because of a political vendetta to "right a wrong", he was overcharged with 2nd degree murder as the top charge. should he have been charged? Tough call for me. I think the manslaughter charge should have been the top charge with a lesser included charge of criminally negligent homicide, or pled out to the lesser charge. Now what does this whole disaster say about racial attitudes? Simple. since Obama has been coronated, we have seen racial relations circling the bowl like never before. All I have to say is wake up. This is not worth rioting over.

Obama has set this country back 50 years. Maybe they will trash the White House while they are at it and the rich bastard who lives in it will get some idea of what it has been like for the REST of us who have not had the chances he had to live abroad with rich parents, and go to high end communist schools, not to mention and ivy American school for free. So help me, he instigated Arab spring, and he instigated this shit.. And he knew what he was doing BOTH times. Fuck him and his stupid victory garden too! Only those of use who lived through this shit in the 60s has any idea what is ahead.
The police just declared an unlawful assembly in LA as the crowds were getting larger, watching to see if they are going to disperse peacefully or not.
how come no one rioting for that poor black woman that got twenty years for shooting no one ??...she is still alive and can actually be helped

because they don't give a shit about anyone. They just want to destroy things and piss people off.

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