Marvel CEO donates money to veterans,liberals calling for boycott

Ah, yes, the bigoted and intolerant liberals at Salon. It's ironic that they spend so much time talking about "tolerance" and "inclusion." Yet, they exhibit bald-faced bigotry and intolerance toward anyone who disagrees with their agenda.
Why do they have to give money to trump ? Why not just give it to the vet charities directly ? Were they not taking checks ?
Ah, yes, the bigoted and intolerant liberals at Salon. It's ironic that they spend so much time talking about "tolerance" and "inclusion." Yet, they exhibit bald-faced bigotry and intolerance toward anyone who disagrees with their agenda.

Are they calling for them to be arrested ? Cause being pro free speech doesn't mean you have to sit there and take bullshit .
Why do they have to give money to trump ? Why not just give it to the vet charities directly ? Were they not taking checks ?
Why are you worried about it? It went to the EVENT that Trump was running....
Let's see, the Republicans boycotted the Pope and the Selma anniversary march. That seems ant-equality and anti-Christian (being as the Pope comments the right hates, follow the Bible)..
But go ahead a whine, that's what you folks do so well. No wonder you worship the ground of the most liberal GOP candidate in decades. He's a whiner like you folks, so the fact he's a liberal and you folks are the "true conservatives" means absolutely nothing. Way to stand on your principles. :disbelief:
Let's see, the Republicans boycotted the Pope and the Selma anniversary march. That seems ant-equality and anti-Christian (being as the Pope comments the right hates, follow the Bible)..
But go ahead a whine, that's what you folks do so well. No wonder you worship the ground of the most liberal GOP candidate in decades. He's a whiner like you folks, so the fact he's a liberal and you folks are the "true conservatives" means absolutely nothing. Way to stand on your principles. :disbelief:
LOL.....classic libtardism. Selma CRAP was grandstanding and asinine racial division at its best. and the POPE was using his stance as a political pulpit
Oh and ONE Congressman refused to attend the popes LEFTIST speech. ONE out of what 300 hundred and something?
Let's see, the Republicans boycotted the Pope and the Selma anniversary march. That seems ant-equality and anti-Christian (being as the Pope comments the right hates, follow the Bible)..
But go ahead a whine, that's what you folks do so well. No wonder you worship the ground of the most liberal GOP candidate in decades. He's a whiner like you folks, so the fact he's a liberal and you folks are the "true conservatives" means absolutely nothing. Way to stand on your principles. :disbelief:

Oh look another far left drone and their false narratives chime in..

Next they will be calling Sanders a "progressive" liberal..
Still, a number of rank-and-file Republicans are attending. Sen. Tim Scott, a South Carolina Republican, is a co-sponsor of the event along with Rep. Martha Roby of Alabama. Scott is the first African-American Republican elected from the South since the end of Reconstruction.

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), a member of the GOP leadership team in the Senate, will attend the events.

Roby’s office said Thursday 23 Republican House and Senate members are registered to attend the pilgrimage.

Roby and Scott pressed a number of their GOP colleagues to attend the event in Alabama, which is expected to draw more than 100 members of Congress.

Read more: No, internet, actually 23 Republicans went to the Selma 50th march, not just one
The man made a donation. Of course he should get fired. Liberals have final say so over who gets donations and how they get them.
Why do they have to give money to trump ? Why not just give it to the vet charities directly ? Were they not taking checks ?

Zackly. The title is bullshit -- if he donated to Rump he donated to Rump, not to any "veterans".

National Review has been pointing out that Rump channels that money wherever he wants, and he's channeled far more to the Clintons than to veterans.

There's one born every minute.
The libtards are trying to channel their hatred for Veterans onto Trump...not working...
Why do they have to give money to trump ? Why not just give it to the vet charities directly ? Were they not taking checks ?

Zackly. The title is bullshit -- if he donated to Rump he donated to Rump, not to any "veterans".

National Review has been pointing out that Rump channels that money wherever he wants, and he's channeled far more to the Clintons than to veterans.

There's one born every minute.
He has given more to the Clintons than to veterans. I posted a link.

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