Marx Fought for Freedom

Karl Marx was a fraud. He took the concept of slavery and merely made all citizens slaves and transferred ownership to the state.

"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.

— Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto"

Marx understood the historical connections between master and slave, lord and serf, and owner and worker; obviously, you don't.

Karl Marx - Wikipedia

"For Marx, social change was about conflict between opposing interests, driven in the background by economic forces.[214]

"This became the inspiration for the body of works known as the conflict theory.[244]

"In his evolutionary model of history, he argued that human history began with free, productive and creative work that was over time coerced and dehumanised, a trend most apparent under capitalism.[214]

"Marx noted that this was not an intentional process, rather no individual or even state can go against the forces of economy"

Marx understood the historical connections between master and slave, lord and serf, and owner and worker

Is that why he was always broke?
Marx was a piece of shit, loser, rich kid who never worked a day in his life. His economic theories have failed everywhere they have been tried. Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.
Your ignorance rivals Trump's.
Marx was on the right side of the slavery issue.
What about you?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Four hundred years after enslaved Africans first arrived in Virginia, African Americans continue to experience the legacy of slavery in conditions of mass incarceration, institutionalized racism in both housing and employment, and a growing wealth gap.

"At the same time, we are faced with the most reactionary, anti-labor administration in our history, an administration that foments and feeds upon the foulest racism and misogyny to gain support among sections of the middle and working classes.

"In this light, Marx’s declaration, 'Labour in a white skin cannot emancipate itself where it is branded in a black skin,' remains a motto that is as relevant today as it was 150 years ago."
Too bad the Africans treated their fellow Africans worse than the Americans treated them.
Marx was a piece of shit, loser, rich kid who never worked a day in his life. His economic theories have failed everywhere they have been tried. Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.
Your ignorance rivals Trump's.
Marx was on the right side of the slavery issue.
What about you?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Four hundred years after enslaved Africans first arrived in Virginia, African Americans continue to experience the legacy of slavery in conditions of mass incarceration, institutionalized racism in both housing and employment, and a growing wealth gap.

"At the same time, we are faced with the most reactionary, anti-labor administration in our history, an administration that foments and feeds upon the foulest racism and misogyny to gain support among sections of the middle and working classes.

"In this light, Marx’s declaration, 'Labour in a white skin cannot emancipate itself where it is branded in a black skin,' remains a motto that is as relevant today as it was 150 years ago."
The right side of slavery? Me? Maybe you should ask an African...cause ******* still have a slave trade.
Marx was a piece of shit, loser, rich kid who never worked a day in his life. His economic theories have failed everywhere they have been tried. Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.
Your ignorance rivals Trump's.
Marx was on the right side of the slavery issue.
What about you?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Four hundred years after enslaved Africans first arrived in Virginia, African Americans continue to experience the legacy of slavery in conditions of mass incarceration, institutionalized racism in both housing and employment, and a growing wealth gap.

"At the same time, we are faced with the most reactionary, anti-labor administration in our history, an administration that foments and feeds upon the foulest racism and misogyny to gain support among sections of the middle and working classes.

"In this light, Marx’s declaration, 'Labour in a white skin cannot emancipate itself where it is branded in a black skin,' remains a motto that is as relevant today as it was 150 years ago."
The right side of slavery? Me? Maybe you should ask an African...cause ******* still have a slave trade.
Not to mention Tribal Wars.
And how about those African slaves in those Muslim countries?
Marx was a piece of shit, loser, rich kid who never worked a day in his life. His economic theories have failed everywhere they have been tried. Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.
Your ignorance rivals Trump's.
Marx was on the right side of the slavery issue.
What about you?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Four hundred years after enslaved Africans first arrived in Virginia, African Americans continue to experience the legacy of slavery in conditions of mass incarceration, institutionalized racism in both housing and employment, and a growing wealth gap.

"At the same time, we are faced with the most reactionary, anti-labor administration in our history, an administration that foments and feeds upon the foulest racism and misogyny to gain support among sections of the middle and working classes.

"In this light, Marx’s declaration, 'Labour in a white skin cannot emancipate itself where it is branded in a black skin,' remains a motto that is as relevant today as it was 150 years ago."
The right side of slavery? Me? Maybe you should ask an African...cause ******* still have a slave trade.
Not to mention Tribal Wars.
And how about those African slaves in those Muslim countries?
You mean other then college and years in bussiness? No PH.D. But I have been in board rooms.
Do you sense any conflict between people, planet, and profit?

Socialist Studies - Marx Studies - Capitalist Theories of Profit

"Defenders of capitalism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of profit.

"They feel compelled to defend the word profit although they do not understand its source within the productive process of commodity production.

"In David Cameron's Big Society, for example, there are a group of investors called social entrepreneurs who believe in the mantra of the three p's; people, planet and profit and who carry on their business as though there is no contradiction or conflict associated with these three words and that profit appears from thin air as if by magic."

Defenders of capitalism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of profit.

Defenders of Marxism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of failure.
Every time it's tried, it fails.
You mean other then college and years in bussiness? No PH.D. But I have been in board rooms.
Do you sense any conflict between people, planet, and profit?

Socialist Studies - Marx Studies - Capitalist Theories of Profit

"Defenders of capitalism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of profit.

"They feel compelled to defend the word profit although they do not understand its source within the productive process of commodity production.

"In David Cameron's Big Society, for example, there are a group of investors called social entrepreneurs who believe in the mantra of the three p's; people, planet and profit and who carry on their business as though there is no contradiction or conflict associated with these three words and that profit appears from thin air as if by magic."

Defenders of capitalism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of profit.

Defenders of Marxism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of failure.
Every time it's tried, it fails.
China's about to become the leading economy and dominant military super power, - not that Marx would approve!
You mean other then college and years in bussiness? No PH.D. But I have been in board rooms.
Do you sense any conflict between people, planet, and profit?

Socialist Studies - Marx Studies - Capitalist Theories of Profit

"Defenders of capitalism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of profit.

"They feel compelled to defend the word profit although they do not understand its source within the productive process of commodity production.

"In David Cameron's Big Society, for example, there are a group of investors called social entrepreneurs who believe in the mantra of the three p's; people, planet and profit and who carry on their business as though there is no contradiction or conflict associated with these three words and that profit appears from thin air as if by magic."

Defenders of capitalism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of profit.

Defenders of Marxism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of failure.
Every time it's tried, it fails.
China's about to become the leading economy and dominant military super power, - not that Marx would approve!
Totalitarianism is not's the exact opposite.
And don't forget that the Kings during the Dark and Middle Ages were very wealthy.
King Cotton drove the global economy of the 19th Century the same way oil drives today's resource wars.

but the cotton didnt all come from the south and picked by black slaves

of course the modern economy depends on industries of all kinds including cotton
Too bad the Africans treated their fellow Africans worse than the Americans treated them.
What role did white supremacy play in Africa's contribution to slavery in America?

How does that absolve racist, MAGA bigots in the US from their continued loyalty to white supremacy?


Slavery in America

"When the first Africans were brought to the British colonies in 1619 on a ship that docked in Jamestown, Virginia, they had the legal status of a servant. But as the region’s economic system became more ingrained in the social culture, the institution of American slavery developed as a permanent, hereditary status centrally tied to race.

"The system of American slavery grew from and reinforced racial prejudice.

"The racialized caste system of American slavery that originated in the British colonies was unique in many respects from forms of slavery that existed in other parts of the world.

"In Spanish and Portugese colonies, for example, slavery was a class category, a form of indentured servitude, or an individual status that could be overcome after a completed term of labor or assimilation into the dominant culture."
The right side of slavery? Me? Maybe you should ask an African...cause ******* still have a slave trade
Any contemporary African slave trade doesn't change how dependent US capitalism was on "free labor" during its first century of existence or how Marx opposed the practice.

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"As the young Marx theorized this relationship in 1846 in The Poverty of Philosophy, two years before the Communist Manifesto:

"'Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns, as are machinery, credit, etc. Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery that has given value to the colonies, it is the colonies that have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry.'"
The right side of slavery? Me? Maybe you should ask an African...cause ******* still have a slave trade
Any contemporary African slave trade doesn't change how dependent US capitalism was on "free labor" during its first century of existence or how Marx opposed the practice.

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"As the young Marx theorized this relationship in 1846 in The Poverty of Philosophy, two years before the Communist Manifesto:

"'Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns, as are machinery, credit, etc. Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery that has given value to the colonies, it is the colonies that have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry.'"
Great...still doesn't change the fact that Marx' economic principles have been an overwhelming failure. Marx sucks. If you wanna believe that jigaboos picking cotton in the south was the only reason for our nations economic growth and industrial success...then have a nut bud.
I think you and Marx are idiots.
Human Lifespan Longevity creates the need for profit distributions, widespread. A "Leisure" class itself was needed to create the newer human lifespan longevity. Discussions of slavery commence with the concept that a primitive hunting and gathering society couldn't afford slavery to begin with--a needless extra mouth to feed. "Social Security" was not a concept. Enslavement did free up creative initiatives. There was slavery all over, and recent civilizations--generally 5000 years ago or so.

What economists miss are the abundant resources. Three near-apes in the jungle have a lot of consuming to catch up on. There is no scarcity of resources. Einstein even created far more abundant energy than was necessary. That has not been put to use, even on other planets.

So Social Security could be created, profit distributions able to happen--and then easily made into regulatory, even a requirement. If little kids should not be in cars. . . .anyone can guess what someone 110 years old should not be doing that either. Killing off both groups is indefensible.

So arithmetic over profit-theory has recently come into play. USA is feeding off $3.0 tril. federal spending in only 12 weeks, as a "Stimulus," so not thought a profit: Even though it is actually affordable.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Centralized Credit Market is Straight Marxist Agenda. The Usury of it originates more in Pharaoh's subjugation than in anything Socialist and progressive, however.)
Nothing like basing something off of a person that failed to understand basic human instinct or even a general knowledge of economics.
What's the extent of your "general knowledge of economics"?

Karl Marx - Wikipedia

"Born in Trier, Germany, Marx studied law and philosophy at university.

"He married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843.

"Due to his political publications, Marx became stateless and lived in exile with his wife and children in London for decades, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and publish his writings, researching in the reading room of the British Museum.

"His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, and the three-volume Das Kapital (1867–1883).

"His political and philosophical thought had enormous influence on subsequent intellectual, economic and political history, and his name has been used as an adjective, a noun and a school of social theory."

If you've never had to make payroll every week for ten or more people you have zero businesses knowledge

Marx was a bum,a loser , and an idiot
Just like his modern followers
Wow, just wow. Made a payroll and now an authority on economics.
Human Lifespan Longevity creates the need for profit distributions, widespread. A "Leisure" class itself was needed to create the newer human lifespan longevity. Discussions of slavery commence with the concept that a primitive hunting and gathering society couldn't afford slavery to begin with--a needless extra mouth to feed. "Social Security" was not a concept. Enslavement did free up creative initiatives. There was slavery all over, and recent civilizations--generally 5000 years ago or so.

What economists miss are the abundant resources. Three near-apes in the jungle have a lot of consuming to catch up on. There is no scarcity of resources. Einstein even created far more abundant energy than was necessary. That has not been put to use, even on other planets.

So Social Security could be created, profit distributions able to happen--and then easily made into regulatory, even a requirement. If little kids should not be in cars. . . .anyone can guess what someone 110 years old should not be doing that either. Killing off both groups is indefensible.

So arithmetic over profit-theory has recently come into play. USA is feeding off $3.0 tril. federal spending in only 12 weeks, as a "Stimulus," so not thought a profit: Even though it is actually affordable.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Centralized Credit Market is Straight Marxist Agenda. The Usury of it originates more in Pharaoh's subjugation than in anything Socialist and progressive, however.)

Human Lifespan Longevity creates the need for profit distributions, widespread.

I agree, you should definitely buy some stock so that you can share in the profits.

Don't be a leech, like Marx.
Then if anyone agrees that human longevity creates the need for profit distributions, the mandatory distributions--regulated--are what follows, not random stock market events like seen in recent months. Longevity is not random, but happens in volume in the more widely not-noted data. Subjecting lives to 80% valuation drops in not tenable or even smart

Farmers have been destroying food in recent weeks--not tenable, not good for the the beneficiaries of economy--including longer-lived humans.

Random profit excesses, deficiencies, and failures are not an option.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Pharaoh's usury economic plan, advanced by Moses, (Deut 23: 19-20) is untenable, even in Matthew 25: 14-30!)
Then if anyone agrees that human longevity creates the need for profit distributions, the mandatory distributions--regulated--are what follows, not random stock market events like seen in recent months. Longevity is not random, but happens in volume in the more widely not-noted data. Subjecting lives to 80% valuation drops in not tenable or even smart

Farmers have been destroying food in recent weeks--not tenable, not good for the the beneficiaries of economy--including longer-lived humans.

Random profit excesses, deficiencies, and failures are not an option.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Pharaoh's usury economic plan, advanced by Moses, (Deut 23: 19-20) is untenable, even in Matthew 25: 14-30!)

After reading your post, I think you should definitely buy stock in the pot sector.
Approving of farmers required to destroy their crops, investor futures reliant on the random event: Is more oceanic, anyone notices--as in doing a fly-over, Jumping on in.

See the childish post of a thumb-sucker, Toddsterpatriot, advertising support of Trump 2020!

The infection plague from Europe, is even blamed on China in that scenario: Aka complete disconnect. The Fable of the Flying Chinese in January was it--punto, the Trump response, though mid-March.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Acts 7 does acknowledge the skills of Egypt in play, in the matter of Moses.)
Approving of farmers required to destroy their crops, investor futures reliant on the random event: Is more oceanic, anyone notices--as in doing a fly-over, Jumping on in.

See the childish post of a thumb-sucker, Toddsterpatriot, advertising support of Trump 2020!

The infection plague from Europe, is even blamed on China in that scenario: Aka complete disconnect. The Fable of the Flying Chinese in January was it--punto, the Trump response, though mid-March.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Acts 7 does acknowledge the skills of Egypt in play, in the matter of Moses.)

Approving of farmers required to destroy their crops,

Required? Are you really this stupid? Of course you are.

Go ahead, post the reason they destroyed anything.
How did Karl Marx view the exchange value of human slavery?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Marx did not view the large-scale enslavement of Africans by Europeans, which began in the early sixteenth century in the Caribbean, as a repeat of Roman or Arab slavery, but as something new.

"It combined ancient forms of brutality with the quintessentially modern social form of value production.

"Slavery, he wrote in a draft for Capital, reaches 'its most hateful form … in a situation of capitalist production,' where 'exchange value becomes the determining element of production.'

"This leads to the extension of the workday beyond all limit, literally working enslaved people to death..."

"'Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns, as are machinery, credit, etc. Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery that has given value to the colonies, it is the colonies that have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry.'"

Marx was an idiot. A lowlife POS.

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