Marxism In America

Equity for one. Climate change for another. Killing our fossil fuel infrastructure and giving special consideration to electric vehicles. Trying to control the free markets with ideology. Canceling those who exercise their right to free speech and one party (Democrat) control of legacy media.
Lol none of those things are Marxist. The only thing you said that sounds like Marxism is an ideology that is influencing the private market. The problem is that you’re making shit up lol
The NYT any many others tried to tell US that Trump was some kind of Russian spy!!! You knuckle heads just nodded and went back to your TDS fantasies.


I literally just laid out like 21 examples, and they refuse to engage with any of it.

This is a joke.

I hate to block people, but in this case?

Probably more productive than otherwise.
Republicans: let me explain something very basic to you: Marxism and fascism are two completely different concepts. Yes, there has been some historical overlap between the two, but as far as the fundamental definition of Marxism goes, it refers to a specific economic system.
Germany was a Socialist Country led by a Fascist Dictator ( 1934-1945 )
Nazi Germany had the exact same economic system the US has.
Yes the Nazis loved the aristocrats and leaders of business, but their economy was war driven and was a Ponzi scheme that necessitated a war of conquest to pay for it. And if your business was Jewish or against the Nazis you're finished. Confiscated Jewish assets paid for a lot of it and of course there were concentration camps for the Socialists and Communists and Jews...... Also they broke up the unions and had sort of communist vacation lands and holiday ships.... United States is run by corporations but we're not that bad...
A racist would say…^^^

i laid it out in a post. Go fetch rover.
On the other hand you probably believe being brainwashed that a living wage Cheap college and traning and health care daycare paid parental leave and great vacations is communist lol, while we are by far the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country that doesn't have all that.....
On the other hand you probably believe being brainwashed that a living wage Cheap college and traning and health care daycare paid parental leave and great vacations is communist lol, while we are by far the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country that doesn't have all that.....
We had all the before the slow takeover of the Marxists in America. My dad had a living wage, bought a house, we all had health care. Parental leave was not needed as women then were much more capable and didn't have to go to work. We had great vacations every year. No government needed. You're frick'in crazy.
Germany was a Socialist Country led by a Fascist Dictator ( 1934-1945 )
And they voted in the dictator....

We had all the before the slow takeover of the Marxists in America. My dad had a living wage, bought a house, we all had health care. Parental leave was not needed as women then were much more capable and didn't have to go to work. We had great vacations every year. No government needed. You're frick'in crazy.
So you had 6 weeks vacation and free college like they do in most of the modern countries in the world? And the point is you have a living wage at a minimum along with health care and day care like every other modern country instead of being an idiot fool of the greedy megarich lying GOP swine. like you...
Lol none of those things are Marxist. The only thing you said that sounds like Marxism is an ideology that is influencing the private market. The problem is that you’re making shit up lol
Equity means someone else (the government) decides what resources you are entitled to based on their definition of equity. That's Marxist.

Climate Change is a vague proposition that humans can somehow control the climate but, the purveyors of that lie had to change the name of their own proposition to 'climate change' because there is no proof humans can change global climate. Still it exists and government controls it with whole economies have sprung up around it with government rules, regulations, special inspectors and on and on and on. That's Marxist

Government promotion of electric vehicles is certainly Marxist because it uses government control to guide the proletariat into buying certain commodities.

Although Marxists claim they do not promote central government control, somehow their policies always result in an overbearing, central control of the proletariat.
So you had 6 weeks vacation and free college like they do in most of the modern countries in the world? And the point is you have a living wage at a minimum along with health care and day care like every other modern country instead of being an idiot fool of the greedy megarich lying GOP swine. like you...
NO!!!!!! You fool!! We worked for it, nothing was given for free. You know what? Nothing is fucking free. Seems to me wanting free vacation, free college, etc. is pretty greedy and self serving. Go out, get a fucking JOB and work for what you want!!! It is possible in far.
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And they voted in the dictator....

And there's your typical right wing slime conflating socialism and Communism again and always. Socialists are always for democracy more than anyone else and fair capitalism. And every modern country but the English speaking ones knows, because they have had socialists and communists as parties in their democracies, and the Socialist won and the Communists disappeared with the Soviet Union and its aid. You people know nothing about socialism except crap. We had socialists here and in England until World War one when they were banned for being against the war. The Socialist leader in France was assassinated for being right and against that war...
NO!!!!!! You fool!! We worked for it, nothing was given for free. You know what? Nothing is fucking free. Seems to me wanting free vacation, free college, etc. is pretty greedy and self serving. Go out, get a fucking JOB and work for what you want!!! It is possible in far.
Your love and admiration for scumbag mega rich liars is a disgrace super duper.... We are the only country in the modern world that doesn't have these benefits of citizenship because of you ignorant twits
And there's your typical right wing slime conflating socialism and Communism again and always. Socialists are always for democracy more than anyone else and fair capitalism. And every modern country but the English speaking ones knows, because they have had socialists and communists as parties in their democracies, and the Socialist won and the Communists disappeared with the Soviet Union and its aid. You people know nothing about socialism except crap. We had socialists here and in England until World War one when they were banned for being against the war. The Socialist leader in France was assassinated for being right and against that war...
Who decides what is 'fair capitalism?'
Your love and admiration for scumbag mega rich liars is a disgrace super duper.... We are the only country in the modern world that doesn't have these benefits of citizenship because of you ignorant twits
AWWW little Frankie is pissed and crying because someone threatened to take him off the government tit.
NO!!!!!! You fool!! We worked for it, nothing was given for free. You know what? Nothing is fucking free. Seems to me wanting free vacation, free college, etc. is pretty greedy and self serving. Go out, get a fucking JOB and work for what you want!!! It is possible in far.
Cheap college and training and a living wage et cetera are the way we break this gop inequality and crap upward mobility, poverty and homelessness, super Dupe. We're turning into a banana republic, we need a healthy middle class and working class to have a healthy economy.... Not just healthy mega rich ** **....
Cheap college and training and a living wage et cetera are the way we break this gop inequality and crap upward mobility, poverty and homelessness, super Dupe. We're turning into a banana republic, we need a healthy middle class and working class to have a healthy economy.... Not just healthy mega rich ** **....
College is expensive because of Marxist like government aid to preferred institutions making it hard for alternate providers to get the same financial aid. IOW it is government-Marxist policies that help to drive up the cost of tuition because government is skewing the market. The Marxists have all but obliterated the 'middle class' and are now working on eliminating the working class. There should be 0 government financial to any part of our educational system. Let them sink or swim on their own merit.
Lol you are such a retard. Critical Race Theory is only taught in the college level. Even if that were the case, that isn’t a Marxist idea you dumb shit. Lockdowns sure as hell isn’t either. You’re all so pitifully, embarrassingly ignorant.

Part of you knows I’m right because of how butthurt you just got lol
Commie lie. It's being taught k-12

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