Marxism In America

AWWW little Frankie is pissed and crying because someone threatened to take him off the government tit.
What the heck are you talking about now, brainwashed functional moron? I am still happily retired and you can shove your baloney up your rear end. I worry about the health of the country, I think in political terms not stupid personal terms like you do....
College is expensive because of Marxist like government aid to preferred institutions making it hard for alternate providers to get the same financial aid. IOW it is government-Marxist policies that help to drive up the cost of tuition because government is skewing the market. The Marxists have all but obliterated the 'middle class' and are now working on eliminating the working class. There should be 0 government financial to any part of our educational system. Let them sink or swim on their own merit.
The Republicans have been in charge the last 40 years when this has happened, brainwashed functional moron. Giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates and plenty of loopholes for the corporate. You people have absolutely no clue while they are robbing you blind and you obsessed with pedophilia election fraud etc which is imaginary totally... poor America
They teach love and tolerance and equality about your fellow man, sorry about your racist luck....
Sure they do, along with their parents, family, neighbors, etc. If your society can't do that then your society is broken, sad to say. Schools, laws, etc. won't do it.
There is no Marxism in America anymore if there ever was. Nobody is for dictatorship nobody is for communism, it's just another word for ignoramuses to toss around....
There are Marxists. They're part of the 'woke' crowd that want to impart their rules of living and speech on everyone else. Marxism requires everyone to march in lockstep and not question. Like the Democrats are doing now. There is an Orange Man Bad! You gotta endorse Climate Change, Transgender, be at least agnostic if not atheist. There is no God, just the Collective of which you are a small cog working every day to contribute your 'fair share' so you can receive your 'fair share' as doled out by the government. No one stands out and when government decides it, you all get the SAME raise. We'll all be like peaceful little fat sheep.
Can one of our MAGA political scientists define "Marxism" for us, so that we're all operating from the same starting place?
No, why? How many times do we have to school you?
Marxism is a failed ideology with some interesting facets and ideas. Capitalism isn't even really and ideology, merely one economic form that has some positive and some negative characteristics. Remaining locked in a binary situation of "one or the other" does not serve us in our modern world. We need new thinking about the fundamentals of economics, society and "general welfare", as the Constitution puts it.
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Marxism is a failed ideology with some interesting facets and ideas. Capitalism isn't even really and ideology, merely one economic form that has some positive and some negative characteristics. Remaining locked in a binary situation of "one or the other" does not serve us in our modern word. We need new thinking about the fundamentals of economics, society and "general welfare", as the Constitution puts it.
Yep. Capitalism is by far the most dynamic and efficient creator of prosperity and innovation. Unfortunately, we continue to apply it poorly by distorting it with politics, which soils everything it touches. There's no reason to believe this won't continue, since we're light years away from the kind of communication and collaboration we need from our... (cough).... "leaders".
Marxism is a failed ideology with some interesting facets and ideas. Capitalism isn't even really and ideology, merely one economic form that has some positive and some negative characteristics. Remaining locked in a binary situation of "one or the other" does not serve us in our modern word. We need new thinking about the fundamentals of economics, society and "general welfare", as the Constitution puts it.
An economic model would be pretty successful if it allows for individual achievement and profit while providing for general welfare. Kind of what we have now, capitalism as well as things like taxes which is the socialist model. Unfortunately we let the socialists get their hands on the tax revenue. When the socialists (Democrats) do things like push environmental law or regulations, YOUR tax dollars will pay for it. Bureaucracies today have the power to make law. That's all Marxist.
An economic model would be pretty successful if it allows for individual achievement and profit while providing for general welfare. Kind of what we have now, capitalism as well as things like taxes which is the socialist model. Unfortunately we let the socialists get their hands on the tax revenue. When the socialists (Democrats) do things like push environmental law or regulations, YOUR tax dollars will pay for it. Bureaucracies today have the power to make law. That's all Marxist.
By this definition, "Marxism" predates Marx by thousands of years.
Dude, are you fucking blind?

Which party is running around spouting doom and gloom?

Who's saying "the economy sucks"?

Who's claiming we are headed for WWIII?

Who's pissing and moaning about inflation, even though it's worldwide and we are suffering less from it than almost everyone else?

Who's freaking out over the alternatively gendered folks?

It ain't Democrats, I'm telling you.

If you actually believe what you posted than I have seen hamsters with more self awareness than you are displaying.
Good thing Democrats we’re all positive and cheery after November 2020!

Two economists' quotations seem apt at this point. Keynes' famous statement about capitalism and markets rings quite true, for one. The other is Hayek's observation that if socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be socialists. To me, the response to that is, "If economists understood economics, they would be psychologists".

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