Marxism In America

Marxism and communism are all about dictatorships which is the right wing thing. People always want martial law if it's trump in control, just to save us all from Marxists who don't exist. Poor America

Spanish Fascism on full display.

From the Mediterranean to Andalusia.

Good job.
Considering the fact you apparently can't read, it must go back further than I originally reckoned.

So let me spell it out for you. schools.


Critical Gender Theory as well.

And Lockdowns don't "teach", but they sure as fuck are commie.

And you're one of their favorite simps.
Lol you are such a retard. Critical Race Theory is only taught in the college level. Even if that were the case, that isn’t a Marxist idea you dumb shit. Lockdowns sure as hell isn’t either. You’re all so pitifully, embarrassingly ignorant.

Part of you knows I’m right because of how butthurt you just got lol
Lol you are such a retard. Critical Race Theory is only taught in the college level. Even if that were the case, that isn’t a Marxist idea you dumb shit. Lockdowns sure as hell isn’t either. You’re all so pitifully, embarrassingly ignorant.

Part of you knows I’m right because of how butthurt you just got lol
The Democrat Socialists
All this crap about imaginary Marxist and Communist is just more GOP clap trap for the ignoramuses of the base. No election fraud vaccine fraud or any of your other stupid conspiracies exist, super Dupers.
Your speech is being controlled.
Lol you are such a retard. Critical Race Theory is only taught in the college level.

You say something this fucking ignorant, but I'm the retard?

I could give you a pass three years ago.

At this point?

You must live under a fucking rock:

you don’t need to see a textbook literally labeled “Critical Race Theory” to know it’s being taught in public K-12 schools.

In California, the Board of Education has approved the nation’s first statewide ethnic studies curriculum to teach public high school students about the oppression of people of color.

The Oregon Department of Education is training its K-12 teachers in “math equity” to combat “the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture with respect to math.”

An elementary school in Philadelphia “forced fifth-grade students to celebrate ‘black communism’ and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.”

Public schools in Louisville, Kentucky, are hosting anti-bias and pro-equity teacher trainings to “eliminate curricular violence” in mathematics education.

Last fall, one Virginia school district spent $24,000 on Ibram Kendi books pushed as “required reading” for U.S. history classes.

A high school in Minnesota now begins all of its staff meetings with a commitment to dismantling “processes that benefit whiteness.”

In September, a high school in Washington canceled a 9/11 tribute because it could be seen as “racially insensitive.”

As of July 2020, a reported 4,500 schools across the nation have embedded the controversial New York Times 1619 Project curriculum into their classrooms.

It joins Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States,” often used as supplementary reading material in high school history classes that frames all of the nation’s history in CRT-inspired oppressor-oppressed rhetoric.

I still recall several years ago when I casually asked my then-high school son what he learned about in school that day and he told me without skipping a beat: “American imperialism.”

And on and on it goes.

Now this is the part where you crouch into the "DISINFORMATION!!" posture.

You lousy excuse for a critical thinker.
Republicans: let me explain something very basic to you: Marxism and fascism are two completely different concepts. Yes, there has been some historical overlap between the two, but as far as the fundamental definition of Marxism goes, it refers to a specific economic system.
You say something this fucking ignorant, but I'm the retard?

I could give you a pass three years ago.

At this point?

You must live under a fucking rock:

Now this is the part where you crouch into the "DISINFORMATION!!" posture.

You lousy excuse for a critical thinker.
Hey moron anything academic related to race is not CRT. Any racial history is not CRT. CRT refers to something very specific. I know that you morons struggle with basic nuance, but my god, at least try to deepen your 8th grade brains lol
Hey moron anything academic related related the racial history is not CRT. CRT refers to something very specific

Yes it does.

And you just ignored about a dozen examples of it.

Which reveals you to be not only intellectually dishonest, but a waste of time.

A human vacuum.

When Trump wins, I'll smile to myself when remembering how obviously triggered you're clearly going to be.

Sorry, not sorry.


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