Zone1 Mary Is The Mother Of Jesus Christ, She Isn't Actually Jesus Christ

I'm glad that you admit that the Bible is a work of fiction.
The Bible is a work of truth and life-time lessons. Those truths and lessons are sometimes presented in story form.

As an example: Do you eschew, "Slow and steady wins the race" because tortoises and hares don't race each other?

Consider trading searching out contradictions for searching out truths.
I have yet to meet a Catholic who does. I've met lots of non-Catholics who think we do.
Then why Mary statues at every turn?

God said that they'd die on the very day that they ate the fruit. There's absolutely nothing in the passage to make us think that day means anything other than a 24 hour period.
That's nice. Is that what's really keeping you an atheist?
The Bible is a work of truth and life-time lessons. Those truths and lessons are sometimes presented in story form.

As an example: Do you eschew, "Slow and steady wins the race" because tortoises and hares don't race each other?

Consider trading searching out contradictions for searching out truths.
What "truth" was being presented? That people die? I don't need a just-so story to know that.
That's not the question. The question is why does it bother Protestants to the point they feel the need to go into scandal-mongering and defamation of Catholics? Once again, statues are not idols, they are mere art and images just like the Cherub images on the Ark of the Covenant and in the Temple; just like the image of the snake Moses held up in the desert, which represented the people's faith in healing. Are you absolutely positive that all you are annoyed by in a similar sign of faith done by people not of your denomination? You want your sign of faith to be recognized. Very well. How great your sign of faith that of those who never kneel in prayer as it is a sign that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
Who never kneels in prayer? That's like the third time you've said something about it.
Catholics don't care what Protestants are doing because we are confident in our own beliefs. Tearing down the beliefs of another is one sign of uncertainty about the validity of one's own beliefs. What others are doing, what others believe, does not matter.
Unfortunately, one of your compatriots cares very much what Protestants are doing because he continues to post that the Catholic Church is the only true church and that all others are not.
That's nice. Is that what's really keeping you an atheist?
No. What's keeping me an atheist is that there's no evidence or logical reason to believe in any gods. That the Bible is contradictory, historically inaccurate, scientifically absurd, and morally vile is just a cherry on top.
No. What's keeping me an atheist is that there's no evidence or logical reason to believe in any gods. That the Bible is contradictory, historically inaccurate, scientifically absurd, and morally vile is just a cherry on top.
Then don't believe and go on your merry way. Why waste time even discussing it?
No. What's keeping me an atheist is that there's no evidence or logical reason to believe in any gods. That the Bible is contradictory, historically inaccurate, scientifically absurd, and morally vile is just a cherry on top.
You know differently.
Thats why you spend time in these threads.
Lot's of good reasons for discussing other subjects. But I'm asking you what your good reason is for discussing this subject. What's your purpose here?
Evangelical atheism is alive and well.
Then why Mary statues at every turn?
Did you miss the images of Jesus outnumber those of Mary by a considerable amount? In any case, whether the objection is to Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Apostles, Saints, Angels-- Catholics are honored to have a role in presenting God's story/message through both word and images. Or, in Jesus' words, Blessed are they who do not take offense in the message of salvation.
What "truth" was being presented?
Mankind was meant to have a perfect spiritual existence and and a perfect physical existence. At some point disobedience made our physical existence imperfect. "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" is a good summary. The truth being offered is an understanding of the human condition.

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