Zone1 Mary Is The Mother Of Jesus Christ, She Isn't Actually Jesus Christ

If they would have obeyed God's instruction, death would have never entered this world.

their instructions were a choice made by their selection of the fruit.

a&e were granted their request for self determination to live as equals among those in the heavens and set on their journey by the heavens to accomplish their goal for judgement and remission from whence they left - the same for all beings on planet earth.

- again, you are referring to the jew god that does not exist - only in their madeup personifications used to entrap the innocent for their own nefarious purposes.
I see, so you accept A&E of the Bible, but not the "jew god".


they choose their narrator, the jews as it pleased them for their hereditary idolatry the liars so gave them and wrote for them as from the heavens.

is not to say the heavenly does not exist - as some suggest hidden or more likely not seen by the manifest fog of the lesser beings than the truth meant to be.
they choose their narrator, the jews as it pleased them for their hereditary idolatry the liars so gave them and wrote for them as from the heavens.

is not to say the heavenly does not exist - as some suggest hidden or more likely not seen by the manifest fog of the lesser beings than the truth meant to be.

I even refuse to call her the mother of God. Jesus is God in human form, but in the spiritual form God has no mother so that just sounds weird. Anyways, I've been getting lectured today because even though I respect Mary, I don't worship her and I just really don't get it either.

Mary didn't heal the sick or raise the dead, Jesus did. She also didn't die for our sins on the cross because she was a sinner. A repented sinner, but a sinner nonetheless so she couldn't die in our place, she doesn't have the power to forgive sins, and she isn't God. Jesus is the Savior not Mary.

You're a waste of air.
Because it's breaking the commandments of not having any other gods before the one true God and not to bow down to any graven images.
Do you ever ask friends to pray for you or a relative that is sick or facing hard times?
Not one of those scriptures say that all things come from God.

But I particularly like this one.

James 1:17 KJV: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.

You seriously think death comes from God?
Yes You were created to live, then die. You weren't created immortal
Actually, we were created to live forever.

But, man's free will along with temptation from Satan ruined the perfect nature of man.
If we were created to live forever then what was that Whole Tree of Life thing about? After Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge God expressed concern that they would eat from the Tree of Life and live forever. That's why he cast them out of the Garden of Eden.
If we were created to live forever then what was that Whole Tree of Life thing about? After Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge God expressed concern that they would eat from the Tree of Life and live forever. That's why he cast them out of the Garden of Eden.

It was about free will.

Chapter 2​

16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
But they didn't die the day they ate the forbidden fruit. Eve went on to have two sons (at least) and an unspecified number of daughters.

God didn't say they would die immediately, only that they would die.

They did.
From that day they would be liable to death as the body, in welcoming disobedience/evil inclinations lost the perfection of a bodily existence.

the time was at hand when crime would occur and the impurity would have to be reconciled to be allowed to live in paradise - or parish.

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