Zone1 Mary Is The Mother Of Jesus Christ, She Isn't Actually Jesus Christ

Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?
People who ask Mary to pray for them, are simply doing the same thing....

They are not expecting her to supply the answers or Miracles to their prayers....they simply are asking her, to pray to God, for them as any person who would ask another Human for prayers... like asking them to pray for their healing, or pray that they be comforted, etc etc.

Bible Prophesy...All generations shall call her Blessed! What do you think that means? Why was it said?

The Blessed Mary....(full of Grace)
People who ask Mary to pray for them, are simply doing the same thing....

They are not expecting her to supply the answers or Miracles to their prayers....they simply are asking her, to pray to God, for them as any person who would ask another Human for prayers... like asking them to pray for their healing, or pray that they be comforted, etc etc.

Bible Prophesy...All generations shall call her Blessed! What do you think that means? Why was it said?

The Blessed Mary....(full of Grace)

Why not pray straight to God though?
Why not pray straight to God though?
Prayers are going straight to God: Our prayers and the prayers of those we ask to pray with us. Jesus taught that when two or more are gathered in his name, he is there as well. We are a community, a body of believers, and at times it is more than appropriate to act as a community.

For example, a recently retired teacher passed away unexpectedly. We all gathered, not just individually, but as a group. In such a situation would you advise everyone to grieve and pray separately all alone? We were there not only for the teacher, but for one another. Prayer works in that same way, where we spiritually gather for a special purpose.
When you call Customer Service you don't get the CEO of the company.

I can't be a hundred percent sure but I don't think that answers my question.

Prayers are going straight to God: Our prayers and the prayers of those we ask to pray with us. Jesus taught that when two or more are gathered in his name, he is there as well. We are a community, a body of believers, and at times it is more than appropriate to act as a community.

For example, a recently retired teacher passed away unexpectedly. We all gathered, not just individually, but as a group. In such a situation would you advise everyone to grieve and pray separately all alone? We were there not only for the teacher, but for one another. Prayer works in that same way, where we spiritually gather for a special purpose.

Jesus never taught anything about praying to His mother though. We're only supposed to pray to Him. We can pray for many different people but there's only one God.
Incorrect. Catholics don't understand this obsession with Mary by protestants or how protestants can't understand Catholics when they tell them Catholics don't worship Mary or teach that Mary should be worshipped. It would be the equivalent of you telling me protestants don't worship Satan and then me asking you why do you worship Satan. It's really quite silly.
Catholics insist they don't worship Mary, then pray to her and believe she is not only listening to them but can hear millions of people praying all at once all day long for different things. Catholics insist that Mary is not divine while insisting that she was sinless, even though Scripture tells us there is only ONE in human history that was sinless. Catholics insist that Mary was a virgin her entire life and invent stepchildren to get around Scripture saying she wasn't. Pretending that Mary is not a major differentiating factor between Catholics and the rest of Christianity is fallacious.
Why not pray straight to God though?
Why do you ask friends or parishioners to pray for you, why don't you go directly to God?

the answer is, that you and others asking for help in prayer from their friends or Mary are praying to God directly, and asking for additional help from others, in prayer to God.
Why do you ask friends or parishioners to pray for you, why don't you go directly to God?

the answer is, that you and others asking for help in prayer from their friends or Mary are praying to God directly, and asking for additional help from others, in prayer to God.

No, that's not the same thing.
How is refusing to worship her disrespecting her?
I don't get this obsession that she can't be seen as a normal human being blessed by God for an extremely important task. Everyone else in the Bible that God blessed is shown as a normal person. King David was a murderer and adulterer. King Solomon allowed women to lead him away from worshipping God. Noah saved humanity, then got so drunk he was molested in his sleep. Elijah killed 400 prophets of Baal, then ran away and hid in a cave when the queen got angry with him. Abraham got impatient with God and impregnated a servant girl. And the list goes on.

Why the obsession that Mary is some kind of superwoman?

And why do they ignore Joseph? He was faithful, he believed God and stayed with Mary when she could have been stoned and he could have gone on with his life. He raised Jesus as his own son, knowing he didn't father Him. His burden was very heavy as well, yet he's basically forgotten in the obsession with Mary. Why don't they pray to Joseph? Why don't they have statues of Joseph around so they can kneel in front of them?
Why do you ask friends or parishioners to pray for you, why don't you go directly to God?

the answer is, that you and others asking for help in prayer from their friends or Mary are praying to God directly, and asking for additional help from others, in prayer to God.
The thing is, there are literally millions of people praying all day, every day. There is nothing in Scripture that indicates Mary or any other human save Yeshua Himself has the ability to hear and handle that flood of supplication.
Jesus never taught anything about praying to His mother though. We're only supposed to pray to Him. We can pray for many different people but there's only one God.
Mary is just one (although possibly the most popular) saint Catholics seek to join them in their prayers. My favorite personal example is when I asked my deceased grandmothers to join me in my prayer. They both ratted me out to my still living mother--who resolved the problem I had been praying over.

It seems the spiritual world may be closer and of greater assistance than we can easily recognize.
The thing is, there are literally millions of people praying all day, every day. There is nothing in Scripture that indicates Mary or any other human save Yeshua Himself has the ability to hear and handle that flood of supplication.
could be, but I am uncertain on how the Spiritual realm really works ...and it is not completely explained in the Holy Book.
could be, but I am uncertain on how the Spiritual realm really works ...and it is not completely explained in the Holy Book.
I have to ask the question, why does anyone believe she was set up to here the prayers of millions? It's not in the Bible AT ALL, there's absolutely no support for it.
Catholics insist they don't worship Mary, then pray to her and believe she is not only listening to them but can hear millions of people praying all at once all day long for different things. Catholics insist that Mary is not divine while insisting that she was sinless, even though Scripture tells us there is only ONE in human history that was sinless. Catholics insist that Mary was a virgin her entire life and invent stepchildren to get around Scripture saying she wasn't. Pretending that Mary is not a major differentiating factor between Catholics and the rest of Christianity is fallacious.
Scripture tells us Mary was filled with grace. Is there room for sin when one is filled with grace? Catholics believe the spiritual world is not operating under the same constraints as the physical world. The original languages do not specify "brothers" and "sisters" but use a word for family members (or even close friends) who live in the same household. Tradition holds Mary remained a virgin. reason to go exploring for a possible sex life. The entirety of Christianity believed in this and the seven sacraments for over 1500 years, until Protestants decided to toss them and go with the conclusions of some in the 16th century. Their call. Catholics/Orthodox remain with the original.
Why the obsession that Mary is some kind of superwoman?

And why do they ignore Joseph? He was faithful, he believed God and stayed with Mary when she could have been stoned and he could have gone on with his life. He raised Jesus as his own son, knowing he didn't father Him. His burden was very heavy as well, yet he's basically forgotten in the obsession with Mary. Why don't they pray to Joseph? Why don't they have statues of Joseph around so they can kneel in front of them?
In fact it is Protestants that have the obsession of Mary. For Catholics, she is simply a fellow member of the Body of Christ. I burst out laughing at the thought we ignore Joseph. He features prominently in the Feast of the Holy Family, in presenting Jesus in the Temple, in finding Jesus when he was twelve. Yes, he has his own feast days. March 19 celebrates St. Joseph's role in the life of Christ; May 1 celebrates St. Joseph and his role and model as worker. Actually, my Aunt is an example of one who often asked St. Joseph to join in her prayers. So...Protestants can now obsess over St. Joseph and claim that instead of being a member of the Body of Christ, he is obviously being worshiped by Catholics?
The thing is, there are literally millions of people praying all day, every day. There is nothing in Scripture that indicates Mary or any other human save Yeshua Himself has the ability to hear and handle that flood of supplication.
The wonderful thing about limitations...argue for them and you get to keep them.
Scripture tells us Mary was filled with grace. Is there room for sin when one is filled with grace?
There is room for sin as long as we remain in our earthly bodies and the sin nature exists. There are many accounts of people being filled with the Holy Spirit, then falling back into sin. IOW, as long as we have free will, we have the potential to sin. IOW, God does not take our freedom away from us while we're here on earth.
Catholics believe the spiritual world is not operating under the same constraints as the physical world.
Yet there is no Biblical indication that any human is acting in the capacity that was invented for Mary.
The original languages do not specify "brothers" and "sisters" but use a word for family members (or even close friends) who live in the same household.
Awkward to explain away when considering this:

Matthew 13:

54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?
55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?

That wouldn't make sense in the context if they were talking about His cousins or other family members, after citing His parents. It makes utmost sense if they were talking about His literal father, mother, brothers and sisters.
Tradition holds Mary remained a virgin. reason to go exploring for a possible sex life. The entirety of Christianity believed in this and the seven sacraments for over 1500 years, until Protestants decided to toss them and go with the conclusions of some in the 16th century. Their call. Catholics/Orthodox remain with the original.
The question becomes, WHEN did they change the narrative from the obvious beliefs of the Gospel writers, who maintain Mary was a mother multiple times over, to her being something else? In all seriousness, if Mary was NOT a natural mother and it was important that she not be considered such, it would have been in the Gospel canon.

So no, Catholics do NOT remain with the original, they remain with the perversion of the original.

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