Mary Trump Accuses Her Uncle Of Poisoning People in Ohio

We have become a nation so tribal that people like this bitch can cause deadly repercussions with their lies and hate. Some on the Right do it too, but not nearly as many. The prime reason for that is that the propaganda media is in the pocket of the DC Uniparty and it's traditional conservative citizens they see as the enemy.
There's a couple of people here who are still spewing the lie that Trump's revocation of certain regulations on trains is what caused this catastrophe and even when they get PROOF that the Biden Chairwoman for the NTSB is debunking these claims, they still engage in willful lies.
We have become a nation so tribal that people like this bitch can cause deadly repercussions with their lies and hate. Some on the Right do it too, but not nearly as many. The prime reason for that is that the propaganda media is in the pocket of the DC Uniparty and it's traditional conservative citizens they see as the enemy.
There's a couple of people here who are still spewing the lie that Trump's revocation of certain regulations on trains is what caused this catastrophe and even when they get PROOF that the Biden Chairwoman for the NTSB is debunking these claims, they still engage in willful lies.

So much easier to tell lies because it often takes a lot of words to deny them.

A lie spreads halfway around the world before the truth gets out of bed.
Mary Trump is deranged. She blames Donald for her father being disinherited. Fred Jr and his family lived in poverty. It drove her insane.
Biden’s daughter accused Joe Biden of making her shower with him when she was uncomfortable with it.

Tara Reade accused Joe Biden of finger raping her.

Kamala Harris accused Joe Biden of being racist.
So much easier to tell lies because it often takes a lot of words to deny them.

A lie spreads halfway around the world before the truth gets out of bed.
People who tell destructive lies often don't get sued because they have no money.
Mary Trump is as nuts as The Don. Must run in the family

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