Masks Are Not Popular For Everyone Or Everywhere.

I’m not spinning. I’m pointing out that your accusations are factually incorrect.
And I am telling you the money does not have to go directly to the doctors pockets for it to benefit them in some way.
You’re right. They just magically benefit somehow and all they have to do is commit criminal insurance fraud.

And it still has nothing to do with death certificates which are not billed.

Im sorry, but you simply have no idea what you’re talking about.
In Leftard California:

“It should be noted that California recorded its highest Wuhan coronavirus caseload on December 15, with more than 53,700 infections; this barely two weeks after a significant portion of the state was essentially shut-down. Two months later, there are 13,000 cases reported”
Because it wasn’t listed on the death certificate as the cause of death.
But he was listed as a wuflu death in official records
I have an aunt that was scheduled for elective surgery last year. So they scheduled her to take the ChiCom Flu test. Her surgery was canceled so she never showed up to take the test.
A week later she’s notified she tested positive.
What you say about it???

JUST WATCHED AN EXPERT ON TV THIS MORNING discussing what they've learned over the past year. The findings are pretty shocking:
  1. A study of the various approaches taken by various nations showed that LOCK-DOWNS DIDN'T WORK. Trump was right and Dems were wrong. The trillions spent now to "save" the economy wouldn't have been necessary nor all the jobs and business lost, but Democrats wouldn't hear of it because it was too useful a campaign issue to hang on Trump.
  2. More harm was done by the lock downs than the actual Covid virus.
  3. Masks don't work.
  4. the CDC predicted a Covid morbidity of 3-4%. It was actually 0.2.
  5. Even the most susceptible group, seniors, have a near 100% survival rate.
  6. Fauci lied or was wrong when he claimed Covid was 10% worse than the flu.
  7. Democrats and their politics have illegally ousted a great president and have wreaked trillions of dollars of damage on the USA while destroying millions of lives, jobs and business while trampling legal and civil rights still trying to cover it all up with useless mask mandates as they try to figure out how to reopen the economy without getting caught in the lie.
Whistleblower” is a huge exaggeration. Data isn’t perfect. Never has. Never will be.
Most of the time its not as obvious as that
Well, when they’re tracking hundreds or thousands of cases in one state, errors are bound to happen.

Not very honest to point at one mistake and call the whole system a fraud. It’s just pretext. You’re looking for an excuse to believe what you want.

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