Masks Are Not Popular For Everyone Or Everywhere.

Masks are not popular.
Seat belts aren't popular.
Driving the speed limit is not popular.
Motorcycle helmets are not popular.
Yearly vehicle inspections are not popular.

What they are is necessary. They save lives.


Motorcycle helmets don't save lives.

Driving the speed limit doesn't happen in California

Yearly vehicle inspections don't save lives - I'll assume you mean SMOGing. yeah, that doesn't save lives either.

next line of bs.....

I couldn't get past your second sentence, it was just so stupid.

I was walking down the street one evening, I saw a car basically hit a motorcycle.

The person on the motorcycle literally bounced, head first, off the hood of the car then bounced on the cement.

The person on the motorcycle was wearing a helmet.

Because he was wearing a helmet his head didn't splatter on the hood of the car or pavement with his brains all over the place. He basically walked away unharmed

If he had not been wearing a helmet he would have died.

Helmets save lives.
Yes but it is a personal choice... at least here in Floridam come to think of it because of our great governor masks are also a personal choice,
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Not only do masks save lives, they prevent you from getting your ass kicked.
Yes we know

you are Billyboom the internet badass

maybe you and 5 of your buddies if its an old lady in a wheelchair
Try me, punk.
People like you are the reason we are where we are. Close to 500,000 dead all because you are too lazy to put a piece of cloth over your face. Pathetic.

That's bullshit, Billy.


If masks were the panacea that you suggest, Big Liberal Mask Cities like Los Angeles and New York would have virtually no cases, and outlying towns where people aren't so hot-to-trot for masks would have almost all of them.

That is NOT the case.
Because not everyone wears masks, socially distances or avoids large crowds. You need to do all three. it's not like a mask is a forcefield. Common sense is required.
What you say about it???

One of my cousins lives in the tremendous city of Naples, a retiree.

Naples is in a conservative part of Florida, so I can't see the people wearing masks for Biden's benefit. Screw Sleepy Joe- if people die, its his fault so who cares?
Masks are not worn for President Biden's benefit....they are worn to show consideration for, that area has a large percentage of selfish, foolish people.
From the article:
"I know that the masks don't work, and I know that the virus has not killed 400,000 people in this country. That's total hogwash," Oakes said. "Why don't we shut the world down because of a heart attack? Why don't we lock down cities because of heart attacks?"

Big brain here figured out COVID better than medical professions but can’t figure out the critical difference between heart disease and a communicable virus.
Not only do masks save lives, they prevent you from getting your ass kicked.
Yes we know

you are Billyboom the internet badass

maybe you and 5 of your buddies if its an old lady in a wheelchair
Try me, punk.
People like you are the reason we are where we are. Close to 500,000 dead all because you are too lazy to put a piece of cloth over your face. Pathetic.

That's bullshit, Billy.


If masks were the panacea that you suggest, Big Liberal Mask Cities like Los Angeles and New York would have virtually no cases, and outlying towns where people aren't so hot-to-trot for masks would have almost all of them.

That is NOT the case.
Not everyone wears a mask when they should, not everyone is social distancing....they are the people that are keeping us from beating this thing.
Not only do masks save lives, they prevent you from getting your ass kicked.
Yes we know

you are Billyboom the internet badass

maybe you and 5 of your buddies if its an old lady in a wheelchair
Try me, punk.
People like you are the reason we are where we are. Close to 500,000 dead all because you are too lazy to put a piece of cloth over your face. Pathetic.

That's bullshit, Billy.


If masks were the panacea that you suggest, Big Liberal Mask Cities like Los Angeles and New York would have virtually no cases, and outlying towns where people aren't so hot-to-trot for masks would have almost all of them.

That is NOT the case.
Not everyone wears a mask when they should, not everyone is social distancing....they are the people that are keeping us from beating this thing.

IMHO, there is a lot more compliance than I would have expected at this late date.

Expecting 100% compliance was never realistic in a free country. In spite of the wishes of Joe the Sleepy, this isn't Cuba or North Korea.

A plan that would be only successful with universal compliance was always doomed to Failure.
obama mask.jpg
The medical professionals figured out that $285,000 for a wuflu death was better than zero dollars for the common flu
You think doctors are paid for death?
You people need to spend less time on the internet.
You think doctors are paid for death?
Indirectly yes

the federal dollars sent to their state for every wuflu death benefits them

What you say about it???

I want to move to Florida. I detest masks and the mask cult!
Maybe if we were to encourage all the selfish people who won't wear masks to move to Florida.........
Not only do masks save lives, they prevent you from getting your ass kicked.
Yes we know

you are Billyboom the internet badass

maybe you and 5 of your buddies if its an old lady in a wheelchair
Try me, punk.
People like you are the reason we are where we are. Close to 500,000 dead all because you are too lazy to put a piece of cloth over your face. Pathetic.

That's bullshit, Billy.


If masks were the panacea that you suggest, Big Liberal Mask Cities like Los Angeles and New York would have virtually no cases, and outlying towns where people aren't so hot-to-trot for masks would have almost all of them.

That is NOT the case.
Because not everyone wears masks, socially distances or avoids large crowds. You need to do all three. it's not like a mask is a forcefield. Common sense is required.
Dude you have to get over your paranoia and live life

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