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Mass incarceration. Sessions says- Lock em up, throw away the key.

"The move is a reversal of ex-President Barack Obama's policy to reduce jail time for low-level drug crimes.

It means we are going to meet our responsibility to enforce the law with judgment and fairness," Mr Sessions said on Friday. "It is simply the right and moral thing to do."

Mr Sessions' predecessor, Eric Holder, had instructed prosecutors in 2013 to avoid pursuing the maximum punishment for criminals in cases such as minor drug offences, which would have triggered mandatory minimum sentencing.

The 2013 policy also encouraged prosecutors to omit details about drug quantities in cases of non-violent offenders with no previous charges or ties to gangs or cartels to avoid harsher punishments.
Mandatory minimum sentences laws, which were passed in the 1980s and 1990s as part of the US "war on drugs", prevent judges from applying discretion when sentencing certain drug offences and are instead determined by the quantity of drugs involved in the crime.
Mr Obama had sought to ease mandatory minimum sentences to reduce jail time for low-level drug crimes and help relieve overcrowded prisons in the US as part of criminal justice reform."

US law boss Sessions orders harsher criminal sentencing - BBC News

"The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners.

Americans are locked up for crimes — from writing bad checks to using drugs — that would rarely produce prison sentences in other countries. And in particular they are kept incarcerated far longer than prisoners in other nations.

Criminologists and legal scholars in other industrialized nations say they are mystified and appalled by the number and length of American prison sentences.

The United States has, for instance, 2.3 million criminals behind bars,
China, which is four times more populous than the United States, is a distant second, with 1.6 million people in prison

If you count only adults, one in 100 Americans is locked up
The only other major industrialized nation that even comes close is Russia, with 627 prisoners for every 100,000 people.
The others have much lower rates. England's rate is 151; Germany's is 88; and Japan's is 63.
The median among all nations is about 125, roughly a sixth of the American rate)

Criminologists and legal experts here and abroad point to a tangle of factors to explain America's extraordinary incarceration rate: higher levels of violent crime, harsher sentencing laws, a legacy of racial turmoil, a special fervor in combating illegal drugs, the American temperament, and the lack of a social safety net. Even democracy plays a role, as judges — many of whom are elected, another American anomaly — yield to populist demands for tough justice.
Whatever the reason, the gap between American justice and that of the rest of the world is enormous and growing.

The spike in American incarceration rates is quite recent. From 1925 to 1975, the rate remained stable, around 110 people in prison per 100,000 people. It shot up with the movement to get tough on crime in the late 1970s.

People who commit nonviolent crimes in the rest of the world are less likely to receive prison time and certainly less likely to receive long sentences. The United States is, for instance, the only advanced country that incarcerates people for minor property crimes like passing bad checks, Whitman wrote.

In 1980, there were about 40,000 people in American jails and prisons for drug crimes. These days, there are almost 500,000.
"The U.S. pursues the war on drugs with an ignorant fanaticism," said Stern of King's College.

Still, it is the length of sentences that truly distinguishes American prison policy.

Burglars in the United States serve an average of 16 months in prison, according to Mauer, compared with 5 months in Canada and 7 months in England."
U.S. prison population dwarfs that of other nations

Jails & Prisons are for violent people that are a threat to others. It's a total waste of Federal & State Taxpayer dollars to put non-violent people--prostitutes--drug users--marijuana smokers in jail.

Sessions is a stupid as the Ass Clown that is in the Oval office. Furthermore Sessions is a racist and doesn't even understand what sexual assault is.

"After the Washington Post published a 2005 tape showing Trump bragging about grabbing women’s crotches without permission, Sessions, a prominent Trump surrogate throughout the campaign, came to the Republican’s defense, according to the conservative magazine the Weekly Standard. (His office did not return the Post's requests for comment.) "This was very improper language, and he's acknowledged that," Sessions said last month in St. Louis, according to the magazine.

The reporter pressed him. "But beyond the language, would you characterize the behavior described in that as sexual assault if that behavior actually took place?"

"I don't characterize that as sexual assault,” Session replied.

"So if you grab a woman by the genitals,” the reporter said, “that's not sexual assault?"

"I don't know. It's not clear that he — how that would occur," Sessions said."
It’s not clear if Jeff Sessions thinks grabbing a woman by the crotch is sexual assault

Sessions was DENIED by the Senate as a Federal District Court judge during the Bush 1 administration over his many racist comments.
That time the Senate denied Jeff Sessions a federal judgeship over accusations of racism

To add insult to injury---Sessions had to recuse himself from this Russian investigation because he lied to congress under oath. Now many state--well it's because he mis understood the question, but he also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and checked a box that he had no contact with any Russians. Democrats asked Sessions to come back in to testify and Sessions refused.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

Then he was in on the firing of Director Comey--when he should have stayed out of it--because he had recused himself from the Russian investigation. So he violated his own recusal to stay out of the Russian investigation.
Did AG Sessions violate his recusal by advising on the decision to fire Comey?


Jeff Sessions has absolutely no business being Attorney General of this country.

When marijuana is legalized I am sure there will be an associated age requirement, as with alcohol. Can't keep your kids from breaking the law? I guess that's your problem.

Why add another dangerous drug to alcohol to expose children to and make it easier for them to acquire leading to far harder drugs? Why is it MY problem? It is not yours, you don't care?

More Young Children Exposed to Marijuana

Kids younger than 3 may eat the drug when it's baked into brownies and cookies

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HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, June 9, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- There's been a sharp increase in marijuana exposure among young children in the United States in recent years, a new study finds.

The increases in exposure come as more states have legalized the drug for medical or recreational use, the researchers noted. Marijuana exposure in young children generally comes from breathing or swallowing the drug.

"The high percentage of ingestions may be related to the popularity of marijuana brownies, cookies and other foods," study co-author Henry Spiller, director of the Central Ohio Poison Center at Nationwide Children's Hospital, said in a hospital news release.

"Very young children explore their environments by putting items in their mouths, and foods such as brownies and cookies are attractive," he added.

The study included information from the National Poison Database System and found that marijuana exposure among children aged 5 and younger rose more than 147 percent nationwide from 2006 through 2013.

Overall, almost 2,000 cases of marijuana exposure involving young children were reported to Poison Control Centers in the United States from 2000 through 2013.

The exposure rate increased nearly 610 percent among children in states that legalized marijuana for medical use before 2000.

Even in states that had not legalized marijuana by 2013, there was a 63 percent increase in marijuana exposure among young children from 2000 through 2013.

More than 75 percent of children exposed to marijuana were younger than 3. Most exposures involved swallowing marijuana, the researchers said.

Read more: More Young Children Exposed to Marijuana, Study Finds
Some kids have more brain cells to spare then others. I smoke daily and have for decades. I have multiple degrees and a comfortable job.
I must have a lot of extra brain cells :2up:
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Fed or State incomeTaxes, or business operating Taxes.....correct? There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop? Stolen goods. I accidentially replied to your post vs. Start new post.
Last edited:
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Taxes. There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop?
Users don't usually hold jobs? You're a nut. Coke is huge among business men.
speaking of serial killers (snick)

talk about looking the part ..

It is so fucking funny to behold the very same people whining about how much they hate government supporting this shit. We're already the most imprisoned nation on earth and you pieces of shit want to lock people up by the millions for smoking a freaking leaf? Fascist all.

We should be cutting the law book in half but of course you don't give a shit about anyone besides the super rich.
If we just shot them, potheads wouldn't be filling the prisons.
Why don't you go start that plan and let us know how it turns out
Fortunately murderers still serve more time than potheads
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Taxes. There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop?
Users don't usually hold jobs? You're a nut. Coke is huge among business men.

OK, cherry pick away. Agreed Coke is not technically addictive like smack. You just don't want to stop......you're in danger of running out (Elvin Bishop). But all good things come to an end, there is no free lunch. They can't maintain forever. It will consume most users eventually if they don't stop or keep it "weekend". A hard user shooting Coke is obvious. They can't function. A casual snorter? Maybe get by for a while w/o fail.
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Taxes. There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop?
Users don't usually hold jobs? You're a nut. Coke is huge among business men.

OK, cherry pick away. Agreed Coke is not technically addictive like smack. You just don't want to stop......you're in danger of running out (Elvin Bishop). But all good things come to an end, there is no free lunch. They can't maintain forever. It will consume most users eventually if they don't stop or keep it "weekend". A hard user shooting Coke is obvious. They can't function. A casual snorter? Maybe get by for a while w/o fail.
I'm just saying I've known many users hold down jobs for longer than one would imagine possible. Not all of even a majority of users are unemployed or homeless bums. Ever work in the restaurant bizz?
So you're against arresting drug dealers and giving them long sentences?

A better way to make America Great would be to put the dealers out of business by legalizing, growing here, employing Americans here, who pay taxes here.... and stiffen up on some of the "repeat addicts" with boot camps.

I dont have a problem with pot.
I do however have a problem with those who sell highly addictive drugs like coke or heroin.
That shit destroys lives.
So, you must support a return to alcohol prohibition, then?

Or are you just a hypocrite?

How do you come to that conclusion?
Reread the post I quoted, very carefully, and think hard.
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Taxes. There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop?
Users don't usually hold jobs? You're a nut. Coke is huge among business men.
Meh, not so much and not for long

Coke destroys lives
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Taxes. There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop?
Users don't usually hold jobs? You're a nut. Coke is huge among business men.
Meh, not so much and not for long

Coke destroys lives
It can destroy lives.
I managed a restaurant in my early 20s and use to have employees that would literally sniff coke off our bathroom sinks. Come in and work our grill on acid come in drunk etc
Point is users are found in our workforce as well as our streets.
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Taxes. There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop?
Users don't usually hold jobs? You're a nut. Coke is huge among business men.

OK, cherry pick away. Agreed Coke is not technically addictive like smack. You just don't want to stop......you're in danger of running out (Elvin Bishop). But all good things come to an end, there is no free lunch. They can't maintain forever. It will consume most users eventually if they don't stop or keep it "weekend". A hard user shooting Coke is obvious. They can't function. A casual snorter? Maybe get by for a while w/o fail.
I'm just saying I've known many users hold down jobs for longer than one would imagine possible. Not all of even a majority of users are unemployed or homeless bums. Ever work in the restaurant bizz?

Agreed. Many junkies are even more likely to be OK more than hard-core "legal" drunk. My bad. In fact as long as 5th of James Beam is legal? Why not more? I understand. Its a mess. A drug like Coke? I don't know. Some may never stop as long as they could get it........to death. Junkie heroin could maintain on daily dose....and function. A Drunk can't even walk, let alone work or drive if using.
...I guess you must own a private prison and make billions off of taking your neighbors freedom...
If that neighbor has broken the law, then... tough $hit... off to prison with you...

The solution?

Don't break the law.
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Taxes. There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop?
Users don't usually hold jobs? You're a nut. Coke is huge among business men.
Meh, not so much and not for long

Coke destroys lives
It can destroy lives.
I managed a restaurant in my early 20s and use to have employees that would literally sniff coke off our bathroom sinks. Come in and work our grill on acid come in drunk etc
Point is users are found in our workforce as well as our streets.
Oh, I know functional addicts as well, but successful people that are addicts are an extreme exception
...I guess you must own a private prison and make billions off of taking your neighbors freedom...
If that neighbor has broken the law, then... tough $hit... off to prison with you...

The solution?

Don't break the law.
Have you ever driven 56 or 66 miles per hour?

Maximum punishment is $1000 and a year in jail

Just sayin
...I guess you must own a private prison and make billions off of taking your neighbors freedom...
If that neighbor has broken the law, then... tough $hit... off to prison with you...

The solution?

Don't break the law.
I don't think all of our laws are worthy of stripping someone's freedom. Jail is no joke. It is dangerous and it mentally damages many who go through it. I think it should be reserved for serious crimes. Murder, rape, assault etc etc.

When we send people to jail for victimless crimes we are sending someone who isn't dangerous into a place that will likely turn them into a dangerous person upon their release. Who does that benefit besides private prisons making money by the body count?
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Taxes. There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop?
Users don't usually hold jobs? You're a nut. Coke is huge among business men.
Meh, not so much and not for long

Coke destroys lives
It can destroy lives.
I managed a restaurant in my early 20s and use to have employees that would literally sniff coke off our bathroom sinks. Come in and work our grill on acid come in drunk etc
Point is users are found in our workforce as well as our streets.
Oh, I know functional addicts as well, but successful people that are addicts are an extreme exception
We're not talking successful, just functional.
...I guess you must own a private prison and make billions off of taking your neighbors freedom...
If that neighbor has broken the law, then... tough $hit... off to prison with you...

The solution?

Don't break the law.
I don't think all of our laws are worthy of stripping someone's freedom. Jail is no joke. It is dangerous and it mentally damages many who go through it. I think it should be reserved for serious crimes. Murder, rape, assault etc etc.

When we send people to jail for victimless crimes we are sending someone who isn't dangerous into a place that will likely turn them into a dangerous person upon their release. Who does that benefit besides private prisons making money by the body count?
Your opinion is noted.
Jail whomever you want…just be prepared to pay for it; about $32,000 a year for a basic inmate. They need dialysis…you’re on the hook for that too.

In all likelihood you’ll see reported crime rates drop dramatically in the near term (3-5 years). The reason? Because people without their paperwork in order or no paperwork showing their citizenry will no longer report crimes. Are you really going to risk being deported back to Honduras or wherever to report your cell phone being stolen or your boyfriend assaulting you?

The stupid among us (Trump enablers) will herald the stats.

Whores and dealers don't pay Taxes. There is crime for the user to get $120/day for an 8-ball of white. Users are not usually holding jobs. Where the cash come from? Pawn shop selling your laptop?
Users don't usually hold jobs? You're a nut. Coke is huge among business men.
Meh, not so much and not for long

Coke destroys lives
A man addicted to cocaine and morphine for his entire adult life did pretty well...he only revolutionized medicine.

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