Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

How dare racist bigots object to being killed by an Iranian? Haven't the Nazis been listening to Rashida Taliban, Mullah Omar, and Alexandra Occasional cortex?

It was a garlic festival. Full of white people who have it coming.
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.

There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...

What greater act limited liberty, life and happiness to a six year old boy then a monster with a gun? The idea that no solutions exist is the last and worst defense of 2aguy and others who put their right to guns unrestricted / uncontrolled.

They and the NRA are culpable for the deaths of innocent people by firearms purchsed by a monster.
your blind blame and phaux rage isn't going to help this now is it?

people can offer up suggestions on how to fix this or keep bitching. looks like you're for bitching.
A garlic festival. Who would shoot up a freaking garlic festival? Only in California. The perp was shot dead by the brave Police Officers that the left seems to hate and revile.
No ‘seems to’ about it.

Next we’ll be hearing the lefty pukes claiming the cops are suffering depression over killing the guy because he wasn’t black.
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.
There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...
Any minute 2AGuy will be showing up telling us how we don't need any more gun laws and swimming pools are more dangerous.
pretty sure what the shooter did was illegal already.

now - what laws would you propose to stop this? so far i've yet to encounter anyone wanting MORE gun control come up with a solution that didn't involve just getting rid of all guns period.
I'm for getting rid of all guns.

But since we can't get rid of all guns, I guess we should keep trying the GOP policy of Thoughts & Prayers. It's working so well.
so you have zero suggestions also. got it.
It's simple really. All that has to be done is stop letting violent criminals out of prison and stop slapping them on the wrist. Problem solved. But the cockroach libs let criminals out of jail in the hopes they kill so they can call for more gun control.
A garlic festival. Who would shoot up a freaking garlic festival? Only in California. The perp was shot dead by the brave Police Officers that the left seems to hate and revile.
It was a really angry Iranian.
kinda left out the Italian part of his heritage, eh? Knee-jerk hack. not that it matter..he was American..same as any citizen. Except crazy.
Sadly Italy has been overrun with people from the middle east who are seeking the generous welfare of Europe. That doesn't make the invaders Italian, French, Spanish or any other ethnicity. This shooter is as American as the San Bernardino shooters or John Walker Lindh.

Luckily, in this country, American is not an 'ethnicity' matter how hard some try to make it so.

Spot on ^^^

Racism and other forms of bigotry came out of the closet when We the People elected a man of African descent President of the United States; Trump's election and comments that the bigots on steroids are "good people too", even when they carried proudly the Nazi Flag has further divided our nation.

No longer can we be considered the melting pot, we have been divided into tribes by demagogues and charlatans on the FAR RIGHT.

Yes Virginia, fascism came to America and it's up to patriots to stand up and say enough, on the internet and at the polls.

Blastoff found my post here ^^^ funny. I wonder why he could not offer a rebuttal to my thoughtful comments. Is it denial, a defense mechanism, or that he can't post anything substantive or thoughtful to explain his single word response?
you may be a complex idiot, but you're still an idiot.

those who call everyone RACIST for not liking obama in my mind are huge contributors to the divide we now "enjoy". in the real world (aka, no extreme liberals) it is quite possible to disagree with someone of another race/culture w/o race OR culture being a part of it. this insane practice of calling someone RACIST at every opportunity as if it's some moral compass get out of an argument free card started this divide.
How dare racist bigots object to being killed by an Iranian? Haven't the Nazis been listening to Rashida Taliban, Mullah Omar, and Alexandra Occasional cortex?

It was a garlic festival. Full of white people who have it coming.
No vampires there huh? See? If they had put full garlic control in place no telling how many vampires would be sucking up.
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
If you know where babies are being dismembered get off your dumb ass and do something about it. This is your defense of a mass murderer?
I do I just voted to put in two supreme court judges that are against abortion .. hehehe.. we are winning biatch ..
awww let me hear how sad you are about this shooting but say nothing about the 90 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats..

Let’s hear your outrage snowflake

So gang violence & mass killings are OK because abortion is legal.

I get it.
If you are ok with snipping the necks of defenseless babies, how in the world are you worried about shootings? Lol
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.
There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...
Our founders Never. Ever. In A Million Years. would have found our level of gun homicide and ever increasing mass shootings of innocent civilians an acceptable trade for "freedom."
That's bullshit.
That’s pure speculation on your part. No one finds it acceptable by the way. That’s why it isn’t accepted. It’s criminalized.
No more pure speculation on my part than it was on yours to think the opposite. Our founds vision never included this. Never. Ever.
You really think gun murder didn’t exist back then?
Looks like another muslim went nuts. We need more gun control! No muslims can own guns unless they go back where they came from.
Unbelievably stupid..even for you.
Truth hurts you cockroaches.
Not that you would know the truth if it bit you on your fat ass. On the one hand you'll rant about the 2nd..and then you want an exception for Americans who practice I said..stupid. A religious exception to the 2nd? I think not. As for your new favorite word..cockroaches--not really much of an insult..if you think about it...hardy survivors who can live on anything and survive a nuclear war.

When you are stiff on the kitchen floor after your coronary..the Roachs will dance on your eyeballs.
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.
There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...
Our founders Never. Ever. In A Million Years. would have found our level of gun homicide and ever increasing mass shootings of innocent civilians an acceptable trade for "freedom."
That's bullshit.
That’s pure speculation on your part. No one finds it acceptable by the way. That’s why it isn’t accepted. It’s criminalized.
No more pure speculation on my part than it was on yours to think the opposite. Our founds vision never included this. Never. Ever.
I know! How about you cockroaches stop letting violent criminals out of prison and stop slapping others on the wrist? Huh? How about that? And then stop trying to take guns away from people who didn't commit the crimes you wallow in. Ghoul.
A garlic festival. Who would shoot up a freaking garlic festival? Only in California. The perp was shot dead by the brave Police Officers that the left seems to hate and revile.
It was a really angry Iranian.
kinda left out the Italian part of his heritage, eh? Knee-jerk hack. not that it matter..he was American..same as any citizen. Except crazy.
Sadly Italy has been overrun with people from the middle east who are seeking the generous welfare of Europe. That doesn't make the invaders Italian, French, Spanish or any other ethnicity. This shooter is as American as the San Bernardino shooters or John Walker Lindh.

Luckily, in this country, American is not an 'ethnicity' matter how hard some try to make it so.

Spot on ^^^

Racism and other forms of bigotry came out of the closet when We the People elected a man of African descent President of the United States; Trump's election and comments that the bigots on steroids are "good people too", even when they carried proudly the Nazi Flag has further divided our nation.

No longer can we be considered the melting pot, we have been divided into tribes by demagogues and charlatans on the FAR RIGHT.

Yes Virginia, fascism came to America and it's up to patriots to stand up and say enough, on the internet and at the polls.

Blastoff found my post here ^^^ funny. I wonder why he could not offer a rebuttal to my thoughtful comments. Is it denial, a defense mechanism, or that he can't post anything substantive or thoughtful to explain his single word response?
Take a moment to read my signature. And then follow it, please.
Looks like another muslim went nuts. We need more gun control! No muslims can own guns unless they go back where they came from.
Unbelievably stupid..even for you.
Truth hurts you cockroaches.
Not that you would know the truth if it bit you on your fat ass. On the one hand you'll rant about the 2nd..and then you want an exception for Americans who practice I said..stupid. A religious exception to the 2nd? I think not. As for your new favorite word..cockroaches--not really much of an insult..if you think about it...hardy survivors who can live on anything and survive a nuclear war.

When you are stiff on the kitchen floor after your coronary..the Roachs will dance on your eyeballs.
Come get some cockroach.
he might IDENTIFY as being 'iranian' and doesn't like the way that 'iran' is being treated using Sanctions and threats . -------- just a thought .
Police responded to the festival grounds around 5:30PM. Around 11 people were reportedly shot. One of them has died.

Never knew there was a garlic festival, prayers go to the victims.

MASS SHOOTING: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival - Breaking911

Just another standard nut.
Looks like INCEL again.

How do you figure? The stories indicate nothing about the sexuality of the alleged shooter at all.

They mentioned he was "very angry", I attributed that to the fact that he was an Iranian, an ethnic group known for their anger and radicalism.

They also mentioned he was from California, so its most likely he was as Queer as a $3 bill.
CBS News has learned the suspect has been identified as Santino William Legan, 19. I was at his father’s house in Gilroy for hours early this morning as police and federal agents searched it for evidence. …
Any minute 2AGuy will be showing up telling us how we don't need any more gun laws and swimming pools are more dangerous.
You and lying filth like you are asked repeatedly how more gun laws will stop this, and like the no-good lying scum you are, you never provide an answer. Why is that my six-legged parasite?
It's at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. I used to go yearly when living in SF and SJ. It's a mass shooting. People said they thought it was firecrackers, but they could hear the bullets whizzing by and started to run.

I think four dead including the shooter and fifteen injured.

In all the years I lived and worked in Silicon Valley, I never felt the urge to go and be herded around like cattle and over pay for a bunch of junk. When I went anywhere, I always tried to go in the opposite direction of the herds.

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